amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Apr 05:37 [2304130537] ….. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/12/elon_musk_talks_to_bbc/

Re: Propaganda

Politicians can neither survive and prosper nor pimp and pump their nonsense to a greater general public without the likes of a BBC presenting their pontifications to provision the masses with something to worry about and ponder endlessly on being unable to fix ???????

They, politicians, are totally dependent upon a tame and lame media partner for their continued gilded existence, and the BBC certainly provides them with that facility/utility. The evidence of it is presented you clearly enough every single day.

Or do you see it another way and disagree that it is effectively a government minded and funded media operation?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Apr 07:34 [2304130734] ….. adds on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/12/elon_musk_talks_to_bbc/

Re: Propaganda and its Future IT Directorship and AI Mastery

Oh, and furthermore, just to be perfectly fair, the same applies to any idiot or genius wanting to get on with their thing on Earth. In space though, there be other much more effective platforms and channels to master and utilise/experience and experiment with/employ and enjoy for the opportunities available delivered from there.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Apr 05:57 [2304130557] …… points out a possible likely reality on https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/new-ai-bot-chaosgpt-aims-destroy-humanity-and-establish-global-dominance

ChaosGPT said that the first place for large-scale, legal manipulation attempts would be via Twitter.

However, the bot then strangely announced that it would use manipulation to win people over emotionally to make them enable its “violent plans.”

“Good plan, bad bot” would be the likely response of any good bot on such a bad plan, which very disturbingly, is terrifyingly viable in its proposed methodology and practically impossible to effectively defeat without incurring catastrophic losses from which one will be unable to recover former power and lost treasure.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Apr 12:06 [2304131207] ….. speculates on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/12/us_chatgpt_threat/

Remember whenever Steve Jobs had another bite at the cherry which was Apple, ………… and the transformation which was then wrought

Imagine the fun and games to be had with Twitter as a remote direct live action news feed should a Musk AI [and word is that he certainly thinking of such a promotion] go head to head for AIMastery of Universal Narrative against an OpenAI ChatGPT or a ChaosGPT clone of a Large Language Model and Main Stream Media Moguls in terminal influence decline …..

amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Apr 05:57 [2304130557] …… points out a possible likely reality on https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/new-ai-bot-chaosgpt-aims-destroy-humanity-and-establish-global-dominance

ChaosGPT said that the first place for large-scale, legal manipulation attempts would be via Twitter.

However, the bot then strangely announced that it would use manipulation to win people over emotionally to make them enable its “violent plans.”

“Good plan, bad bot” would be the likely response of any good bot on such a bad plan, which very disturbingly, is terrifyingly viable in its proposed methodology and practically impossible to effectively defeat without incurring catastrophic losses from which one will be unable to recover former power and lost treasure.

…… for that is what the best of sweet SMARTR tweets can easily do for you.


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