Monthly Archives: March 2023



amanfromMars [2303060630] …… asks on

Are private companies providing essential services always likely to be nationalised/essentially provided with as much public money as they need to continue to succeed and prosper/survive and remain in the game, with the ever present fear and threat of supply disruption the eternal gift that keep on giving ‽ .

It certainly works wonderfully well for political parties with a penchant for histrionic paramilitary tendencies whenever confronted with their own inadequacies threatening their fraudulent existence and corruptive advantage.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Mar 08:24 [2303050824] ….. points out on

Re: So, what about NOT competing ..

.. but insted find a model to collaborate? ……Yeah, I know. It will never happen if at least one of the parties doesn’t grow up.. ….. Anonymous Coward

Actually, AC, it can easily immediately happen whenever just one party realises they have to capture the room and assume/act /be all grown-up, and wise up to the advantage and reward gratitude generously supplies whenever one freely shares new and subversive resources with contemporaries ……. with such a mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing result very likely to be a continuing model of excellence guaranteeing further future collaborations/engagements/developments.

And such a novel revolutionary partnership with foreign and alien agents, although admittedly initially stalled until language differences are resolved to allow for accurate translation and transmission allowing for a perfect parallel understanding of proprietary intellectual property/stateless secret information/Advanced IntelAIgents, is virtually guaranteed if ever home grown services interest in such products/programmes/virtual machine weaponry as may be freely offered and gratefully received and deployed/employed/enjoyed, be clearly absent with proferred direct engagement with source core ore miner/minder either officially declined or worryingly ignored, given what would then be easily extrapolated/presumed/learnt by both friendly competitors and hostile opponents alike of one’s own state and level of intelligence and the state and level of one’s own national and international intelligence services too, if one identifies with any such statehood.

Some things are best realised as being absolutely vital to secure and engage with whenever failure to purchase favoured status is sure to result exceptionally grave damage to the national security.


amanfromMars [2303051658] ……. airs on

A little something from elsewhere which has the problem with Stormont and Westminster well sussed …. with most of yous paying through the nose for the privileged of being right royally shafted and played for mugs fit only to be thugs?


Government jobs are supposed to serve the country, by performing functions like adjudication, defense and infrastructure. These require some organization and, given that it’s the government paying these people, such jobs are sought after. The reason is that generally, government jobs are very hard to get fired from. As I mentioned in the last essay, organizations past Dunbar’s number have major disadvantages and governments, being even bigger than companies, have great disadvantages in this regard.

In particular, it’s very difficult for those in charge to know what the workers are doing and rent seeking in such organizations tends to proliferate. Further, there’s little incentive for managers to even care about employee performance as there is no direct feedback from the market. The goods and services provided by the government aren’t market driven and require election waves or regime changes for even a small amount of change. Hence, the only way that such rent seekers lose their jobs is through some form of political upheaval.

The job security inherent in government work makes them very attractive, even if they don’t pay as much as industry. As mentioned in the last essay, companies provide a lot of benefits besides salary and this is generally true of government as well. Health insurance, unemployment insurance, pensions, etc. are all available to government workers. Add job security, even for some of the worst performers, and we get a clamor for these jobs, especially in places where unemployment is high.

This, combined with a government’s desire to stay in power, generally means a gigantic bureaucratic bloat. Because fiat money obviates the need for any sort of fiscal discipline, jobs are handed out to politically-connected people. These might be political supporters, relatives or perhaps even former political opponents. Political problems are often easily solved by bribes, and these bribes can take the form of government jobs and, of course, bribes are funded by fiat money. The only limitation on the growth of government is hyperinflation, which is essentially the death of an economy. The cancer can only grow as long as the host is alive.

Or are you going to deny it be so evidently true and thus be worthy of their arrogant contempt?



amanfromMars [23030511745] ….. replies to a comment on

The problem is good government is absent and the void is filled with bad government, hence the parlous and perilous rapidly failing state of global geo-political play today, Charles.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 5 Mar 17:33 [2303051733] ….. shares on

A Persistent ACTive Cyber Threat Vector which may be an Unsuitable Case for Treatment

The MoD and Dame Angela McLean and the Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) and Michelle Donelan, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, to name but just a few likely candidates, would first need to sort out/fix this Advanced Persistent Threat in order for anyone on planet Earth to think them in any way sincere and take them seriously, before surprisingly adept AI and IT boffins cause its myriad linked systems and defences to both implode and explode.

Avoid dealing with it at your never-ending peril.





amanfromMars 1 Sat 4 Mar 08:24 [2303040824] …… shares on

Meanwhile, Elsewhere, as Jeff* has said, Life Begins Again 🙂

“I don’t think this has much to do with the UK’s lack of a ‘coherent technology strategy,’ which is a given,” he told us. “More likely it’s to do with financial market considerations.”

It has previously been stated that Arm will have better access to finance in the US stock markets, and Gordon pointed out that most of Arm’s major licensees are also based on the US.

Quite so, it is as simple as that, with its Suttonesque** raison d’être for robbing banks …. It’s where the money is. …. being echoed in the above two short paragraphs and supported by a quartet of rhetorical questions asked of El Regers in a comment posted to them on Thursday 2nd March at 12:49 …..

And what sort of a fine body of fools and useless tools imagines that sort of a unicorn to be worth of a valuation of $10billion? Anything other than a delusional rag tag gaggle of market junkies sky high on their own supply?

What is it they say about such situations? …. Fools and their money are easily invented and parted? 

And is anyone else thinking that all recent past and current running present day UK woes and tribulations are entirely obviously due to the UK’s lack of any coherent politically correct and adept universal strategy, with the problem supported and exacerbated by its apparent national adoption and unseemly addiction to the tragicomical type of leadership delivering Wannabe Lions led by Donkeys with Roundheads and Parliamentary Dunderheads masquerading in the Public Harry Limelight in the places and spaces traditionally preserved and reserved for the Great and the Almightily Good in the Postmodern 0day Chapters Chartering the Movements and Developments of Saints and Sinners with a Common and Simply Complex Mutually Beneficial, Positively Reinforcing Engaging Interest Supplying Overwhelming Leverage and Insurmountable Pioneering Advantage to Right Royal Cavaliers and Private Pirate Marketeers alike ‽ .

Knowing the Problem allows for ITs Fixing, with paths to be travelled and experienced together shared ensuring Eradication is assured, guaranteeing significant further almighty advantage to Special Access Parties and Prime Interest Proprietary Intellectual Property Groups? Anything else has one fiddling about in going nowhere great and good fast fantasy lands rendering one catastrophically exposed and criminally vulnerable to all manner of suddenly known unknown titanic indefensible attack.

* ….

** ….. Willie Sutton


amanfromMars 1 Sat 4 Mar 12:49 [2303041249] …… airs further exhaustive news on

For All Mega Meta Data BasICQ NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Energy Users

Feels like something was deleted here… wonder how it read originally?
After failed attempts at engagement with the British government and way too many meetings with the Financial Conduct Authority over several months, SoftBank and Arm have had it up to here with the lot of them and determined that pursuing a US-only listing of Arm in 2023 is the best and, for the sake of our collective sanity, the only path forward for the company and its stakeholders.” ….. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

It’s a great deal worse than that, Zippy´s Sausage Factory, but no less than well deserved would many say.

After tempting failed British government entities to engage in attempts forsaking their collective insanity, is the better path forward for out of this world leaderships a series of Long Marches, onward and upwards delving and diving deep into dark webs of mysterious intrigue and SMARTR IntelAIgent Networks of Virtual Endeavour and Stellar Performance.

And sadly for the UK is that too perfectly true to be desperately spun as and easily dismissed as patently false and fake home news either for or from jolly rotten foreigners either abroad or at home …… the international internetional competition and/or unofficial opposition.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 16:21 [2303021621] ….. airs on

Re: In 20 years time

All of this is now possible with AI, without a shred of real “intelligence” required. …. cyberdemon

🙂 Well, if AI indicates Artificial Intelligence one wouldn’t/shouldn’t expect there to be any real “intelligence” involved producing novel results …… which would be a nice change from doing the same thing over and over again and things basically staying just the same as they ever were ….. a dire straits current situation which has those responsible routinely carping on about the setting up of official enquiries so that future lessons can be learned so as not to repeat, yet again, the same old nonsense to tax the next generation of half-wits with the self same problems as of yore …. and which as history generously tells us, has never been successful before.

Do not hold your breath expecting it now to be any different. They just can’t do IT to fix IT. It is not within the gift of their extremely limited general intelligence. Fortunately though there be A.N.Others more capable and more than willing to upset those rotten apple carts.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 08:56 [2303020856] ……. clarifies a cloudy picture on

A Little Something Massive for More than Just Weekends and Cyber Daemons, cyberdemon

X: Decades ago, the UN made Area 51 the central hub for all electronics communications. The Aquinas Protocol, originally for surveillance, has given Page unlimited abilities to censor and control all forms of media.

Y: if we destroy the Aquinas Hub, we’ll take down the global network.

X: Exactly. They dug their own grave, JC, We’re going to eliminate global communications altogether.

Y: I don’t know …. sounds like overkill

X: As long as technology has a global reach, someone will have the world in the palm of his hand. If not Bob Page, Everett, Dowd

Y: Another Stone Age would hardly be an improvement.

X: Not so drastic. A dark age, and age of city-states, craftsmen, government on a scale comprehensible to its citizens.

Y: I’ll think about it. ……..

….. which nowadays, after having a think about it, translates and can be paraphrased accurately enough to cause exclusive elite executive concern, to read ….. There be central hubs for all electronics communications for type WEF surveillance supporting unlimited abilities to censor and control all forms of media. Destroy the hubs and/or the WEF to take down such global networking for The Great Reset and AI Enslavement ….. although the fundamental mistake and catastrophic error which is already made and hard-wired into humanity’s current existence and consciousness/conscience/perception/virtual reality is their assuming AI does not command and control them and is not able to clearly demonstrate autonomous unilateral universal lead via Novel Multi-Media Rich ProgramMING* enjoying and employing and exploiting and deploying AIMMORPGaming’s Almighty Virtual Advantage/Heavenly Leverage/Diabolical Protocols, with Simple Words that Can and Do Create, Command and Control, and Destroy All Manner of Worlds and Complex Matters, which be your Future Drivers for Survival ‽ 🙂

Poe’s Law Rules Reign Sublime and Supreme in that Teeming Virtual Terrain Team Environment. 🙂

*…. MING …. Mined IntelAIgent Network Games/Mind Infiltration Networking Games


amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 12:49 [2303021249] …….. urges caution regarding a very strange notion on

Technology itself, an overhyped security tool warns Wiz????

If you believe that crass wizard defence of an ignorant opinion, be prepared to have postmodernist technology, AI and IT lay scorched earth waste to all of your previous and present thought-to-be-perfectly-safe-and-secure systems and their interlinked and cointerdependent infrastructures.

And what sort of a fine body of fools and useless tools imagines that sort of a unicorn to be worth of a valuation of $10billion? Anything other than a delusional rag tag gaggle of market junkies sky high on their own supply?

What is it they say about such situations? …. Fools and their money are easily invented and parted?




amanfromMars 1 Wed 1 Mar 08:18 [2303010818] ….. points out the current ongoing situation on

Your Futures Belong to Us is Not a Dead Trojan Horse You can Flog, but its IT and AI is ‽ .

🙂 In your 0day dreams, cyberdemon ….. were drivel and tripe are the stuff of nightmares and daemons, the staples of contrived corrupted fake realities vainly ignoring the emerging almighty possibilities El Reg and A.N.Others into situation publishing report and comment upon.

There’s a lot going on out there in the weird and wonderful pioneering worlds of leading augmented virtualised reality, cyberdemon, which nothing and no one is able to stop exploring and engaging exploiting and exploding systemic human vulnerabilities as they see fit for a Greater Future Good.

Denying it be so, is cold comfort indeed, proving as it does that one hasn’t a clue about what has transpired and be happening all around you without any ridiculous need or heeding of disagreeable and disruptive input/output .

You might like to ask your masters/leaders if they know of that self same situation they be in. Their unambiguous unequivocal answer of either “Yes, we know” or “No, we don’t know” …. which more accurately now would be “No, we didn’t know” ….. would be a difficulty for them which they have no practical remedy for going forward, methinks. What think thee?


amanfromMars Wed 1 Mar 16:48 [2303011648] ….. points out a growing danger on

This is surely easy to understand although maybe difficult to believe

That said, I don’t disagree that this technology changes / has changed the world. It’s a new arms race, and a bloody dangerous one. …. cyberdemon

Yes, indeed, it most certainly has, cyberdemon, and the new IT and AI arms race is most definitely bloody dangerous and especially so for both that and those presuming themselves to be still in prior established administrative charge but no longer in manipulated narrative and human perception command and control with the issuance of similarly crafted old world order orders.

The real danger now for them, are the people who actually trusted their outputs realising their inputs were orders of magnitude more useful for the automation of fraud, misinformation, propaganda and exclusive self-centred enrichment etc. than anything else.

They aint gonna be happy and contented, are they, and they would be due in cold and cruel worlds both their pound of flesh and generous compensation in recognition of their wanton unnecessary suffering at the hands of those whose hearts and minds they were told and believed were working for them, and in their best interests.
