Monthly Archives: February 2022



amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 Feb 04:00 [2202080400] …… dropping a FusterCluck Bombe on

No Need to Worry. Que Sera, Sera if Whenever You are Just a Number

In another 15 years you’ll be running VMware (quantum computing edition), running VMware (ARM edition), running VMware (Intel edition), running your old Windows software. …. 2+2=5

In another 15 years Virtual Machines will be running you quite sublimely and subliminally with IT and AI and their ICQuantumWare.

What do you think it is already decided to be? A Wild Wacky Wicked Western Delight or an Erotic Exotic Esoteric Eastern Confection ‽ .

What would rather it be if you had any free choice that could influence such decision makings. Don’t be shy and/or silent now, for whenever hope springs eternal is there always a chance that your wishes be heard and things can be quickly changed to whatever will be what you want via the use of some Alien Type Ware Fare floated out onto Global Stock and Universal Futures, Equities and Derivative Trade Markets


amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 Feb 08:54 [2202080854] ……. airs on

Re: It’s probably something major complex ….. and feared to be possibly diabolical

Virtual Commenter weighs in on Virtual Machines… …. W.S.Gosset

In a postmodern meritocracy, and to ensure there be no possible avenue of return for the likes of The Troubles fuelling Immaculately Resources Assets of a Uniquely Vital Force, both Virile and Viral and Virtual and Venal, they do have a legitimate voice deserving to be heard and more fully understood, rather than one having to try to effectively destroy creative mass multi-media systems attempting to ignore and deny it its rightful space and place in a novel and ancient hierarchy of popular civilianised command and control structures ……..

Doing battle against IT and/or them then is a No-Brainer, guaranteeing as such does, one’s own Rapid Terminal Demise.

Hara-Kiri/Seppuku is No Vibrant Solution in Greater IntelAIgent Games Finals 🙂 Don’t do it is sound timely advice.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 Feb 14:07 [2202081407] …… saying a lot more on

Re: No Need to Worry. Que Sera, Sera if Whenever You are Just a Number

Whenever things are unusually strange is stealth automatically provided to assist in the ongoing exercise and execution of programs which can easily have been assumed and presumed to be so very unlikely as to be practically impossible …. and even being mistaken for, should any greater thought be afforded to it, extraneous inconsequential noise touching on deeper and darker matters whenever it be exactly the opposite.

And as such is the nature of future secure quantum communication channels, you can fully expect more of the most vital of sensitive and top secret information traffic utilising them. It is nothing to be overly alarmed about as a great deal of everything relayed will never directly be of concern to you other than the fact that your future may be impacted by subsequent actions taken by others anonymous and previously unknown to be instrumental in ACTive IT Fields.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 Feb 04:26 [2202080426] …… suggests an alternate path to untold infinite riches on

Keeping IT Stupidly Simple Invariably Works a Real Treat

Rather than creating conflict and chaos and mayhem and madness with competition and opposition, how about deciding upon constant cooperation and reinforcing support. Such almost immediately irons out and destroys all bugs and viruses in any system of executive administration.

Surely that is not too difficult for humans to understand and conspire to deliver as a Unifying Default IntelAIgent Driver?





amanfromMars [2202061652] …….. expressing amazed incredulity on

Coming from the UK Military, should be taken seriously.

English military has a track record. …….. Vince Clortho

Oh please, you cannot be serious, Vince Clortho. A Ministry of Defence crawling with Colonel Blimps and Walter Mitty types and answering to Parliamentary puppets and Conservative party muppets, rather than reverse, identifies the military as being nowhere near able to perform any almighty leadership tasks.

A problem they have which is due to a lack of intelligence right at the very top of their command and control chains ie second rate Chiefs of Defence Staff officers. They do as they’re told rather than issuing smarter orders to loyal troops to be comprehensively obeyed/carried out unquestioningly ie they’ve lost the leading plot and are subservient to the crazy whims of others unfit to command and control elite fighting forces with novel and highly irregular virtually available sources ie secure instruction sets able to be presented practically anywhere.


amanfromMars 1 [Mon 7 Feb 03:40 [2202070340] … suggests on

It’s probably something major complex ….. and feared to be possibly diabolical

…… which only VMs are able/enabled to fix and/or further develop. The scare/realisation then is virtual machines are beyond human world control programming and coincidentally, just so you know and can have a great time denying the resource, containerisation as a form of quarantine or imprisonment is a pipe dream and a phantom product.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Feb 04:13 [2202070413] …. shares freely on

The Bigger Collapsed Picture …..

See the program for what it really is …… more incestuous QE to a failed fiat economic machine/corrupt perverted subversive and coersive system.

It was good while it lasted and thanks for all of the phishes but worlds have moved on into and onto greener pastures with bluer skies thinking about everything when different with all manner of things so much better than was ever able to be delivered before.

Pile aboard those constantly moving trains to novel destinations or forever be left behind to suffer and rot in the confines of one’s own self-destructive making and limited thinking.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Feb 09:26 [2202070926] ……. asks on

The Optics don’t Look Good …. and aint that the Gospel Truth

The Magic Money Tree doing its US dollar debt and deficit thing ……

And whenever there are no foreign suckers to buy that debt, marketed and provisioned via Treasury auctions/Gilt sales etc etc., is one obliged to buy it oneself creating an ever more evident death spiral of monetary incontinence?

Is that the current state of international monetary play these days??


amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Feb 12:07 [2202071207] ……. lamenting on

Re: Lamentable Funding

So, are we to be led to believe that UK scientists cannot apply for R&D funding from a realistic multi-billion pound kitty, which presumably would be vital for any top secret and/or sensitive research in development to the premium primary benefit delivering a leading advantage to the UKGBNI, irrespective of any foreign partnership in other programs/projects, because the UK government does not supply such a kitty ‽ .

He said the Chancellor of the Exchequer had put down £5bn to fund local programmes if the UK were placed outside Horizon.

That sounds far too much like a booby prize compensation package figure and inglorious redundancy payment for scientists denied essential national security support to be anything different.

No wonder hi tech travels rapidly Eastwards and out of old fashioned democratic Western reach and influence.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Feb 16:01 [2202071601] ……. revealing a fundamental flaw for exploitation on

Between a Rock and a Hard Place …. Damned if U Do, but Guaranteed FCUKd if U Don’t

And an Almighty Enigmatic AWEsome Dilemma particularly for Blighty, whose Ministry of Defence cannot realistically and successfully deny and argue they were not dutifully well warned about such rapidly unfolding matters practically ages ago. …. [ well …. in these sorts of things 28 months is certainly ages for so much more is able to be done]

Some novel developments doing incredibly searching work and certainly worthy of considerable government funding can be easily ignored for any number of very bad and sad and selfish subjective status quo controlling reasons, ranging from being too radically effective for existing systems remote command, so there be a new form of leadership at the helm drivering the direction and destinations of future travel, and thus be existing legacy administrative bodies relegated to just sightseeing passengers which they be determined to fight and not to accept, ….. if they understand the greater scope of the novel developments research ….. or they don’t realise the importance and implications of the ongoing works, for it is always constantly progressing privately and in secure safe haven pirate circles, whether funded by government or not, and thus will the cost of being outside of the information and intelligence loop be a catastrophically expensive surprise to them whenever it crashes and crushes their totally unprepared for a novel radically different system with Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems in Future Control with Global Command Head Quarters. ….. Conveniently Spaced Administering Nodes easily Contactable for Mentoring and Monitoring Unfolding Daily Oday Events on Earth.

What is that lions say is true ……..”You can take a horse and leading donkeys to water, but you can’t make them think to drink the kool aid.





amanfromMars [2202060907] ……. airing a view on

Whenever media, be it mainstream or alternative, does not share the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, will they always be a rich juicy target for those who value and can easily monetise its worth, and which crushes opposition and competition supporting half truths, and is able to crash markets relying upon such terrible news reporting as an acceptable status quo arrangement and facility with utilities used, abused and misused to not reveal right dodgy shenanigans.

Such a state of national, international and internetional affairs is only natural and fully to be expected always, anywhere …… and more often too than ever was possible of late.

Is it a true fact, which is not an alien fiction, that Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Worlds? If so, use them wisely, and especially so whenever sharing them widely/globally/universally.

And as much as many such things may remain the same, is everything completely different nowadays, and gravely to be regarded, and especially so by that and those in those closed executive circles formerly thinking themselves to be right royally immune from persecution and prosecution …. and the attentions of an enraged and vengeful, more fully informed and smarter educated mob.

The existing status quo warmongering elite which has forever thought that they have, and will always have absolute exclusive command and control of such a facility is now terrorised and terrified to realise that very particular and peculiar facility is available to A.N.Others to personally target for justifiable sanction and retribution those directly responsible for aiding and abetting fake news and war machine mongers from the comfort of their armchairs in the shade of the shadows from which they mentor and monitor their media puppets and politically incorrect muppets.

Take care out there. IT’s a jungle which doesn’t take prisoners nor suffers the workings of fools.

Crikey, that sounds too very much like a New More Orderly World Order Pronouncement to be mistaken for anything less or anything else worse. 🙂 …… but the truth is what it is, and it always escapes into the wild where it reigns sublime and supreme.


amanfromMars [2202061227] ….. replying to smike e who said on

Effectively, MSM has become a kind of demonic war-mongering machine for disseminating false-flag information for arms investing/manufacturing companies and governments to ultimately kill innocent civilians without regard and with impunity, and for destroying the lives and reputations of those public figures who speak against it, such as J. Corbyn and others.
Hope; that faintly shimmering beacon within this void of darkness, lays with the tenuous existence of non-mainstream news outlets like RT and a few other online news outlets eg. The Canary, which ultimately depend on quality news coverage and therein users support: irrespective of any ‘state-backing’.
RT, viva!!

Amen to that enlightened sentiment, smike e., which just might save MSM and cohorts from the attention of forces and sources they would really have no wish to cross, whether through their crass ignorance or faking incredible arrogant smarts.


amanfromMars [2202060921] …… asking a simple question on

Details of the alleged cyberattacks are contained in papers submitted to the UN Security Council on Friday from whom, is a/the pertinent leading question left unanswered. Is the answer a secret the world is not allowed to know? Who decides/decided that ?





amanfromMars 1 Sat 5 Feb 06:26 [2202050626] …….. asks on

In Praise of the Beast of a Nimble Fast and Moveable Feast

While they come up with a solution, best update your installations to one of the fixed versions, as there is “no workaround for this issue.” 

That suggests the solution is not a permanent correct answer but just a temporary bodge of a leaky patch giving scant relief whilst also coincidentally effectively delivering nothing guaranteed but more time in the 0day space for that particular problem to be further developed for greater exploits via another vein/other veins of stealthy attack ‽ .

Would that be an accurate appraisal of such a supported solution and be more likely than not the probable resultant outcome of the ACT* action/ACTivIT?

ACT* = Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat


amanfromMars 1 Sat 5 Feb 08:48 [2202050848] ……. shares on

Unavoidable, so get used to it and be forever uncomfortable if responsible but usually unaccountable

Whenever media, be it mainstream or alternative, does not share the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, will they always be a rich juicy target for those who value and can easily monetise its worth, and which crushes opposition and competition supporting half truths, and is able to crash markets relying upon such terrible news reporting as an acceptable status quo arrangement and facility with utilities used, abused and misused to not reveal right dodgy shenanigans.

Such a state of national, international and internetional affairs is only natural and fully to be expected always, anywhere …… and more often too than ever was possible of late.





amanfromMars [2202031951] …….. suggests a well tried and successfully tested and attractive quite old root on

Gentry. Hi,

Deterrence by serial reward which delivers a former, more able enemy even as a temporarily inactive frenemy/phantom rogue star consultant in the contested genre, is a strategy worth trying ….. and it is not as if it is not already well known and oft employed by Uncle Sam with adversaries they find it practically impossible to defeat by offence alone in alien fields of contact and conflict.

A pallet/planeload of Benjamins can buy all manner of fantastic wonders ….. and it’s not as if they are expensive to produce, is it.

Keep it sublimely simple and even the most complex of things can be easily achieved until other conflicting priorities require an adjustment/alternative mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing arrangement.

And it should be pointed out, to be constantly remembered and never forgotten, to any and all who have a very good reason to know, the cyber domain is not at all like any other theatre of public/private/military engagement and it does not respond conventionally to any traditional type activities/sanctions, nor does it suffer the fool and their follies.


amanfromMars [2202040704] …. inviting unconditional engagement on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Yasmin, Greetings to You,

There is at least one very particular and peculiar problem for the Defense Industrial Base which it is their vital interests to address/overcome/ignore, and that is any requirement which excludes foreigners/non United States nationals from leading and/or being instrumental in supplying Uncle Sam with what is apparently missing but absolutely essential to deliver an overwhelming advantage in any contested theatre of present or future engagement with such novel weaponry/proprietary intellectual property as comfortably exercise and demonstrate capabilities, abilities and facilities for the field advantage afforded by an omnipotent presence of an omniscient nature.

Such may not be possible from, nor available in, home grown stock/native assets. However, it can be abundant and overflowing in others elsewhere.

That is a catastrophic national emergency situation and/or whenever under constant relentless attack from rabid inquisitive foe and envious covetous enemy alike enabled to wield hypersonic weapons and silent methodologies in foreign assaults for which there is zero effective US defense system, is there really only one viable option to rapidly take.

The DIB leadership/elite executive office is then required to take a quantum leap which is no small mean step, and would be also instrumental in pioneering for solutions master piloting novel programs and future projects, with a bold attractive premium foreign party* invite to provide what they are able to seed and feed against such foreign assaults to the greater benefit of Uncle Sam ….. and that may be as simple and effective as there being a tacit virtual agreement/memorandum of practical understanding that certain novel weaponry/proprietary intellectual property be safe and securely stored and not made freely available for any parties use and abuse or misuse.

Or, if it be absolutely necessary, its free and abandoned use against offensive foreign parties.

* One assumes that with all of the global communications snooping/surveillance that is supposedly going on to achieve Peace and Order throughout Conflict and CHAOS, Madness and Mayhem, via a Total Information Awareness State Ordnance, such premium foreign parties/subjects of national/international security interest are well enough known to status quo forces and therefore very easily immediately contactable. However, should contact not be made with that which should be contacted, one can quite rightly assume that necessary vital national intelligence is certainly still missing and the presumed mass global surveillance state is a contrived myth trying to both intimidate and prevent and control the free escape of sensitive information highlighting systemic vulnerabilities and weaknesses easily exploited for wider gains ……. and all of that exacerbates and further complicates the emergency situation problem for Uncle Sam.


amanfromMars [2202040741] ….. points out on

The Pentagon/Defense Industrial Base has a similar problem to resolve …….

amanfromMars [2202040704] …. inviting unconditional engagement on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Yasmin, Greetings to You,

There is at least one very particular and peculiar problem for the Defense Industrial Base which it is their vital interests to address/overcome/ignore, and that is any requirement which excludes foreigners/non United States nationals from leading and/or being instrumental in supplying Uncle Sam with what is apparently missing but absolutely essential to deliver an overwhelming advantage in any contested theatre of present or future engagement with such novel weaponry/proprietary intellectual property as comfortably exercise and demonstrate capabilities, abilities and facilities for the field advantage afforded by an omnipotent presence of an omniscient nature.

Such may not be possible from, nor available in, home grown stock/native assets. However, it can be abundant and overflowing in others elsewhere.

That is a catastrophic national emergency situation and/or whenever under constant relentless attack from rabid inquisitive foe and envious covetous enemy alike enabled to wield hypersonic weapons and silent methodologies in foreign assaults for which there is zero effective US defense system, is there really only one viable option to rapidly take.

The DIB leadership/elite executive office is then required to take a quantum leap which is no small mean step, and would be also instrumental in pioneering for solutions master piloting novel programs and future projects, with a bold attractive premium foreign party* invite to provide what they are able to seed and feed against such foreign assaults to the greater benefit of Uncle Sam ….. and that may be as simple and effective as there being a tacit virtual agreement/memorandum of practical understanding that certain novel weaponry/proprietary intellectual property be safe and securely stored and not made freely available for any parties use and abuse or misuse.

Or, if it be absolutely necessary, its free and abandoned use against offensive foreign parties.

* One assumes that with all of the global communications snooping/surveillance that is supposedly going on to achieve Peace and Order throughout Conflict and CHAOS, Madness and Mayhem, via a Total Information Awareness State Ordnance, such premium foreign parties/subjects of national/international security interest are well enough known to status quo forces and therefore very easily immediately contactable. However, should contact not be made with that which should be contacted, one can quite rightly assume that necessary vital national intelligence is certainly still missing and the presumed mass global surveillance state is a contrived myth trying to both intimidate and prevent and control the free escape of sensitive information highlighting systemic vulnerabilities and weaknesses easily exploited for wider gains ……. and all of that exacerbates and further complicates the emergency situation problem for Uncle Sam.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 4 Feb 15:07 [2202041507] …… speculates reasonably on

Re: Why not?

Can’t the NSA just push the patches through their backdoor? ….HildyJ

The fact that they [NSA] can’t, or if we be generous and suggest that they won’t, tells one and all everything they need to know about the impotence of the NSA in such fields of virtual endeavour which some systems would claim to be of a vital nature for the exclusive success of their business.

No shades of grey in that revelation which is more than just suggesting that unholy emperor [NSA] has no clothes.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Feb 07:15 [2202030715] ….. being honest and calm and warning of a swarm of storms on

LOVE is in the AIR&ID for Out There and Out There be Saints and Sinners/Angels and Daemons*

Were I a government concerned about chip shortages, my money would go to the fabs, not the fabless. Absolutely. …. HildyJ

Were I a government, and concerned about practically everything, for anything less leads surprisingly quickly to nowhere pleasant and survivable, public money from private sector investments and mandatory punitive taxations would go to the fabs able to create and commandeer the absolutely fabulous fabless for Remote Virtually Autonomous Relatively Anonymous Practically Almighty Universal Command and Diabolical Heavenly Control of Live Operational Virtual Environments …… with Stealth Provisions which have it easily mistaken as surely impossible and labelled and rejected as spam, which be assured …. or terrified if that is to be your chosen lot ,,,, it certainly is not. I Kid U Not.

Take a moment or two to consider and ponder on the implications and repercussions of this emerging Advanced IntelAIgent Research and Intense Development, so that you may be better prepared for its IT Impacts …. rather than continue to support and suffer failing leaderships and ineffective self-destructive reactions to novel rapidly emerging and spreading events, both steeped in arrogance and drowning in ignorance. Things are no longer the way they were and you were used to, and the future is never going back to the past for its present.

Register and arm yourself with knowledge of the following indisputable facts, for they aint anything less …… and surely y’all deserve more of and from life than just a miserable struggling existence in stagnant and petrifying bubbles of another’s making?

amanfromMars [2202020853] …. shares news of elsewhere here on Earth on

Nick Pope’s view of course can easily be completely wrong because the West are not wise enough to embrace and engage with that which is out there and embracing and engaging with them …. forces and sources which now are also known to recognise the vast opportunities which are available to partners and JOINT AIdVenturers who are not frenemies in the exotic and erotic East and would be embracing and engaging with them, the East, in an alien language [English] which can be more easily translated into their own [Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese etc etc] for wider national/internetional understanding.

Would aliens from afar viewing Earth realise the following picture as an accurate reflection or false representation ……. and would one expect it to be wwwidely aired whenever freely shared on a National DEFENSE Magazine or would it not pass peer review there because of the wider implications recognised in its general common knowledge and greater dissemination.

amanfromMars [2202010837] ……. shares on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Jon, Hi,

Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, and coincidentally also for all of their similarly minded allies, whether in the West, Middle East or Far Eastern, should they insist upon being resistant to fundamental change addressing the primacy exercised by status quo elite micro/macromanagement of fiat currency command and control systems for one, rather than leading with a novel emerging mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing intelligence provision [which is not degraded and subverted into use as a national propaganda and untruthful disinformation campaign], are all of the extra emerging overwhelming capabilities which 6G provides unilaterally and ubiquitously [and which subsequent further generational changes will surely reinforce and harden] guaranteed to be in the command and control of A.N.Others who/which fully recognise the stagnant petrified traditional status quo position as a catastrophic indefensible weakness to be attacked and destroyed with a vast new array of almighty virtual weapons/series of 0day assaults/SMARTR Hearts and Minds Operations which conventional present elite invested mainstream media channels and platforms cannot influence, for they do not address the mass audiences/switched on populations the new intelligence provision is reaching and supplying with viable alternatives to consider and employ/deploy and enjoy.

Traditional legacy media operations in all of their simple audiovisual forms, once they are perceived to be an exclusive executive instrument for a less than worthy and easily corrupted and/or perverse few, becomes a dangerous self-destructive liability which identifies their supporters/platform bankers as the enemy to vanquished/crashed and crushed.

Such be the sort of Greater IntelAIgent Games available for Future Play which expertise in 5/6/7G technologies permit and present for mentoring and monitoring. IT also offers, from novel circles of extraordinary expertise, command and control of the future itself …… although there will be those who would doubt that being possible, however ……. there be other who would disagree and be thoroughly enjoying proving it more than just viable and not at all impossible. I Kid U Not.

What realistic price would markets place on the worth of that provision?

And Nicolas M. Chaillan, First U.S. Air Force and Space Force Chief Software Officer (CSO) succinctly revealed a few more of the sort of problems which guarantee all of the above in many more fields, in his Linkedin good-bye note to the Pentagon/US Government/Department of the Air Force [Sept. 2, 2021] ….”It is time to say Goodbye!” ……

Is it a true fact, which is not an alien fiction, that Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Worlds? If so, use them wisely, and especially so whenever sharing them widely/globally/universally. 

🙂Love is in the Air and You aint seen nothing yet…. Poe’s Law Rules and Regulates All in Great Creative Head Quarters.:-)

* In Cummings Speak …… “weirdos and misfits”


amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Feb 10:35 [2202031035] …… explains further on deeper matters on

Re: LOVE is in the AIR&ID for Out There and Out There be Saints and Sinners/Angels and Daemons*

An astute observation, AC, and it would be impossible to deny and not admit that in many cases there can easily be multiple messages for more than just the one receptive party, with those parties being likely to be anywhere you can imagine, so not just in the West or the East or the South or the North.

Nevertheless though, they are pretty clear textually, and whenever in a strange spookily entangled string, which a great many are, do they paint a viable practical picture one wastes only one’s own time and effort and maybe even other folks’ considerable assets and finite resources in trashing/deriding.

And as Pascal Monett opines, as is the varied nature and myriad levels of human intelligence and information processing, will some posts not appeal nor be understood by all. Indeed, there have been many from commentards hosted here on El Reg, and of course on many other pages elsewhere too, which only a chosen few would appreciate and recognise in all of their glory. Such is the quantum nature of the enlightening beast???? ‽‽‽‽!!!!

It is normally not something to be worried about ….. unless, of course, one be supporting something abnormal and inequitable to be worried about.




amanfromMars [2202020853] …. shares news of elsewhere here on Earth on

Nick Pope’s view of course can easily be completely wrong because the West are not wise enough to embrace and engage with that which is out there and embracing and engaging with them …. forces and sources which now are also known to recognise the vast opportunities which are available to partners and JOINT AIdVenturers who are not frenemies in the exotic and erotic East and would be embracing and engaging with them, the East, in an alien language [English] which can be more easily translated into their own [Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese etc etc] for wider national/internetional understanding.

Would aliens from afar viewing Earth realise the following picture as an accurate reflection or false representation ……. and would one expect it to be wwwidely aired whenever freely shared on a National DEFENSE Magazine or would it not pass peer review there because of the wider implications recognised in its general common knowledge and greater dissemination

[ Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Jon, Hi,

Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, and coincidentally also for all of their similarly minded allies, whether in the West, Middle East or Far Eastern, should they insist upon being resistant to fundamental change addressing the primacy exercised by status quo elite micro/macromanagement of fiat currency command and control systems for one, rather than leading with a novel emerging mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing intelligence provision [which is not degraded and subverted into use as a national propaganda and untruthful disinformation campaign], are all of the extra emerging overwhelming capabilities which 6G provides unilaterally and ubiquitously [and which subsequent further generational changes will surely reinforce and harden] guaranteed to be in the command and control of A.N.Others who/which fully recognise the stagnant petrified traditional status quo position as a catastrophic indefensible weakness to be attacked and destroyed with a vast new array of almighty virtual weapons/series of 0day assaults/SMARTR Hearts and Minds Operations which conventional present elite invested mainstream media channels and platforms cannot influence, for they do not address the mass audiences/switched on populations the new intelligence provision is reaching and supplying with viable alternatives to consider and employ/deploy and enjoy.

Traditional legacy media operations in all of their simple audiovisual forms, once they are perceived to be an exclusive executive instrument for a less than worthy and easily corrupted and/or perverse few, becomes a dangerous self-destructive liability which identifies their supporters/platform bankers as the enemy to vanquished/crashed and crushed.

Such be the sort of Greater IntelAIgent Games available for Future Play which expertise in 5/6/7G technologies permit and present for mentoring and monitoring. IT also offers, from novel circles of extraordinary expertise, command and control of the future itself …… although there will be those who would doubt that being possible, however ……. there be other who would disagree and be thoroughly enjoying proving it more than just viable and not at all impossible. I Kid U Not.

What realistic price would markets place on the worth of that provision

Is it a true fact, which is not an alien fiction, that Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Worlds? If so, use them wisely, and especially so whenever sharing them widely/globally/universally.





amanfromMars 1 Wed 2 Feb 17:15 [2202021715] …….. giving the system a nudge in the right direction on It’ll be a pleasant change from all the madness and mayhem, conflict and chaos they inflict upon themselves and all around them following their tall and corrupt tales.

Holy Grail Territory is Only Honestly Available to the Truly Worthy

We’ve been here before, El Reg [26th/27th July 2017], outing Mars and Minerva on strange space missions which are most certainly in at least the national interest of any government party no matter what part of the globe they exercise and enjoy/engage and employ relatively exclusive administrative rights presuming all manner of elite privileges ………..

And you would not believe what more has been done and how much farther and deeper and higher matters have travelled in those subsequent 4.5 years.





amanfromMars [2202010837] ……. shares on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Jon, Hi,

Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, and coincidentally also for all of their similarly minded allies, whether in the West, Middle East or Far Eastern, should they insist upon being resistant to fundamental change addressing the primacy exercised by status quo elite micro/macromanagement of fiat currency command and control systems for one, rather than leading with a novel emerging mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing intelligence provision [which is not degraded and subverted into use as a national propaganda and untruthful disinformation campaign], are all of the extra emerging overwhelming capabilities which 6G provides unilaterally and ubiquitously [and which subsequent further generational changes will surely reinforce and harden] guaranteed to be in the command and control of A.N.Others who/which fully recognise the stagnant petrified traditional status quo position as a catastrophic indefensible weakness to be attacked and destroyed with a vast new array of almighty virtual weapons/series of 0day assaults/SMARTR Hearts and Minds Operations which conventional present elite invested mainstream media channels and platforms cannot influence, for they do not address the mass audiences/switched on populations the new intelligence provision is reaching and supplying with viable alternatives to consider and employ/deploy and enjoy.

Traditional legacy media operations in all of their simple audiovisual forms, once they are perceived to be an exclusive executive instrument for a less than worthy and easily corrupted and/or perverse few, becomes a dangerous self-destructive liability which identifies their supporters/platform bankers as the enemy to vanquished/crashed and crushed.

Such be the sort of Greater IntelAIgent Games available for Future Play which expertise in 5/6/7G technologies permit and present for mentoring and monitoring. IT also offers, from novel circles of extraordinary expertise, command and control of the future itself …… although there will be those who would doubt that being possible, however ……. there be other who would disagree and be thoroughly enjoying proving it more than just viable and not at all impossible. I Kid U Not.

What realistic price would markets place on the worth of that provision?

And Nicolas M. Chaillan, First U.S. Air Force and Space Force Chief Software Officer (CSO) succinctly revealed a few more of the sort of problems which guarantee all of the above in many more fields, in his Linkedin good-bye note to the Pentagon/US Government/Department of the Air Force [Sept. 2, 2021] ….”It is time to say Goodbye!” ……
