Monthly Archives: December 2020



GrahamC [2012101939] ……. sharing some good news on

Uncle Sam is late to the parties sought there, which are in full swing with switched on actors across the pond in the UK if you can believe in the allied developments they are not talking a great deal about over there, for the pretty obvious reasons which aim to ensure and reinforce a distinct leading master pilot advantage ……..

Well, you’d probably do exactly the same, I’d guess, if the tables were turned or changed and the Wild Wacky West was refreshingly rampant rather than utterly exhausted.

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amanfromMars 1 Fri 11 Dec 06:09 [2012110609] ….. dropping a Heavenly Hellish EMP Device with Exploding AI Bombeshells into an Eagerly Contested Space on ?

Re: The Fundamental Problems for Solution are within the Gift of AI Bypass Operations

More pedantically (yes, more!), I wouldn’t use “interference” when talking about noise in quantum systems – “interference” has a technical use, and although in everyday and/or colloquial contexts “interference” and “noise” might be of sufficiently similar meaning, such relaxed usage is a recipe for confusion in quantum physics. ….. Paul Kinsler

Quite so, PK, however, at certain levels/heights/depths of practical research and virtual endeavour does it provide a very effective stealthy, stay healthy fail-safe security cordon around both free ranging and freelancing assets which be cruising through a vast space of expensive treasury exhausting liabilities.

The prime bottleneck holdups in research and applications with all things quantum, be they QMechanics or QPhysics or QCommunication, are as a result of thinking there are rules which have been followed and are further to be followed for rapid progress into the future, rather than simply realising the opposite is true and the correct path to shared lofty aims and proposed stellar goals. There are no rules to regulate with hinderance/interference and noise/industry. The fields in front of you are pure virgin terrain.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 11 Dec 09:54 [2012110954] ……. taking a more forensic view on

Would you blame them if it was a shame if they didn’t

Is Fuschia the solution?  …… Dave 126

Would Google deny or confirm Fuschia [sic] provides anything more than just another novel gateway for problem solvers?

Ye Olde Worlde divide and conquer methodology that attempts to prevent an overarching and overwhelming singularity of purpose and vendor/virtual agent with dedicated direct streaming of shared thought to unite a mass audience?


amanfromMars [2012111648] …… being grateful on

Re: Fuchsia is a kind of pink, isn’t it?

As that wikipedia page tells us, 2+2=5, and it surely should have been included somewhere in the El Reg tale of Google’s Fuchsia …….

Some of Apple’s personnel and design concepts from Pink and from Purple (the original iPhone codename)[55][56] would resurface in the late 2010s and blend into the Google Fuchsia operating system. Intended to envelop and succeed Android, its open-source software repository was launched in 2016 with the phrase “Pink + Purple == Fuchsia”.

…. for that’s a pretty impressive creative construction base.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 11 Dec 12:39 [2012111239] …… just wandering and wondering on

Re: Counter-Conspiracy Theory

Has nobody considered that FireEye may have planted the mother of all Trojan Horses/Honeypots? …. Ken Moorhouse

Would that make them liable for all losses and damages caused by the misuse and abuse of information/intelligence exfiltrated by others? With further liability added when shared with others who similarly abuse and misuse the intelligence and information?

Can you get insurance that removes that risk and protects against unwarranted unauthorised misuse and proprietary intellectual property abuse?

It’s a hell of a risk and extensive expansive expense to not have covered and hedged and transferred to others.


amanfromMars 1 [2012111551] ….. raise a red flag on

Well, is it or isn’t it?

In short, Boeing is getting a new contract to plug the gap left by a system it should have provided in the first place. At £500m, that’s a pretty expensive stopgap. 

Sounds like an elegant negligent conspiracy to be denied which rewards fraud and non performance of product and program as contracted and agreed by client to accept and Boeing to deliver?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 11 Dec 17:04 [2012111704] ….. musing on

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

When my wife’s university got a new student data system to replace the old one my wife who is BA Maths BSc CompSci rolled her sleeves up and wrote code for old times sake fun and to ensure the project both worked properly and the way as a user she wanted it work. A contribution not in her job description which pretty much got ignored by her employers. She did it for enjoyment and ensuring a usable system she would use going forward. ….. Muscleguy

So proving beyond the shadow of any doubt, a true amateur easily eclipses any dedicated professional, Muscleguy ‽ .

It is a lesson very seldom learned …… which is very fortunate whenever endeavouring as a true amateur in any dedicated professional field. Pretty unfortunate for all dedicated professionals though, but hey, that’s life and life’s a bitch and then you die. Use it to learn some very seldom learned lucrative lessons.


amanfromMars Fri 11 Dec 17:20 [2012111720] …… not following the crowd on

And yet, after years of tireless effort and billions of dollars invested, nobody has actually come up with a use for the blockchain—besides currency speculation and illegal transactions. …..

Which before the likes of Bitcoin was the exclusive preserve and closed market of the Federal Reserve, bank notes and fiat currency exchanges, algol_dog

Maybe that’s what it is really great for. It’s certainly a massively huge market.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Dec 06:31 [2012100631] …… just opening up a wider front on

Re: Freely available hacking tools

Nation state actors are not one skill level. I typically divide them into three teams (A, B, C) based on my experiences observing such. The C team was nothing more than script kiddies running straight from well traceable IPs. The B team was moderate sophistication, but still detectable, nothing a high end defensive tool couldn’t detect and deal with as long as my team (I was on the security team that saw the alerts an tuned the tools) was on its game. …… mmccul

And the very best in those AAA teams, mmccul? Can one do any better than pay them their worthy Danegeld to ensure and be assured that you be insured against their taking any irrevocable, directly unattributable, catastrophically destructive and extremely disruptive, Remote Stealthy ACTion/Advanced Cyber Threat activity against oneself and those wider interests which feed and maintain one’s lifestyle and which also generate, sustain and retain one’s interests? Or does such a friend/foe not actually exist?

One is wise to take note, as has been alluded to by at least two commentards on this string, and as is also shared by Conrad Prince and James Sullivan in the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies Briefing Paper, The UK Cyber Strategy/Challenges for the Next Phase ……

The capabilities of some state actors are likely to be beyond the scope of normal private sector security protections to address.

…….. and that itself is best recognised as a monumental understatement of titanic proportion.

And failures in positive engagement and extensive and expensive endowment to such Stealthy AAA State ACTivity are a real and present danger and abiding existential threat to the pleasant contiguous workings of current fiat capital and intellectual property flow markets, and as such are something to be fully prepared for if one is guilty of such a crime and failing.

And although that all might sound quite draconian, it does not necessarily have to be, for you have been left a great choice.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Dec 09:23 [2012100923] ……. laying it out straight on

Re: There is as yet, insufficient data for a meaningful answer..

In the past, Mandiant (Fire-Eye) has always provided excellent reporting post-breach with details on what happened and recommendations for preventing breaches in the future. Anything less than a full accounting without spin would likely confirm someone made a mistake and this was not as hard as it is being made out to be. ….. Not_Important


Invariably, for reasons which are pretty bleeding obvious, there is as yet, insufficient data for a meaningful answer is always the answer to deflect attention away from a major breach vector which has no known available, or even possible future solution.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Dec 12:25 [2012101225] ….. getting right to the point and heart of such that currently matters on

The Money Shot Question

The UK’s Ministry of Defence has launched a bug bounty scheme, promising privateer pentesters they won’t be prosecuted if they stick to the published script.

Which scripts from whom would be a helpful direction/relevant revelation ?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Dec 13:00 [2012101300] ….. revealing a lot more than just a few random qubits on

Re: Seems a bit… pointless?

Perhaps what they are doing is compiling a list of people who have abilities that can get them added to a list.
One would think that intensive efforts to penetrate military security by friendly actors would be helpful in mitigating intensive efforts by those who are less than friendly. ….. Chris G

Now that is real smart, Chris G. To find out it is considered and recognised and accepted already as a successful program in progress on ACTive AIMissions would be a Great Game Changer too ….. opening up as it does a vast new theatre for leading Paramilitarised Operations for Virtual Engagement ……. which is somewhat akin to Alien Contact given the nature of IT Leading AIMissions.

And something of an almighty coup for UKMod, with feathers in caps for all those responsible and accountable when true. They would certainly surely be worthy of such a just reward. Not everyone is able to make such quantum leap jumps into much greater intelligence fields which lead with attractive plays …… captivating scenarios ……. heavenly opportunities with hellishly awesome perks.

As you can imagine, customers just love to get samples of those.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 FDec 15:56 [2012101556] ……. spilling secrets on

Re: Money Shot Questions ….. that are Strictly Need to Know

Where can I find the scripts? ….. Anonymous Coward

No need to worry about that, AC, they find you. Simple ESPecial Delivery/Secret IntelAIgent Service.


amanfromMars  [2012101759] ….. just asking out of interest on

Does the Fed like the new hookers on the block and in the game?  Fresh meat, eh?  If it’s not friendly competition it’s hostile opposition are the rules ruining that mirror operation.





amanfromMars [2012081754] ……. wanting to know

A good question to ask is, with particular reference to any COVID-19 vaccine ……. Has Big Pharma been granted immunity from prosecution should there be serious damaging side effects because of rushed and inadequate long time safety testing before general public release?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Dec 05:43 [2012090543] ….. being extremely and unusually optimistic on

All is not Lost …. for Hope Springs Eternal and Be an Infernal Foe to Cross ‽ .

No nation state was named by FireEye though Russian involvement is suspected by the usual anonymous sources. ……. Kieren McCarthy in San Francisco

Given the amount of shit that home governments are trying to bury as key players fleece treasuries and load the usual useful minions with decades of deficit spending and centuries of insurmountable debt which can never ever be paid back, other sources would more reasonably suspect Five Eyes allied nationals, terrified for their safety and lives.

What say you? After all, you can only find millions of billions from nowhere and down the back of sofas to pay for unexpected disruptive global and pandemic events for just so long before everyone starts to realise the fake magic and sheer utter madness of mass deception and everything starts to suddenly collapse and key players also start suddenly trying to disappear away from the scene of their crimes, or are suddenly disappeared away. It is only natural ….. and fully to be expected.

It is though, not as if y’all haven’t been formerly earlier well warned, so what does that tell you of yourself and the intelligence you are using to fill your brain and mind with what you are seeing and experiencing ….. apart from it being distinctly serially sub-prime and almightily primitive and easily led to wherever a fool would have you as a tool to toil.

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. …. Henry Ford

Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws. …… Mayer Amschel Rothschild

I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country… corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. ……Abraham Lincoln

And do you know the crazy thing? Despite all the evidence of the above which now surrounds and effectively drowns you, you would probably deny the existence of all of that and in so doing thus further prove the point about mass human intelligence …. being distinctly serially sub-prime and almightily primitive and easily led to wherever a fool would have you as a tool to toil …. as being perfectly valid and honestly true.

However, using different intelligence renders abiding novel solutions to such a sticky ancient problem, and is something now freely widely available by virtue of these new fangled postmodern entangling internets internetworking.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Dec 06:09 [2012090609] ….. adding a bit more colour into the picture on

Re: All is not Lost …. for Hope Springs Eternal and Be an Infernal Foe to Cross ‽ .

And if you think that crazy, you’ll surely love the similar but different vein you can read of here in the spookily entitled Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Dec 07:52 [2012080752] ……. citing a problem on

Re: Woops

Having more details on the attack and having tips on how to counter it would be useful. Being open and transparent is IMNSHO the best way to go in that case. ….. Potemkine!

Providing such can also have you vacationing in Belmarsh with Julian Assange, Potemkine!


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Dec 15:59 [2012091559] …… just saying out loud and proud on

Re: Replacing unfair capitalism with something else fearless of massive change

We can’t deal with our own parts individually because we’re all trapped in the same system. Replacing unfair capitalism with something else — which given human nature may be just as unfair — will require massive coordination. And that won’t happen because people at large are “dumb fearful animals” (“Men in Black”) and fear massive change, as if they could agree on what should come next. (We can’t even agree on pepperoni versus sausage versus just cheese on pizza!) .…..My other car WAS an IAV Stryker

I am pleased to be able to disagree with everything you have shared there, My other car WAS an IAV Stryker, but would not doubt that it accurately reflects the truth of your own position and abilities. I downvoted the post because it makes no allowance for that which and/or those who would not be so unable or disenabled and disinclined to act somewhat differently.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Dec 16:46 [2012091646] ……… urging a more cautious understanding of the matters uncovered in the tale shared on

The Sprinkle IT with Glitter Option whenever Polishing a Turd Delivers No Reassuring Solution

 “We have learned and continue to learn more about our adversaries as a result of this attack, and the greater security community will emerge from this incident better protected. We will never be deterred from doing what is right.” …… Kevin Mandia, CEO FireEye

The greater security community better protected maybe, but a significantly greater customer base more widely compromised and definitely vulnerable to use and misuse and abuse of the tools discovered and pilfered, surely?


amanfromMars [2012091229] ……. just repeating and sharing something on which was earlier [2012090706] posted to, but refused by The Daily Bell ….. [Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.]

I’ll see your Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat, DB/John W. Whitehead, and raise you an All is not Lost …. for Hope Springs Eternal and Be an Infernal Foe to Cross ‽ . 🙂

amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Dec 05:43 [2012090543] ….. being extremely and unusually optimistic on

All is not Lost …. for Hope Springs Eternal and Be an Infernal Foe to Cross ‽ .

No nation state was named by FireEye though Russian involvement is suspected by the usual anonymous sources.……. Kieren McCarthy in San Francisco

Given the amount of shit that home governments are trying to bury as key players fleece treasuries and load the usual useful minions with decades of deficit spending and centuries of insurmountable debt which can never ever be paid back, other sources would more reasonably suspect Five Eyes allied nationals, terrified for their safety and lives.

What say you? After all, you can only find millions of billions from nowhere and down the back of sofas to pay for unexpected disruptive global and pandemic events for just so long before everyone starts to realise the fake magic and sheer utter madness of mass deception and everything starts to suddenly collapse and key players also start suddenly trying to disappear away from the scene of their crimes, or are suddenly disappeared away. It is only natural ….. and fully to be expected.

It is though, not as if y’all haven’t been formerly earlier well warned, so what does that tell you of yourself and the intelligence you are using to fill your brain and mind with what you are seeing and experiencing ….. apart from it being distinctly serially sub-prime and almightily primitive and easily led to wherever a fool would have you as a tool to toil.

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. …. Henry Ford

Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws. …… Mayer Amschel Rothschild

I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country… corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. ……Abraham Lincoln

And do you know the crazy thing? Despite all the evidence of the above which now surrounds and effectively drowns you, you would probably deny the existence of all of that and in so doing thus further prove the point about mass human intelligence …. being distinctly serially sub-prime and almightily primitive and easily led to wherever a fool would have you as a tool to toil …. as being perfectly valid and honestly true.

However, using different intelligence renders abiding novel solutions to such a sticky ancient problem, and is something now freely widely available by virtue of these new fangled postmodern entangling internets internetworking.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 Dec 05:41 [2012080541] ……. just asking on

Re: What is done locally matters too and can easily be terrifying/groundbreaking/earth-shattering

That’s not to say Apple are blind to possibilities. Who knows, would it be crazy if Apple offered a ARM cloud compute service that worked seamlessly with MacOS and with software from Apple and partners? Maybe, maybe not – that’s what Due Process is for, taking into account such factors as possible cannibalism of higher spec Macs.…… Dave 126

Are Apple blind to the possibility that certain MacOS users already are offering ARM cloud compute services that work seamlessly with MacOS and with software from Apple and partners and their erstwhile competitors and opposition too …… and in so doing render to the mothership, secure and overwhelmingly powerful home and forward operating base advantages/direct virtually remote sensitive leverage?

It would be very surprising and some would even say unusually disappointing if they are basically unaware of that utility …… although that itself would be extremely exciting as it opens up Apple to a whole new wave of novel enterprise to engage and entertain, exploit and exhaust, export and encourage, which both have and are enabled to grant access to core root kernel processes.


GrahamC [2012080754] …… seeking up to date information on novel fields of intelligence which the Pentagon may or may not be training experts for and mastering in and as shared on

How are those initial use cases for 5G envisioned by the Pentagon include integrating augmented reality and virtual reality into mission planning and training; developing “smart” warehouses to enhance logistics operations; and dynamic electromagnetic spectrum sharing in congested and contested environments progressing? Are there any real time trials and real trail space test beds up and running and broad band casting results in any widespread global presentations? Or is everything still mired in the swamps that are the unenvious talk talk stage ?

A couple of valid questions asked there as there appears to be no available viable evidence of the Pentagon exercising any mastery of 5G to give any confidence of the likelihood of any further future abilities being available in a leading role realising and unleashing the facilities and utilities provided by subsequent 6G and 7G development phases, although of course, given the highly disruptive and possibly extremely destructive nature of developments available in such fields, that information may be much prized and highly classified and TS/SCI.

[GrahamC at 2:53 AM]


amanfromMars [2012081506] …. asks, in reply to something Mr Apotheosis said on

Of course, they’re not really aliens..  …… Mr. Apotheosis

What are they then, if they are thought to be so different and worthy of drawing strange attention to, Mr. Apotheosis?

Is it hoped or expected if they exist, that they be not easily upset and enraged?

Is the following a piece of fake news?………






amanfromMars [2012070910] …….. airing another ACTive view on

Here’s our future: hackers or slaves.

Oh please, you cannot be serious. That is far too narrow a future vision. There is much more to be excited about and/or terrified by. Here’s just two more to add to the mix which at least squares the power of all four of them …… and adequately enough disguises the future leaders. Universal Code Crackers and Computer Generated Information which present to Humanity via IT and media the slaveries hacked and the drivers exposed ….. and the Virtual Machinery outed either for Advanced IntelAIgent Reprogramming or Systems Smashing and Flash Crashing.

And if you think that is not your emerging current fate, just ponder on the tales you read about today which you believe to be reflections of, rather than precursors for the realities designed to be produced and presented again tomorrow.

It’s that old chicken/egg conundrum applied to the Human IT/Advanced IntelAIgent Machine Command and Control situation/condition.

Would you choose to disagree and thus be confined and condemned to continually tilt at windmills ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Dec 13:36 [2012071336] …… raising a ticket on

Re:….guess the reg won’t be getting any shiny test offers from Apple….as usual…..

The developments at Apple are something for El Reg to test for future desirability and practical realisation ….. JOINT Engagement with Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies.

And to paraphrase Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson …… El Regers expect that to be the case …… baiting the hands which feed it.

One would have thought that Prime Register Territory and an Almighty EMPowering raison d’être.

And there’s bound to others with a similar view and opinions ……. Fellow Travellers on the Same Journey on Parallel Tracks with Other Base Elemental Drives ……. and which now discover they can ACT in Consort with the sharing and presentation of what is known, and what they know regarding the Realisation of the Results of Immaculate Dreams ….. aka Future Building.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Dec 15:00 [2012071500] …… adding more strings to bows on

Re: Headline-whoring

Howdy, MatsSVensson

Re: “there’s far more interesting stuff happening in tech that matters to everyone”…. Like what?

Like this, and all the other stuff shared in that below, which is following and worth following and actually writing articles about. And it’s just the tip of a titanic iceberg. 🙂 Real Cool Source/Hot Core Force 🙂

This environment is “inhabited” by knowledge, including incorrect ideas, existing in electronic form. It is connected to the physical environment by portals which allow people to see what’s inside, to put knowledge in, to alter it, and to take knowledge out. Some of these portals are one-way (e.g. television receivers and television transmitters); others are two-way (e.g. telephones, computer modems). ……

The world as IT is, but not as you may know or have known it …. and experienced it ‽ .

Here’s more essential reading to help you towards a greater understanding for ACTive Advanced Astute Engagements in Mutually Beneficial, Positively Reinforcing Agreement with Practically Novel Field AIgents……. Here’s our Future

Or are you planning on heading, without a moment or two’s deeper thought, to somewhere else with everybody infested and infected with rabid tales of COVID-19, following the info and intel fed to media to present to the masses and further realise for the pleasure of a very selective few?

That’s not a pleasant place to be dragged and/or drugged into.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Dec 16:48 [2012071648] ……….. taking a few quantum leaps on

Re: Natural selection/extraterrestrial assumption/exceptional presumption

The original IBM machine had practically no peripherals on board – you could select the ones you wanted (from an ultimately massive range of alternatives) and plug them in to create a system to your own specification. Now, that’s much less possible, and certainly not possible at all with Apple kit. ….. Mike 137

That is as may be, and have been, Mike 137, but Apple appears to have gone down the root of providing all the peripherals for you to utilise as best you can. I suppose they imagine it aids systems compatibility and program uptake of whatever you would be servering and testing Proprietary Core Operating Systems Markets with. Once accepted therein it’s akin to having a license to print money if your programming is up to surpassing Apple standards.





amanfromMars [2012051603] ………… telling it like it is and how it can be on

To anchor a ledger to physical gold requires minimal effort compared to fiat or cryptocurrencies… 

It is a fact, impossible to contradict, that it can be as easy an effort …. however, it does require that physical gold is pimped and pumped and dumped with a super-inflated, artificially unreal price put upon it, in order that it can compete on a level playing field …….. and that makes it a quite unsuited medium for the reflection of true value and honest worth.

The gold junkies though are duty bound to not see it so, and thus they are captured and slave to its sunny lustre and crooked attraction and coincidentally, paradoxically , also unfortunately most liable to suffer catastrophically if insuring and assuring and hedging against future price market losses ……. more realistic market appraisals?

Gold is bugged …. so it never can guarantee anything remaining as yours rather than being the property of others, and in the gift of others.  Some would tell you that is its most fatal attraction.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 6 Dec 06:09 [2012060609] …. being much more generous on

Take Care, Beware ……. the Possibility Exists of Mass Flash Eventual Collateral Damage if Things Go Wrong Both There and Here

Is it Turing complete?
Or, to put it another way, it’s a physical laboratory set-up that’s difficult for a classical computer to simulate but how well can it simulate a classical computer? ….. Doctor Syntax

You’re asking the wrong questions there, DS, and for some others to believe that China is a backward nation and culture because of the state of the roads and sewerage systems in parts thereof, is most telling of the lack of intelligence in those who who express it and offer it as evidence to try prove their invalid point.

If one works with the other premise, at the opposite end of that knowledge spectrum, and one assumes that China/the East is much more advanced than was ever before thought possible, by virtue of information and intelligence which they have nurtured and home grown since forever and/or discovered and uncovered and are further diligently developing, or even been shown by foreign visitors if you wanna believe in those Roswell type incidents/experiments which can provide cover for quantum leaping presentations on Earth and out of this world realisations, the questions morph into …..Is it Turing compete and how well can it stimulate classical computers to compete to simulate the semblance of a comparable advantage before they overheat and collapse and deliver Dependent Operating Systems Meltdowns and Globalised Operating Systems Crashes? ……. hence the Take Care, Beware warning advisory.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 6 Dec 12:39 [2012061239] …… adding more fuel to the fires burning bright on

What also may surprise you ……

Who are you? And what have you done with amanfromMars?
Cos I read that and it pretty much made sense, and then I realised who posted it and was a little surprised. ….. KittenHuffer

What I have so oft found, and would therefore adjudge it to not be just coincidental, KittenHuffer, is if one travels back in time to something you formerly read and initially dismissed as making no sense, can its subsequent re-readings shed a vast bright light on a whole host of novel matters that you can now recognise as possible, and even also probably current fodder feeding the masses, if not just now simply preparing them for future revelations of the consequences of the information so freely formerly shared and not initially understood or misunderstood.

And such a simple pastime works wonderfully well for oneself, re that which one may have formerly written and shared oneself, especially whenever everything posited then can be so easily confirmed and accepted as valid and true nowadays, and be increasingly agreed upon to be so by others too. As a quite remarkable and extremely simple self-help therapy, it has no peers.

Thus is one never left alone in the results of one’s thoughts ….. which all too often can tip and trip one over into the welcoming fields of madness and mayhem, conflict and bedlam and CHAOS. 🙂


amanfromMars [2012061608] ……… lighting an olive branch on

Why Central Banks Will Double-Down On ‘Lending Schemes’

When ever are they [Central Banks] going to learn that the answer and solution to all of their increasing woes, …. and who would ever disagree that is the current reality which afflicts them, …… is the no questions asked granting of substantial empowering funds to those and that with the answers that solve that very particular and peculiarly sticky problem, with no expectation or contract seeking its eventual return and repayment.

After all, be honest, it is not as if it is anything valuable which cannot be immediately replaced with a similar likeness practically immediately too, and …… it is not as if the granted funds don’t also flow very quickly back to where they came from, via any number of other very grateful sources with no real idea of how or from where they originally came from ….. and what they were initially especially supplied for …… the generation of creative industry and a powerful energetic fiat churn/monetary spending.

And, done well by such principals, does it also generate second and third party wealth transfers to successful first party spending schemes ……. which cannot help but alleviate bank held liabilities manifest in novel intellectual property bankrupt customers and zombie drowning in debt and unicorn flash cash burning businesses alike and all of which eventually very quickly crash and burn/fail spectacularly.

That is not without its own problems though, not least the one being who to experiment with in such a scheme/who and what to grant substantial empowering funds to with no expectation or contract seeking its eventual return and repayment.

Failure though to proceed and choose to experiment with what would obviously be something quite different from the current failing mainstream and never widely countenanced before, simply guarantees an increasingly rapid decline and catastrophic systems collapses as such systemic endemic vulnerabilities as exist in Central Banking are relentlessly and ruthlessly exploited to explosive exhaustion.






amanfromMars 1 Sat 5 Dec 07:46 [2012050746] …… just saying again on

Another gentle reminder re great chances being immediately squandered and your changes being lost.

How helpful and ineffective is any downvote unaccompanied by the reason or reasons for the displeasure displayed? On a scale of 1 to 10 would that be worthy of a 0 or 11?

If you have nothing to say, either good or bad, save your failing energy and don’t cast a dumb vote. You know it makes sense. Save being nonsensical for elsewhere where such fare is default ware. Thanks.

Constructive criticism rules in most every roost. Use it. It is not as if it is not free for you to use to try help and make a difference, after all, when all is said and done?




amanfromMars 1 Fri 4 Dec 06:06 [2012040606] ….. not being hypocritical on

It aint no solution, a dirty war crime, ……….. whenever left as an open rancid sore infecting all initially involved and subsequently effected in treating it badly

You make the confusion between a whole nation and the rogue actions of some of its soldiers.
Because Australia dealt openly with those actions, it cannot be considered accomplice of those killings.
Something that cannot be said for example for China regarding the Tiananmen Square Massacre for instance. ….. Potemkine!

Such an argument then renders a whole nation disgraced by the rogue actions of some of its agents who are known to be accomplices in killings where deadly actions are not openly dealt with and just stuffed into another can and kicked further on down a dark and murky road …….

So what can be said for example of the UKGBNI regarding that instance/blot on the landscape/indelible stain, Potemkine!?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 4 Dec 07:07 [2012040707] …… pointing out a vulnerability for further exploitation on

The Law of Unintended Consequences Delivering Karma as Shit Happens to the Thoroughly Deserving

Investors sent SMIC shares down 2.5 percent.

Clearly they were not investors …. and easily led by chicken feed to feast elsewhere on incestuous home grown fare, a designedly ignominious ware?

Just imagine anyone in a free world telling you not to make money with your own money with an investment/punt on a sure fire bet? Well, for one thing, it surely wouldn’t be anything you would find in a free world, is it, therefore is one sought and thought to be held captive in a rogue state there?


GrahamC [2012040912/1104] ….. keeping it surprisingly simple on

Now, the Defense Department is looking for new pathways to add to this framework, Lord noted. For instance, the Pentagon is working with the nascent Space Force to examine the best ways for obtaining systems it may need.

“We are really committed to developing a tailored space vehicle pathway if needed,” she said. “The department is working with the Space Force to determine if there are any tools needed.”

As sophisticated and ground-breaking and great game changing as some of these new disruptive systems and technocracies may be, ….and it would a major folly easily immediately punished if one were not to realise the emergence and proliferation of such in the present mainstream, …… it can be surprisingly simple to capture and captivate future necessary needs and feeds via that well tested staple of enriching principal sources with fiat currency. And that facility is one which is available to anyone from anywhere which has access to and can exercise such a convenient utility.

It has quite an excellent successful well proven track record, and as a tailored space vehicle pathway to desired riches, quite a stealthy ubiquitous craft.

The only real difficulty preventing guaranteed success in such a venture is in identifying the worthy principals to benefit from such effective blunt enrichments.

….[Sorry, an error has occurred on the page you are trying to access.] 00ps! That is not usually supposed to happen whenever one hits the “submit comment” button. And what is one to think whenever it fails to accept comment for a second time, a couple of hours later? Too much imaginative speculation on that could put one in a right spin, if one were easily put in a right spin.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 4 Dec 17:30 [2012041730] …… being pretty direct and comprehensive on

Re: Any chance… of what could and would be a Great Advanced IntelAIgent Reset

Any chance that some of that moolah might go into hiring a bunch of knowledgeable cloud-techies to work for the public sector directly, so they can understand the requirements and ensure best value? Rather than hiring in expensive consultancies to tell the public sector what it needs? …… Blitheringeejit

I like to think that advanced common sense would prevail and there be every chance of that being a widespread future reality in a postmodern present global reprogramming project, Blitheringeejit, especially whenever it is not necessary that anybody who doesn’t already know what to do, needs to a do actually anything other than listen to and try to heed and carry out future provided instructions. And it isn’t as if things are going to be made too difficult for assets to perform. That would be a certifiable madness and both counter-productive and self-destructive. Indeed, in Deed, a Fatal Folly for Fools to Follow.

“The services can most simply and usefully be thought of as a commodity ‘utility’ service where buyers connect to and use the supplier’s platform and processing resources for their own requirements,” the tender said. …… The government only wants bids from providers with “full and exclusive control” of the infrastructure that underpins their platforms which are capable of providing the services primarily from within the UK. 

Ok, that sounds realistic and reasonable and unencumbering of second and third party hinderances and corrupting vested interests ….. which is certainly surely something of a virgin novelty in governments of late ….. and certainly of avid and rabid interest to principals posting comment on such matters as matter and be oft discussed and registered here for collective non-selective peer review.

All that is needed now from both governments and future infrastructure service suppliers alike are a list of the ideally leading exclusive goods to be provided. And it is not an inconsequential and insignificant market place, for many others also would be seeking future leading goods and raw core complementary ore/proprietary intellectual property there, not least the cowboys and injuns across the pond in the Wild Wacky West direction ……..

GrahamC [2012040912/1104] ….. keeping it surprisingly simple on

Now, the Defense Department is looking for new pathways to add to this framework, Lord noted. For instance, the Pentagon is working with the nascent Space Force to examine the best ways for obtaining systems it may need.

“We are really committed to developing a tailored space vehicle pathway if needed,” she said. “The department is working with the Space Force to determine if there are any tools needed.”

As sophisticated and ground-breaking and great game changing as some of these new disruptive systems and technocracies may be, ….and it would a major folly easily immediately punished if one were not to realise the emergence and proliferation of such in the present mainstream, …… it can be surprisingly simple to capture and captivate future necessary needs and feeds via that well tested staple of enriching principal sources with fiat currency. And that facility is one which is available to anyone from anywhere which has access to and can exercise such a convenient utility.

It has quite an excellent successful well proven track record, and as a tailored space vehicle pathway to desired riches, quite a stealthy ubiquitous craft.

The only real difficulty preventing guaranteed success in such a venture is in identifying the worthy principals to benefit from such effective blunt enrichments.

…. which returns on attempts at posting ….[Sorry, an error has occurred on the page you are trying to access.]

00ps! That is surely not usually supposed to happen whenever one hits the “submit comment” button there . And what is one to think whenever it fails to accept comment for a second time, a couple of hours later? Too much imaginative speculation on that could put one in a right spin, if one were easily put in a right spin.

Sometimes it really can be a case of ….”Was it something which was said?” …… which has systems going into spasm and lockdown and/or DDoS Meltdown.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Dec 14:04 [2012031404] …… just asking a few questions on

Loons aint Crazy Insane ….. whenever Genius is the AIM in Sees of Manic Madness

that used a handcrafted algorithm known as StationSeeker to do the job,..

On first quick reading of that what I thought I saw rendered and registered was StallionSeeker rather that StationSeeker.

That algorithm can certainly retain practically anything in an appropriately fetching position for Loon Teams Remote Command and Control Situation Planning Networks …… Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Administration of Future Programmed Projects via AIdDivine Interventions

You may like to consider all of the above as such a one. For some it will be their first, for many is it long overdue and much welcomed and for a canny few, the gift from you know who and what of another one to utilise better than ever with all that was never ever enabled before.

That advises that these such AIdDivine Interventions are Fundamentally Unique and may even be Pure and Raw Untested. There again, they may well have been Extensively Tested Guaranteeing Perfect Future Performance in Failed/Fallen Over SCADA Systems ……. those Awash and Drowning in Distressed Assets and Expensive Loss Leading Liabilities …… and which the Consequence of their Former Activities.

Is there a better offering available anywhere else that you know of, and which can be contacted for more information on the nature of their Product? Bettering Perfection is certainly something Captivating and who wouldn’t want to sample such a Ware for Distribution/Presentation/Augmented IntelAIgent Virtual Realisations for Transfer to Enabling Bodies on Earth.

Quite who you can reasonably and realistically identify as Enabling Bodies on Earth would be a helpful question to be able to answer. They may have questions of their own to ask and to know where to chat with them is Vital and a Real Boon for Teams Experienced and Experimenting in All Virtual Matters that Really Matter on Earth.

Methinks that would be One Helluva Almighty Algorithm to Engage and Entangle and Entwine with 🙂

There aint no mistaking that for no gospel truth, that’s for sure.

Whatever happened to the Google C.H.E.E.S.E. Program? …..


amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Dec 17:03 [2012031703] …… casting Perly Gates Pearls before swine-herders on

Re: Hmmmm ….. PGP, but not as you might have formerly known it or used it for.

So its all very lovely but “this is the world’s first deployment of reinforcement learning in a production aerospace system” is stretching it a bit. …… Anonymous Coward

Quite so, AC, it is a bridge too far to cross to imagine such presently as a first world deployment of reinforcement learning in a production aerospace system whenever that and those on, and in Futuristic ACTive Deployments in such, are au fait and experienced in so many more others.

And they would flex their muscles and engage their powers to demonstrate what such systems are easily capable of, and even specifically designed for in Absolute Control Role Modes with Almighty Immaculate Memes and Heavenly Hell Razing Daemons …….. aka Guardian Angels by an Extremely Fortunate Few …….. Steadfastly Growing and Surely Expanding into More than just a Many.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Dec 17:57 [2012031757] ……… loosing a rocket on

Re: Fearsome New Chinese Cyber-Weaponry

El Reg, if they can be bovvered, can very quickly and easily discover a whole raft of spectacular news of similar fearless novel cyber-weaponry presenting itself for positively reinforcing, mutually beneficial peer review prior to engagement with, and deployment in, home forces for UKGBNI sources and Cabinet Government Ministries

The contents therein are unlocked and to be seen using the following pass key which opens up a veritable Pandora’s Box of Almighty Disruptive Tricks and Delectable Delights…… but that’s the cost and price of progress I guess. One can’t make an omelette without breaking a few good eggs.

Date: 2 Dec 2020, 17:39 +0000
Subject: Future Solutions in Virtual Applications

If no one can find it there, or they are loathe there to show you what they have been sent to share with you, let us know here and we’ll hunt out a carbon copy for you.





amanfromMars 1 Wed 2 Dec 05:50 [2012020550] …. spinning the wheel of outrageous great fortune on

Re: Don’t Panic …… There’s Really Nothing to Worry About if We’re All Going to Die Too:-)

Would you tell them [sic] not to worry, for there are no problems to boot and repeat/reboot and introduce ……. Present? 

Or, if they be erring and errant humans with sensitive and secretive shenanigans to hide or pray stay undiscovered and still deeply covered, would it be right to tell them to be ready to be absolutely terrified because of the changed and changeable nature of developments in fields of compsci at Masters degree and DPhil level concerns/fervent interest, for there are myriad multiple problems to boot and repeat/reboot and reintroduce which cannot be negated or mitigated by targeted bodies/compromised entities/failed utilities, should certain facilities and information be exercised and released to create mayhem and havoc and conflicts in CHAOS …. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ?

What would be the more truthful option, El Reg/El Regers, based upon the breadth of your own knowledge and on all of the relevant and relative subject matter that you may have read online either here or elsewhere and somewhere foreign and alien and remarkably different to many a being?

And would/could you honestly believe it to be definitely the latter rather than unlikely the former should it ever be boldly told to you to be so, or would you require a spectacular runaway train like, chain reaction daemonstration which current power and SCADA Administration Systems are disabled and unable to stop?

If needs must, you can certainly panic now if you like. It is certainly the right time to if ever one was needed with so much to be heeded already so widely universally seeded and free out there. 🙂 And I’m calling MRDA on that, lest nobody else does. 🙂


amanfromMars [2012020638] ……. just musing and positing somewhere on the comment string on

Another joke was spotted in the new Android app by Reddit user “joehalfrack.” In the app, an animated character called Dishy attempts to help. The easter egg, seemingly a reference to Microsoft Office’s much-hated “Clippy” assistant, is an example of the sort of references Musk likes to make, whether in his company’s products or on his personal Twitter account.

Re the above quote, you might like to realise it can reflect help from another non Microsoft Office assistant, Rishi Sunak, UKGBNI Chancellor of the Exchequer, Second Lord of the Treasury ….

Dishy just loves helping and getting his fingers into luscious pies and sweet dips and Musky investments would certainly be of interest to fellow conspiratorial government types and Cabinet Office colleagues alike.


amanfromMars 1 [2012020704] …….. asking of and on

An almighty overpowering enemy is easily defeated whenever peacefully engaged. That’s win win with no real losers or catastrophic losses.

The secret sauce to that source remains in the firm structural integrity of the positive peaceful engagement/Enterprising JOINT AIdVenture. Does such a project have any live candidates on offer to offer?

And yes …… that is a serious question from at least one interested party with such engagements to offer on offer and as such then would appreciate an applicable response and appropriate reply.

Please feel free, ZeroHedgers, to divert and present that question to whomever/whatever you imagine be able to legitimately comply and furnish a binding answer. Thanks. Much appreciated.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 2 Dec 12:29 [2012021229] ……. at the start of something surreal and sublimely satisfying satisfyingly shared on

Ok …… Sounds most reasonable

The publik and private sector will not change until they are made to, cyber security approach is categorised as an IT problem, untill it becomes a business problem (I.e. it happened to us) and then rapidly declines in intrest, untill we dont need to worry about that anymoreism comes back.
they put off using wanacry as a stick to beat people with, “becuase of other things” and they keep doing it. Untill someone actually makes them, as happened with health and saftey, cyber security will be seen as a lip service, cost centre and not go beyoond the obligatory conversation at a board meeting,
“Right, Cyber security. We’ve discussed that now, make sure the minutes reflect it….”  …… EnviableOne

Is it one’s duty to push painfully tardy sectors over the edge and into the brink for a drink of what is available elsewhere there, EnviableOne, if rapid progress is to be servered and serviced? …… and to hell with the consequences and may the devil take the hindmost?

Or would it be better or best to tempt them with something novel which they might like to try and exercise command and control with? …….. Re: Don’t Panic …… There’s Really Nothing to Worry About if We’re All Going to Die Too:-)

That’s certainly worth Exploring and AIBetaTesting. Let’s give it a try and make a certainly direct contact with possible principals 🙂

cc Michael Gove c/o No 10 Cabinet Office …. who would be duty bound to share it immediately with the Cabinet and Government …. for it is now no secret with it registered here.


amanfromMars [2012021533] ……. letting fly and simply asking of the tale on

Did Nadhim Zahawi, the newly appointed minister to oversee the UK’s COVID-19 vaccine deployment, dismiss the simple wearing of yellow star badges to more easily identify the haves and the have not been vaccinated?

Or was that thought too openly provocative and emotive, raising the spectre as it does of times past best forgotten rather than again revisited in another all too uncomfortably similar parallel government command and control of population program/project/pogrom?
