GrahamC [2012101939] ……. sharing some good news on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2020/12/10/pentagon-trying-to-manage-quantum-science-hype

Uncle Sam is late to the parties sought there, which are in full swing with switched on actors across the pond in the UK if you can believe in the allied developments they are not talking a great deal about over there, for the pretty obvious reasons which aim to ensure and reinforce a distinct leading master pilot advantage …….. https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2020/12/10/uk_mod_bug_bounty/#c_4161693

Well, you’d probably do exactly the same, I’d guess, if the tables were turned or changed and the Wild Wacky West was refreshingly rampant rather than utterly exhausted.

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amanfromMars 1 Fri 11 Dec 06:09 [2012110609] ….. dropping a Heavenly Hellish EMP Device with Exploding AI Bombeshells into an Eagerly Contested Space on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/12/09/quantum_computing_correction/ ?

Re: The Fundamental Problems for Solution are within the Gift of AI Bypass Operations

More pedantically (yes, more!), I wouldn’t use “interference” when talking about noise in quantum systems – “interference” has a technical use, and although in everyday and/or colloquial contexts “interference” and “noise” might be of sufficiently similar meaning, such relaxed usage is a recipe for confusion in quantum physics. ….. Paul Kinsler

Quite so, PK, however, at certain levels/heights/depths of practical research and virtual endeavour does it provide a very effective stealthy, stay healthy fail-safe security cordon around both free ranging and freelancing assets which be cruising through a vast space of expensive treasury exhausting liabilities.

The prime bottleneck holdups in research and applications with all things quantum, be they QMechanics or QPhysics or QCommunication, are as a result of thinking there are rules which have been followed and are further to be followed for rapid progress into the future, rather than simply realising the opposite is true and the correct path to shared lofty aims and proposed stellar goals. There are no rules to regulate with hinderance/interference and noise/industry. The fields in front of you are pure virgin terrain.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 11 Dec 09:54 [2012110954] ……. taking a more forensic view on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/12/10/googles_fucshia_operating_system/

Would you blame them if it was a shame if they didn’t

Is Fuschia the solution?  …… Dave 126

Would Google deny or confirm Fuschia [sic] provides anything more than just another novel gateway for problem solvers?

Ye Olde Worlde divide and conquer methodology that attempts to prevent an overarching and overwhelming singularity of purpose and vendor/virtual agent with dedicated direct streaming of shared thought to unite a mass audience?


amanfromMars [2012111648] …… being grateful on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/12/10/googles_fucshia_operating_system/

Re: Fuchsia is a kind of pink, isn’t it?

As that wikipedia page tells us, 2+2=5, and it surely should have been included somewhere in the El Reg tale of Google’s Fuchsia …….

Some of Apple’s personnel and design concepts from Pink and from Purple (the original iPhone codename)[55][56] would resurface in the late 2010s and blend into the Google Fuchsia operating system. Intended to envelop and succeed Android, its open-source software repository was launched in 2016 with the phrase “Pink + Purple == Fuchsia”.

…. for that’s a pretty impressive creative construction base.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 11 Dec 12:39 [2012111239] …… just wandering and wondering on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2020/12/09/fireeye_tools_hacked/

Re: Counter-Conspiracy Theory

Has nobody considered that FireEye may have planted the mother of all Trojan Horses/Honeypots? …. Ken Moorhouse

Would that make them liable for all losses and damages caused by the misuse and abuse of information/intelligence exfiltrated by others? With further liability added when shared with others who similarly abuse and misuse the intelligence and information?

Can you get insurance that removes that risk and protects against unwarranted unauthorised misuse and proprietary intellectual property abuse?

It’s a hell of a risk and extensive expansive expense to not have covered and hedged and transferred to others.


amanfromMars 1 [2012111551] ….. raise a red flag on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/12/11/boeing_500m_mod_logistics_deal/

Well, is it or isn’t it?

In short, Boeing is getting a new contract to plug the gap left by a system it should have provided in the first place. At £500m, that’s a pretty expensive stopgap. 

Sounds like an elegant negligent conspiracy to be denied which rewards fraud and non performance of product and program as contracted and agreed by client to accept and Boeing to deliver?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 11 Dec 17:04 [2012111704] ….. musing on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/12/11/boeing_500m_mod_logistics_deal/

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

When my wife’s university got a new student data system to replace the old one my wife who is BA Maths BSc CompSci rolled her sleeves up and wrote code for old times sake fun and to ensure the project both worked properly and the way as a user she wanted it work. A contribution not in her job description which pretty much got ignored by her employers. She did it for enjoyment and ensuring a usable system she would use going forward. ….. Muscleguy

So proving beyond the shadow of any doubt, a true amateur easily eclipses any dedicated professional, Muscleguy ‽ .

It is a lesson very seldom learned …… which is very fortunate whenever endeavouring as a true amateur in any dedicated professional field. Pretty unfortunate for all dedicated professionals though, but hey, that’s life and life’s a bitch and then you die. Use it to learn some very seldom learned lucrative lessons.


amanfromMars Fri 11 Dec 17:20 [2012111720] …… not following the crowd on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2020-12-11/cryptocurrencies-revisited-why-investors-are-justly-skeptical-about-traditional

And yet, after years of tireless effort and billions of dollars invested, nobody has actually come up with a use for the blockchain—besides currency speculation and illegal transactions. ….. https://hackernoon.com/ten-years-in-nobody-has-come-up-with-a-use-case-for-blockchain-ee98c180100

Which before the likes of Bitcoin was the exclusive preserve and closed market of the Federal Reserve, bank notes and fiat currency exchanges, algol_dog

Maybe that’s what it is really great for. It’s certainly a massively huge market.



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