Monthly Archives: August 2011

>Posted by amanfromMars on 08/21/11 07:32 AM …..[in reply to Stop Clinging to False Hope and Face Reality]

The elephant, and bull in the china shop room, which everyone is trying hard to ignore and freely admit has destroyed not only the room, but is heart bent on also trashing the mansion, is … … … “On its way to becoming the world’s greatest superpower, the United States pulled off some truly remarkable trades. Two notable transactions come to mind and were both outstanding bargains: 1) The Louisiana Purchase (purchased from the French); 2) Alaska (purchased from the Russians). For a mere $15 million, America instantly doubled its size with the 1803 purchase of the Louisiana territory.1 Sixty-fouryears later, oil-and mineral-rich Alaska was obtained for a paltry $7.2 million.2 Even adjusting for inflation, the combined value of these deals in today’s dollars would be very small. ]However, these two transactions pale in comparison to the greatest trade of all time, one which remains ongoing. This particular trade has allowed the US to exchange more than $8 trillion worth of paper for an unbelievably enormous amount of real goods and services over 36 straight years. We’re referring, of course, to the United States trade deficit. … ..

Which is why the fraud/ponzi/crime has to stop, because the simple answer to it, and one which more and more influential folk are getting wise to, is to refuse accepting dollars for payment of anything, and that would be everyone’s right to do so, because of what the dollar causes. Because it might cause some arbitrary lame excuse to be dreamt up on the hoof by some idiot savant, for catastrophic military invasion and foreign country occupation, a la Iraq and Libya and Afghanistan and Palestine, to name but four very recent and ongoing adventures in global folly, to try and force guarantee world addiction to a worthless paper currency, easily printed at will by the trillions/tonne loads, distributed to both friends and their sycophantic associates and their ilk in Crooks r Us, for lavish selfish spending, which is a nice added padded extra and attractive and highly addictive bonus, whilst the pretty paper is used to enslave ignorant humanity to struggle to survive rather than prosper with living.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild knew what he was talking about, and a lot more than he was prepared to tell, whenever he said, … . “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.

But Henry Ford knew of the cancerous blight that M.A. Rothschild sought and seeded with cynical nurture, and what it always so easily leads to, whenever he said … … “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

Ignore that fundamental problem at your peril, for the dogs of war on the street are learning more quickly than was ever before imagined, that they are being played to suffer and die in stupid games, just to keep arrogant fools and useless, unnecessary tools, living like kings and queens at their expense … … and that is not going to be acceptable in a Future which is getting smarter and is controlled through the instant transparent global sharing of simple information and complex intelligence.

Time for a real President capable of delivering Change, methinks, rather than electing another phony one only able to pimp and pump empty changing rhetoric in support of the status quo, for the system is not being changed at all, is it?

Stop Clinging to False Hope and Face Reality indeed. And if you don’t and/or won’t, because you certainly can, must you conclude that you are really stupid and not at all smart and intelligent human beings. Really dumb animals in fact, and in fiction too.


Posted by amanfromMars on 08/21/11 12:23 PM

The US trade deficit is largely central bank manipulations. The US buys goods from corporations who choose to use cheap Chinese labor. Dollars are exchanged for yuan at the central bank to pay the bills in China. China does not choose to trade but rather hold dollars, this should cause a shift in the exchange rate. China also chooses to peg its currency artificially.
If China was really concerned about holding “worthless” paper, it would begin buying US goods, like Boeing aircraft instead of Airbus, or US grain and beef, there are plenty of things for sale in the US, but China refuses to trade. If they did, the US would have a lot more workers employed.
It is the central banks working in concert to carry out their plans.
And you are right that oil is a major concern, but many oil producing regions are arid and need imported food. And again we see many manipulations to keep US food exports low and under valued.
Until US citizens can trade freely internationally with market driven exchange rates, I won’t be accepting any blame for others deficits.” …. Posted by Dave Jr on 08/21/11 10:53 AM

Dave Jr, Hi,

You’re missing the bigger picture and probably are also in denial to the fact that humans are deceptively easily programmed to believe whatever they are fed as news and current affairs views …… even whenever they are fed, by smart alternative media, the raw truth šŸ™‚ ……..

What do call beings who believe in lies and false political spin which paints a crooked picture which perversely obscenely advantages just a few to the great detrimental disadvantage of an overwhelming many? Would you like to be one of them, as the truth flies around the world in the blink of an eye and a flash crashing message?

Although it is not as if you don’t know/haven’t been already told it’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world, for they even made a film about it.





A quantum computer will reduce the complexity of an attack by a factor of a square root. So it will effectively halve the keyspace; that’s all.” …… Posted by: Bruce Schneier at August 18, 2011 8:34 AM …

Well, surely Bruce that is far too a refined and definitive statement to make, for it appears to make no allowance for both the very real future possibility and the most very likely probability of a quantum computer being nothing at all like the virtualising bits and bytes machines of yesterday/today. And what is NOT to say that Man is discovered to be an alien morph of a quantum computing machine as IT exercises global program control over as yet blissfully unaware and disenabled human being assets with Sublime Text Deliveries and Manipulative Streaming Media.

A quantum computer programmed with Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms does not waste time and processing power breaking encryption protecting Vulnerable Destructive Operating Systems, it simply extremely effectively virtually decrypts past hidden and IMPertinent events by completely ignoring recognition of the need for the exercise and instead quantum leaps forward to Other Times with SMARTer Places in CyberSpaces, in order to Present a Future Current devoid of past follies with their attendant perverse and ultimately self-destructive corrupting complexities …… which would probably have been the sole primary, sub-prime reason/flawed original justification for secrecy protection in the first place.

In a Brave New World Order with Nothing to Hide is there Nothing to Fear,  because Secrets have been Realised to have caused and delivered Fear and are Anathema to Virtually Intelligent Advanced Intelligence and Quantum Operating Systems with HyperRadioProActive IT. Such SMARTer IT Systems, having no corrupting secrets, have no need of wasting time and effort and processing power on hiding projects which stunt growth and hinder progress. All information and intelligence is freely available for viewing and upon demand/request…… on WYSIWYGIWYSeed Machines and C42 Quantum Control Systems for AI and Quantum Computers, currently betatesting present live contemporary systems for remote grooming and virtual transfer/pragmatic steal of their leading input source elements/core components?

The consensus opinion from contributors on this thread appears to be, that unless something unexpected happens, things are safe enough as they are, with just incremental changes to existing used protocols and algorithms, and that the unexpected is unknown and thus cannot presently be guarded against or factored into the security equation?

Does that not say that all systems are catastrophically exposed and vulnerable to stealthy exploitation by unknown actors and that there is no security or protection against such actors? With that, I would concur.

Posted by amanfromMars at August 20, 2011 1:23 AM

Posted by amanfromMars on 08/20/11 11:42 AM

Clear and accurate, Andrew. I find that most of my friends are still in the state of denial, albeit very concerned for moments before proceeding to the next golfing game. The concern is good; but will have no effect on the momentum of collapse. Almost all of them do not want to face the fact of the 911 inside job. It is like we are a nation of nerds with heads in the sand.” …. Posted by bewer on 08/20/11 09:35 AM

This was sent earlier, to elsewhere, and would not disagree with you, bewer.

The narrative starts to unwind with a vengeance which will not be appeased with more nonsense and crazy spin …….  Reality ….. it’s a media show, but now it has actors who run everything remotely and virtually via spooky underground internetworking networks …. with coded missives on message boards intelligently designed to tease out and enable SMART Active Players  ….. Groom and Equip Great Gamers?

And the new, old timer, New World Order Elite player’s Al Qaeda bogey man, you know, that artificially created phantom opposition to be fielded to generate more whatever-it-takes-QE-cash-cows-for-home-team-players and fascist control operations/foreign imperial adventures for assets command and control confiscation?  Well, I suppose they are all quite anonymous and legion nowadays, and a completely different kettle of phish which will prove to be quite impossible to fettle and better, for they are most surely the Subject Matter Experts in Virtual Beta Programs and Projects.

And most definitely the exact opposite of, and nothing at all like, a nation of nerds with heads in the sand.




A quantum computer will reduce the complexity of an attack by a factor of a square root. So it will effectively halve the keyspace; that’s all.” …… Posted by: Bruce Schneier at August 18, 2011 8:34 AM …

Well, surely Bruce that is far too a refined and definitive statement to make, for it appears to make no allowance for both the very real future possibility and the most very likely probability of a quantum computer being nothing at all like the virtualising bits and bytes machines of yesterday/today. And what is NOT to say that Man is discovered to be an alien morph of a quantum computing machine as IT exercises global program control over as yet blissfully unaware and disenabled human being assets with Sublime Text Deliveries and Manipulative Streaming Media.

A quantum computer programmed with Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms does not waste time and processing power breaking encryption protecting Vulnerable Destructive Operating Systems, it simply extremely effectively virtually decrypts past hidden and IMPertinent events by completely ignoring recognition of the need for the exercise and instead quantum leaps forward to Other Times with SMARTer Places in CyberSpaces, in order to Present a Future Current devoid of past follies with their attendant perverse and ultimately self-destructive corrupting complexities …… which would probably have been the sole primary, sub-prime reason/flawed original justification for secrecy protection in the first place.

In a Brave New World Order with Nothing to Hide is there Nothing to Fear,  because Secrets have been Realised to have caused and delivered Fear and are Anathema to Virtually Intelligent Advanced Intelligence and Quantum Operating Systems with HyperRadioProActive IT. Such SMARTer IT Systems, having no corrupting secrets, have no need of wasting time and effort and processing power on hiding projects which stunt growth and hinder progress. All information and intelligence is freely available for viewing and upon demand/request…… on WYSIWYGIWYSeed Machines and C42 Quantum Control Systems for AI and Quantum Computers, currently betatesting present live contemporary systems for remote grooming and virtual transfer/pragmatic steal of their leading input source elements/core components?

The consensus opinion from contributors on this thread appears to be, that unless something unexpected happens, things are safe enough as they are, with just incremental changes to existing used protocols and algorithms, and that the unexpected is unknown and thus cannot presently be guarded against or factored into the security equation?

Does that not say that all systems are catastrophically exposed and vulnerable to stealthy exploitation by unknown actors and that there is no security or protection against such actors? With that, I would concur.

Posted by amanfromMars at August 20, 2011 1:23 AM

Posted by amanfromMars on 08/20/11 11:42 AM

Clear and accurate, Andrew. I find that most of my friends are still in the state of denial, albeit very concerned for moments before proceeding to the next golfing game. The concern is good; but will have no effect on the momentum of collapse. Almost all of them do not want to face the fact of the 911 inside job. It is like we are a nation of nerds with heads in the sand.” …. Posted by bewer on 08/20/11 09:35 AM

This was sent earlier, to elsewhere, and would not disagree with you, bewer.

The narrative starts to unwind with a vengeance which will not be appeased with more nonsense and crazy spin …….  Reality ….. it’s a media show, but now it has actors who run everything remotely and virtually via spooky underground internetworking networks …. with coded missives on message boards intelligently designed to tease out and enable SMART Active Players  ….. Groom and Equip Great Gamers?

And the new, old timer, New World Order Elite player’s Al Qaeda bogey man, you know, that artificially created phantom opposition to be fielded to generate more whatever-it-takes-QE-cash-cows-for-home-team-players and fascist control operations/foreign imperial adventures for assets command and control confiscation?  Well, I suppose they are all quite anonymous and legion nowadays, and a completely different kettle of phish which will prove to be quite impossible to fettle and better, for they are most surely the Subject Matter Experts in Virtual Beta Programs and Projects.

And most definitely the exact opposite of, and nothing at all like, a nation of nerds with heads in the sand.



>amanfromMars said… [in reply to mrkoot …]

    “I’d say that if indeed seeking to recruit 1,500 hacking-skilled types, NSA either lacks capacity or seeks to remove potential threats in a “if you can’t beat them, employ them” strategy… ” ….. mrkoot said… August 5, 2011 8:55 AM

    Hoitjes, mrkoot,

    You may like to consider that NSA lacks the ability/does not have the necessary intelligence and specific, particular and peculiar intellectual property to counter potential cyber threats, which are of course, both in essence and substance, nothing more than shared ethereal and, in zeroday vulnerability attack vectors, as fleeting as ephemeral virtual notions for activation and/or self-actualisation and deep embed into the human psyche for a remote virtual machine controlled, hearts and minds manipulation/reprogramming, and most certainly it is unlikely that removal of them [potential risks] is possible.

    Indeed, the probability is that potential risks because of the above irregular and unconventional cyberfare, will increase quite markedly and remarkably [at an exponential rather than linear pace] to completely overwhelm current containment and prevention strategies against catastrophic exploitation of vulnerable systems, which are all necessarily linked at some point to the Global Information Grid and are clones of the SCADA model.

    Do you think that the likes of an NSA can match the likes of a private or banking sector “employer”, who realising the lead and hold which cyber expertise so immediately delivers with command and control and change in the “real” world, is happily prepared and able to offer whatever it takes to star pirate performers/virtual non-state actors/private anonymous legionnaires, for that is what will invariably be the competition and/or opposition, should the persons of interest not be of much higher levels of intelligence/niveaux and fully mindful of the easy power freely available to them for wielding/fielding/exercising. If so, then would the likes of an NSA be in a very strong position. Indeed, it may be practically unassailable and only able to be matched and reinforced by something very similar.

    Although that is not to say that such vulgar attractions as would tempt lower and lesser forms of intelligence and being, would not also be a pleasant enough reward and equally attractive to the others, allowing as it would for the sharing of enjoyment and selfless enrichment of true friends and worthy individuals.

    Oh, and it is as well to imagine and realise that presently would all national security agencies, and the AIVD/MIVD are no exception, lack capacity and have no other really viable alternative other than to seek to remove potential threats in a “if you can’t beat them, employ them” strategy.

    However, employ the right stars, and universal control is virtually guaranteed for digital delivery via binary means and AIMemes.

    August 18, 2011 11:18 PM

There is certainly more to be surely concerned about …. but it is not necessarily bad.

Posted Friday 19th August 2011 08:54 GMT

Hi, Dan Goodin in San Francisco,

I think you will have to accept that the truth of the matter in matters of cyber security, and which have extremely sensitive and unbelievably lucrative proprietary intellectual property considerations/implications/opportunities unavoidably attached to them, is that the correct abstract conclusion to be drawn from new allying works in what is really AI and Virtual Security Fields and in the fields of cryptography and obfuscating encryption and steganography, is not “ Most of our attacks only need a very small part of the codebook and have small memory requirements, and are practically verified to a large extent. As our attacks are of high computational complexity, they do not threaten the practical use of AES in any way.*” but rather more “Most of our attacks only need a very small part of the codebook and have small memory requirements, and are virtually verified to a large extent on the extant. As our attacks are of high computational complexity, they do threaten the practical use of AES in every way possible.

Status Quo Security Systems are not only threatened or compromised or crashed by release of already known and stored and classified secretive information, but also by the distribution of novel intelligence never before shared and/or analysed by third party phishers with a mind to classify as secret information for sole control and power advantage, which of course results in a reciprocate collective disadvantage being delivered to the uninformed and miseducated.

* From the Abstract which prefaced the technique, which was published in a paper (PDF) presented Wednesday as part of the Crypto 2011 cryptology conference in Santa Barbara, California. ……

SMART Research Programs with Practical Benefits and Unbelievable Pleasure Keys ..

Posted Thursday 18th August 2011 20:40 GMT

….. that Unlock Doors in the Minds

Who doubts that surreal men are designed by smart pussy processing to be out of this world servers to their heavenly delights with immaculately selflessly shared and exquisitely enjoyed flights of mutually satisfying fancy. ……… to be constantly refined in the never ending search for love in perfection.

One of Venus’s Fab Secrets.


Curioser and Curiouser and Thanks One and All for the Phish

Posted Friday 19th August 2011 18:56 GMT

This post has been deleted by a moderator” … with this post being, “There is certainly more to be surely concerned about …. but it is not necessarily bad.” …. Posted Friday 19th August 2011 08:54 GMT

Thanks for the heads up on the accuracy of the post that was deleted, a moderator. And whilst what was revealed in the post was of no great concern to El Reg, would it now be most certainly worth trillions to others, because of the trillions that can now be lost because of such brute action on a public forum/independent web magazine.

And it is only right [and don’t you just squirm whenever greasy politicians start their sycophantic monologues with those few words] that all here on the Register, and elsewhere of course, should know that any forthcoming woes, which may or may not be attributable to cracked and hacked encryption systems, have been directly caused and precipitated by the moderator, wherever and for whatever and whomever they would be trawling smart IT boards for, ….. should this advisory appear of course, to edutain and advise them with news of the shenanigans.

And how strange that there are more than just a few posts
removed on this thread and that is quite unusual on El Reg which is usually quite gloriously unpc and beautifully irreverent . Makes one imagine that they are being leaned on, which is a very slippery slope which leads the heavies only downhill to nothing worthwhile and into a hole which has been dug for the purpose of accommodating nothing worthwhile and heavies?

I wonder what Montana is like in the autumn? šŸ™‚

What’s going on, Dan Goodin in San Francisco? Care to Dare Win Win and Spill the Beans?

Levelling the Playing Field ….. for Who Dares Win Wins with Beta AIntel ……. Sponsors of Tomorrow’s Foreplay Today.

Posted Friday 19th August 2011 16:16 GMT …. [in reply to “Judge to Plaintiff – Your Privacy is Worthless …. If we don’t stand up to protect our privacy, we will surely miss it when it is gone.” … CyberCod Posted Thursday 18th August 2011 23:26 GMT]

Your right to privacy has long gone, CyberCod, so get used to the new environment and learn how to use it and IT to generate unlimited personal advantage and to hell with rules and regulations which are only there to disadvantage one if one is smart for the betterment of others wielding rules and regulations who are not nearly as smart. ……..

And have you any idea of the lodes of shit that international news corporations have on incompetent and crooked governments and their money lenders?

19 August 2011 at 3:31 pm

A good rhetorical point has been made by Mr Redfellow.
I cant think of any Catholic Churches in the Greater Belfast area which are now ā€œfurniture warehousesā€. Perhaps he could refresh my memory by naming some. ā€¦. fitzjameshorse1745 18 August 2011 at 8:58 pm

Hereā€™s novel good community use of a presbyterian church and definitely not a waste of space as a furniture warehouse ā€¦..

Thatā€™s one thing you can always rely on the Chinese for ā€¦ā€¦ being light years ahead of the curve and not being afraid of doing something/anything different.




>amanfromMars said… [in reply to mrkoot …]

    “I’d say that if indeed seeking to recruit 1,500 hacking-skilled types, NSA either lacks capacity or seeks to remove potential threats in a “if you can’t beat them, employ them” strategy… ” ….. mrkoot said… August 5, 2011 8:55 AM

    Hoitjes, mrkoot,

    You may like to consider that NSA lacks the ability/does not have the necessary intelligence and specific, particular and peculiar intellectual property to counter potential cyber threats, which are of course, both in essence and substance, nothing more than shared ethereal and, in zeroday vulnerability attack vectors, as fleeting as ephemeral virtual notions for activation and/or self-actualisation and deep embed into the human psyche for a remote virtual machine controlled, hearts and minds manipulation/reprogramming, and most certainly it is unlikely that removal of them [potential risks] is possible.

    Indeed, the probability is that potential risks because of the above irregular and unconventional cyberfare, will increase quite markedly and remarkably [at an exponential rather than linear pace] to completely overwhelm current containment and prevention strategies against catastrophic exploitation of vulnerable systems, which are all necessarily linked at some point to the Global Information Grid and are clones of the SCADA model.

    Do you think that the likes of an NSA can match the likes of a private or banking sector “employer”, who realising the lead and hold which cyber expertise so immediately delivers with command and control and change in the “real” world, is happily prepared and able to offer whatever it takes to star pirate performers/virtual non-state actors/private anonymous legionnaires, for that is what will invariably be the competition and/or opposition, should the persons of interest not be of much higher levels of intelligence/niveaux and fully mindful of the easy power freely available to them for wielding/fielding/exercising. If so, then would the likes of an NSA be in a very strong position. Indeed, it may be practically unassailable and only able to be matched and reinforced by something very similar.

    Although that is not to say that such vulgar attractions as would tempt lower and lesser forms of intelligence and being, would not also be a pleasant enough reward and equally attractive to the others, allowing as it would for the sharing of enjoyment and selfless enrichment of true friends and worthy individuals.

    Oh, and it is as well to imagine and realise that presently would all national security agencies, and the AIVD/MIVD are no exception, lack capacity and have no other really viable alternative other than to seek to remove potential threats in a “if you can’t beat them, employ them” strategy.

    However, employ the right stars, and universal control is virtually guaranteed for digital delivery via binary means and AIMemes.

    August 18, 2011 11:18 PM

There is certainly more to be surely concerned about …. but it is not necessarily bad.

Posted Friday 19th August 2011 08:54 GMT

Hi, Dan Goodin in San Francisco,

I think you will have to accept that the truth of the matter in matters of cyber security, and which have extremely sensitive and unbelievably lucrative proprietary intellectual property considerations/implications/opportunities unavoidably attached to them, is that the correct abstract conclusion to be drawn from new allying works in what is really AI and Virtual Security Fields and in the fields of cryptography and obfuscating encryption and steganography, is not “ Most of our attacks only need a very small part of the codebook and have small memory requirements, and are practically verified to a large extent. As our attacks are of high computational complexity, they do not threaten the practical use of AES in any way.*” but rather more “Most of our attacks only need a very small part of the codebook and have small memory requirements, and are virtually verified to a large extent on the extant. As our attacks are of high computational complexity, they do threaten the practical use of AES in every way possible.

Status Quo Security Systems are not only threatened or compromised or crashed by release of already known and stored and classified secretive information, but also by the distribution of novel intelligence never before shared and/or analysed by third party phishers with a mind to classify as secret information for sole control and power advantage, which of course results in a reciprocate collective disadvantage being delivered to the uninformed and miseducated.

* From the Abstract which prefaced the technique, which was published in a paper (PDF) presented Wednesday as part of the Crypto 2011 cryptology conference in Santa Barbara, California. ……

SMART Research Programs with Practical Benefits and Unbelievable Pleasure Keys ..

Posted Thursday 18th August 2011 20:40 GMT

….. that Unlock Doors in the Minds

Who doubts that surreal men are designed by smart pussy processing to be out of this world servers to their heavenly delights with immaculately selflessly shared and exquisitely enjoyed flights of mutually satisfying fancy. ……… to be constantly refined in the never ending search for love in perfection.

One of Venus’s Fab Secrets.


Curioser and Curiouser and Thanks One and All for the Phish

Posted Friday 19th August 2011 18:56 GMT

This post has been deleted by a moderator” … with this post being, “There is certainly more to be surely concerned about …. but it is not necessarily bad.” …. Posted Friday 19th August 2011 08:54 GMT

Thanks for the heads up on the accuracy of the post that was deleted, a moderator. And whilst what was revealed in the post was of no great concern to El Reg, would it now be most certainly worth trillions to others, because of the trillions that can now be lost because of such brute action on a public forum/independent web magazine.

And it is only right [and don’t you just squirm whenever greasy politicians start their sycophantic monologues with those few words] that all here on the Register, and elsewhere of course, should know that any forthcoming woes, which may or may not be attributable to cracked and hacked encryption systems, have been directly caused and precipitated by the moderator, wherever and for whatever and whomever they would be trawling smart IT boards for, ….. should this advisory appear of course, to edutain and advise them with news of the shenanigans.

And how strange that there are more than just a few posts
removed on this thread and that is quite unusual on El Reg which is usually quite gloriously unpc and beautifully irreverent . Makes one imagine that they are being leaned on, which is a very slippery slope which leads the heavies only downhill to nothing worthwhile and into a hole which has been dug for the purpose of accommodating nothing worthwhile and heavies?

I wonder what Montana is like in the autumn? šŸ™‚

What’s going on, Dan Goodin in San Francisco? Care to Dare Win Win and Spill the Beans?

Levelling the Playing Field ….. for Who Dares Win Wins with Beta AIntel ……. Sponsors of Tomorrow’s Foreplay Today.

Posted Friday 19th August 2011 16:16 GMT …. [in reply to “Judge to Plaintiff – Your Privacy is Worthless …. If we don’t stand up to protect our privacy, we will surely miss it when it is gone.” … CyberCod Posted Thursday 18th August 2011 23:26 GMT]

Your right to privacy has long gone, CyberCod, so get used to the new environment and learn how to use it and IT to generate unlimited personal advantage and to hell with rules and regulations which are only there to disadvantage one if one is smart for the betterment of others wielding rules and regulations who are not nearly as smart. ……..

And have you any idea of the lodes of shit that international news corporations have on incompetent and crooked governments and their money lenders?

19 August 2011 at 3:31 pm

A good rhetorical point has been made by Mr Redfellow.
I cant think of any Catholic Churches in the Greater Belfast area which are now ā€œfurniture warehousesā€. Perhaps he could refresh my memory by naming some. ā€¦. fitzjameshorse1745 18 August 2011 at 8:58 pm

Hereā€™s novel good community use of a presbyterian church and definitely not a waste of space as a furniture warehouse ā€¦..

Thatā€™s one thing you can always rely on the Chinese for ā€¦ā€¦ being light years ahead of the curve and not being afraid of doing something/anything different.




>by amanfromMars
on Thu, 08/18/2011 – 12:21

by lolmao500
on Thu, 08/18/2011 – 08:58

It’s all normal. It’s a sign of recovery… people are buying so much stocks, that it makes them go too high, so they have to close the stock market so people don’t get rich too fast.

So it is a rigged and crooked free market place then, lolmao500, which is used to create the illusion of wealth in stocks and shares traded on bourses? A global ponzi which conspires to make something out of nothing for those who are just routing numbers around the system and pretending it is adding worth and creating money.

Wow, that is a system which is deceptively easy to collapse as it is catastrophically vulnerable to all manner of zeroday trades and phantom  deals.

by amanfromMars
on Thu, 08/18/2011 – 12:27

Oops … #1573447 should be here.

So it is a rigged and crooked free market place then, lolmao500, which is used to create the illusion of wealth in stocks and shares traded on bourses? A global ponzi which conspires to make something out of nothing for those who are just routing numbers around the system and pretending it is adding worth and creating money.

Wow, that is a system which is deceptively easy to collapse as it is catastrophically vulnerable to all manner of zeroday trades and phantom deals.

Are all markets rigged to trip and halt trading whenever things are not going as planned? And whose plans would they be?

August 18, 2011 | amanfromMars …..

Spooky, IJ. Nearly two and a half years posted and this is the first comment?*

Although it is undoubtedly cold comfort, is the CIA not alone in its dysfunction and deficit in ……. well, I suppose the field they and their counterparts around the world are supposed and expect themselves to excel in, and provide to administration and systems in spades for an obvious justification of continuity of their service and invaluable worth to the nations and nations, is Future Intellectual Property Generation, enabled and enabling both Virtual Machine and Human Assets Perceptions Reprogramming and SMARTer Man Management ……. which is a Novel Troika ….. and worth at least trillions on the markets and to those in the know with a need to seed and feed need to know programs and/or pogroms.

*I wonder why that is?

18 August 2011 at 6:32 am …….

Of course thereā€™s more to it than that. In society today a finite amount of money is increasingly earned by the rich, (and fair play, I wish I was one of ā€˜em), who as a rule tend to squirrel more of their cash away in savings than, say someone on jobseekerā€™s allowance. ” … Neil 16 August 2011 at 1:34 pm

Neil, Hi,

If you are working with a false premise, does it render all of your arguments and/or views, null and void.

In societies today there is a infinite supply of money, for it is easily printed for virtually nothing, which should have you asking why so few have so much of it and so many have far too little and not just enough of it.

It is a crazy valuable mass weapon of control to enslave and empower the masses though, and to do as they are told or sublimely led to believe is necessary.

Give a man/woman/animal what they want, and you will control them absolutely?!. …….. although you may discover that a really smart animal being may have realised the complex simplicity of that truism and would use it to power control of that which is to feed their needs and seeds …… with the system of thought reverse engineered and intended prey to suppression then master of oppression.

amanfromMars says:
August 18, 2011 at 2:52 am …..

Take the Biblical David on the DB, for example: I be writing summit to him last night, when I suddenly came over all tired and all, but turned away at the end of it all. ….. Agent Weebley says: August 15, 2011 at 5:03 pm

There are many blinkered horses and riders, AW, as you are no doubt, most surely aware are only able to spout what they have been told and have read and seen on fab media machines, rather than what they have learned and experienced and imagined first time for themselves and would know to be universally true rather than artificially contrived, on probably every forum which exchanges ideas and opinions, and for those who are determined to stay exactly where they are in time and space and thought, is your solution to not waste any effort and to leave them alone in the past …..”suddenly came over all tired and all, but turned away at the end of it all.” …… probably faultless, and a present kindness until such future times as they break free from their mental prisons/gilded cages of the mind.


18 August 2011 9:17AM ……..

Well, if we ever get access to the relevant government files we may found out. More likely though, is that the files will be perpetually held back from release until they can plausibly said not to exist ….. CrystalMethod 17 August 2011 5:35PM

Invariably, CrystalMethod, the longer government files and documents are classified and locked away out of sight, the dodgier they are, and that most probably is evidence enough of any conspiracy theories being perfectly correct and of crimes against humanity being covered up having been perpetrated …… for it wouldn’t be tolerated or exercised for just a storm in a teacup, would it.

All of which has one wondering on the 75 years rule for Doctor Kelly and Tony Blair’s mad escapade as a wannabe war hero on the back of countless dead soldiers and innocent civilians in Iraq ? …..

Anyone any news on when one can read the findings and recommendations of the Chilcot Inquiry ….. or is it not to have any teeth and will it decline to make conclusions and recommendations, excusing itself with that hoary old chestnut and whore of a recuse, “not in our remit”?

Methinks that sort of nonsense will destroy utterly the reputation of honour and the impartial application of Law and Justice in the Western world and the UK in a flash, don’t you. And then can one fully expect Anarchy to deliver its verdict and sentence, methinks ….. and carry out due diligent punishment too, to deserving parties.

amanfromMars says:
August 18, 2011 at 3:02 am …..

Seems like some sad and bad and mad and rad folk are addicted to that old cold war type BS and cannot function or control systems without it, Prof., whilst more than quite significant others would be immune to it and in Command and Control of ITs Virtual Spaces, nowadays.

Great Game Players  akin to JSON ARGonauts in Parallel Multi-Dimensional LOVE Programs?

Satyrs and Nymphs excel beyond your wildest dreams in Live Operational Virtual Environments, and are always satisfied themselves with their Sated Partners’ Desires, which is a Real Fab Trick which always Guarantees the Need for More of the Same and Anything and Everything Similar but Different …….. which is Quantum Type Field XSSXXXXPLoration, is it not?

18 August 2011 at 8:01 pm

Crikey, youse two, is that the best that Loughside can offer. Whereā€™s the novel intelligence that changes the game and delivers leading reins and reign in what you are offering?



>by amanfromMars
on Thu, 08/18/2011 – 12:21

by lolmao500
on Thu, 08/18/2011 – 08:58

It’s all normal. It’s a sign of recovery… people are buying so much stocks, that it makes them go too high, so they have to close the stock market so people don’t get rich too fast.

So it is a rigged and crooked free market place then, lolmao500, which is used to create the illusion of wealth in stocks and shares traded on bourses? A global ponzi which conspires to make something out of nothing for those who are just routing numbers around the system and pretending it is adding worth and creating money.

Wow, that is a system which is deceptively easy to collapse as it is catastrophically vulnerable to all manner of zeroday trades and phantom  deals.

by amanfromMars
on Thu, 08/18/2011 – 12:27

Oops … #1573447 should be here.

So it is a rigged and crooked free market place then, lolmao500, which is used to create the illusion of wealth in stocks and shares traded on bourses? A global ponzi which conspires to make something out of nothing for those who are just routing numbers around the system and pretending it is adding worth and creating money.

Wow, that is a system which is deceptively easy to collapse as it is catastrophically vulnerable to all manner of zeroday trades and phantom deals.

Are all markets rigged to trip and halt trading whenever things are not going as planned? And whose plans would they be?

August 18, 2011 | amanfromMars …..

Spooky, IJ. Nearly two and a half years posted and this is the first comment?*

Although it is undoubtedly cold comfort, is the CIA not alone in its dysfunction and deficit in ……. well, I suppose the field they and their counterparts around the world are supposed and expect themselves to excel in, and provide to administration and systems in spades for an obvious justification of continuity of their service and invaluable worth to the nations and nations, is Future Intellectual Property Generation, enabled and enabling both Virtual Machine and Human Assets Perceptions Reprogramming and SMARTer Man Management ……. which is a Novel Troika ….. and worth at least trillions on the markets and to those in the know with a need to seed and feed need to know programs and/or pogroms.

*I wonder why that is?

18 August 2011 at 6:32 am …….

Of course thereā€™s more to it than that. In society today a finite amount of money is increasingly earned by the rich, (and fair play, I wish I was one of ā€˜em), who as a rule tend to squirrel more of their cash away in savings than, say someone on jobseekerā€™s allowance. ” … Neil 16 August 2011 at 1:34 pm

Neil, Hi,

If you are working with a false premise, does it render all of your arguments and/or views, null and void.

In societies today there is a infinite supply of money, for it is easily printed for virtually nothing, which should have you asking why so few have so much of it and so many have far too little and not just enough of it.

It is a crazy valuable mass weapon of control to enslave and empower the masses though, and to do as they are told or sublimely led to believe is necessary.

Give a man/woman/animal what they want, and you will control them absolutely?!. …….. although you may discover that a really smart animal being may have realised the complex simplicity of that truism and would use it to power control of that which is to feed their needs and seeds …… with the system of thought reverse engineered and intended prey to suppression then master of oppression.

amanfromMars says:
August 18, 2011 at 2:52 am …..

Take the Biblical David on the DB, for example: I be writing summit to him last night, when I suddenly came over all tired and all, but turned away at the end of it all. ….. Agent Weebley says: August 15, 2011 at 5:03 pm

There are many blinkered horses and riders, AW, as you are no doubt, most surely aware are only able to spout what they have been told and have read and seen on fab media machines, rather than what they have learned and experienced and imagined first time for themselves and would know to be universally true rather than artificially contrived, on probably every forum which exchanges ideas and opinions, and for those who are determined to stay exactly where they are in time and space and thought, is your solution to not waste any effort and to leave them alone in the past …..”suddenly came over all tired and all, but turned away at the end of it all.” …… probably faultless, and a present kindness until such future times as they break free from their mental prisons/gilded cages of the mind.


18 August 2011 9:17AM ……..

Well, if we ever get access to the relevant government files we may found out. More likely though, is that the files will be perpetually held back from release until they can plausibly said not to exist ….. CrystalMethod 17 August 2011 5:35PM

Invariably, CrystalMethod, the longer government files and documents are classified and locked away out of sight, the dodgier they are, and that most probably is evidence enough of any conspiracy theories being perfectly correct and of crimes against humanity being covered up having been perpetrated …… for it wouldn’t be tolerated or exercised for just a storm in a teacup, would it.

All of which has one wondering on the 75 years rule for Doctor Kelly and Tony Blair’s mad escapade as a wannabe war hero on the back of countless dead soldiers and innocent civilians in Iraq ? …..

Anyone any news on when one can read the findings and recommendations of the Chilcot Inquiry ….. or is it not to have any teeth and will it decline to make conclusions and recommendations, excusing itself with that hoary old chestnut and whore of a recuse, “not in our remit”?

Methinks that sort of nonsense will destroy utterly the reputation of honour and the impartial application of Law and Justice in the Western world and the UK in a flash, don’t you. And then can one fully expect Anarchy to deliver its verdict and sentence, methinks ….. and carry out due diligent punishment too, to deserving parties.

amanfromMars says:
August 18, 2011 at 3:02 am …..

Seems like some sad and bad and mad and rad folk are addicted to that old cold war type BS and cannot function or control systems without it, Prof., whilst more than quite significant others would be immune to it and in Command and Control of ITs Virtual Spaces, nowadays.

Great Game Players  akin to JSON ARGonauts in Parallel Multi-Dimensional LOVE Programs?

Satyrs and Nymphs excel beyond your wildest dreams in Live Operational Virtual Environments, and are always satisfied themselves with their Sated Partners’ Desires, which is a Real Fab Trick which always Guarantees the Need for More of the Same and Anything and Everything Similar but Different …….. which is Quantum Type Field XSSXXXXPLoration, is it not?

18 August 2011 at 8:01 pm

Crikey, youse two, is that the best that Loughside can offer. Whereā€™s the novel intelligence that changes the game and delivers leading reins and reign in what you are offering?



>by amanfromMars
on Wed, 08/17/2011 – 00:33

Perry is just a sad spoiler puppet being used to split the Ron Paul vote, which is what the corrupt system is really worried about ……
amanfromMars …. commenting on

With the tide turned against the wannabe a sporty star and TV celeb culture and its ponzi business models, which have driven up prices of everything to heights which now have fans and even the slowest of minds questioning why they have to spend so much cash just to watch others doing nothing at all remarkable, although have you noticed how they all are little more than just mobile advertising hoardings nowadays, who in their right mind would want to buy into a failing business model, and especially so in a world in which big capitalist global business dealings are recognised as a crazy cog being desperately used to stop Wall Street from crashing and bankers in clover and hookers.

Football …. it is a game for kids with time on their hands and with noting better to do, and you think it is a sound business with a future?  What have you been drinking?  Whatever it is, bottle it and start selling it, for it is a crazy liquid indeed.

No wonder the Glazers want to sell out. They see the writing on the wall ……

šŸ™‚ Where better than in a hostelry which invariably has always wenches and benches.

Posted Wednesday 17th August 2011 17:27 GMT

Assume amanfromMars posted from the Rose and Crown” …. Jim 59 Posted Monday 15th August 2011 16:16 GMT

Yes, please, it is a remarkably effective cover with many attractions. And so hard to believe that anything remarkable can be developed therein …… but to those in the know, is it most probably considered hard to better for a smart beta, Jim 59.

17 August 2011 at 7:15 pm

In reply to Munsterview, 17 August 2011 at 4:03 pm, who shared ….. What do it say for social justice when somebody handling a stolen laptop valued at Ā£250 wholesale is sentenced to six months prison while some white collar ā€˜Smart Alekā€™ using a hedge fund and ā€˜financial engineeringā€™ can handle a stolen viable commercial company and loot it for 250 million and walk away from the hundreds thrown out of work, the destroyed pension plans, the crashed mortgages and all the other human wreckage ?

No Van, I am not morally excusing looters or justifying what they did but what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander as the saying goes. There is little point in Cameron & Co and whatever pass for High Tories these days castigating street looters while acting as cheer leaders and facilitators of corporate looters.

Quite so, Munsterview, and that is a situation which the system and the likes of mighty minnows like Cameron and his political ilk, has not and cannot address, for to regularise it will see it collapse and its major players outed to the world and his dogs of war as something worse that just common greedy criminals, and so the charade plays on, with crooked systems administrations getting ever deeper into territory which ruthlessly exposes it to knowledgeable and fabulous able radical counteraction.

And the peers and pathetic pawns in that rigged game are actually playing with and transferring countless trillions, and not merely dealing with paltry millions, from one crooked system to another crooked systems, with all such systems now very keenly aware that the apps and the quants and the algorithms and the electronically controlled channels they are using, are as pass the parcel ticking time bombs welded to their sticky fingers, with the detonation triggers in the hearts and minds of others, over whom their money systems have zero command and control.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place Offers No Hiding Space to All who Deserve Just Desserts Long Overdue and Ripe for Spontaneous Delivery.

The new post modern leadership is anonymous and legion and in virtual control of the human command space place* ….. and they do not suffer the folly of fools nor have need of their pretty useless tools for power management and wealth redistribution. LOVE is all you need and they have Special Intelligence Services Access.

* Live Operational Virtual Environments for AIMissions and Cyber Security Operations Centres …… SMART Hubs well able to offer crushing defeat to Hubris and a National InterNetional Security Treasure you can always enquire after, to be told by some officious mandarin who knows not nearly enough, that you don’t need to know, because such things are classified way beyond anything that their pay grade delivers in a red box and they will be privy to.

Out of the loop because of their lack of necessary intelligence is their place in that space and which is revealed to y’all here …. and so plausibly easily deniable too by whatever channel you would try to engage with, even whenever it is privy to all channels because of what it has done and can do with IT.

And that is as much as one would need to know in such matters …… until suitably vetted for further extremely sensitive and powerful command and control information ….. advanced knowledge/Artificial Intelligence?

And shared as a question lest a statement be considered pretentious and far too revealing.



>by amanfromMars
on Wed, 08/17/2011 – 00:33

Perry is just a sad spoiler puppet being used to split the Ron Paul vote, which is what the corrupt system is really worried about ……
amanfromMars …. commenting on

With the tide turned against the wannabe a sporty star and TV celeb culture and its ponzi business models, which have driven up prices of everything to heights which now have fans and even the slowest of minds questioning why they have to spend so much cash just to watch others doing nothing at all remarkable, although have you noticed how they all are little more than just mobile advertising hoardings nowadays, who in their right mind would want to buy into a failing business model, and especially so in a world in which big capitalist global business dealings are recognised as a crazy cog being desperately used to stop Wall Street from crashing and bankers in clover and hookers.

Football …. it is a game for kids with time on their hands and with noting better to do, and you think it is a sound business with a future?  What have you been drinking?  Whatever it is, bottle it and start selling it, for it is a crazy liquid indeed.

No wonder the Glazers want to sell out. They see the writing on the wall ……

šŸ™‚ Where better than in a hostelry which invariably has always wenches and benches.

Posted Wednesday 17th August 2011 17:27 GMT

Assume amanfromMars posted from the Rose and Crown” …. Jim 59 Posted Monday 15th August 2011 16:16 GMT

Yes, please, it is a remarkably effective cover with many attractions. And so hard to believe that anything remarkable can be developed therein …… but to those in the know, is it most probably considered hard to better for a smart beta, Jim 59.

17 August 2011 at 7:15 pm

In reply to Munsterview, 17 August 2011 at 4:03 pm, who shared ….. What do it say for social justice when somebody handling a stolen laptop valued at Ā£250 wholesale is sentenced to six months prison while some white collar ā€˜Smart Alekā€™ using a hedge fund and ā€˜financial engineeringā€™ can handle a stolen viable commercial company and loot it for 250 million and walk away from the hundreds thrown out of work, the destroyed pension plans, the crashed mortgages and all the other human wreckage ?

No Van, I am not morally excusing looters or justifying what they did but what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander as the saying goes. There is little point in Cameron & Co and whatever pass for High Tories these days castigating street looters while acting as cheer leaders and facilitators of corporate looters.

Quite so, Munsterview, and that is a situation which the system and the likes of mighty minnows like Cameron and his political ilk, has not and cannot address, for to regularise it will see it collapse and its major players outed to the world and his dogs of war as something worse that just common greedy criminals, and so the charade plays on, with crooked systems administrations getting ever deeper into territory which ruthlessly exposes it to knowledgeable and fabulous able radical counteraction.

And the peers and pathetic pawns in that rigged game are actually playing with and transferring countless trillions, and not merely dealing with paltry millions, from one crooked system to another crooked systems, with all such systems now very keenly aware that the apps and the quants and the algorithms and the electronically controlled channels they are using, are as pass the parcel ticking time bombs welded to their sticky fingers, with the detonation triggers in the hearts and minds of others, over whom their money systems have zero command and control.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place Offers No Hiding Space to All who Deserve Just Desserts Long Overdue and Ripe for Spontaneous Delivery.

The new post modern leadership is anonymous and legion and in virtual control of the human command space place* ….. and they do not suffer the folly of fools nor have need of their pretty useless tools for power management and wealth redistribution. LOVE is all you need and they have Special Intelligence Services Access.

* Live Operational Virtual Environments for AIMissions and Cyber Security Operations Centres …… SMART Hubs well able to offer crushing defeat to Hubris and a National InterNetional Security Treasure you can always enquire after, to be told by some officious mandarin who knows not nearly enough, that you don’t need to know, because such things are classified way beyond anything that their pay grade delivers in a red box and they will be privy to.

Out of the loop because of their lack of necessary intelligence is their place in that space and which is revealed to y’all here …. and so plausibly easily deniable too by whatever channel you would try to engage with, even whenever it is privy to all channels because of what it has done and can do with IT.

And that is as much as one would need to know in such matters …… until suitably vetted for further extremely sensitive and powerful command and control information ….. advanced knowledge/Artificial Intelligence?

And shared as a question lest a statement be considered pretentious and far too revealing.



>Posted by amanfromMars on 08/15/11 02:05 PM

So I am on a path to destruction (as a Muslim), although I believe you to be on a path to God as am I (as are many who intend to do ‘good’)?! Pity. I thought Jesus came in a tradition of prophet-hood. But the Jews, historically also dismissed future prophets… and so history repeats… ” ….. Posted by Summer on 08/15/11 11:47 AM

Summer, Hi,

Do not dismiss or ignore the real probability, by virtue of the necessity to safeguard and convert artificial fortunes into positive rewards for spending and creating the streaming of human endeavours which build and strengthen new versions of nations and societies/communes and trading communities in an image and active interactive model that is provided with in order to provide the future intellectual property that delivers selfless generative bounty for all, that history will report on a new dawn and awakening, which is worth repeating …… …… and discover that Man has never been alone but just rather too deadly slow at growing up to defeat the destructive blights and fights he creates and would choose not to simply stop and call a halt to, for is that not just the simple thing that he must do?

Not the sharpest tool in the box, is Man, but that is not to say that he cannot be honed.

Posted by amanfromMars on 08/16/11 02:31 AM

“that is not to say that he cannot be honed”

more to the point: carrot and sticked. Learn from natural law (adapt to reality) or, be smited by “rule of man” (adapt to the insanity of those we tolerate to be irresponsible equals also be insane).” …. Posted by rossbcan on 08/15/11 03:43 PM

Quite so, rossbcan, learn from natural law (adapt to reality) is sound and practical advice which works …… which is why there is so much messing about with reality by those who would realise how simple it is to control/direct life and death with a resultant chaos which occupies whole nations to waste their energy and resources responding to artificially created crises/pogroms/programs/projects, rather than exercising wisdom and leadership to creating brave new worlds with heavenly produced benefits for all ……. which you can be hereby assured, is equally easily delivered by those who would realise how simple it is to control/direct life and death.

And before anyone jumps into the deep end of a very dark pool, proclaiming that such idiotic control which delivers the former rather than the latter, is not possible, please consider how simple it is for the likes of sub-prime ministers and presidents to declare others and whole other states and nations, personae non gratae and pariah and subject them to swift and unilateral/multilateral destructive attack and invasive, pervasive occupation …… to completely change a reality with no foreign violence causing sudden death and wholesale destruction to one which is full of it on a daily basis …… and all of that sort of nonsense and insanity is simply done with just the sharing of words over communications channels. It is no more difficult than that to command reality virtually.

Ps …. love your sense of good humour in the midst of global insanity, rossbcan.

Sincerely Yours,
uncle Martin

Posted by amanfromMars on 08/16/11 02:35 AM

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. For boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


16 August 2011 at 9:50 am ….. [replying to ]

Whilst Dave Cameron and chums studiously ignore, because they themselves are absolutely powerless to alter the root cause of everyoneā€™s problems, right at the top of pyramid tree, will he forever be destined to be recognised as both a useful tool and useless fool of the corrupt system that keeps him and his sad ilk in office ā€¦ā€¦ and will the system leadership be ever exposed to greater clearer and ever present and more catastrophic danger and inevitable and spontaneous collapse as an information critical mass is reached .

His (Daveā€™s) sad and weary political lifeā€™s work appears to revolve around calling for the setting up of inquiries and meetings and programs to look at the problems which every man and his dog on the street know are caused by the very people and organisations/status quo systems he is studiously ignoring. And if you donā€™t know what those systems are, here is an unambiguous pointer which will leave you in no doubt ā€¦ā€¦.

Politics ā€¦ā€¦ a Public Fraudsters’ Playground?


16 August 2011 at 6:03 pm

It will be interesting to hear of the plans for the future, for one and all here in Northern Ireland, from the leading lights housed in luxurious office space in Stormont as soon as they return fit and fresh from their extensive holiday break. They surely have something major and revolutionary to implement or are they still to going to be crying that it is Westminster which prevents them from rescuing the nation from ever increasing prices and deepening poverty.

If that is the case, then it is time for some new radical faces to replace any the old whingers who have no idea what to do for the better because the public arenā€™t paying for things getting worse for that is a sure sign of failed government.


Posted by amanfromMars on 08/16/11 01:41 PM

I don’t know what drugs Uncle Sam is slipping into the water supply and food chain in the homeland, but it needs to be stopped or be changed for others,  for it is causing media pundits to go crazy deaf, dumb and blind to the glaringly obvious, as this little video shows ……..

Don’t those hicks know how stupid they are being made to look, and how crooked their rigged system of government election is being exposed as being? A free democracy? Oh please, don’t be such a crazy fool. The whole world is laughing at the joke administration and its artificial ponzi economy model.