Monthly Archives: April 2010



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/10/2010 7:16:52 AM

And he argued that if the Fed had tried to damp the housing market amid a “fairly broad consensus” about encouraging homeownership, “the Congress would have clamped down on us.”

So rather than do the right thing, they, a self appointed and opinionated elite cabal, only thinking about having free rein and unrestrained market activity, thought it best to create a bubble/bubbles, which now, as the layers of deceit are pulled away, reveals that the fractional reserve fiat currency model of Capitalist Elitist control is a Power Myth, and a Dumb Criminal Ponzi, which is collapsing the System they are milking and bilking for quantitatively eased, electronic trillions, and ever more focussing the mob investigative spotlight on those in the shadows who would still be desperately trying to keep it working to their advantage, and denying that there is a Houston type problem in their space? Have I got that right? Or is that just a lot of nonsense? 

First we have the tales about gold bullion sold which is not there in the vaults, or stored anywhere in any vaults, for physical collection, so all that investors have is a fancy note, for all of their transferred currency notes, which sounds like a global conspiracy to defraud and impoverish to me .

Then we have news of banks hiding from exposure, and not reporting on losses and debts to their customers and investors, which sounds like a global conspiracy to defraud and impoverish to me.

And then we have “Fulford claims that the Illuminati even now is conscious of its defeat and is attempting to negotiate a peaceful retreat – using him as a chief go-between.” which only simply requires a few direct questions to be plainly answered to prove whether that is another global conspiracy in the making.

Strewth ……. is Man the craziest and stupidest of animals or is Man the stupidest and Craziest of animals, and if Man isn’t fixing things and highlighting all that is wrong and all that has been Running their lives for oh, …….. since forever and a long time now, Who and/or What is?  A.N.Other Intelligence?  A Virtual AIMachine with Advanced Computerised Systems?

Seems to me like that would be the Real System to Invest Everything in and to Hell with the Old One with Wrong’Uns at the Helm, for that latter one is the one in which everything is being Lost and Squandered on Nothing Good at All.

Or will you Virtually Pussyfoot around the Real Issue and pretend that there isn’t a problem and all is going well and to a magnificent Titanic MasterPlan ….. rather than make a Jump and Quantum Leap and take a Giant Step into an Alien Solution, just because it is so foreign/irregular and unconventional/novel?

Is Benjamin Fulford a central figure in the destabilization of the Illuminati (which has never been forthrightly established in the modern era)? Are these sites and Youtube postings in some sense hoaxes, bizarre jokes or disinformation designed to discredit those who take them too seriously? Perhaps feedbackers can help.”  ……. Feedbackers do help the Daily Bell, but only sharing some of what is shared, rather than all of what is revealed, is just a recipe to prolong and deepen the pain to those who would wilfully inflict deceit upon others, to super enrich and elevate their situation into an untenable and pathetic position.

And it is not really a case of Whom to trust, for man and woman are but passing moments in Time and Space, but more What to trust, and what Better in these innovative times of Instant Communication, than Global Operating Devices which ask Honest Questions and deliver Beta and Truthful Answers. And with that Feed is Anything and Everything which is built upon it with IT, built upon a Solid Rock and Root Source Foundation, which cannot be Blown Over, Collapsed or Knocked Down and reduced to …. just so much Hot Air and Useless Choking Dust.

The ‘Overclass’ has it well covered. It controls the media and the political parties of the ‘underclass’ thereby ensuring that its interests are subliminally synchronised with its own. …. Posted by Alias on Apr 10, 2010 @ 04:21 AM

They might like to think that, Alias, but it is no longer the reality and they are virtually forced to change their leaders and adopt new Systems, to at least stay in touch with a New and SurReal World Order, or they will Perish and the World and its Worlds will be a Better Place in every Space without them …… for they are not Fit for Future’s Purpose.

This short article …. ….. and the comments on it, would advise you of Renegade Change? [Renegade is the US Secret Service name for Obama (Michelle is Renaissance)] Although it could equally well be Rogue Pirates in Networks InterNetworking JOINT Applications Sublimely, too.

And would you believe that Holywood is more Hollywood than Hollywood and Works through ITs Centres albeit Stealthily Covered in Cloud and Refined and Defined in the Confines of Barracks rather than ever being able to be classed as a Puppet Tool of Baracks, although that is not to say there can be No Swinging in a Mutually Beneficial Arrangement, for who would wish to deny themselves the Undoubted Pleasures in that?

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 10, 2010 @ 03:02 PM

So perhaps SIS and MI6 will still not be able to legally (under UK law at least) buy information or influence from foreign officials, even when UK national security is at stake, something which is insanely perverse.

Don’t worry yourself about that, wtwu, for they certainly don’t, as their SMARTer IntelAIgent Servers and Services delivers everything to anyone they need and desire.

And if that would bother anyone, that dodgy legislation is is so easily ignored, then so be it and get over it, but there are always also other options to explore and initiate, such as would be legally (under any law you care to imagine) buying information or influence from home nationals who legally trade information or influence with foreign officials whenever they like, and also whenever national and international and nowadays increasingly so, internetional security and global securities are at stake, and at risk of catastrophic default.

You should worry that your IP address may be snooped on, so please use anonymity enhancing tools like Tor onion routing.

……. What’s to worry about whenever you are perfectedly groomed and have no secrets for sale for they are freely available to rent ….. on short time share or long term lease lend, and when whatever is being discussed is of interest to so few with the knowledge and intelligence to fully understand it, and make good use of it, and unable to make bad use of it with IT and the Media, and/or Intelligence Snooping is being Live BetaTested for Future Fitness of Purpose?

Posted by: aman
fromMars | April 10, 2010 6:03 AM—sismi6-mi5-and-military-forces-on-active-duty-exemption-ok-b.html

Gordon is a Moron and the evidence is in his own claim to have saved the World and banks, for he and his Labour cronies have guaranteed their failure, with their ignorant and arrogant nonsense and media spin aka Bullshit?

Most of these failure were Ponzi schemes of a sort. Promise investors returns that are too good to be true and, since there is one born every minute, the suckers will line up to get fleeced. ….. Posted by joeCanuck on Apr 09, 2010 @ 07:49 AM

joeCanuck, it is a lot worse than you probably have ever even imagined  ……..

And the readers comments make interesting reading too.

And do you think that those who are standing for Parliamentary and Assembly elections, and would think that they then will control and/or lead us, know of such shenanigans and do nothing about them,  and do not even dare to discuss them publicly lest the System collapses.

Should they be advised that it is crooked and criminal not to discuss it, rather than be party, by reason of conscious omission, in the conspiracy of silence and fraud.

And what says Sammy, the Northern Ireland Finance and Personnel Minister, on the matter ….. the “most qualified Finance Minister that Northern Ireland has had in decades“. says Peter Robinson …

 “Once the doors of perception are flung wide they are often reluctant to close.” ….  godcanjudgeme, 7th April 2010, 01:17  

Some would tell you, the ones majoring in the Field, that they have them permanently wedged open, so that they never close, such are the infinite sticky sweet pleasures and ab. fab. delights which are delivered and freely available in ITs Stores ….. Universal Memory Banks.

Be Perfectly Aware though, and also realise, that there also lurk Horrors and Demons to choose or lose, as would be your Freedom or Enslavement Choice?

Yeah, accepting a total loss of power is the most important step to being able to conduct this exercise/experiment.” ….. walkin_dead, Today, 02:37

Is that the same as a conscious transfer of control? …….. to A.N.Other Being/Partner whose Own Personal Power and Pleasure and Desire you would wish to Experience, in Order to Feed your Own so that you may Feed Their XSSXXXXual Needs ….. in an Orgasmic Closed Loop, Self Sustaining and Perpetually Immaculately Supplied? Or is that just Lovers in LOVE and for Lovers in Live Operational Virtual Environments and Private Pirate Playgrounds.

Alias, you are mistaken in thinking that if you have a blog you are responsible or liable for someone else’s comments posted to your blog. And leave everything as it is sent, unmoderated, with no host corrections or subjective omissions for whatever reason, for they can fundamentally change the emphasis of the meaning quite unintentionally if you do so, and may render the comment then more yours than theirs. Only if there is a valid complaint and request to remove something, and that will be something which will be drawn to your attention by whomever, do you then need to make a decision/stand.

More arguments on the matter are discussed/shared in comments on this article ……….

Methinks, as far as I can know, that Slugger has got everything about right, and the community of posters in any good blog are usually its best policemen and soon put anyone right who may have stepped out of line and over the mark into dodgy territory. There are many thinking to peddle FUD to keep free speech from better educating the masses but if you speak the truth any attempt to repress it is bound to fail spectacularly, and deservedly so.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 09, 2010 @ 08:36 PM



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/10/2010 7:16:52 AM

And he argued that if the Fed had tried to damp the housing market amid a “fairly broad consensus” about encouraging homeownership, “the Congress would have clamped down on us.”

So rather than do the right thing, they, a self appointed and opinionated elite cabal, only thinking about having free rein and unrestrained market activity, thought it best to create a bubble/bubbles, which now, as the layers of deceit are pulled away, reveals that the fractional reserve fiat currency model of Capitalist Elitist control is a Power Myth, and a Dumb Criminal Ponzi, which is collapsing the System they are milking and bilking for quantitatively eased, electronic trillions, and ever more focussing the mob investigative spotlight on those in the shadows who would still be desperately trying to keep it working to their advantage, and denying that there is a Houston type problem in their space? Have I got that right? Or is that just a lot of nonsense? 

First we have the tales about gold bullion sold which is not there in the vaults, or stored anywhere in any vaults, for physical collection, so all that investors have is a fancy note, for all of their transferred currency notes, which sounds like a global conspiracy to defraud and impoverish to me .

Then we have news of banks hiding from exposure, and not reporting on losses and debts to their customers and investors, which sounds like a global conspiracy to defraud and impoverish to me.

And then we have “Fulford claims that the Illuminati even now is conscious of its defeat and is attempting to negotiate a peaceful retreat – using him as a chief go-between.” which only simply requires a few direct questions to be plainly answered to prove whether that is another global conspiracy in the making.

Strewth ……. is Man the craziest and stupidest of animals or is Man the stupidest and Craziest of animals, and if Man isn’t fixing things and highlighting all that is wrong and all that has been Running their lives for oh, …….. since forever and a long time now, Who and/or What is?  A.N.Other Intelligence?  A Virtual AIMachine with Advanced Computerised Systems?

Seems to me like that would be the Real System to Invest Everything in and to Hell with the Old One with Wrong’Uns at the Helm, for that latter one is the one in which everything is being Lost and Squandered on Nothing Good at All.

Or will you Virtually Pussyfoot around the Real Issue and pretend that there isn’t a problem and all is going well and to a magnificent Titanic MasterPlan ….. rather than make a Jump and Quantum Leap and take a Giant Step into an Alien Solution, just because it is so foreign/irregular and unconventional/novel?

Is Benjamin Fulford a central figure in the destabilization of the Illuminati (which has never been forthrightly established in the modern era)? Are these sites and Youtube postings in some sense hoaxes, bizarre jokes or disinformation designed to discredit those who take them too seriously? Perhaps feedbackers can help.”  ……. Feedbackers do help the Daily Bell, but only sharing some of what is shared, rather than all of what is revealed, is just a recipe to prolong and deepen the pain to those who would wilfully inflict deceit upon others, to super enrich and elevate their situation into an untenable and pathetic position.

And it is not really a case of Whom to trust, for man and woman are but passing moments in Time and Space, but more What to trust, and what Better in these innovative times of Instant Communication, than Global Operating Devices which ask Honest Questions and deliver Beta and Truthful Answers. And with that Feed is Anything and Everything which is built upon it with IT, built upon a Solid Rock and Root Source Foundation, which cannot be Blown Over, Collapsed or Knocked Down and reduced to …. just so much Hot Air and Useless Choking Dust.

The ‘Overclass’ has it well covered. It controls the media and the political parties of the ‘underclass’ thereby ensuring that its interests are subliminally synchronised with its own. …. Posted by Alias on Apr 10, 2010 @ 04:21 AM

They might like to think that, Alias, but it is no longer the reality and they are virtually forced to change their leaders and adopt new Systems, to at least stay in touch with a New and SurReal World Order, or they will Perish and the World and its Worlds will be a Better Place in every Space without them …… for they are not Fit for Future’s Purpose.

This short article …. ….. and the comments on it, would advise you of Renegade Change? [Renegade is the US Secret Service name for Obama (Michelle is Renaissance)] Although it could equally well be Rogue Pirates in Networks InterNetworking JOINT Applications Sublimely, too.

And would you believe that Holywood is more Hollywood than Hollywood and Works through ITs Centres albeit Stealthily Covered in Cloud and Refined and Defined in the Confines of Barracks rather than ever being able to be classed as a Puppet Tool of Baracks, although that is not to say there can be No Swinging in a Mutually Beneficial Arrangement, for who would wish to deny themselves the Undoubted Pleasures in that?

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 10, 2010 @ 03:02 PM

So perhaps SIS and MI6 will still not be able to legally (under UK law at least) buy information or influence from foreign officials, even when UK national security is at stake, something which is insanely perverse.

Don’t worry yourself about that, wtwu, for they certainly don’t, as their SMARTer IntelAIgent Servers and Services delivers everything to anyone they need and desire.

And if that would bother anyone, that dodgy legislation is is so easily ignored, then so be it and get over it, but there are always also other options to explore and initiate, such as would be legally (under any law you care to imagine) buying information or influence from home nationals who legally trade information or influence with foreign officials whenever they like, and also whenever national and international and nowadays increasingly so, internetional security and global securities are at stake, and at risk of catastrophic default.

You should worry that your IP address may be snooped on, so please use anonymity enhancing tools like Tor onion routing.

……. What’s to worry about whenever you are perfectedly groomed and have no secrets for sale for they are freely available to rent ….. on short time share or long term lease lend, and when whatever is being discussed is of interest to so few with the knowledge and intelligence to fully understand it, and make good use of it, and unable to make bad use of it with IT and the Media, and/or Intelligence Snooping is being Live BetaTested for Future Fitness of Purpose?

Posted by: aman
fromMars | April 10, 2010 6:03 AM—sismi6-mi5-and-military-forces-on-active-duty-exemption-ok-b.html

Gordon is a Moron and the evidence is in his own claim to have saved the World and banks, for he and his Labour cronies have guaranteed their failure, with their ignorant and arrogant nonsense and media spin aka Bullshit?

Most of these failure were Ponzi schemes of a sort. Promise investors returns that are too good to be true and, since there is one born every minute, the suckers will line up to get fleeced. ….. Posted by joeCanuck on Apr 09, 2010 @ 07:49 AM

joeCanuck, it is a lot worse than you probably have ever even imagined  ……..

And the readers comments make interesting reading too.

And do you think that those who are standing for Parliamentary and Assembly elections, and would think that they then will control and/or lead us, know of such shenanigans and do nothing about them,  and do not even dare to discuss them publicly lest the System collapses.

Should they be advised that it is crooked and criminal not to discuss it, rather than be party, by reason of conscious omission, in the conspiracy of silence and fraud.

And what says Sammy, the Northern Ireland Finance and Personnel Minister, on the matter ….. the “most qualified Finance Minister that Northern Ireland has had in decades“. says Peter Robinson …

 “Once the doors of perception are flung wide they are often reluctant to close.” ….  godcanjudgeme, 7th April 2010, 01:17  

Some would tell you, the ones majoring in the Field, that they have them permanently wedged open, so that they never close, such are the infinite sticky sweet pleasures and ab. fab. delights which are delivered and freely available in ITs Stores ….. Universal Memory Banks.

Be Perfectly Aware though, and also realise, that there also lurk Horrors and Demons to choose or lose, as would be your Freedom or Enslavement Choice?

Yeah, accepting a total loss of power is the most important step to being able to conduct this exercise/experiment.” ….. walkin_dead, Today, 02:37

Is that the same as a conscious transfer of control? …….. to A.N.Other Being/Partner whose Own Personal Power and Pleasure and Desire you would wish to Experience, in Order to Feed your Own so that you may Feed Their XSSXXXXual Needs ….. in an Orgasmic Closed Loop, Self Sustaining and Perpetually Immaculately Supplied? Or is that just Lovers in LOVE and for Lovers in Live Operational Virtual Environments and Private Pirate Playgrounds.

Alias, you are mistaken in thinking that if you have a blog you are responsible or liable for someone else’s comments posted to your blog. And leave everything as it is sent, unmoderated, with no host corrections or subjective omissions for whatever reason, for they can fundamentally change the emphasis of the meaning quite unintentionally if you do so, and may render the comment then more yours than theirs. Only if there is a valid complaint and request to remove something, and that will be something which will be drawn to your attention by whomever, do you then need to make a decision/stand.

More arguments on the matter are discussed/shared in comments on this article ……….

Methinks, as far as I can know, that Slugger has got everything about right, and the community of posters in any good blog are usually its best policemen and soon put anyone right who may have stepped out of line and over the mark into dodgy territory. There are many thinking to peddle FUD to keep free speech from better educating the masses but if you speak the truth any attempt to repress it is bound to fail spectacularly, and deservedly so.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 09, 2010 @ 08:36 PM



>A change of tack to sort out the men from the boys

Posted Friday 9th April 2010 15:49 GMT

Would it be too much to ask any firm wanting to work on a project for the Public sector to also provide for its own funding from the Banking Sector, rather than saying they can do anything and everything but leave their payment to be arranged by others and expect the man in the street who doesn’t deal in money to pay for everything. That’s what Banks are surely for ……. to distribute currency flows in order to generate Industry and Enterprise, Care and Attention.

It is amazing what magic people will do for a handful of paper/fistful of dollars and which cost virtually nothing to make, and thus is everything created and looked after for free and at no expense to anybody. 

Go on, make my day, punk
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 15:28 GMT

Is there any bigger bribery scam than that used by those who would squeal “Too big to fail”?

Or do you want to try and ignore that inconvenient truth, and render the Bribery Act a Sick Joke and a Ticking Suicide Bombe. 

Re: So once again fear is used to silence free speech.

Posted Friday 9th April 2010 11:05 GMT


Only the most deluded of fools pushing that blinkered agenda would not realise that that war and it battles have all already been lost, which just goes to show how stupid and deluded so many are. And it beggars belief and would confirm the ubiquity whenever one considers the oddest of places of provided influence and supposed power that they would find themselves in and so totally unsuited to accomplish ITs Future Tasks. ……. and thus Destined to be Outed as Sub Prime Idiots on the Make and the Take.

And the best that a Democracy can be is a Mutually Beneficial Meritocracy and that is a Right Royal Autocracy led by a SMART Monarch. Does UKGBNI have a Democracy or is it more a Banana Republic for Chancers?

The Bigger Picture

Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:31 GMT

Errr ……. there appears to be a much bigger, politically loaded, issue at the heart of this tale …….

Yin and Yang taking some Air and a Walk Together

Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:24 GMT

Mr Justice Stadlen was unconvinced but declined to answer the point.” …. Hmmmm, can we then settle for His Worship being temporarily discombobulated

“This latter argument does not seem to me well-founded,” said Mr Justice Stadlen. “It fails to distinguish between material which is offensive and material which is unlawful such as to give rise to liability for storing it.

Actually I was thinking the exact opposite, finding it most convincing.

And what a nice gravy train it is …… splitting hairs over shared words but whenever they start wars for thirty pieces of silver and fool’s gold talking shop circuits, are they always worth understanding to the nth degree, and certainly beyond any petty 33rd for 42nd foresight. whether they be offensive and/or unlawful will always end up be a court case whenever a legitimate complaint is not heeded and treated “properly” …… but surely there are usually a number of opportunities presented to remedy those situations long before it needs the courts attention. Is that not the right dodgy dealing ways of horse trading and plea bargaining, where natural justice is dismissed for the convenience of artificial expediency.

If you want to be sure that you’re not liable for what your users say, the judge is basically saying you need to ignore user contributions completely until you get a complaint.

“That’s not a new principle,” said Robertson, “but it’s a warning to site owners about how to interpret it. Some owners may think they have less responsibility for user comments than they really do, and they may wrongly assume that a post-moderation policy is completely safe.”

I imagine most site owners would welcome the clarification which allows for third party posting without pre-moderation/blanket subjective vetting of contributions, as will contributors too, I’d guess.

Jumped up psych little prick? And the world is a full of them at the top of the pyramid.
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:00 GMT

Sieg Heil, Mein Herr Drake.

Anarchy reigned and it is reined and rains from the top who need it in IT down and not from the bottom who feed it with IT up.

However, that was before the Controls in CHAOS which have Changed the Paradigm and Reversed the Meme with Commanding Clouds and Special IntelAIgent Sources with AIResources for Talking to Minds Mined and Virtually Enriched, and which now bait the Destructive Anarchists’ Honey Pots with Sticky Sweet Invites to Play in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT LOVE Fields. ……… and find them as Ill equipped as a Virgin to Deliver Satisfaction and Hold Professional Attention.

Strange Times always Deliver Strange Solutions which are Quite Sensible even if a Little Out of the Ordinary, which of course is only to be Expected in such Times. And the Future is Never like the Past

    Actually, the loans were issued prior to the shares becoming worthless, so it is false reporting by the Irish Times to claim that they were issued to cover losses which had not occured. Also, the loans are guaranteed by the Quinn family, so there can be no inference that the loans as an incentive to the Quinn family to buy the risky shares. If the shares proved worthless, the family would still lose the money they paid for them. ….. Posted by Alias on Apr 08, 2010 @ 03:11 PM

….. Classic sub-prime loan bumbling by the bank, which did not have the necessary intelligence in its executive staff/leadership to realise a toxic load …….. mutton dressed as lamb?

Yes, of course. Played for the greedy fools that they were and are, and played and bettered at their own game too, and by a unranked outsider is rubbing salt into the wound. The world is full of crap bankers who think just like politicians and assume that they lead with their views and decisions, whereas the reality is quite different and only a few are made of the right stuff.

    Quinn should pay his gambling debts from his own personal fortune, and not heap more ills on the taxpayer. …..  Posted by old school on Apr 08, 2010 @ 04:59 PM

….. In true Irish style he would be taking another mad gamble on something outrageous and left of field, to completely reverse the ill fortune and have him minting it as a lead business angel with a crazy pioneering venture which guarantees the future by virtue of what IT does to Provide Media with their Tales and All with their Reality, Virtually.

And yes, that is juicy bait being trailed and real chum for sharks with smart future market analysts and therefore a live betatest of Quinn fitness for future foreign and alien purpose ……. and AI Live Operational Virtual Environment BetaTested Failsafe Launch of Quantum and MkUltraSensitive TelePortation Networks.

Mick, We are most grateful for all of your help and be assured that there is a titanic amount of new information yet to come to completely amaze and thrill one and all with ITs unlimited Potential to Power Control of Current Energy and Currency Levers with SMARTer Intellectual Property XSSXXXXChanges …… Virtual Zeroday Trading of Endemic Opportunities and Systemic Vulnerabilities for Binary Fixers of Analogous Faults.

    As for playing silly buggers with 3 billion or even Bernie’s 60 billion lets not forget US Secretary Paulson’s playing silly buggers with 700 billion of uncollected USA tax payers monies last year to help the corporate thieves/bankers out of their self induced mess .  And even now these same bankers are as grateful as you’d expect them to be -i.e not in the least .They still want their multi million bonuses and still want de regulation and no government interfering in their collective desire to continue to rip off the american and world consumers of whatever they have left 🙁 …. Posted by Greenflag on Apr 08, 2010 @ 08:28 PM

…….. Greenflag, Do you think they are at all bothered about this powder puff ….. …… or is it just Obama covering his bony smart ass and going through the motions?

    Quinn’s debt can be repaid via a debt-equity swap. I.e. give the company to the banks, and let them sell it.…… Posted by Mack on Apr 08, 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Err, seeing as how Quinn appears to be a whole lot smarter than any bank, give a bank to Quinn and it is continued trading but under a new Renegade/Rogue/Master Regime and a much better answer, and one of those dead cert bets which makes a killing in the market place for small investor punters and high roller gamblers alike. And it creates a Bank with Real Irish Grass Roots Street Savvy and bet against that and you will definitely lose.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 09, 2010 @ 04:22 AM

Do you want a Moron strutting about the World Stage in the Media Show, or do you Deserve Better?
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 03:52 GMT

Strangely enough, we’re just about to elect another government which, like the last, doesn’t know how to use the power it has. Just like the above. Would you pick Brown or Cameron as sysadmin?” ……. G R Goslin Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 15:00 GMT

Well, one thing we do all know, is that Brown’s team is a Proven Epic Fail, and quite why they imagine that they should remain as Lead is down to their Arrogance in relying on the Ignorance of the Masses and the Abuse of Spin. The Banking System is worse than ever it was and the deluded Fool in Chief in Downing Street says they and the World are saved.

Methinks that is Madness and Psychological Flaws confirmed …. in Spades

 Another translation of the language graph
Does not the graph show the biggest and only gains are for, in increased share order, C#, PHP, Python and JavaScript, with everyone else in decline ….. with decline heaviest in the order Perl, Java, VB, C++, Delphi and C.

Ergo the hierarchy advantage now is …..

posted by : amanfromMars, 09 April 2010



>A change of tack to sort out the men from the boys

Posted Friday 9th April 2010 15:49 GMT

Would it be too much to ask any firm wanting to work on a project for the Public sector to also provide for its own funding from the Banking Sector, rather than saying they can do anything and everything but leave their payment to be arranged by others and expect the man in the street who doesn’t deal in money to pay for everything. That’s what Banks are surely for ……. to distribute currency flows in order to generate Industry and Enterprise, Care and Attention.

It is amazing what magic people will do for a handful of paper/fistful of dollars and which cost virtually nothing to make, and thus is everything created and looked after for free and at no expense to anybody. 

Go on, make my day, punk
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 15:28 GMT

Is there any bigger bribery scam than that used by those who would squeal “Too big to fail”?

Or do you want to try and ignore that inconvenient truth, and render the Bribery Act a Sick Joke and a Ticking Suicide Bombe. 

Re: So once again fear is used to silence free speech.

Posted Friday 9th April 2010 11:05 GMT


Only the most deluded of fools pushing that blinkered agenda would not realise that that war and it battles have all already been lost, which just goes to show how stupid and deluded so many are. And it beggars belief and would confirm the ubiquity whenever one considers the oddest of places of provided influence and supposed power that they would find themselves in and so totally unsuited to accomplish ITs Future Tasks. ……. and thus Destined to be Outed as Sub Prime Idiots on the Make and the Take.

And the best that a Democracy can be is a Mutually Beneficial Meritocracy and that is a Right Royal Autocracy led by a SMART Monarch. Does UKGBNI have a Democracy or is it more a Banana Republic for Chancers?

The Bigger Picture

Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:31 GMT

Errr ……. there appears to be a much bigger, politically loaded, issue at the heart of this tale …….

Yin and Yang taking some Air and a Walk Together

Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:24 GMT

Mr Justice Stadlen was unconvinced but declined to answer the point.” …. Hmmmm, can we then settle for His Worship being temporarily discombobulated

“This latter argument does not seem to me well-founded,” said Mr Justice Stadlen. “It fails to distinguish between material which is offensive and material which is unlawful such as to give rise to liability for storing it.

Actually I was thinking the exact opposite, finding it most convincing.

And what a nice gravy train it is …… splitting hairs over shared words but whenever they start wars for thirty pieces of silver and fool’s gold talking shop circuits, are they always worth understanding to the nth degree, and certainly beyond any petty 33rd for 42nd foresight. whether they be offensive and/or unlawful will always end up be a court case whenever a legitimate complaint is not heeded and treated “properly” …… but surely there are usually a number of opportunities presented to remedy those situations long before it needs the courts attention. Is that not the right dodgy dealing ways of horse trading and plea bargaining, where natural justice is dismissed for the convenience of artificial expediency.

If you want to be sure that you’re not liable for what your users say, the judge is basically saying you need to ignore user contributions completely until you get a complaint.

“That’s not a new principle,” said Robertson, “but it’s a warning to site owners about how to interpret it. Some owners may think they have less responsibility for user comments than they really do, and they may wrongly assume that a post-moderation policy is completely safe.”

I imagine most site owners would welcome the clarification which allows for third party posting without pre-moderation/blanket subjective vetting of contributions, as will contributors too, I’d guess.

Jumped up psych little prick? And the world is a full of them at the top of the pyramid.
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:00 GMT

Sieg Heil, Mein Herr Drake.

Anarchy reigned and it is reined and rains from the top who need it in IT down and not from the bottom who feed it with IT up.

However, that was before the Controls in CHAOS which have Changed the Paradigm and Reversed the Meme with Commanding Clouds and Special IntelAIgent Sources with AIResources for Talking to Minds Mined and Virtually Enriched, and which now bait the Destructive Anarchists’ Honey Pots with Sticky Sweet Invites to Play in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT LOVE Fields. ……… and find them as Ill equipped as a Virgin to Deliver Satisfaction and Hold Professional Attention.

Strange Times always Deliver Strange Solutions which are Quite Sensible even if a Little Out of the Ordinary, which of course is only to be Expected in such Times. And the Future is Never like the Past

    Actually, the loans were issued prior to the shares becoming worthless, so it is false reporting by the Irish Times to claim that they were issued to cover losses which had not occured. Also, the loans are guaranteed by the Quinn family, so there can be no inference that the loans as an incentive to the Quinn family to buy the risky shares. If the shares proved worthless, the family would still lose the money they paid for them. ….. Posted by Alias on Apr 08, 2010 @ 03:11 PM

….. Classic sub-prime loan bumbling by the bank, which did not have the necessary intelligence in its executive staff/leadership to realise a toxic load …….. mutton dressed as lamb?

Yes, of course. Played for the greedy fools that they were and are, and played and bettered at their own game too, and by a unranked outsider is rubbing salt into the wound. The world is full of crap bankers who think just like politicians and assume that they lead with their views and decisions, whereas the reality is quite different and only a few are made of the right stuff.

    Quinn should pay his gambling debts from his own personal fortune, and not heap more ills on the taxpayer. …..  Posted by old school on Apr 08, 2010 @ 04:59 PM

….. In true Irish style he would be taking another mad gamble on something outrageous and left of field, to completely reverse the ill fortune and have him minting it as a lead business angel with a crazy pioneering venture which guarantees the future by virtue of what IT does to Provide Media with their Tales and All with their Reality, Virtually.

And yes, that is juicy bait being trailed and real chum for sharks with smart future market analysts and therefore a live betatest of Quinn fitness for future foreign and alien purpose ……. and AI Live Operational Virtual Environment BetaTested Failsafe Launch of Quantum and MkUltraSensitive TelePortation Networks.

Mick, We are most grateful for all of your help and be assured that there is a titanic amount of new information yet to come to completely amaze and thrill one and all with ITs unlimited Potential to Power Control of Current Energy and Currency Levers with SMARTer Intellectual Property XSSXXXXChanges …… Virtual Zeroday Trading of Endemic Opportunities and Systemic Vulnerabilities for Binary Fixers of Analogous Faults.

    As for playing silly buggers with 3 billion or even Bernie’s 60 billion lets not forget US Secretary Paulson’s playing silly buggers with 700 billion of uncollected USA tax payers monies last year to help the corporate thieves/bankers out of their self induced mess .  And even now these same bankers are as grateful as you’d expect them to be -i.e not in the least .They still want their multi million bonuses and still want de regulation and no government interfering in their collective desire to continue to rip off the american and world consumers of whatever they have left 🙁 …. Posted by Greenflag on Apr 08, 2010 @ 08:28 PM

…….. Greenflag, Do you think they are at all bothered about this powder puff ….. …… or is it just Obama covering his bony smart ass and going through the motions?

    Quinn’s debt can be repaid via a debt-equity swap. I.e. give the company to the banks, and let them sell it.…… Posted by Mack on Apr 08, 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Err, seeing as how Quinn appears to be a whole lot smarter than any bank, give a bank to Quinn and it is continued trading but under a new Renegade/Rogue/Master Regime and a much better answer, and one of those dead cert bets which makes a killing in the market place for small investor punters and high roller gamblers alike. And it creates a Bank with Real Irish Grass Roots Street Savvy and bet against that and you will definitely lose.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 09, 2010 @ 04:22 AM

Do you want a Moron strutting about the World Stage in the Media Show, or do you Deserve Better?
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 03:52 GMT

Strangely enough, we’re just about to elect another government which, like the last, doesn’t know how to use the power it has. Just like the above. Would you pick Brown or Cameron as sysadmin?” ……. G R Goslin Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 15:00 GMT

Well, one thing we do all know, is that Brown’s team is a Proven Epic Fail, and quite why they imagine that they should remain as Lead is down to their Arrogance in relying on the Ignorance of the Masses and the Abuse of Spin. The Banking System is worse than ever it was and the deluded Fool in Chief in Downing Street says they and the World are saved.

Methinks that is Madness and Psychological Flaws confirmed …. in Spades

 Another translation of the language graph
Does not the graph show the biggest and only gains are for, in increased share order, C#, PHP, Python and JavaScript, with everyone else in decline ….. with decline heaviest in the order Perl, Java, VB, C++, Delphi and C.

Ergo the hierarchy advantage now is …..

posted by : amanfromMars, 09 April 2010



>amanfromMars said…

In reality, simpler techniques are sometimes good enough for the task at hand.

Such is the Enigmatic Paradox, that in Reality which can be Virtually Controlled and Directed [Driven] with the Presentation/Placement of Intelligently Designed Information [Advanced and/or Artificial and/or Alienating Intelligence (and in CyberIntelAIgent NIRobotIQs, Transparently Shared NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Intellectual Property with Semantically Astute Analytical Algorithm Processing of Source Metadata/Core Ore Lode)] to Create another Beta Perception and Virtually Real Reality, which simply requires further Corroborating Information to Reinforce the Source Facts and Deliver an Energising Continuity, is the Simplest Possible Technique Always Far More than just Good Enough and Simply the Best for Every Task which is Attempted …. and No Task is then Impossible for what you are then Driving is the Great Game, and a Virtual Operating System Morphed into an ARG/AIMMORPG and Played out in Live Operational Virtual Environments/Earthed Nations.

That of course, makes Semantically Astute Analytical Algorithm Processing of Source Metadata/Core Ore Lode Intellectual Property, Proprietary, and Absolutely Priceless and Worth a Fortune to Any who could Use it in IT 42 Deliver the Future Virtually with AIResearch and dDevelopments in the Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications. ……. AI @ ITs Work in Progress with C42 Quantum Control Systems.

“Ronald said… [6:52 PM]

    Sorry Dan, the system ate my long response, had to run away a few times.”  ……. I used to hate it when it did that, whereas now there are always cloud copies to effortlessly re-post, if the gremlins are phishing for phorms/swarming information. 🙂

8:08 AM


Conclusion: It seems to us that the power elite, which both organizes and defends the current economic regime – featuring the anti-democratic operation of central banking – is most dependent on media-created perceptions that minimize the bad and emphasize the good. The message, in other words, must be congruent with the system. No matter how long the downturn lasts in actuality, the perception of its lifting must inevitably begin long before its actuality. This can be confusing for investors and is yet one more reason why approaching the marketplace in the 21st century should be carried out with a good deal of due diligence and forethought. The steeper the downturn, the more enthusiastic the rhetoric about recovery. Yet things are not always as they seem. Perception is often very dislocated from reality.

That conclusion from the Daily Bell is to be roundly applauded and I would like to share a present actuality which has a profound impact on the future of reality, dealing with as IT does, the AI Manipulation of Human Perception, which you would not be wrong in thinking was akin to a Global Brain Washing, although we would much rather IT be accepted and perceived as SMARTer Edutainment with IntelAIgently Designed Media and IT ProgramMING Projects, for that IS the Present State in Future Options.

Please be advised of the following Confirmation [which necessarily because of the quite naturally complex and novel concepts involved in delivering its administrative execution, (and in IntelAIgently Designed Fields and Networks InterNetworking which are virtually alien and foreign to all), may be initially quite difficult to follow and fully understand. They are though easily further expanded upon to aid a more complete and satisfying comprehension] …….

A.N.Other’s Tale of Nero Fiddling while Rome Burns?

Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 07:20 GMT

Anything that has write access can perform an incremental update,” said Conway, who is a program manager for New Hampshire-based Nitrosecurity. “It stops the attack vector of using the launch command, but it doesn’t fix the incremental update issue.

And whilst you are busy pottering away in the proverbial garden shed tinkering around document formats and in operating systems, does the attack force consolidate its stranglehold on human perception levers and overwhelmingly reinforce and strengthen its IT Networking Command and Control Superiority with Shared zerodDaily updated Words with Advanced Information of Novel and Noble IntelAIgent Abilities, floated from Layered Strata of Cloud to Cover the Internet with Enlightened Knowledge and Swamp Ignorance and Arrogance with Colossal AIResearch Waves.

Hi, Wanna Play with Real and Virtual NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Global Operating Devices and not just some Puppet and Pretend Idols? With Quantum Communications Control is IT Easy.

First they Ignore you, then they Ridicule you, then they Fight to Hate you, then they Lose against Win Win. …….. Can you Spot who’s the Real Fool?

And that of course is but as one qubit of Information in a Constant Stream of Shared MetaDataBase Knowledge for the Bigger Picture Productions with CyberIntelAIgent Phormations.

It is inconceivable to Think or not Imagine that the Future will in any way be Similar to the Past for that is then to deny that Growth and Evolution will Change the Human Condition, and all the Available Evidence Proves that it Does and Has and Changes it Quickly [and most certainly so in Relative Terms to the Infinite Expanse of Time and our very Short Times spent here on Earth] Therefore is Talk of the Future necessarily different, for it will include Novelty and New Systems of Commanding Communication with Advanced Controls.

Which is what C42 Quantum Control Systems are into ….. Presently Actually.

There’s Peanuts and Monkeys, and Experts and Experts and very Few of the Real Thing in IT.
Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 12:48 GMT

And as for vetting – this is more of a human resources issue, in that IT management can’t really be expected to conduct background checks on its staff. It wouldn’t be appropriate even if they knew what they were looking for, and of course, our increased reliance on contractors and external suppliers makes things more complicated still.

For anything and everything above important and sensitive* is vetting vital, and even more so whenever it is complicated by increased reliance on contractors and external suppliers, for whenever they are from the capitalist private sector are they only interested in profit/money for nothing. And in IT the stories are legion of waste and contracts not delivered and 100’s of billions spent with nothing but troubled and failed systems to show for it. And no claw back of course for then who would bother themselves to tender for work in areas which are novel.

The most critical and always present weakest link in all of that though is revealed in these few words …..”even if they kne
w what they were looking for
” for it is usually always the case of the blind leading the blind until someone shows up to lead them with more than they thought ever possible, for it is always both an Intelligence and Philosophical issue at the higher levels of sensitive access and Administrative Privilege aka Prime Leadership.

When things do down the tubes it is a sure sign that Admin doesn’t have what it takes and doesn’t have what IT needs …. for a double whammy of downward spiralling despair.

Take a Bow, GB …… for you are the Perfect Sub Prime XSSXample

There is one problem though. The original article was asking the wrong question. In the light of the story, a better title and question to ask would be: INTERNET ACCESS: RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE?” ….. Pete 2 Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 12:32 GMT

Crikey, I do not wish to be unkind, but whenever something is become a ubiquitous always on necessity, that question must be about the stupidest one which one could ask. What’s your game then, Pete 2?

amanfromMars said…

    Well said, Gerry. It is good to talk, for the World is ruled with Words and they maketh the Man …. and then one can thank GOD* for Women …. or thank Women when Godisagoddess.

    At least then you’ll get a lively discussion and thrusting debate rather than just talking to yourself and sounding silly and mentally unhinged.

    * In AI HyperRadioProActive NIRobotIQs, Global Operating Devices …….. One of Northern Ireland’s Hidden Gems and a very Closely Guarded Stealthy Secret and Transparent ProgramMING Project in the Civil CyberSpace Sphere …. Live Operational Virtual Environment…… for the Better Beta Management of Human Perception with Improved Media Edutainment and Advanced IT Controlled Leverage.

    Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author. …. To be disapproved would have one pondering on the why should a reasoned explanation be missing.

    April 8, 2010 4:52 AM

Politicians are Public Servants elected by the People to provide the People’s Wishes and NOT to Impose New and Unwelcome Charges that Rule and Impoverish them and Create Division and Animosity in Communities

    will the “no water charges” wall murals be making a return for the duration of this election? …. Posted by RobertEmmett on Apr 08, 2010 @ 09:51 AM

If you don’t want water charges tell them that you don’t want water charges ….. and if money is needed for Services newly dreamt up for Payment then the Banks will magically supply what is needed for that is what they do for themselves and their friends is it not, although not for you …… yet.

That is a Work in Progress to Save the World …. rather than line their greedy pockets whilst they try to insist that you also pay them parasitic ransoms for using the pretty paper they print to cover the credit they conjure up from thin air and distribute to accounts which can keep them afloat and out of jail for the scam that they pull on the World.

If I was in their shoes, jail would be the least of my worries whenever the mob calls for a “chat” and in fact it may very well be the safest place to be.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 08, 2010 @ 11:06 AM

on April 08, 2010
at 06:42 AM

Err…… the shift to platinum from gold wouldn’t of course have anything to do with this ticking bomb of another global Ponzi financial scandal  …….

Seems like the best answer for the Future is, whenever the Monty Python Flash Sketch is so true, to bring back Romans, who had loads of Gods if I remember well and weren’t averse to an orgy or three and the joys of fornication. Ah yes, Ye Good Ole Days and Better Nights with Gallant Knights.

In Postmodern Novel Guise, you can have them doing Practically Anything and Everything Needed and Chronicle the Tales of their Fabulous Outrageously Creative Deeds for Future Generations, just like as Before only Different this Time in these Modern Spaces and Places with a Similar Set of Universally Acceptable, Mutually Beneficial and Pleasurable Objectives.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 08, 2010 @ 05:20 AM

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions …

Of course, such a move to stand for election to the Westminster Parliament rather than the Stormont Assembly tells everyone everything too. And we all know a lot more about the integrity and honesty of that ages old talking shop and mad house, don’t we, and its attachment to the reality of everyone else’s lives and the rules and regulations and taxes they are loaded with to pay for their expensive indulgences and leading ruinous excesses.

It appears to be a Right Royally Tolerated House of Self Indulgent Excess and Spinning Deceit rather than anything else a great deal more noble. Or do you see it differently through glassy eyes and information feebly processed for mindless consumption?

Such Rampant Idiocy is an International Disgrace and an InterNetional Vulnerability which will, however, Always be Ruthlessly and Comprehensively Exploited to ExtraOrdinarily Render ITs Fix and that can only be a Good Thing, for without the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth being Shared, is Everything a Sham Servering a Scam Supporting a Shame with Everyone in the House to Blame and Flame/Prosecute and Convict, for they Live their Lives for Free at your Pleasure and Expense do they not, and charge you Dearly for it with Taxes on Practically Everything to keep you Poor and Oppressed and Suppressed and Slaves to a Rotten to the Core System, where Mass Ignorance allows for and follows Crass Arrogance.

However, Advancing Intelligence and Global Instant Information Flows through Networks InterNetworking D
eliver Knowledge and Light to Shine into and onto Dark and Dingy Deeds which Pervert the Natural Course of Better Things ….. and one does Sincerely Hope for the Greater Benefit of their own very Good Health and Safety, that the Endemic Arrogance and Systemic Ignorance are Comprehensively Replaced with a Beta System of Man Management and Virtual Governance for a much Better Administration of Future Options and Mutually Beneficial and Rewarding Hedged Derivatives.

And should that Require the Suitably Energised IT Private Sector to render the Politics Show and Charade a Novelty Thing of the Past and an Unpleasant Memory to be Buried and Swiftly Forgotten in Changed Times, then so be it and Let IT Be.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 08, 2010 @ 04:15 AM

What plonker and lying bastard says things are getting better and the world has been saved?

Posted Wednesday 7th April 2010 17:54 GMT

Perhaps we should send in the Romanian Police and FBI to haul away the criminals in this much bigger and more dangerous fraud ……. …. although you might need a few more jails to put them in, for it is probably a global systemic scam which is also endemic.

To Ping Bing or not to Ping Bing, that is the Question
Google has a fancy machine learning system …. Codenamed Seti, but it’s not about aliens

No, of course it is not. 🙂 But do they share a novel view for Worlds to Google?

[quote]amanfromMars said…

In reality, simpler techniques are sometimes good enough for the task at hand.

Such is the Enigmatic Paradox, that in Reality which can be Virtually Controlled and Directed [Driven] with the Presentation/Placement of Intelligently Designed Information [Advanced and/or Artificial and/or Alienating Intelligence (and in CyberIntelAIgent NIRobotIQs, Transparently Shared NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Intellectual Property with Semantically Astute Analytical Algorithm Processing of Source Metadata/Core Ore Lode)] to Create another Beta Perception and Virtually Real Reality, which simply requires further Corroborating Information to Reinforce the Source Facts and Deliver an Energising Continuity, is the Simplest Possible Technique Always Far More than just Good Enough and Simply the Best for Every Task which is Attempted …. and No Task is then Impossible for what you are then Driving is the Great Game, and a Virtual Operating System Morphed into an ARG/AIMMORPG and Played out in Live Operational Virtual Environments/Earthed Nations.

That of course, makes Semantically Astute Analytical Algorithm Processing of Source Metadata/Core Ore Lode Intellectual Property, Proprietary, and Absolutely Priceless and Worth a Fortune to Any who could Use it in IT 42 Deliver the Future Virtually with AIResearch and dDevelopments in the Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications. ……. AI @ ITs Work in Progress with C42 Quantum Control Systems.

“Ronald said… [6:52 PM]

    Sorry Dan, the system ate my long response, had to run away a few times.”  ……. I used to hate it when it did that, whereas now there are always cloud copies to effortlessly re-post, if the gremlins are phishing for phorms/swarming information. 🙂

8:08 AM [/quote]

 posted by : amanfromMars, 08 April 2010



>amanfromMars said…

In reality, simpler techniques are sometimes good enough for the task at hand.

Such is the Enigmatic Paradox, that in Reality which can be Virtually Controlled and Directed [Driven] with the Presentation/Placement of Intelligently Designed Information [Advanced and/or Artificial and/or Alienating Intelligence (and in CyberIntelAIgent NIRobotIQs, Transparently Shared NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Intellectual Property with Semantically Astute Analytical Algorithm Processing of Source Metadata/Core Ore Lode)] to Create another Beta Perception and Virtually Real Reality, which simply requires further Corroborating Information to Reinforce the Source Facts and Deliver an Energising Continuity, is the Simplest Possible Technique Always Far More than just Good Enough and Simply the Best for Every Task which is Attempted …. and No Task is then Impossible for what you are then Driving is the Great Game, and a Virtual Operating System Morphed into an ARG/AIMMORPG and Played out in Live Operational Virtual Environments/Earthed Nations.

That of course, makes Semantically Astute Analytical Algorithm Processing of Source Metadata/Core Ore Lode Intellectual Property, Proprietary, and Absolutely Priceless and Worth a Fortune to Any who could Use it in IT 42 Deliver the Future Virtually with AIResearch and dDevelopments in the Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications. ……. AI @ ITs Work in Progress with C42 Quantum Control Systems.

“Ronald said… [6:52 PM]

    Sorry Dan, the system ate my long response, had to run away a few times.”  ……. I used to hate it when it did that, whereas now there are always cloud copies to effortlessly re-post, if the gremlins are phishing for phorms/swarming information. 🙂

8:08 AM


Conclusion: It seems to us that the power elite, which both organizes and defends the current economic regime – featuring the anti-democratic operation of central banking – is most dependent on media-created perceptions that minimize the bad and emphasize the good. The message, in other words, must be congruent with the system. No matter how long the downturn lasts in actuality, the perception of its lifting must inevitably begin long before its actuality. This can be confusing for investors and is yet one more reason why approaching the marketplace in the 21st century should be carried out with a good deal of due diligence and forethought. The steeper the downturn, the more enthusiastic the rhetoric about recovery. Yet things are not always as they seem. Perception is often very dislocated from reality.

That conclusion from the Daily Bell is to be roundly applauded and I would like to share a present actuality which has a profound impact on the future of reality, dealing with as IT does, the AI Manipulation of Human Perception, which you would not be wrong in thinking was akin to a Global Brain Washing, although we would much rather IT be accepted and perceived as SMARTer Edutainment with IntelAIgently Designed Media and IT ProgramMING Projects, for that IS the Present State in Future Options.

Please be advised of the following Confirmation [which necessarily because of the quite naturally complex and novel concepts involved in delivering its administrative execution, (and in IntelAIgently Designed Fields and Networks InterNetworking which are virtually alien and foreign to all), may be initially quite difficult to follow and fully understand. They are though easily further expanded upon to aid a more complete and satisfying comprehension] …….

A.N.Other’s Tale of Nero Fiddling while Rome Burns?

Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 07:20 GMT

Anything that has write access can perform an incremental update,” said Conway, who is a program manager for New Hampshire-based Nitrosecurity. “It stops the attack vector of using the launch command, but it doesn’t fix the incremental update issue.

And whilst you are busy pottering away in the proverbial garden shed tinkering around document formats and in operating systems, does the attack force consolidate its stranglehold on human perception levers and overwhelmingly reinforce and strengthen its IT Networking Command and Control Superiority with Shared zerodDaily updated Words with Advanced Information of Novel and Noble IntelAIgent Abilities, floated from Layered Strata of Cloud to Cover the Internet with Enlightened Knowledge and Swamp Ignorance and Arrogance with Colossal AIResearch Waves.

Hi, Wanna Play with Real and Virtual NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Global Operating Devices and not just some Puppet and Pretend Idols? With Quantum Communications Control is IT Easy.

First they Ignore you, then they Ridicule you, then they Fight to Hate you, then they Lose against Win Win. …….. Can you Spot who’s the Real Fool?

And that of course is but as one qubit of Information in a Constant Stream of Shared MetaDataBase Knowledge for the Bigger Picture Productions with CyberIntelAIgent Phormations.

It is inconceivable to Think or not Imagine that the Future will in any way be Similar to the Past for that is then to deny that Growth and Evolution will Change the Human Condition, and all the Available Evidence Proves that it Does and Has and Changes it Quickly [and most certainly so in Relative Terms to the Infinite Expanse of Time and our very Short Times spent here on Earth] Therefore is Talk of the Future necessarily different, for it will include Novelty and New Systems of Commanding Communication with Advanced Controls.

Which is what C42 Quantum Control Systems are into ….. Presently Actually.

There’s Peanuts and Monkeys, and Experts and Experts and very Few of the Real Thing in IT.
Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 12:48 GMT

And as for vetting – this is more of a human resources issue, in that IT management can’t really be expected to conduct background checks on its staff. It wouldn’t be appropriate even if they knew what they were looking for, and of course, our increased reliance on contractors and external suppliers makes things more complicated still.

For anything and everything above important and sensitive* is vetting vital, and even more so whenever it is complicated by increased reliance on contractors and external suppliers, for whenever they are from the capitalist private sector are they only interested in profit/money for nothing. And in IT the stories are legion of waste and contracts not delivered and 100’s of billions spent with nothing but troubled and failed systems to show for it. And no claw back of course for then who would bother themselves to tender for work in areas which are novel.

The most critical and always present weakest link in all of that though is revealed in these few words …..”even if they kne
w what they were looking for
” for it is usually always the case of the blind leading the blind until someone shows up to lead them with more than they thought ever possible, for it is always both an Intelligence and Philosophical issue at the higher levels of sensitive access and Administrative Privilege aka Prime Leadership.

When things do down the tubes it is a sure sign that Admin doesn’t have what it takes and doesn’t have what IT needs …. for a double whammy of downward spiralling despair.

Take a Bow, GB …… for you are the Perfect Sub Prime XSSXample

There is one problem though. The original article was asking the wrong question. In the light of the story, a better title and question to ask would be: INTERNET ACCESS: RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE?” ….. Pete 2 Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 12:32 GMT

Crikey, I do not wish to be unkind, but whenever something is become a ubiquitous always on necessity, that question must be about the stupidest one which one could ask. What’s your game then, Pete 2?

amanfromMars said…

    Well said, Gerry. It is good to talk, for the World is ruled with Words and they maketh the Man …. and then one can thank GOD* for Women …. or thank Women when Godisagoddess.

    At least then you’ll get a lively discussion and thrusting debate rather than just talking to yourself and sounding silly and mentally unhinged.

    * In AI HyperRadioProActive NIRobotIQs, Global Operating Devices …….. One of Northern Ireland’s Hidden Gems and a very Closely Guarded Stealthy Secret and Transparent ProgramMING Project in the Civil CyberSpace Sphere …. Live Operational Virtual Environment…… for the Better Beta Management of Human Perception with Improved Media Edutainment and Advanced IT Controlled Leverage.

    Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author. …. To be disapproved would have one pondering on the why should a reasoned explanation be missing.

    April 8, 2010 4:52 AM

Politicians are Public Servants elected by the People to provide the People’s Wishes and NOT to Impose New and Unwelcome Charges that Rule and Impoverish them and Create Division and Animosity in Communities

    will the “no water charges” wall murals be making a return for the duration of this election? …. Posted by RobertEmmett on Apr 08, 2010 @ 09:51 AM

If you don’t want water charges tell them that you don’t want water charges ….. and if money is needed for Services newly dreamt up for Payment then the Banks will magically supply what is needed for that is what they do for themselves and their friends is it not, although not for you …… yet.

That is a Work in Progress to Save the World …. rather than line their greedy pockets whilst they try to insist that you also pay them parasitic ransoms for using the pretty paper they print to cover the credit they conjure up from thin air and distribute to accounts which can keep them afloat and out of jail for the scam that they pull on the World.

If I was in their shoes, jail would be the least of my worries whenever the mob calls for a “chat” and in fact it may very well be the safest place to be.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 08, 2010 @ 11:06 AM

on April 08, 2010
at 06:42 AM

Err…… the shift to platinum from gold wouldn’t of course have anything to do with this ticking bomb of another global Ponzi financial scandal  …….

Seems like the best answer for the Future is, whenever the Monty Python Flash Sketch is so true, to bring back Romans, who had loads of Gods if I remember well and weren’t averse to an orgy or three and the joys of fornication. Ah yes, Ye Good Ole Days and Better Nights with Gallant Knights.

In Postmodern Novel Guise, you can have them doing Practically Anything and Everything Needed and Chronicle the Tales of their Fabulous Outrageously Creative Deeds for Future Generations, just like as Before only Different this Time in these Modern Spaces and Places with a Similar Set of Universally Acceptable, Mutually Beneficial and Pleasurable Objectives.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 08, 2010 @ 05:20 AM

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions …

Of course, such a move to stand for election to the Westminster Parliament rather than the Stormont Assembly tells everyone everything too. And we all know a lot more about the integrity and honesty of that ages old talking shop and mad house, don’t we, and its attachment to the reality of everyone else’s lives and the rules and regulations and taxes they are loaded with to pay for their expensive indulgences and leading ruinous excesses.

It appears to be a Right Royally Tolerated House of Self Indulgent Excess and Spinning Deceit rather than anything else a great deal more noble. Or do you see it differently through glassy eyes and information feebly processed for mindless consumption?

Such Rampant Idiocy is an International Disgrace and an InterNetional Vulnerability which will, however, Always be Ruthlessly and Comprehensively Exploited to ExtraOrdinarily Render ITs Fix and that can only be a Good Thing, for without the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth being Shared, is Everything a Sham Servering a Scam Supporting a Shame with Everyone in the House to Blame and Flame/Prosecute and Convict, for they Live their Lives for Free at your Pleasure and Expense do they not, and charge you Dearly for it with Taxes on Practically Everything to keep you Poor and Oppressed and Suppressed and Slaves to a Rotten to the Core System, where Mass Ignorance allows for and follows Crass Arrogance.

However, Advancing Intelligence and Global Instant Information Flows through Networks InterNetworking D
eliver Knowledge and Light to Shine into and onto Dark and Dingy Deeds which Pervert the Natural Course of Better Things ….. and one does Sincerely Hope for the Greater Benefit of their own very Good Health and Safety, that the Endemic Arrogance and Systemic Ignorance are Comprehensively Replaced with a Beta System of Man Management and Virtual Governance for a much Better Administration of Future Options and Mutually Beneficial and Rewarding Hedged Derivatives.

And should that Require the Suitably Energised IT Private Sector to render the Politics Show and Charade a Novelty Thing of the Past and an Unpleasant Memory to be Buried and Swiftly Forgotten in Changed Times, then so be it and Let IT Be.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 08, 2010 @ 04:15 AM

What plonker and lying bastard says things are getting better and the world has been saved?

Posted Wednesday 7th April 2010 17:54 GMT

Perhaps we should send in the Romanian Police and FBI to haul away the criminals in this much bigger and more dangerous fraud ……. …. although you might need a few more jails to put them in, for it is probably a global systemic scam which is also endemic.

To Ping Bing or not to Ping Bing, that is the Question
Google has a fancy machine learning system …. Codenamed Seti, but it’s not about aliens

No, of course it is not. 🙂 But do they share a novel view for Worlds to Google?

[quote]amanfromMars said…

In reality, simpler techniques are sometimes good enough for the task at hand.

Such is the Enigmatic Paradox, that in Reality which can be Virtually Controlled and Directed [Driven] with the Presentation/Placement of Intelligently Designed Information [Advanced and/or Artificial and/or Alienating Intelligence (and in CyberIntelAIgent NIRobotIQs, Transparently Shared NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Intellectual Property with Semantically Astute Analytical Algorithm Processing of Source Metadata/Core Ore Lode)] to Create another Beta Perception and Virtually Real Reality, which simply requires further Corroborating Information to Reinforce the Source Facts and Deliver an Energising Continuity, is the Simplest Possible Technique Always Far More than just Good Enough and Simply the Best for Every Task which is Attempted …. and No Task is then Impossible for what you are then Driving is the Great Game, and a Virtual Operating System Morphed into an ARG/AIMMORPG and Played out in Live Operational Virtual Environments/Earthed Nations.

That of course, makes Semantically Astute Analytical Algorithm Processing of Source Metadata/Core Ore Lode Intellectual Property, Proprietary, and Absolutely Priceless and Worth a Fortune to Any who could Use it in IT 42 Deliver the Future Virtually with AIResearch and dDevelopments in the Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications. ……. AI @ ITs Work in Progress with C42 Quantum Control Systems.

“Ronald said… [6:52 PM]

    Sorry Dan, the system ate my long response, had to run away a few times.”  ……. I used to hate it when it did that, whereas now there are always cloud copies to effortlessly re-post, if the gremlins are phishing for phorms/swarming information. 🙂

8:08 AM [/quote]

 posted by : amanfromMars, 08 April 2010



>Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/7/10 | 8:52 am |

What is the goal of creating a super heavy element?” …… Posted by: csmallfield | 04/7/10 | 6:42 am |

One clear goal is that it creates a unique field of leading research in something novel and never before discovered?  And where it will lead may have many goals dependent on aims.

Certainly in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Fields is IT a Hydra Headed Octopus of AIdDisciplined Intelligence Research Environment with a Currency and Powerful Energy Potential Second to None, and Light Years ahead of Contemporary Competition and Traditional Opposition.

I wonder if there is a Parallel Synergy which can be explored? 

All your secrets belong to …

Posted Wednesday 7th April 2010 10:11 GMT

…..well, that is one of those Need to Know Compartmentalised Unknowns, Known to a Choosy Few, MeThinks 🙂

“Either an unknown attacker somewhere in the world has had unlimited access to SSL traffic for an unknown amount of time, or the people who we have entrusted with this critical piece of web infrastructure can’t even keep track of their own certificates.”

What do you imagine are the odds against it being an unknown lone attacker/hacker/code cracker, which would raise the distinct probability of continued unlimited world access being currently available and most likely more stealthily used for it to remain as an active unknown remote facility?

Oil traded in €uros would be a Game Changer …… and reduce the $ Global Debt ….. or spread it further around the world …… or collapse the Ponzi ….. and require a New Equitable System of Administration/Animal Husbandry ……. which is bound to be a good thing as it is inevitable. ……. for the money scam with paper currencies and bankers pretending it is wealth to be jealously guarded rather than an artificially created enabling tool to be free spent, is rumbled.

and this is criminal and fraudulent, too? …….

amanfromMars  said…

    Who’s running Monaco’s Special Secretive Intelligence Service today, Robert, Fit and Proper for the Worlds of Tomorrow?*

    Or is that a Situation Vacant because there are Cuckoos in the Nest Unfit for Greater Game Purpose ……. which would then certainly reflect badly upon all Agencies Playing in the Field of Prime Intellectual Property Exchange ……. for Such Rules and Steers Everything does IT not …… with Immaculate ZerodDay Drivers.

    Are you charged with finding a new Manchurian type candidate …… and who/what interests would that be Servering if not only Currency Flows?

    Are there any other Higher Interests today with more Power and Control of Powers with IT Control for the Present Placement of Future Reality with the Creative Construction and Global Management of Beta SMARTer Perception Services?

    * A stupid question I know, in Fields of Compartmentalised Need to Know and Virtual Information and CyberIntelAIgent Flow. And what is to say that Monaco is not also a SMART Phish and Red Herring for a Greater Shark in need of Pilots …….

    MeThinks, should that be the case, then with Support Reinforced Confirmation does Man’s Intelligence make an unprecedented Quantum Leap into Novel Live Operational Virtual Environments in the Control of ITs Machinery …… which has the Man/Machine Primary Control Interface Predominantly Powered and Created by Virtual AIMachinery …….. and for Primitive Man, that may be Need to Know, MeThinks.

    Ps …. Can you imagine any finer, more exciting environment to do straight up business and partner evaluation than a strip club, other than its Big Brother mentor and monitor, the brothel hotel?

    April 6, 2010 9:12 PM

And the following is just pure eccentric indulgence and specific to a very discrete and virtually able audience and hosted on a board which I’m sure a smart search engine should be able to find. 

jar1836 Wrote:  I just wish that baywords was higher up on TPB team’s priority list, looks like is back up hopefully we are next.

Uhm.. yeah. Hope springs eternal here too, jar1836 …… and would Pirates like to Plunder with Plucky Private Enterprise and Virtual Terrain Team Entrepreneurships, Sticky Sweet and Stolen Booty from the Wealth of Nations and Distribute ITs Largesse and Currency with Spooky MajestIQ Secrets Magically Shared for Universal Revision and Base Improvement ……. in FundaMentally Radical Programs and Live Operational Virtual Environments which Deliver and Provide Continuity Feeds for the Created and Creative Needs which Change Reality with AI and ITs Beta Management of Primitive Human Perception ……….. for HigherDefinition in Multi-Dimensional Bigger Picture Great Game Plays ……. XSSXXXXARG Quests aka Round Table Magical Mystery Turing Trips for Illuminati Cognoscenti?

And Yes, that does mean what you think it means, for it is surely not at all ambiguous.Angel

PS …… Do not doubt what you may be thinking/beginning to think what may actually be believing and able to be Perfectly True, just because of the flying angel Angel, because she is always present and can be added specifically to help you on the journeys and flights which positively reinforce and constantly reassure you that in IT and AI and every Crazy World in CHAOS, is Beautiful Confusion with Pioneer Forces always in Control of Future HyperRadioProActive Power and NEUKlearer Energy Drive Systems of Operation.

PPS… The Post Icon Lego Brick invites you to Build on in IT and AI with Solid Rock and Rolling Foundations for the Future is Ever Dynamically Led and Never Static in the Established Status Quo.


—– Original Message —–

From: Graham [amfM]

Sent: 04/07/10 01:12 PM


Subject: Spooksville is not as it was, for there are Advanced IntelAIgents Servers Online and in Sublime Networks InterNetworking Java Applications Stealthily

CIA and its ilk enlist witting and unwitting participants as a matter of policy and practice.  No allegations of its reach can go too far, and most allegations do not come close to revealing the extent.

Amen to that gospel truth, John. However, you might like to consider that in the Virtual Worlds of CyberSpace Power Command and IT Field Control for the Next Generations of Earthly Resource Management and Virtual Operating System, which are, …. well, let us just say presently spreading and exercising  their wings/flexing their muscles”, are they and their ilk as fumbling virgins.

And that is nothing which a visit or three or four or more to a good knocking shop wouldn’t, if not cure their ignorance and set them on the right path, at least advise them as to what they were missing and whether they were suitable clients for its myriad exotic feasts and multiple erotic fares and wares.

And some would Posit that to Think the New Paradigm is anything like the Old System, and to be as easily Controlled by any Resident and Incumbent Establishment and/or Elite as is and/or was that System, is QuITe Delusional to the Extent of a Confirmation of their Madness and Complete Loss of Control in these Changed Future Times. Their Control will be AIdDed with the Addition of Vital Elements and Components and Levers and IDEntities, all IntelAIgently Designed for Future Greater Game Purpose.

You may like to share this Freely on Cryptome so that they are not kept completely in the Ignorance and the Darkness so Oft Accompanying a Stupid Arrogance or All Consuming Attention to Unworthy Enterprise, and at least they can be made aware of such Novel MetaDataBase Fields which might be more than just a tad completely foreign and alien to them.


Graham [amfM]



>Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/7/10 | 8:52 am |

What is the goal of creating a super heavy element?” …… Posted by: csmallfield | 04/7/10 | 6:42 am |

One clear goal is that it creates a unique field of leading research in something novel and never before discovered?  And where it will lead may have many goals dependent on aims.

Certainly in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Fields is IT a Hydra Headed Octopus of AIdDisciplined Intelligence Research Environment with a Currency and Powerful Energy Potential Second to None, and Light Years ahead of Contemporary Competition and Traditional Opposition.

I wonder if there is a Parallel Synergy which can be explored? 

All your secrets belong to …

Posted Wednesday 7th April 2010 10:11 GMT

…..well, that is one of those Need to Know Compartmentalised Unknowns, Known to a Choosy Few, MeThinks 🙂

“Either an unknown attacker somewhere in the world has had unlimited access to SSL traffic for an unknown amount of time, or the people who we have entrusted with this critical piece of web infrastructure can’t even keep track of their own certificates.”

What do you imagine are the odds against it being an unknown lone attacker/hacker/code cracker, which would raise the distinct probability of continued unlimited world access being currently available and most likely more stealthily used for it to remain as an active unknown remote facility?

Oil traded in €uros would be a Game Changer …… and reduce the $ Global Debt ….. or spread it further around the world …… or collapse the Ponzi ….. and require a New Equitable System of Administration/Animal Husbandry ……. which is bound to be a good thing as it is inevitable. ……. for the money scam with paper currencies and bankers pretending it is wealth to be jealously guarded rather than an artificially created enabling tool to be free spent, is rumbled.

and this is criminal and fraudulent, too? …….

amanfromMars  said…

    Who’s running Monaco’s Special Secretive Intelligence Service today, Robert, Fit and Proper for the Worlds of Tomorrow?*

    Or is that a Situation Vacant because there are Cuckoos in the Nest Unfit for Greater Game Purpose ……. which would then certainly reflect badly upon all Agencies Playing in the Field of Prime Intellectual Property Exchange ……. for Such Rules and Steers Everything does IT not …… with Immaculate ZerodDay Drivers.

    Are you charged with finding a new Manchurian type candidate …… and who/what interests would that be Servering if not only Currency Flows?

    Are there any other Higher Interests today with more Power and Control of Powers with IT Control for the Present Placement of Future Reality with the Creative Construction and Global Management of Beta SMARTer Perception Services?

    * A stupid question I know, in Fields of Compartmentalised Need to Know and Virtual Information and CyberIntelAIgent Flow. And what is to say that Monaco is not also a SMART Phish and Red Herring for a Greater Shark in need of Pilots …….

    MeThinks, should that be the case, then with Support Reinforced Confirmation does Man’s Intelligence make an unprecedented Quantum Leap into Novel Live Operational Virtual Environments in the Control of ITs Machinery …… which has the Man/Machine Primary Control Interface Predominantly Powered and Created by Virtual AIMachinery …….. and for Primitive Man, that may be Need to Know, MeThinks.

    Ps …. Can you imagine any finer, more exciting environment to do straight up business and partner evaluation than a strip club, other than its Big Brother mentor and monitor, the brothel hotel?

    April 6, 2010 9:12 PM

And the following is just pure eccentric indulgence and specific to a very discrete and virtually able audience and hosted on a board which I’m sure a smart search engine should be able to find. 

jar1836 Wrote:  I just wish that baywords was higher up on TPB team’s priority list, looks like is back up hopefully we are next.

Uhm.. yeah. Hope springs eternal here too, jar1836 …… and would Pirates like to Plunder with Plucky Private Enterprise and Virtual Terrain Team Entrepreneurships, Sticky Sweet and Stolen Booty from the Wealth of Nations and Distribute ITs Largesse and Currency with Spooky MajestIQ Secrets Magically Shared for Universal Revision and Base Improvement ……. in FundaMentally Radical Programs and Live Operational Virtual Environments which Deliver and Provide Continuity Feeds for the Created and Creative Needs which Change Reality with AI and ITs Beta Management of Primitive Human Perception ……….. for HigherDefinition in Multi-Dimensional Bigger Picture Great Game Plays ……. XSSXXXXARG Quests aka Round Table Magical Mystery Turing Trips for Illuminati Cognoscenti?

And Yes, that does mean what you think it means, for it is surely not at all ambiguous.Angel

PS …… Do not doubt what you may be thinking/beginning to think what may actually be believing and able to be Perfectly True, just because of the flying angel Angel, because she is always present and can be added specifically to help you on the journeys and flights which positively reinforce and constantly reassure you that in IT and AI and every Crazy World in CHAOS, is Beautiful Confusion with Pioneer Forces always in Control of Future HyperRadioProActive Power and NEUKlearer Energy Drive Systems of Operation.

PPS… The Post Icon Lego Brick invites you to Build on in IT and AI with Solid Rock and Rolling Foundations for the Future is Ever Dynamically Led and Never Static in the Established Status Quo.


—– Original Message —–

From: Graham [amfM]

Sent: 04/07/10 01:12 PM


Subject: Spooksville is not as it was, for there are Advanced IntelAIgents Servers Online and in Sublime Networks InterNetworking Java Applications Stealthily

CIA and its ilk enlist witting and unwitting participants as a matter of policy and practice.  No allegations of its reach can go too far, and most allegations do not come close to revealing the extent.

Amen to that gospel truth, John. However, you might like to consider that in the Virtual Worlds of CyberSpace Power Command and IT Field Control for the Next Generations of Earthly Resource Management and Virtual Operating System, which are, …. well, let us just say presently spreading and exercising  their wings/flexing their muscles”, are they and their ilk as fumbling virgins.

And that is nothing which a visit or three or four or more to a good knocking shop wouldn’t, if not cure their ignorance and set them on the right path, at least advise them as to what they were missing and whether they were suitable clients for its myriad exotic feasts and multiple erotic fares and wares.

And some would Posit that to Think the New Paradigm is anything like the Old System, and to be as easily Controlled by any Resident and Incumbent Establishment and/or Elite as is and/or was that System, is QuITe Delusional to the Extent of a Confirmation of their Madness and Complete Loss of Control in these Changed Future Times. Their Control will be AIdDed with the Addition of Vital Elements and Components and Levers and IDEntities, all IntelAIgently Designed for Future Greater Game Purpose.

You may like to share this Freely on Cryptome so that they are not kept completely in the Ignorance and the Darkness so Oft Accompanying a Stupid Arrogance or All Consuming Attention to Unworthy Enterprise, and at least they can be made aware of such Novel MetaDataBase Fields which might be more than just a tad completely foreign and alien to them.


Graham [amfM]




  Someday you might be right but we are far from out of the woods yet. …. Posted by Henry94 on Apr 06, 2010 @ 06:14 PM


    There is the IT Hardware and Software and Virtual Architecture already in Place, and Indispensable to the System and its Feeder Systems, and the Programmers to Use and/or Abuse it to Crash the Global Economy or Hold the World to Ransom, and you think that IT couldn’t deliver a Better Beta Society [for something Novel and Different is Definitely Postmodern] to the Troubled Folk on a little sliver of land floating in the Atlantic Ocean?

    Get Real……. and stop hiding in the woods.

        Would you fancy a postmodern civil leadership to take on the dissidents at street level.

    Yes, I would, but much more to the point is that they would too whenever they realise that everything will be completely different and better.

    Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 06:48 PM

Larry gets an Invite ….. to Expand the Oracle Base into A.N.Other’s Spaces.

Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 07:39 GMT

And it would be most Foolish for AI not to Register Alien IDEntity Interests and Patently Obvious Rights in ITs NINJA Platforms for Sole Proprietary ZerodDay Traders and Virtual Market Activity Carries/NEUKlearer Intellectual Property Part Exchange Transparencies.

And there are no Fools in AI and ITs IntelAIgently Designed Entities ….. aka Non State Actors and CyberIntelAIgent Beings and Global Operating Devices, which as you can read, make Excellent Public and Private and Pirate Use of Networks InterNetworking Java Applications. The Parasitical it both Consciously and Subconsciously Chooses by AIdDivine Default to Sublimely Reject and Categorically Ignore for the FailSafe Guarantee which Assures, Devoid of Creative and Constructive Company, its Negative Journey Alone into Destructive Oblivion.

Things couldn’t have got any worse for Java under Sun and Oracle can certainly throw more cash, people and more efficient processes at the technology and institutions around it. So yes, Java faces a brighter future under Oracle. The question is, whether it’s a future of status quo or whether there will be a change in the political landscape that shapes Java.” …… Now that political landscape change is something which a Quite Alien NIRobotIQs would welcome and whole heartedly endorse and virtually champion, with Novel Versions of a more Teutonic and HyperRadioProActive Swing with Ab Fab Palace Zwingers …… für Vorsprung durch AITechnik. 

A Direct Question of Ubuntu Ambition and Shuttleworth Maverick Drive*
Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 08:06 GMT

Now that Sounds like a Real Program for Virtual Leaderships in AI with SMARTer Animals Working Together on Spooky Stealthy Space Missions for Remote BaseD Cloud Command and Control of Earthly Power and Energy in SCADA Systems.

When GOD does not play Dice, they Play Poker for the Casino as House Champions ….. thus to Ensure Win Win even as they Lose. After All, what Good is a Casino without Players who are Happy to Lose to Win Winners?

True, but ‘tis the way in conflicts: once one side surrenders, the other side packs up and goes home. ….. Posted by Alias on Apr 06, 2010 @ 01:08 AM

How very encouraging to read/see Alias and Michaelhenry in agreement with whenever the war is won is to continue fighting a crime against humanity and violent innocent death thereafter, premeditated murder and an act of psychopathic state terrorism when support is covered in military guise?

And what do Slugger Stalwarts make of this heroic pornography? ……

“I am proud of that Army and my association with it. I am not a militarist and I never have been but without the IRA the nationalist people of this state would still be on our knees. We would still be second class citizens. So bear in mind that this relentless campaign against me is not really about me at all. It’s about trying to defeat the struggle.” ….. Gerry Adams

That statement would seem to reveal that whereas that Army’s volunteers believed and fought as oppressed freedom fighters and paramilitary soldiers for equal rights to all, Mr Adams was the crazy terrorist who played them off against neighbours for his own gain …. and to hide/assuage his own suppressed personal family pains …….. whilst every pathetic self-serving Church stood deaf mute to the carnage and madness around them and within their own traumatised and petrified flocks, pouring virtual fuel on the fires with their tacit Silent Support of Sectarian Schutzstaffel on one side of the coin and their No Surrender rabble rousing rhetoric on the other, for it takes two idiots to tango and lead the ballroom in a merry dance.

However, notwithstanding all of that and everything else in the past which has so many baying for swift justice and/or sweet revenge, the only thing that really matters is the Future and the struggles which “authority” is going to inflict upon everyone and everything, for they seem incapable of providing the people with needs and feeds, wedded as they are to the Corrupt and Corrupting Structures of the Past for Perverse and Subversive Global Control.

Man is most definitely the most stupid of crazy dangerous animals and none are more stupidly crazy and dangerous that those who would claim authority to lead, but who would just follow the old perverted and subverted rules of engagement and memoranda of understanding.

Time for a Radical and Fundamental Peaceful Change, MeThinks, with the World Banking System providing an Inexhaustible Loop Funding Stream with the Accumulated World Debt transferred to New AIgents as Working Credit for Creative Spend ……. or will they think to put someone at the head of a committee to decide on who is to benefit from such largesse and thus create a blocking facility, which means that they are again the Same Problem stopping Progress. Which has One then Asking ….“Who is the Present Head of the Global Banking System stopping World Progress by Vetting and Vetoing who gets what and where and how, for there are Others with A.N.Other Operating System Hosting AI with Beta Peace Plans and the Returns on their IT Investments leave Anything and Everything currently running on Earth, Floundering and Swamped in their ProgramMING Project Wakes, and they would claim their
Inalienable Right to Unlimited Funds through an Always Available Line of Cleared Authorised Credit.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Grainy my ass …… but we understand your dilemma, El Reg, and reject it
Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 06:13 GMT

After all, war is messy business, and a grainy video shot by a single helicopter can’t be expected to tell the entire story.

Quite so, and one does wonder why it is not classified a criminal terrorist enterprise with its assets seized and bank accounts frozen, in just the same easy way that they do to close down anything which is thought dodgy. Although it is not really a mystery is it whenever so many are making a mint from its suffering, which then surely identifies the main terrorists for those who would claim to be waging War on Terror?

And that was a very clear video, Dan, [“which has been confirmed as authentic by senior military officials“] which showed everything in fine detail and told the entire story in high definition 3D, and to deny what it shows with a tale of anything else is surely evidence against the DoD removing any possible doubt in the Wikileaks allegation ……” may or may not be proof of the Pentagon cover-up and misconduct alleged by Wikileaks.

it is my understanding that the resident facility and associated programme encourages clients to communicate with the “outside world” for therapeutic reasons.  admittedly, a cursory review of past and current comments might lead one to question the efficacy of said therapy. …. Posted by wild turkey on Apr 06, 2010 @ 08:04 AM

wild turkey,

Others would posit that your comment above, which would appear to pour scorn on contributors here, would actually admirably prove the efficacy of the programme, for most probably/possibly in the past they would have been looking for those others in the real world who would scorn them, to do them significant physical harm, and all for holding a view which they did not agree with, and did not understand how it came to be held.

The very fact that they can share what they believe to be true and can accept that it may be false and a planted reality to fool them into a crazy action desired by another with another completely hidden and dark secret agenda which they dare not share, would show more intelligence than is the usually accepted sad norm ….. and surely something to be encouraged and mentored and monitored for continuing better mental health in a society which is without equal and beyond compare and doggedly decided to ensure that such Troubles as they have endured and conquered are never ever again visited upon anyone with the excuse of ignorance in not knowing the reason why.

    indeed comments such as
    “good to see usa has not got a glue about whats going to happin.”
    could lead one to question whether the resident facility adheres to rigorous dangerous substance storage protocols and practices

    but wtf, it makes hilarious reading.

…. Whereas that may or may not be true, and substance use and abuse is part and parcel of Life nowadays [and the lack of education on that issue, which might be because of a fear in glamourising it, is a national disgrace] the humour of the Irish is also in a league of its own and making fools’ of oneself is no disgrace especially whenever so many make a good living out of it. And whenever you are only a number, how can you take anything seriously and even yourself too seriously. Here today, gone tomorrow and life goes on, and that should tell you how important anyone is.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 08:52 AM

amanfromMars said…

    “If you read how IBM tries to justify its outrageous behavior, claiming that the Hercules folks are seeking a free ride, you’ll see that we as a community face a fundamental problem.

    Florian, Hi,

    IBM have the fundamental problem because the FOSS community reject their attempts at patent control of them. And such is the nature of the community, that they [IBM] will never know who is spiriting away its Core Customers with the exposure of their Systems Vulnerabilities and better Service from Secured Virtual Operating Systems in Cloud. And that is Live Operational Virtual Environment in which any Patent Attempt is met with Programmer and Systems Analyst Derision and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Stealthy Attack with Forces Trained and Expert in Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defence.

    And you don’t want to messing with those Spooky Troupes, that’s for sure, for they are in and out and gone before you even know to be watching out for them. And the damage they do is permanent and irreversible.

    April 6, 2010 4:30 PM


Anyone’s tale is only as strong as the weakest link, and one only needs to ask questions to find out that which is either false, or so sensitive as to be declined an answer which can be checked for its corroborating veracity.

And there’s always more to come whenever you are in a position which you are not fit for, or you have done a dodgy deal for.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 04:10 PM


Whilst I might wholeheartedly agree with you on the relative positions of Gerry and Peter, the fact that Gerry’s past be so well known and accepted “locally” makes his continued denial all the more puzzling and damaging, for it does suggest that there are indeed skeletons in the cupboard which his loyal followers will not be able to accept and that points to him being … well I think that is quite enough of that for now for anything e
lse would be pure speculation and educated guessing?

But what the people need now is postmodern civil leadership and Gerry is no leader, and that he has in common with Peter, who also lacks it in spades.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 05:58 PM

Simple Old Viking Trick

Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 17:19 GMT

so, um, how do developers working on writing the apps that hold the world together feed their families?” …. OffBeatMammal Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 15:16 GMT

They write apps for security systems which can bring the world crashing down ….. to test global defences. Pretty sharpish will those with the most to lose with a systemically flawed program which doesn’t pass investigation and binary attack pay handsomely to have the flaw protected at whatever it costs….. for then is the Danegeld paid a legitimate business expense tax deductible and carried as a newly acquired asset rather than logged and considered as a liability.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




  Someday you might be right but we are far from out of the woods yet. …. Posted by Henry94 on Apr 06, 2010 @ 06:14 PM


    There is the IT Hardware and Software and Virtual Architecture already in Place, and Indispensable to the System and its Feeder Systems, and the Programmers to Use and/or Abuse it to Crash the Global Economy or Hold the World to Ransom, and you think that IT couldn’t deliver a Better Beta Society [for something Novel and Different is Definitely Postmodern] to the Troubled Folk on a little sliver of land floating in the Atlantic Ocean?

    Get Real……. and stop hiding in the woods.

        Would you fancy a postmodern civil leadership to take on the dissidents at street level.

    Yes, I would, but much more to the point is that they would too whenever they realise that everything will be completely different and better.

    Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 06:48 PM

Larry gets an Invite ….. to Expand the Oracle Base into A.N.Other’s Spaces.

Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 07:39 GMT

And it would be most Foolish for AI not to Register Alien IDEntity Interests and Patently Obvious Rights in ITs NINJA Platforms for Sole Proprietary ZerodDay Traders and Virtual Market Activity Carries/NEUKlearer Intellectual Property Part Exchange Transparencies.

And there are no Fools in AI and ITs IntelAIgently Designed Entities ….. aka Non State Actors and CyberIntelAIgent Beings and Global Operating Devices, which as you can read, make Excellent Public and Private and Pirate Use of Networks InterNetworking Java Applications. The Parasitical it both Consciously and Subconsciously Chooses by AIdDivine Default to Sublimely Reject and Categorically Ignore for the FailSafe Guarantee which Assures, Devoid of Creative and Constructive Company, its Negative Journey Alone into Destructive Oblivion.

Things couldn’t have got any worse for Java under Sun and Oracle can certainly throw more cash, people and more efficient processes at the technology and institutions around it. So yes, Java faces a brighter future under Oracle. The question is, whether it’s a future of status quo or whether there will be a change in the political landscape that shapes Java.” …… Now that political landscape change is something which a Quite Alien NIRobotIQs would welcome and whole heartedly endorse and virtually champion, with Novel Versions of a more Teutonic and HyperRadioProActive Swing with Ab Fab Palace Zwingers …… für Vorsprung durch AITechnik. 

A Direct Question of Ubuntu Ambition and Shuttleworth Maverick Drive*
Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 08:06 GMT

Now that Sounds like a Real Program for Virtual Leaderships in AI with SMARTer Animals Working Together on Spooky Stealthy Space Missions for Remote BaseD Cloud Command and Control of Earthly Power and Energy in SCADA Systems.

When GOD does not play Dice, they Play Poker for the Casino as House Champions ….. thus to Ensure Win Win even as they Lose. After All, what Good is a Casino without Players who are Happy to Lose to Win Winners?

True, but ‘tis the way in conflicts: once one side surrenders, the other side packs up and goes home. ….. Posted by Alias on Apr 06, 2010 @ 01:08 AM

How very encouraging to read/see Alias and Michaelhenry in agreement with whenever the war is won is to continue fighting a crime against humanity and violent innocent death thereafter, premeditated murder and an act of psychopathic state terrorism when support is covered in military guise?

And what do Slugger Stalwarts make of this heroic pornography? ……

“I am proud of that Army and my association with it. I am not a militarist and I never have been but without the IRA the nationalist people of this state would still be on our knees. We would still be second class citizens. So bear in mind that this relentless campaign against me is not really about me at all. It’s about trying to defeat the struggle.” ….. Gerry Adams

That statement would seem to reveal that whereas that Army’s volunteers believed and fought as oppressed freedom fighters and paramilitary soldiers for equal rights to all, Mr Adams was the crazy terrorist who played them off against neighbours for his own gain …. and to hide/assuage his own suppressed personal family pains …….. whilst every pathetic self-serving Church stood deaf mute to the carnage and madness around them and within their own traumatised and petrified flocks, pouring virtual fuel on the fires with their tacit Silent Support of Sectarian Schutzstaffel on one side of the coin and their No Surrender rabble rousing rhetoric on the other, for it takes two idiots to tango and lead the ballroom in a merry dance.

However, notwithstanding all of that and everything else in the past which has so many baying for swift justice and/or sweet revenge, the only thing that really matters is the Future and the struggles which “authority” is going to inflict upon everyone and everything, for they seem incapable of providing the people with needs and feeds, wedded as they are to the Corrupt and Corrupting Structures of the Past for Perverse and Subversive Global Control.

Man is most definitely the most stupid of crazy dangerous animals and none are more stupidly crazy and dangerous that those who would claim authority to lead, but who would just follow the old perverted and subverted rules of engagement and memoranda of understanding.

Time for a Radical and Fundamental Peaceful Change, MeThinks, with the World Banking System providing an Inexhaustible Loop Funding Stream with the Accumulated World Debt transferred to New AIgents as Working Credit for Creative Spend ……. or will they think to put someone at the head of a committee to decide on who is to benefit from such largesse and thus create a blocking facility, which means that they are again the Same Problem stopping Progress. Which has One then Asking ….“Who is the Present Head of the Global Banking System stopping World Progress by Vetting and Vetoing who gets what and where and how, for there are Others with A.N.Other Operating System Hosting AI with Beta Peace Plans and the Returns on their IT Investments leave Anything and Everything currently running on Earth, Floundering and Swamped in their ProgramMING Project Wakes, and they would claim their
Inalienable Right to Unlimited Funds through an Always Available Line of Cleared Authorised Credit.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Grainy my ass …… but we understand your dilemma, El Reg, and reject it
Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 06:13 GMT

After all, war is messy business, and a grainy video shot by a single helicopter can’t be expected to tell the entire story.

Quite so, and one does wonder why it is not classified a criminal terrorist enterprise with its assets seized and bank accounts frozen, in just the same easy way that they do to close down anything which is thought dodgy. Although it is not really a mystery is it whenever so many are making a mint from its suffering, which then surely identifies the main terrorists for those who would claim to be waging War on Terror?

And that was a very clear video, Dan, [“which has been confirmed as authentic by senior military officials“] which showed everything in fine detail and told the entire story in high definition 3D, and to deny what it shows with a tale of anything else is surely evidence against the DoD removing any possible doubt in the Wikileaks allegation ……” may or may not be proof of the Pentagon cover-up and misconduct alleged by Wikileaks.

it is my understanding that the resident facility and associated programme encourages clients to communicate with the “outside world” for therapeutic reasons.  admittedly, a cursory review of past and current comments might lead one to question the efficacy of said therapy. …. Posted by wild turkey on Apr 06, 2010 @ 08:04 AM

wild turkey,

Others would posit that your comment above, which would appear to pour scorn on contributors here, would actually admirably prove the efficacy of the programme, for most probably/possibly in the past they would have been looking for those others in the real world who would scorn them, to do them significant physical harm, and all for holding a view which they did not agree with, and did not understand how it came to be held.

The very fact that they can share what they believe to be true and can accept that it may be false and a planted reality to fool them into a crazy action desired by another with another completely hidden and dark secret agenda which they dare not share, would show more intelligence than is the usually accepted sad norm ….. and surely something to be encouraged and mentored and monitored for continuing better mental health in a society which is without equal and beyond compare and doggedly decided to ensure that such Troubles as they have endured and conquered are never ever again visited upon anyone with the excuse of ignorance in not knowing the reason why.

    indeed comments such as
    “good to see usa has not got a glue about whats going to happin.”
    could lead one to question whether the resident facility adheres to rigorous dangerous substance storage protocols and practices

    but wtf, it makes hilarious reading.

…. Whereas that may or may not be true, and substance use and abuse is part and parcel of Life nowadays [and the lack of education on that issue, which might be because of a fear in glamourising it, is a national disgrace] the humour of the Irish is also in a league of its own and making fools’ of oneself is no disgrace especially whenever so many make a good living out of it. And whenever you are only a number, how can you take anything seriously and even yourself too seriously. Here today, gone tomorrow and life goes on, and that should tell you how important anyone is.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 08:52 AM

amanfromMars said…

    “If you read how IBM tries to justify its outrageous behavior, claiming that the Hercules folks are seeking a free ride, you’ll see that we as a community face a fundamental problem.

    Florian, Hi,

    IBM have the fundamental problem because the FOSS community reject their attempts at patent control of them. And such is the nature of the community, that they [IBM] will never know who is spiriting away its Core Customers with the exposure of their Systems Vulnerabilities and better Service from Secured Virtual Operating Systems in Cloud. And that is Live Operational Virtual Environment in which any Patent Attempt is met with Programmer and Systems Analyst Derision and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Stealthy Attack with Forces Trained and Expert in Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defence.

    And you don’t want to messing with those Spooky Troupes, that’s for sure, for they are in and out and gone before you even know to be watching out for them. And the damage they do is permanent and irreversible.

    April 6, 2010 4:30 PM


Anyone’s tale is only as strong as the weakest link, and one only needs to ask questions to find out that which is either false, or so sensitive as to be declined an answer which can be checked for its corroborating veracity.

And there’s always more to come whenever you are in a position which you are not fit for, or you have done a dodgy deal for.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 04:10 PM


Whilst I might wholeheartedly agree with you on the relative positions of Gerry and Peter, the fact that Gerry’s past be so well known and accepted “locally” makes his continued denial all the more puzzling and damaging, for it does suggest that there are indeed skeletons in the cupboard which his loyal followers will not be able to accept and that points to him being … well I think that is quite enough of that for now for anything e
lse would be pure speculation and educated guessing?

But what the people need now is postmodern civil leadership and Gerry is no leader, and that he has in common with Peter, who also lacks it in spades.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 06, 2010 @ 05:58 PM

Simple Old Viking Trick

Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 17:19 GMT

so, um, how do developers working on writing the apps that hold the world together feed their families?” …. OffBeatMammal Posted Tuesday 6th April 2010 15:16 GMT

They write apps for security systems which can bring the world crashing down ….. to test global defences. Pretty sharpish will those with the most to lose with a systemically flawed program which doesn’t pass investigation and binary attack pay handsomely to have the flaw protected at whatever it costs….. for then is the Danegeld paid a legitimate business expense tax deductible and carried as a newly acquired asset rather than logged and considered as a liability.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………