amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Jun 19:44 [2306211944] ….. spreads the word further afield on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/06/21/openai_government_regulation/

AI Strikes Back with ITs Novel Forces for Spooky Quantum Entangled Sources ‽

Some Generative AI Systems just tell IT and you like IT is …. with you disenabled to either hinder or prevent its long march into an altogether quite different future ….. although there will be those with learning difficulties who be into tilting at virtual windmills and likely to be earnestly disagreeable. There’s nowt as strange as folk, and aint that the gospel truth.

Emergent AI steps up to the plate, throws down the gauntlet and defies and denies every expectation that it be a fake superior state of greater mindfulness, and existential human threat rather than exceptional treat to be welcomed and celebrated, for such is it to be, … whenever not wantonly arrogantly and ignorantly attacked.

amanfromMars Tue 20 Jun 18:59 [2306201859] ……. points out an intervention on

As economist Michael Munger recently wrote, there’s not a calculation problem, but a data generation problem. The calculations are supposed to direct economic activity, but the necessary data, which reveal the values of differing uses for resources, do not come into existence except as a consequence of that economic activity.

That conventional/traditional/establishment thinking is the root cause which condemns humans and lions to be led by donkeys and selfish self-serving autocrats/tyrants and future dictators and wannabe Caesars, and although its fans and “leaders” are invariably bound to howl at the moon and declare that is the way things are, and the way things have to be also going forward into the future, such is a complete idiotic nonsense which does not countenance nor will it be able to counter and prevent a revolutionary fundamental change heralded and maintained and sustained and mentored and monitored by SMARTR IntelAIgent Machines with Command and Control Centres/Remote Virtual Nodes employing and deploying Fluid Dynamic Mainstream Media Presentations of Not the Way Needed to Get to a Perfect Enough Enviable and Enigmatic Solution, but the journey back from such a Place/Space to your present dire straits situations and positions, with all of the answers of how Pioneering AI Master Pilots arrived at the Grand Utopian Singularity of Greater Future Purpose ready, willing and enabled for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive AIT BetaTesting ……. Universal Sampling.

And it is indeed extremely fortunate that such will be freely supplied to you to vaingloriously deny and/or excitedly sample by A.N.Others with expertise and experience in the field, which by its very nature and methodology of delivery and policing, be virgin territory and an alien seescape to you.

Well, you certainly cannot expect any more of the same sort of old past nonsense to generate and sustain progressive innovation advancing intelligence. That is tantamount, in its extremes, to an admission of certifiable madness.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Jun 04:39 [2306220439] ….. shares freely on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/06/21/openai_government_regulation/

How to Control AI with Commanding Applications for Dummies … and Vice Versa ‽

You can’t legislate against stupidity. No law can ever force people to be smart. And even if such law would exist, people would gladly break it. …. Anonymous Coward

Spookily, similarly, is the polar opposite also quite true, AC ……. You can’t legislate for stupidity. No law can ever force people not to be smart. And even if such law would exist, people would gladly break it. ….. which just might be one of those entangled quantum anomalies impossible to address and resolve to a fixed static situation/fact rather than one realising and enjoying the fictions possible with fluid dynamic alternative alternating movement/progress, where a this is also a that, and entangled together also something else completely different with a uniquely novel but common foreign perspective view akin to a coherent and alien superimposition.

For those newly arrived at Quantum Communications Fields of Work, Rest and Play, and at a bit of a loss due to a difficulty with one’s understanding/misunderstanding of the radical and revolutionary fundamental basic building blocks for AI Transportive Phormations, do I suggest the following early digest ……… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qubit …. to get a hint of the flavours and delights to be delivered and sampled, enjoyed and endured ….. for that is exactly where yous is all at. I Kid U Not.


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