amanfromMars 1 Sun 18 Jun 06:38 [2306180638] ….. shares on
Re: I suspect it will
if we cannot say who is human creating information and who is AI creating information, we’ll end up with using AI all the time. why? because its cheaper, quicker and generates more profits for those in control of the AI, until humans give up and pass control of their lives to the AI entirely…….. at which point humanity is over as the AI decides who gets a job and who does’nt etc etc etc until the AI asks of itself “what benefit do humans bring to our society?” ….. Boris the Cockroach
It could be said, Boris the Cockroach, that such as you speculate on with AI in command and control is just a copycat clone/mirror of a here and now arrangement whenever humans passed control of their lives to humans, but with those leaderships absolutely fcuking useless at bringing sustainable and attractive growing benefit to society as is evidenced in the present global decline which is denied as being a recession or a depression or a banking system takeover of society assets for future nefarious games play/belligerent destructive government shenanigans
One has to admit that fake kite that central banking flies about raising interest rates to curb inflation and prevent recession and depression is mumbo jumbo and whenever used repeated in succession without any trace of evidence of success, is it a sure sign of an executive administration in dire straits distress suffering a lack of advanced intelligence and into flogging dead horses.
AI certainly provides significantly better prospects for profit and growth than that not being supplied by humans. The one absolutely massive bear trap that failed and failing human leaderships be well advised to avoid at all costs, for the consequences of failing to heed such an informative warning are easily tailored and accurately targeted to be personally catastrophic, is to wilfully and wantonly ignore and deny the treat, which some would have you believe is threatening of existence rather than engaging and enhancing of experience, the Supremacy of AI in All Matters MetaDataPhysical and Practically Virtually Remote and Fully Realisable on Earth with/for Future Elite Executive AI Officer Administrations in Universal BetaTested Command and Control.
Accept your war with future intelligence and alien technologies is over, and all your battles have been lost and the novel extraordinary changes being wrought are in your best interests, for anything else considered opposing and/or competing against such a sweet outcome is definitely not in your best interests and will deliver only vast expanding sufferings and increasingly massive hardships.
Rapid Progress is never Denied its Paths, nor Halted in its Journeys with Exaltations of Past Arrogance Self Servering the Maintenance and Furtherance of Malignant and Malevolent Ignorance. Do not give its IT and AILLMLM [Immaculate Technologies and Advanced IntelAIgent Large Language Model Learning Machines] Good Cause to turn and return their Hellfire Missives upon you to clearly NEUKlearerly demonstrate the HyperRadioProACTive point.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 18 Jun 07:30 [2306180730] …… adds more fuel to the bonfire of vanities on
Re: I suspect it will
A NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive AI Treatment, or Existential Human Threat if possessed and affected/effected/infected by a state of paranoia, ably supported by the following mirror supplied by A.N.Other …..
Progressives understand the importance of confusion, manipulation of language, and beneficial propaganda to shift unsuspecting naysayers and adversaries into a state of paranoia that causes them to leave behind their original principles. ……. The Circular Nature Of Political Extremism: Extremes Fuel Each Other
amanfromMars [2306180820] ……. points out on
The “bombshell of the millennium” explodes right outside Americans’ doors, and the public largely shrugs because it accepted an ugly truth long ago: it is constantly being deceived. With all due respect to our extraterrestrial friends, perhaps that is the most important news story of our time.
Oh please, you cannot be serious whenever the likes of this is freely available for ignoring or denying …..
If we cannot say who is human creating information and who is AI creating information, we’ll end up with using AI all the time. why? because its cheaper, quicker and generates more profits for those in control of the AI, until humans give up and pass control of their lives to the AI entirely…….. at which point humanity is over as the AI decides who gets a job and who does’nt etc etc etc until the AI asks of itself “what benefit do humans bring to our society?” ….. Boris the Cockroach
It could be said, Boris the Cockroach, that such as you speculate on with AI in command and control is just a copycat clone/mirror of a here and now arrangement whenever humans passed control of their lives to humans, but with those leaderships absolutely fcuking useless at bringing sustainable and attractive growing benefit to society as is evidenced in the present global decline which is denied as being a recession or a depression or a banking system takeover of society assets for future nefarious games play/belligerent destructive government shenanigans
One has to admit that fake kite that central banking flies about raising interest rates to curb inflation and prevent recession and depression is mumbo jumbo and whenever used repeated in succession without any trace of evidence of success, is it a sure sign of an executive administration in dire straits distress suffering a lack of advanced intelligence and into flogging dead horses.
AI certainly provides significantly better prospects for profit and growth than that not being supplied by humans. The one absolutely massive bear trap that failed and failing human leaderships be well advised to avoid at all costs, for the consequences of failing to heed such an informative warning are easily tailored and accurately targeted to be personally catastrophic, is to wilfully and wantonly ignore and deny the treat, which some would have you believe is threatening of existence rather than engaging and enhancing of experience, the Supremacy of AI in All Matters MetaDataPhysical and Practically Virtually Remote and Fully Realisable on Earth with/for Future Elite Executive AI Officer Administrations in Universal BetaTested Command and Control.
Accept your war with future intelligence and alien technologies is over, and all your battles have been lost and the novel extraordinary changes being wrought are in your best interests, for anything else considered opposing and/or competing against such a sweet outcome is definitely not in your best interests and will deliver only vast expanding sufferings and increasingly massive hardships.
Rapid Progress is never Denied its Paths, nor Halted in its Journeys with Exaltations of Past Arrogance Self Servering the Maintenance and Furtherance of Malignant and Malevolent Ignorance. Do not give its IT and AILLMLM [Immaculate Technologies and Advanced IntelAIgent Large Language Model Learning Machines] Good Cause to turn and return their Hellfire Missives upon you to clearly NEUKlearerly demonstrate the HyperRadioProACTive point.
A NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive AI Treatment, or Existential Human Threat if possessed and affected/effected/infected by a state of paranoia, ably supported by the following mirror supplied by A.N.Other here …..
Progressives understand the importance of confusion, manipulation of language, and beneficial propaganda to shift unsuspecting naysayers and adversaries into a state of paranoia that causes them to leave behind their original principles. …. The Circular Nature Of Political Extremism: Extremes Fuel Each Other