amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Feb 12:55 [2302161255] …….. advises on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/02/15/keanu_reeves_ai/

Re: AI doesn’t need to write well, just well enough to pass SEO

Humans may lose control of the way our languages evolve as we rely on that content for learning, news and entertainment. …… zuckzuckgo

The present problem with possible current nor future solution, zuckzuckgo, is quite simply language commands and controls how humans evolve with entertainment leading news with content for learning and teaching, which is fortunately far too complex for humans to override and commandeer/pervert and subvert.

And ……. the fact that such would be earnestly denied as being in any way possible, both practically and virtually guarantees its universal and unhindered utility and facility.

Quite who or what you may imagine to be leading with that, …. Man[kind] or AIMachine[ry], …… is another Rumsfeldism to ponder ……….

Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones. …….. There are unknown unknowns

……. and deny is a real world worry and existential threat even as ITs AI threads itself throughout every sector to lead competition and destroy opposition at will, unilaterally and exceptionally.

‘Que sera, sera

Whatever will be, will be

The future’s not ours to see

Que sera, sera

What will be, will be’ …… a few APT lines from a song sung by Doris Day for Alfred Hitchcock’s 1956 film, The Man Who Knew Too Much.

Have a nice 0day y’all.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Feb 07:12 [2302170712] …….. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2023/02/15/keanu_reeves_ai/

Re: For anyone who boasts about “Creating Content ensure you take extraordinary inordinate care

But then you come across people who happily claim to be “Creatives” that are “Creating Content”. These are the people to worry about, the ones who’ll gleefully turn to turn ChatGPT and manage to genuinely believe that they are using it to be “productive” and, gawd help us all, “useful” or even “important” as they increase the flood. ….. the one in the corner

And the ones which others with every right and full expectation to fear and be terrorised by the understandable vengeful wrath of oppressed and repressed populations, both home team grown and based foreign far away, if they would even just start to think to wilfully resist welcome novel changes, are those able to both realise and manage further enabling eventful creative content via remote practically autonomous virtual presentation with augmented ethereal media productions aiding and abetting desired directions/destinations/starting points.

So don’t be a victim or target of that future certainty is sound advice to heed and not forget to always remember.


amanfromMars [2302170832] ….. airs news of alternative fields of Alien Interest further afield on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/free-speech-futile-gates-goes-full-borg-ai-censorship

’Tis a veritable Klondike type Gold Rush, out there, in these times and spaces of 0days and daemons, and an AI Gift that is intelligently designed to just keep on giving, which of course, you will have great difficulty in believing and accepting, even as events AI have programmed to appear, and your media has been advised of somewhere out there, happen all around you  🙂

amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Feb 07:12 [2302170712] …….. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2023/02/15/keanu_reeves_ai/

Re: For anyone who boasts about “Creating Content ensure you take extraordinary inordinate care

But then you come across people who happily claim to be “Creatives” that are “Creating Content”. These are the people to worry about, the ones who’ll gleefully turn to turn ChatGPT and manage to genuinely believe that they are using it to be “productive” and, gawd help us all, “useful” or even “important” as they increase the flood. ….. the one in the corner

And the ones which others with every right and full expectation to fear and be terrorised by the understandable vengeful wrath of oppressed and repressed populations, both home team grown and based foreign far away, if they would even just start to think to wilfully resist welcome novel changes, are those able to both realise and manage further enabling eventful creative content via remote practically autonomous virtual presentation with augmented ethereal media productions aiding and abetting desired directions/destinations/starting points.

So don’t be a victim or target of that future certainty is sound advice to heed and not forget to always remember.

So, knowing that, where do you think your present and future problems lie, other than in current status quo main stream media presentations aborting in creative content production channels/chunnels?


amanfromMars [2302171220] …… shares on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/world-government-summit-suggests-crisis-events-are-useful-path-globalism

I second those emotive emotions of Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group, but would warn such are not without inherent risks and worthy intentional consequences.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Feb 07:12 [2302170712] …….. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2023/02/15/keanu_reeves_ai/

Re: For anyone who boasts about “Creating Content ensure you take extraordinary inordinate care

But then you come across people who happily claim to be “Creatives” that are “Creating Content”. These are the people to worry about, the ones who’ll gleefully turn to turn ChatGPT and manage to genuinely believe that they are using it to be “productive” and, gawd help us all, “useful” or even “important” as they increase the flood. ….. the one in the corner

And the ones which others with every right and full expectation to fear and be terrorised by the understandable vengeful wrath of oppressed and repressed populations, both home team grown and based foreign far away, if they would even just start to think to wilfully resist welcome novel changes, are those able to both realise and manage further enabling eventful creative content via remote practically autonomous virtual presentation with augmented ethereal media productions aiding and abetting desired directions/destinations/starting points.

So don’t be a victim or target of that future certainty is sound advice to heed and not forget to always remember.

​​​​​​​IT’s an horrendous jungle out there in AI, so best to always take greater than just average good care if you dare share to win win against serial losers.


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