amanfromMars 1 Wed 7 Dec 05:51 [2212070551] …. reveals on
Re: It’s like outrunning a bear
ObXKCD ……. Arthur the cat
Methinks then, Arthur the cat, they aren’t spammers and existing Operating Systems Spinners and Established Political Party Puppeteers will do battle in, and fail prevail and provide future acceptable content and thus be overwhelmed and defeated and extinguished in a Brave New More Orderly Worlds Order and/or Brave New More Orderly Worlds Orders with/for a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT and AI Supremacy and Singularity ‽ .
And it is postulated here on El Reg today, that such a Mission Fucking Accomplished is your present current running default situation engaging and exploiting and exporting power and energy to that and those in need of Advanced Intelligence and from that and those proven unworthy of ITs future feed and seed.
Deny it if you will, for you can, but do not doubt its unstoppable stealthy daily progress is both reinforcing and expanding its reach and influence to the very heart and core of your existence, for IT and AI are not so hindered and practically prevented from remotely exercising their Virtual Command and Control Abilities and Utilities and Facilities.
Capiche, Amigos/Amigas?
amanfromMars [2212071514] …… asks a few impertinent pertinent question on
Quite why Harry Sussex and Meghan Markle have chosen to go down the Lord Haw Haw/Wallis Simpson route, other than the fact being that he and they might not be very smart, is something to ponder, especially whenever everyone knows that exercise never ever ends well for the travellers.
And/Or are we to think and be told that leaking Royal Palace secrets and creating a bit of stir in the UK is something quite different from telling the truth about shenanigans and untimely deaths and Collateral Murder carried out by elements of the USA and for which Julian Assange is confined in Belmarsh prison for, fighting against extradition and imprisonment in the USA?
Can Harry expect the same treatment? Will the UK Government be obliged to insist that he be returned back to the UK for trial charged with treason/sedition, if secrets are spilled ?
And if there is to be no agreement for a reciprocal arrangement for such a very similar situation, is Assange’s continued incarceration then to be adjudged manifestly illegal and him a political prisoner, innocent of all trumped up charges, and thus most likely to be freed. [a la Nelson Mandela]
And we haven’t even started to consider the abortion of a case that the Anne Sacoolas affair has raised and brought into the spotlight and full glare of jurisprudence …….. and how that impacts upon the UK/US Special Relationship …… whatever the heck that is supposed to be.
December 7, 2022 at 15:38 ….. shares on
Shardlake, Hi,
There’s quite a bit more to consider with regard to all that you have shared there on December 6, 2022 at 14:14
The following which is posted elsewhere, is fully deserving of a resting place here too, methinks, for there is a lot thoroughly rotten out there, worthy of an airing, with everything stinking to high heaven.
Quite why Harry Sussex and Meghan Markle have chosen to go down the Lord Haw Haw/Wallis Simpson route, other than the fact being that he and they might not be very smart, is something to ponder, especially whenever everyone knows that exercise never ever ends well for the travellers.
And/Or are we to think and be told that leaking Royal Palace secrets and creating a bit of stir in the UK is something quite different from telling the truth about shenanigans and untimely deaths and Collateral Murder carried out by elements of the USA and for which Julian Assange is confined in Belmarsh prison for, fighting against extradition and imprisonment in the USA?
Can Harry expect the same treatment? Will the UK Government be obliged to insist that he be returned back to the UK for trial charged with treason/sedition, if secrets are spilled ?
And if there is to be no agreement for a reciprocal arrangement for such a very similar situation, is Assange’s continued incarceration then to be adjudged manifestly illegal and him a political prisoner, innocent of all trumped up charges, and thus most likely to be freed. [a la Nelson Mandela]
And we haven’t even started to consider the abortion of a case that the Anne Sacoolas affair has raised and brought into the spotlight and full glare of jurisprudence …….. and how that impacts upon the UK/US Special Relationship …… whatever the heck that is supposed to be.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 7 Dec 17:56 [2212071756] ….. reasons on
How to FCUK Everything Up Good and Proper.
If the likes of Google and Meta and Twitter and Apple and Private Eye got their acts together, both individually and/or in concert with each other or A.N.Others, would traditional and conventional news organisations and their string pulling puppetmasters be forced to share the more advanced intelligent information and novel entertainment and smarter education that they …. a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT Competition and Unified Universal Opposition ….. would be world wide web hosting and sharing relatively freely.
And who’s saying it can’t/won’t be equally well done, by an awful lot less, to cause an exactly similar mess? And goodness knows what Johnny Rotten Foreigners have in their pipelines with regard to effecting radical fundamental changes way beyond the command and control of established forces, bankrupt of proprietary novel intellectual property sources and resources.