amanfromMars 1 Mon 12 Sep 20:23 [2209122023] ……… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/09/12/google_closes_mandiant_acquisition/

One ring of clouds to rule try and rule them all ?

I wonder what GCHQ think, if they’re into pioneering future universal leadership, of that Goliath competition/leading narrative opposition?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 13 Sep 10:20 [2209131020] ….. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/09/12/google_closes_mandiant_acquisition/

Re: we can leverage our intelligence differentiator to automate

“We bought a thing, and now we can use it”
But that sounds a lot less impressive, and might make people question the price if it’s a thing that they understand. …… ChoHag

00ps, do we have another Hewlett Packard/Autonomy pantomime in the making? The actors may be different and of another speciality but the genesis of the script is too similar to be discounted and dismissed as errant nonsense, surely ‽ .


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