amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Jun 06:51 [2106080651] …….. being brutally honest again on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2021/06/08/unsupportable_tech/


The majority of organisations — particularly the IT and security teams — are conscious of the potential threats from shadow IT and are on the lookout for it so it can be stamped on. … Dave Cartwright

“I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t let you do that” is an appropriate misquote here, methinks, to give you an accurate picture of the present situation in current circumstances racing ahead to and fro into the future and out of the past.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Jun 13:38 [2106091338] ……. just saying on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/06/04/biden_admin_issues_ransomware_guidance/

Re: And gee. . .

And gee. . .. . . .with all this supposed demand for Cyber experts. . .you’d think pay would be going up.

You would be wrong. . . …… SotarrTheWizard

And then compromised and vulnerable systems and struggling administrations wonder why they do battle against the private renegade rogue pirate contractor turned mercenary freelancer …… and once you realise the benefits and riches which accompany unbridled success in that field of endeavour and exploration, you aint ever going back to supping gruel whenever quaffing champagne is always freely available ……. and one’s partners are so grateful and generous with the largesse which is delivered as opposed to just promised whenever not at all well paid by others.

What part of … Pay Peanuts, get Monkeys ….. do right dodgy systems and failed admins not fully understand? Are they both almightily retarded?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Jun 14:30 [2106091430] …… carries out a checksum on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/06/09/fastly_explains_web_blackout/

If queasy, take it easy and just check to make sure it is nothing to do with you.

Do you know what you introduced and were doing on the internet on 12 May and triggered on 8 June? Have you checked? Do you have accurate records?

Do you recognise anything strange or untoward and likely to cause any outage of services? If you could, would you realise it and await to see if there were any negative consequences, or pregnant pauses in the case of there being no direct indication or engaging notification of one being thought involved and/or instrumental in the seeding and feeding of an “undiscovered software bug”/novel disruptive means of creative information distribution and vice versa?

One just never rightly knows nowadays how things are going to pan out whenever so much can be done remotely and practically out of sight in the Harry Limelight.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Jun 17:42 [2106091742] ….. suggesting such developments are more than just exciting on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/06/09/google_ai_chip_floorplans/

Colossus, the Forbin Project* v2.0?

That all sounds far too much like a Colossus achievement to not be. And we all know to where and what that leads.

* ……. https://youtu.be/tzND6KmoT-c

And Unity is a Singularity too.




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