amanfromMars 1 Wed 7 Apr 18:53 [2104071853] ……. lamenting on
Re: Very few Eton educated individuals in IT…
Cheers, EM,
That’s all very well and as may certainly be, and such is a rare enough raw privilege to be sure, but is there anything though of the Pitt or the Cromwell harboured within, rather than something of the night to be coaxed out into the open and to be energised, encouraged and EMPowered into Sterling Stirling Type Conservative ACTivity ….. which hasn’t been seen by any for far too many a moon?
Now that would be unusually nice and something of a creative disruption and pleasant attraction.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 8 Apr 07:19 [2104080719] … biting the hand which feed IT on ?:-)
Swinging Gangbang Style
Was spyware ever more brazen than that which trails and trials using the CodeGuru approach? All of your new secrets belong to us.
Who here pines for the early days when/where swinger key parties eliminated the need for choice or preference? AWS appear to be fans of the genre with their virtual clone in a disparate form for phorming ‽ . Certainly stranger things have happened and be happening given the crazy virtual nature of semi-permanent physicalised existence which may be better mastered if realised as easily delivered due to the crazy physicalised nature of semi-permanent virtual existence ….. where and when advanced intelligence and astute imaginanation rule the roost and driver the future.
[That “phorming” hyperlink takes you to the Daily Telegraph exactly 10 years ago today, (08 April 2011) with The Register biting the hand that feeds IT leading the way with an admirable hat tip mention. Furthermore, it may even be the case that the tale, “BT and Phorm: how an online privacy scandal unfolded“, was penned by yours truly, and currently El Reg editor-in-chief, Chris Williams]
amanfromMars 1 Thu 8 Apr 12:16 [2104081216] …… muses on
I suppose there are different rules for certain other convenient conduits
One does have to wonder whether such thinking extends to threaten the state and the fate of the dollar, which has for decades at least, and is still blatantly used as the default prime medium for the purchase and trafficking of drugs.
amanfromMars [2104081309] …….. just saying out loud on
James Rickards, Howdy,
Whilst I wouldn’t wish to dispute what you have shared there, for such is probably easily most likely, you have omitted to include any upside to the future view.
The most fundamental, and possibly also most valuable one to both select client customers and central bank digital currency dealers/pushers alike, is the anonymous instantaneous ease available to suitably and excessively reward partnering entities which show an aptitude and willingness to engage in ventures ensuring success of future projects rather than indulging in operations which would be in harmful competition and/or mindless opposition to dynamic greater picture show objectives with both pleasure and displeasure at both proposed and ongoing business simply recognised and demonstrated by either an increasing digital currency balance or an attention seeking and, if necessary, suitably alarming debit flow threatening the presentation of a deficit rather than enjoying the comfort of credit.
For serial high fliers fully loaded with the right stuff, would such be as just sweet nectar from the GODs with a very healthy mutually beneficial positively reinforcing methodology which does not suffer from any need for the Ultimate Prime Drivering Force/Customer Client or CBDC dealer to be decided and identified.
Such allows a Stealthy Anonymous Phantom Autonomy of Action providing Safe Harbour Security with Immunity and Impunity Attending.