amanfromMars said… replying in full agreement to comments freely shared from Serge C on
And aint that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, Serge C.
What’s the betting on this forthcoming new year changing all of that for them fundamentally and, as will be the case for so many of them whenever the truth is revealed, terrifyingly.
You surely know and agree when such is to be, the very nature of the surreal reality of ITs lead is a devastatingly Earth shattering and beautifully mind bending and even mind-blowing experience.
And if it doesn’t change everything radically for some …… for some who may be many may be incapable of processing the information provided into the useful intelligence required, it is no great matter of concern, for they can still attend to all of the rest of us blissfully unaware in their dull and unrealistic live roles.
Пусть в Новый год случится чудо —
В душе зажгутся огоньки
И целый год у вас не будет
Ни огорчений, ни тоски.
Пусть елка с яркою звездою
В ваш дом удачу принесет,
Любовь и крепкое здоровье.
Пусть год вам сказочно везет.
Под бой курантов загадайте
Свои заветные мечты
И в дом свой поскорей впускайте
Год радости и доброты.
С новым годом, Serge C
30 December 2018 at 06:44