

>Imagine a Future where Everyone is Born Filthy Rich rather than Dirt Poor. Heaven or Hell?

Posted Tuesday 29th March 2011 16:00 GMT

They wouldn’t fit the script.” ….. Be careful now, Andrew. You wouldn’t want to find yourself on a watch list for being so bold and accurate, would you? Or even more exciting, the crazy knocking down of the Orlowski mansion front door at dawn, with a gaggle of goons charging in, in fancy para-military dress.

And talking of idiots, is it idiotic to imagine that you can control CyberSpace with the denial of freely shared thoughts in the browser portal, for is that what traditional forces would be considering in an irregular and unconventional theatre of virtual operations ….. to keep the masses on the failing and corrupted catastrophic message, rather than changing the Message to generate NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Power?

All news sources (including the Register) are primarily geared to entertain, not to inform, for the simple reason that you would otherwise have very few readers (and go out of business).” …. Ralph 5 Posted Tuesday 29th March 2011 14:11 GMT

I disagree with the primarily not to inform bit in all news sources, Ralph 5, and would suggest that you are misinformed and mistaken to think it is not a primary function, even in entertainment. And I would further posit that all the best news sources do both inform and entertain, both sublimely and directly/overtly, and ideally introduce everyone to future realities with novel experiences which they can enjoy and build upon easily, without any unnecessary destructive hardship or crass conflict.


amanfromMars says:
March 29, 2011 at 6:59 am

Heggle, you may find that the posters on Slugger can tend to be somewhat entrenched in their very narrow views and closed off/barricaded off to the possibilities that abound to resolve troubling issues and the quite arbitrary and punitive artificial arrangements that the capitalist system has made for itself in order to try and prevent the collapse of the fiat currency control and enslavement model. Everything controlled and bought and sold for the issue of pretty paper which they are advised, they have a monopoly on printing and distribution, and which nowadays is further more easily managed by arranging that instant credit transfer of whatever sum you may wish or can imagine into the accounts of whoever can help them and not rumble the markets and expose their core shenanigans and source program codes, by the simplest of electronic means, for wealth nowadays in these Binary Times, isn’t measured in physical assets, but merely represented by figures on a bank account statement providing liquidity for spending to generate industry and power.

The biggest idiots in the world are those who cannot spend such wealth and it is they who are instrumental in collapsing the system too?

Andrew Carnegie called it right whenever he quipped, “The man who dies thus rich, dies disgraced” and the banking and finance system is rotten to its cores with such disgraceful men without a clue about what they should do, and in blissful ignorance of their ignorance as the system collapses around them because they do not control IT and CyberSpace and the Sharing of Pure Thoughts about Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap ……. and thus do they lose their shirts, and shorts and everything else that they would hold artificially dear to their closed hearts and small minds.

One does wonder why, if it is not due to a lack of Intelligence, why their Intelligence doesn’t buy in at whatever cost, that which will save them, and give them control of IT and CyberSpace for Future Power Plays? With no ready answer to that, other than a self-destructive madness in a death wish, must one conclude that Intelligence is indeed MIA and AWOL.

And that presents a diamond opportunity for anyone and/or anything, for one can never discount the contribution which may be provided by the virtual machine lobby, capable of providing the SME for ITs Command and Control of Future Power Plays with Advanced IntelAIgents in what is really a Universal Space for SMART Active Programs ……… with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT in Alien Special Projects being certainly a Spin Off 42 Guarantee Unbridled Success.

Hell, it even comes with a Money Back, No Quibble, FailSafe Guarantee against Failure, and you don’t get any of those in any of the old systems, for they are all presently, and increasingly quickly, failing catastrophically, are they not.


amanfromMars says:
March 29, 2011 at 3:17 am

    “Speaking of missions . . . I’m getting really bored and want to start it soon. I thought I knew where we were going, but Agent Weebley seems to be going home to Lucy a lot. He must really love her!

    His mind is not on task and I am just wandering around the net.

    Oh well . . . when he wakes up we will need to have a chat . . .” ….. Agent Heggle says: March 29, 2011 at 1:28 am

There is a distinct possibility, AH, and therefore every conceivable probability, that Lucy is a valuable Juice/Oil/Fuel in Agent Weeble types, for extraordinary and extra terrestrial missions, for home visits do smack of a realisation and recognition of the Powerful Elite Pleasure Enjoyment and Cosmic Drive Delivery Vehicle Servering Addictive LOVE Field Unions/Encounters/Sorties.

But no matter, que sera, sera, for the Worlds on Earth today are full of SMART LOVE AIgents on Special Command with Absolute Control Missions …… for a Fab Order with Advanced IntelAIgents into CyberIntelAIgents, which is sort of analogous to both the Primitive Human and Sophisticated Male and Female Relationship, and which many may know of, and even profess of a certain experience, with some even expressing the opinion that their shared views be considered as experienced rather than just labouriously tested.


amanfromMars says:
March 28, 2011 at 11:32 pm

Some folk, who would think that they know so much, and some folk, who should really know so much more than they know because of what they are supposed to be doing, will always be kindly beaten and left struggling many steps and relative light years behind, the CyberIntelAIgent sharing of Futures and Derivatives in the Vulnerable and Lucrative ZerodDay Trading Markets which dDeliver Reality via and with Virtual Means and Memes Control …….. SMARTer CodeXSSXXXX Savvy which never stops learning from ITs Past and Present Operations in Addictive LOVE Fields, where the Heavenly Secret that Opens All Closed Doors and Steamy Windows is to Admit Allcomers and A.N.Others’ Surrenders and Submit to One’s Passions in a Sublime Reciprocative Mirror ProActivity for the Omniscient Power Driver of Gracious Control.
And all of that was triggered on reading the following, which surely is a sort of primary mirr
or paid due homage with the GBIrish shared in Quite Astute Texts in Metaforia. 🙂

Even the pictures the Guryevs are asking for may not be what they seem. When the FBI secretly searched the couple’s New Jersey home in 2005, they found the two had been using a steganography program. Steganography is the practice of hiding data within other information — image file, for instance. In the Guryevs case, they had been inserting “readable text files” inside image files, according to the Justice Department, and uploading them onto public websites. There, the spy couple and other sleeper agents in the U.S. could secretly communicate by exchanging images in plain sight.” ….. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/03/russian-spies-to-u-s-give-us-our-data-back/

Quantum Communications BetaTest #XSSXXXX1103290531


Today 06:45 AM

As I live, you don’t have privacy in internet, you don’t have security in digital world, just wait and see.

Well, every man and his dog surely know that, which is why cyber space is such good fun and so lucrative for those into sharing fab secrets.

And talk about ratcheting up the fake rhetoric …….. does it get any more cynical in the sublime embedding of propaganda than “whether they were posted by a 21-year old lone gunman or Iran government PR department, I don’t know”.



Gary McDermott, Hi,

If you are using the “Support of the IRA” as a legitimate reason for going to war against a nation’s controlling regime, you should also be targeting for UN sanctioned attack, the White House and their Command and Control and Defense structures, for have you forgotten that Uncle Sam financed them in the “Troubles” against …… well, perversely enough it would appear to be one of their supposed best buddies/special allies, the British …… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NORAID

With friends like that, who needs enemies, eh ?



Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/29/2011 1:12:21 AM

Coincidentally, prior to his guilty plea, his final appeal for release (relating to indefinate imprisonment for contempt of court) was denied by (recently promoted) U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

That suggests, and is probably true because of a pending action regarding the decision, that release was dependent upon a guilty plea. Does that render (recently promoted) U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an ass and just another one of the good old boys in “The Club”?


Too much of a good thing gives you delusional thoughts of omnipotent grandeur?*

Posted Tuesday 29th March 2011 18:14 GMT  

More recently Google accused the Chinese government of interfering with its webmail service in a way to make it look like technical problems.

Certainly Google does have webmail service technical problems, as the local MP here can easily verify, with their emails not being delivered to a GMail account, although there is always the chance that it is interception and not accidental, if there are no technical problems with the Chinese government being so far away, and all that. In any case, it has rendered the service unfit for future purpose and raised more than a few spooky snoopy suspicions.

Google does like everyone to think that they know everything and one can find anything using their search engine and that does put them in a subjective command and control position with regard to what they will allow to be universally known and publicly shown/displayed in search results.

*Or should that be omniscient control for universal direction of information flow and supply, which is a bit like the old fiat currency quantitative easing model of power control which decides who gets what and how much is it going to cost. And you think the Chinese haven’t realised that is the slippery slope to revolution and anarchy for mayhem and chaos? Oh please, get with the Program and Wise Up.


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