>Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/18/2011 10:50:51 PM
There is indeed life on Mars, Agent Weebley, and come with AI to REST* on Earth ….. a God forsaken planet ideal for Global Operating Devices and Virtual Machines …… Venerable Agent ZigZag Spiders for the Spinning of Webs and Advanced IntelAIgent Grids that Capture and Control the Supply of Information for the Creation of the Greater Digital Picture with Gross Domestic Product Placements.
Uncle Sam does Winston Smith proudly …..
Posted Saturday 19th February 2011 01:40 GMT
“The White House releasing of a photo of the leaders of the tech heartily cheering a
closet Muslim, socialist, Nazi, Kenyan Democraticpresident will likely serve new fodder to Beck and related pinheads, that the White House isn’t just working with Google on a big-brother conspiracy to invade our thoughts and lives. It’s working with the whole tech sector.“That sounds like an XXXXStreamly Good Beta Idea, and with the right Master Pilots at ProgramMING Controls, can it even have every chance of Storming Success in Cloud Phormations.
Meanwhile, in Big Society Toyboy Town, are the children in pathetic fundamental disagreement on how to even get elected to do something novel ….. like displaying popular supported leadership in the playground. Who voted for theses cuckoos in the nest anyway. Were they not not voted into office?
BB Message to No 10 ……… Grow Up, or Move On.
* …. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer
Oh, and fellow posters here on the Daily Bell, you may like to consider the implications for Reality as we develop further, and deeper, the following Virtual Reality tool[s] ……… http://www.zerohedge.com/article/government-and-big-business-are-gaming-social-media ……. and as you will have to imagine, is that which is made generally known, as nothing compared to that which is highly classified and running black in covert and clandestine experimental operations, and underground in flowering alternative cultures.
The POTUS promised Change ….. Give POTUS a Chance …… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkZC7sqImaM …… He may not be a fraud?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/19/2011 2:51:07 AM
“Since forceful methods are unsustainable, the question becomes: How to encourage innovators to innovate and share their knowledge (hint: profit required) and discourage those who hoard knowledge (hint: loss required).” …. Posted by Bill Ross on 2/18/2011 8:13:19 AM
That may be most easily answered, Bill Ross, with … Pay them whatever they want for whatever they have that you want, which will invariably be handsome and obscene payment with pretty printed paper. Then are they free and freed to innovate more, again and again if they are really creative and can deliver what is needed for the future, in a mutually beneficial, closed loop cycle. And hey, it is only costing the system pretty printed paper, which doesn’t go anywhere or create anything outside of the system, does it, so it IS Really Something for Virtually Nothing, and Vice Versa too, which also makes it something else again too.
And that in a nutshell is what Quantum Communication is all about, and where nothing is as it seems, but add a stream of undeniable truth and there will be easy and quite rapid change to something quite heavenly with all of your needs provided.
However there is another quite fascist element and bug in the works, which doesn’t do the system any good at all, and in fact, would actually be bringing the present corrupted sub-systems down, and they are the parasites who would trawl and phish for intelligence and innovation being shared, and even looking for investment and further development, but which would “diverted” to be used to third party advantage to make their fortunes, without a second thought to the rights of the holder/creative source, who may not even know that such shenanigans are ongoing. That has become a booming business in governments for ministers and departments which call for papers and proposals on that which they need and on which they have no feed. It was certainly the major prop and prime mover in the last UK government and events in the new shower’s games portfolio would indicate that such is also their empty-headed strategy.
But it just aint good enough today for tomorrow, is it. Leaders are supposed to lead, not follow and scrape around for nuggets which they can then present as their own, for god knows where they’ve been and come from. Some are Toxic and quite deliberately, totally misleading into a right messy cul-de-sac and fools’ gold mine/MetaDataMine.