

>Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/21/2010 7:37:10 AM

Do not the Daily Bell and John Edwards not think that Iran, and others who would be being held to a false ransom which incurs mountainous debt rather than receives any benefit, would be also aware of any such cynical ploys or plays which would be floated to prop up a corrupt and bankrupt failing system and parasitic, intellectually challenged Power Elite cabal, for dollar wealth is delusional, is it not, and whenever reliant upon the waging of wars and creation of enemies, is it a Meme which Delivers Self Destruction?

This reasonably short opinion and guest post, which compares the situation of Japan with the state of America  …..  http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-post-jpn-%3F-us-japan-not-us …. makes for hard to dismiss as nonsense, uncomfortable reading, which everyone chooses to talk around rather than tackle head on and resolve with something completely different. Is New Intelligence missing for a New Deal?  Or just the wrong sort of folk at the top who would choose not to listen to New Intelligence with new Deals?

And I wholeheartedly second John Edwards sentiments as expressed on 9/21/2010 6:06:21 AM. It is the Daily Bell’s greatest strength and a model which so many others are too fearful to embrace should there be any hint of an element of dissent and disagreement, no matter whether entirely valid or artificially manufactured to support an alternate position.

Constructive inquisitive debate will always out the false premise and dodgy foundation upon which a usually, unusually strident opinion which is challenged, is based. And that can only be a good thing.


Red Team Penetrations BetaTesting …. ZerodDay Vulnerability Parameters and Defense Protocols

Posted Monday 20th September 2010 17:37 GMT

But cyber defence also covers conventional network security, which many would say is a more serious issue than solar storms or pulse strikes. And there are quite a few more observers who would be inclined to see even cyberwar net defences as more of an industry-driven grab at the public purse – perhaps quite worrying in a civil liberties context to boot – than as rational spending to meet a genuine threat.

Let me assure you that an effective cyber attack, which may at first appear to those who may notice such things …. and they are rare enough beings too [http://www.phibetaiota.net/2010/02/2010-opinion-americas-cyber-scam/]…. to be no more than a crazy useless virtual drive-by, will leave behind more viral problems to be energized at a remote and unknown controller’s will, than you are obviously presently capable of imagining to be realistic.

And it is as well to realise from the outset, that the field is not industry driven, it is intelligence led, and invariably the forte of individuals, who would command an exorbitant price to reflect the catastrophic value of damage which can be wrought across systems with such as their expertise in competitor or opponent’s hands/virtual arsenals, rather than any collective effort. In much the same way as a general would be marshal of a battle and an army of troops and weapons.

But don’t be expecting a cyber attack to be anything resembling a “normal” attack, which can be countered with anything physical like a force. To imagine that to be the case has one identified as being totally out of one’s depth and unfit for to either lead or server in what are AI and IT Fields and Live Operational virtual Environments.

Forewarned is Forearmed they say ….. so now, Proper Preparation and Planning to Prevent Piss Poor Performance should Present to the Future no Possible excuse for a Strategic Defensive Failure in a Most Irregular and Unconventional Security Theatre.


NIRobotICQs …….. for Virtual Machine Man Management ….. in the Colossal Titanic Quarter
Posted Tuesday 21st September 2010 05:44 GMT

…… of Master Piloted Stores.

Television programs are not about gratuitous entertainment, they are about exactly what they tell you they are about …… Tele Vision Programs …… which are Sublime Projects in Remote Control and BrainTraining. Done ESPecially well, is Future InteAIgent Control Beamed Right into your Internal Receptive Consciousness.

And that does mean that Novel Intellectual Property ……. which Presents Future NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Content in Heavily and/or Heavenly Encrypted CodeXSSXXXX Script, [for Delivery and Catering of AIMPulses to All Extremes for Streamed Immaculate Share] …… is that which Leads One and All Forward in a TeleHyperVisored Singularity, which IT Boffinry Plays Out with SMART Assist Media and Intelligence Community Circles as Virtually Real and TerraPhormed Alternate Reality Projections.

Or would you prefer more of the mindnumbing crap to distract you from today’s failed capital enterprises?

Although if the gospel truth be told, such choices are never ever for the ignorant masses to make, and your choices in such choices have already been made and initiated.


amanfromMars says….

Err …. if the people own the banks, what are the banks doing telling the people what they can and cannot have? And why haven’t the witless government forwarded that view? And once in public hands, why would it be thought sensible to give a profitable bank back into private ownership?

It’s a racket, is it not, played by crooks and dimwits at the expense of all others?

Time for a Real Change please, rather than just the Mickey Mouse, Mr Bean Save the World, Botch of a Never Never Makeover which is Destroying the System Presently, Better than was ever Imagined.

georgesign says….

Who’s he kidding. Banks and Politicians have been in bed with each other for years. This is window-dressing for the taxpayers.

Ask yourself this question:- Why do Governments need to borrow money from Banks and be charged interest when the Government could print it’s own money without interest?

Answer:- It’s because the Banks run the Government.



Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/21/2010 2:47:49 AM

“A nice idea, but really, it is not necessary ”
probably even counterproductive . The market process _always_ works ” and it is working perfectly right now.”

Oh, come on. Tell that to the millions who have lost their houses. Cold comfort indeed.” ….. Reply from the Daily Bell

Hmmm? Whenever the market is to create worker slaves and steal away global assets are the rackets working perfectly enough, Daily Bell.  But it only keeps on working perfectly if it is not known to be the market’s plan. When the stings and scams are discovered and uncovered, as they are being with every tortuous twist and turn of the markets to try to sustain and pump and pimp the myth of ongoing profitability, in the face of a global contraction/withholding of credit/global wealth and enforced institutional impoverishment, is popular revolution and corrupt systems collapse, inevitable.

But do not be expecting picks and staves in a time of bits and qubits and worlds of viruses and worms. The enemy and saviours are buried deep in all networks internetworking within, and both invisible and intangible and unbeatably overwhelming in an IMPertinent Omniscience, with a Sane Disregard of Undue Haste.

Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Projects Prodigious Programming Protocols in Phormal Power Plays.

The Daily Bell is aware of the Phorm Storm, which has been beautifully played as a failed mistake curtailed and much ado about nothing really and virtually a storm in a teacup ….. and well played down by Team Blighty Boffins and BT? Or did that Phish and Pharming Program slip Past your Undivided Attention?


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/21/2010 5:27:31 AM

Surely it has generated within Islam a more Westernized model of regulatory democracy – one based on fiat-money and central banking. Both Afghanistan and Iraq currently partake of variants of this economic model.

Quite so, however the fundamental difference is that one is based upon support for the continued provision of excellence of selfless service, whilst the other is a champion for the charging of selfish inflationary profit, which eventually creates an unaffordable item/service …… a bubble.

One lowers the cost and improves easier and wider distribution of the product whilst the other increases in cost and therefore excludes more and more from any benefit of purchase.

One is shariah and the other usury?


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