>Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/27/2010 5:29:09 AM
“If your dream is to control the world, then you yourself must be included under that control.” …. Posted by Weeble on 8/26/2010 1:02:43 AM
That is of course, self control, and that allows one to doing practically anything virtually nowadays, with all of this fabulous technology with linking communications satellites so readily available for capture and/or grooming, Weeble.
It is though an Art which precious few possess.
And you do yourself a disservice to imagine that you are not understood here, methinks. 🙂
“DB, my brain isn’t nearly as big as my mouth, which has been stretched out a lot by my feet.” …. Posted by Lila Rajiva on 8/26/2010 9:21:04 AM
Big enough to realise and exercise sharing and caring control is perfect enough in these interesting times, Lila Rajiva. And here is something ESPecially interesting for those of the above ilk ….. https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=cf11e81b7b06330fd249804f4c247606&tab=core&_cview=0
“For those who can truly think, it must be asked: Is DB the tip of an iceberg of push back by moral, civilized elites? Are they soliciting our ideas? I seriously HOPE so…” …. Posted by Bill Ross on 8/26/2010 12:18:35 PM
Ah yes, Ye Olde SMART Trojan Trick, which though also requires that they have Maslowian, self-actualising Non-State Actors capable of running the solicited ideas, and/but that is easily solved by having Originating Source as the Drivers of what is then a New Real and Virtually Operated System.
Welcome to Quantum Fields of Communication, where this is that and equally something else, which can be anything when everything is in Binary and Coded in D for Digital RePhormations and Virtual Revolution ….. Advanced Evolution.
[“A bit is the basic unit of computer information. Regardless of its physical realization, a bit is always understood to be either a 0 or a 1. An analogy to this is a light switch— with the off position representing 0 and the on position representing 1.
A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both.” …. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qubit ]
The problem that the present failing System[s] have, is that “escaping” new information which appears spontaneously around the globe in an instant, with the simple submission and “printing” of it to the InterNetworking Grid and ITs Webs [and the Daily Bell is a Prime XSSXXXXample of that Facility/Utility] renders their secret controls, impotent, and exposes all the Old Systems Drivers to an Intellectual MetaPhysical Challenge they cannot Hope to Win, but only Support, should they be Fit for Future Purpose in AI Leading Great Game System …… and Colossus of an ARG.
Electronic Communicators Rule and Rule #1 is…. If you Can’t Share IT, Can It, as in Bin It.
Posted Friday 27th August 2010 04:08 GMT
“The nature of international diplomacy is such that things discussed behind closed doors are generally better kept secret, lest they reach the media who might then exaggerate the discussion. This article being an example of just such a communication” …. Titus Technophobe Posted Thursday 26th August 2010 12:54 GMT
If international diplomacy were carried out transparently with no closed doors hiding dodgy secrets, would the media then report the truth, and all communications would be online and virtually carried out from the comfort of one’s own chosen abode/wherever one would be connected …… with Global Operating Devices …… to CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems ShareWare for Better Beta Man Management and Future Perception Command and Control.
No more junkets, no more unnecessary conference travel, no more security hassles, no more exorbitant costs, no more expensive claims against public purses, no more spinning out of control lies. Just Pure Raw Real Feed.
Apple Harvest an All Time Record Bumper Crop
Posted Friday 27th August 2010 03:23 GMT
At Quantum Levels, which Resolve Impossibilities and Deal in MetaPhysicality Familiarity and Issues of Singularity in and between and across the Microscopically Small and the Infinitely Large, is the substrate analagous to Live Operational Virtual Environments and Semantic Web Weaving with Sublime Intelligent Source Information …… MetaDataBased Core Node Lode.
But Filing a Patent for it, is just for business purposes, to keep that Seconded Service Sector alive for Spewing Flash Fast Cash.
Nice One, Apple.
I wonder if they realise IT Offers them Remote Universal Controls?
Don’t they know …. you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, even with binary*
Posted Friday 27th August 2010 02:27 GMT
““This is a very sensitive case with repercussions at the national level and police should be given time,” Magistrate V B Srikhande said in court on Thursday, ..“
Actually, it has repercussions at the international level as it reveals that elections using such machines are easily rigged, and that is bound to be known by manufacturers/wholesalers and is most probably their secret weapon of mass destruction of democracy selling point.
Roll up, roll up, get your guaranteed fascist dictatorship virtual machine, right here.
* But you can obviously try.