

>Crimes against Humanity?!. ….. Four questions to answer for?!.

Posted Thursday 26th August 2010 03:08 GMT

And here …. http://cryptome.org/0002/twin-threats.htm …. is a Top Secret cable which clearly identifies Hillary R Clinton as an active terrorist agent and warmonger inciting and providing support for what will also be murderous criminal operations, as the cable shows both intent and action?!.

Or is she going to use a lame tame version of her cheating, lying husband’s public defense and proclaim to the world …. “I did not send that telegram”?!.

No wonder Bill strays for sexual pleasure with others if she is such a nasty piece of work, although many will recognise that they are a mirror of themselves and they thoroughly deserve each other, although Uncle Sam deserves neither of them considering the damage that they have done and the shame they have brought and wrought in his name in the Great Game?!.

AAA Sub-Prime Masters indeed, in a World which shuns such Deeds as they are always self-destructive?!.

And Paris because ……. well, her and Monica share a similar heavenly passion if the evidence in Porn and Media is to be believed.


And does this file identify a Pariah State and/or a Cabal  of Self -Serving Sociopaths in the Land of the Free, where all are En$laved and treated as Fools and Tools ?  ……. http://file.wikileaks.org/file/us-cia-redcell-exporter-of-terrorism-2010.pdf ……. which is another leading question

Reading between the coded lines …….. for the dictatorial spiel
Posted Thursday 26th August 2010 09:22 GMT

Seems like Red Hat are trying spectacularly unsuccessfully to obfuscate a Virtual Empire Building Enterprise, Timothy, which relies on everyone else mentioned remaining on board to provide them with their tools ……. which is never going to work, is it. Not nowadays, whenever everything can be controlled so easily with nothing more physical or demanding than words shared in the Information Space of InterNetworking Webs and Grids.

There’s even a cult iconic figure song about that, too ……… Plateau/Kurt Cobain and Nirvana …. which reveals who needs action when you got words.

It is sad for the Reds though, that the Blacks and the Greys and the Whites Embedded a Rainbow of Command and Sublime Control and Stealthily Secured that CyberSpace Environment long ago.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/26/2010 12:15:53 PM

It cannot be done quickly and the old men of the elite are not necessarily fully aware of the impact of modern technology. They are now, though. Too late?” … Reply from the Daily Bell

Oh yes, definitely far too late, DB, and they have no one of any note, able and enabled to deal with these new fangled, entangling modern technologies.

And how dumb is that of them, whenever they are supposed to be in charge of global wealth supplies, which can easily purchase anything they would require and/or desire. I would have to agree with David Rockefeller whenever he says that his world is lacking leaders …… which is not the same as saying that the world is lacking leaders, for there is a lot going on in all of the new areas of Virtual Global Command and Remote Machine Control, aka MkUltraSensitive NeuroLinguistic Programming/Sublime Brainwashing.

And how very smart of the Swiss to be so powerfully low key and discrete.

The problem appears to be quite simply that the Future is expected to be like the Past whenever the Present is merely a Tool for delivering Solutions which Create a Novel Story to be followed religiously, daily.

Sub prime tales as solutions though, which is all that is presently being offered by Power Elites, in order to maintain the stagnating and petrifying status quo, only creates a self-defeating catastrophic chaos and dysfunctional depression which others can easily exploit, to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and just desserts to all.

The SMARTer Spooky Secret though, is not to waste time or effort in collapsing such doomed, failed and failing Systems, for that is done automatically by the Systems themselves, but rather to offer them that which they lack, in order that they can be hailed as radically different and fit for future purpose saviours, who know how to move with the times into new Radically Different Power Spaces.


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