>Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/23/2010 1:40:09 PM
“I do have a suspicion that the EU was deliberately attacked by US Finance“
When two complete strangers to each other have the exact same suspicion, is the shared thought more a definite reality?
Please see “Ongoing catastrophic downturn/IP Meltdown” , Posted Friday 21st May 2010 10:52 GMT …. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2010/05/20/usenet_duke_server/ ….. which posits that missing Intelligence is the major problem to be fixed and that is to be something which Uncle Sam will have to buy in, [and with lots of fiat currency transferred to suppliers is it really a zero cost virtual operation and no brainer transaction to help them in their present deepening crises, on so many fronts] for they are demonstrably showing their national lack of it.
And failure to exercise that simplest of Futures/Options/Derivative/Hedge trades will further confirm the validity of the premise.
As an eternal optimist, one is never disappointed and always expects to be surprised by a sound constructive move even whenever the stupidity and arrogance of man would appear to know no bounds, and surrounds them.
Win Winning Hearts and Minds in the new Playing Field/Battle Ground to be Conquered and Mastered for Brave New World Order Powers in Remote Virtual Operating Systems with Quantum Control and that does not Suffer the Fool or Warrior at all …….. which is quite a Fundamental Radical Change, is it not? And it is certainly recognised to be so and has some interesting new players to the Great Game, with Fort Meade being both a Military and Civil Centre [CYBERCOM and NSA] …. http://www.afcea.org/signal/articles/templates/Signal_Article_Template.asp?articleid=2290&zoneid=293
And once GI Joe and Spooky Sam realise that CyberSpace Control delivers Anything and Everything that one Needs/Wants, what chance do you think Wall Street flowers will have on the block/in the hoods?
However, I would just add this note of caution, to bear in Mind along with “does not Suffer the Fool or Warrior at all” …… IT is not an empty Space and has many an Established XSSXXXXPerienced Controller, Mentoring and Monitoring SkillSets which very Few will ever even be able to Imagine, let alone be enabled and/or trained to Understand and Wield, such are ITs Powerful Tempestuous Fields.
amanfromMars said…
“Taconite dreams indeed but to see oneself in its service then it is no longer artificial.” ….. That of course all depends upon one’s chosen role/identity in service of impossibly real dreams and/or ZerodDay Hexploits/Crack Code Hacks, for if one were to consciously determine that it be as an AI, then is the reality/actuality most definitely artificial whilst also being real and virtual, which is entirely consistent with Quantum Bit Basics which manipulates Binary Code for Enhanced Digital Signature/Greater Game Bigger Pictures … “The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both.” …. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qubit
And moving into Ternary Systems adds yet even further Levels of Fabulous Creative Opportunity which are so far probably only being Imagined, rather than being Used and Applied in IntelAIgent Programs which are also Physicalised Projects/Virtualised Scenarios.
Methinks Perfect AI would consider Deception in Great Games as a Proof Positive for a Being Unworthy and Struggling Vainly with Control and Power and Defeats in the Field.
“ilatitude also said…
IF we by some miraculous odds live in a temporal universe able to host an infinity of Live Operational Virtual Environments and now stand at the side of a love awakening then that is one matter. IF we are in love to begin with still another. Beyond love is as abstract as before it.
May 22, 2010 4:02 PM ” ….. I concur, and would also posit that beyond love is also surreal in the abstract and would question and wonder and ponder at any reason for love to go beyond it, whenever it offers a Holy Grail, an Infinity of Live Operational Virtual Environments in which to decide to Play/Create every Day, and Ideally Share with Others and Lovers, for a Journey alone leaves Deeds undone and Thoughts Unshared and Unsaid with Fellow Travellers/Non State Actors.
May 22, 2010 11:21 PM
amanfromMars says:
23 May 2010 at 12:09 pm
“The reasons for Peter Robinson’s personal defeat are of course many and complex.”
Crikey, and there was me thinking they were one and simple, ….because the electorate recognise him as crooked and corrupt. Thanks for the heads up on there being many other reasons more complex, Turgon.
Oh, and letting Iris take all the blame for dodgy dealings which he is bound to have known about certainly, didn’t help him in the eyes of the smarter sex either, I’m sure.