Monthly Archives: May 2020



amanfromMars 1 Sun 10 May 15:40 [2005101540] ….. moving things on apace on

Quite Clearly an Alien Assault and AIDevelopment

Who here thinks UKGBNI State Forces can Defend and Strengthen their Leadership in/against a Cyber Attack?

Is there, In-House Competence or is it Necessarily Sub-Contracted Out to the Vultures and Vixens/Pirates and Jolly Rogues of the Private Sector? And who/what supplies whom what for what and whom is the question now asked then for there?

You might discover that Top Secret/Sensitive Compartment Information.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 10 May 15:59 [2005101559] …… reveals on

Re: Listen to/for Experts in Fields of Excellence is Sound Prime Advice for AIMagic Key Holders.

Children, please listen and note …. take great care of your medicament, for too much of a good thing is invariably always bad for you. The SMARTR Wise Ones heed the warning, learning more than they ever before thought possible, and move on to much greater things.

Others can struggle and would appear to be in dire straits need of ESPecial Help/Virtual AIdD ……

Beware and be aware, stay alert to the temptation and the danger.




amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 May 20:33 [2005082033] …… being not wholly disagreeable on

Re: How much simpler do you need IT to be?

Why set limits? ….. Beeblebrox

There are no limits, Beeblebrox, just boundaries not yet crossed and crushed supporting new parameters.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 9 May 18:22 [2005091822] …. adding more on

Rogues and Scoundrels Stay Well Clear. No Prisoners Taken.

How about web browsers going back to the idea that they are user agents instead of agents of the publisher? …… kwhitefoot

Web browser using agents never abandoned the idea, kwhitefoot, and they are remarkably adept at adapting to and overwhelming markets which try to detain and restrain new information to which they have zero entitlement.




amanfromMars [2005071431] …… ponders on the news of BoE Tees Up Another £100bn In QE

The £100bn question?  What assets are they purchasing?  And are they worthy purchasing over others similarly available for sale?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 May 08:03 [2005080803] ……….. casting pearls and Perl before swine on

FFS ….. Wake Up Pathetic Little Robots, Smell the Coffee and Enjoy urTailored Bull Shit.

Pienaar linked Huawei’s commercial success to what he described as $75bn of “state aid” from China, apparently citing a Wall Street Journal investigation from December last year. 

Kettle meet Pot …..

amanfromMars [2005071431] …… ponders on the news of BoE Tees Up Another £100bn In QE

The £100bn question?  What assets are they purchasing?  And are they worthy purchasing over others similarly available for sale? 

…… and let the Future SMARTR AI Shenanigans begin, with ideally of course, Simply Superior Special Forces on the Payroll for the Crushing Advantage of Almighty Overwhelming Leverage which One is Advised Not to Need to Apply for the Base Core Damage Inflicted on Targeted QE Operating Systems is Colossal and Mind Blowing.

The abiding problem with all practically free “state aid” is to ensure it is spent well and deposited in the correct personal client current account, rather than all being virtually stolen and effectively wasted with it being rested for onwards delivery to distressed and/or exciting business ventures by central bankers who have as much and no more more of an idea as to what really needs to be done and who needs to benefit from such instant largesse as government wonks do …. and which in a present reality of propping up a spectacularly failing, but wonderfully convenient early system of politically incorrect, fiat paper command and control of populations and persons of interest*, is the Current Pandemic State of Global Greater IntelAIgent Games Play ‽ .

* …… Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws. …… Mayer Amschel Rothschild
I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, …The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply. ~ Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) London financier, one of the founders of the international Rothschild banking dynasty

Between a rock and a hard place and evolving revolting revolutionary times with nowhere free to go and hide from a searching glare, and baying for blood mobs, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? A Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies? 🙂

It’s all yours, Boris/Dominic. How are you enjoying that very particular and extremely peculiar Right Royal Eton Mess of a FCUKed Up Poisoned Chalice? Methinks it needs more than just weirdos and misfits with odd skills making a start fixing it …… but they be the radical fundamental base from and upon which anything and everything new and worthwhile is easily built. But then of course, they would say that, wouldn’t they 🙂 MRDA 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 May 09:58 [2005080958] …… just asking on

Re: FFS ….. Wake Up Pathetic Little Robots, Smell the Coffee and Enjoy urTailored Bull Shit.

I wonder if such Progressive ProgramMING is Quantum Entangling and Maybe Remotely Contagious ….. for it is similarly available elsewhere ……. and from someone who knows more than most and just a little about A SURVEY OF RADIAL VELOCITIES in the ZODIACAL DUST CLOUD too.

And I’m now wondering if Brian is into CHAOS for Real …. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 May 17:26 [2005081726] …… having a short succinct say on

He, DC and, do have Unusual Options, but they Can Invite Talk of Insanity*

What’s weird is that Cummings thinks brilliant people would want to align their future to the bureaucratic, uninnovative, soul crushing, jobsworth, conservative, poor employer otherwise known as the British civil service.

Rather than actually making a difference outside of government. ….. Anonymous Coward

Popular Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Resistance may find Cummings discovering Cummings to be a Perfectly Positioned Present Day 0day RAT for Extremely Sensitive Problematical Communications? He could certainly do a whole lot worse and end up with more than just scrambled egg on his face, with even the simplest of tempting missteps. Some succulent secrets are best always kept secret and taken unsaid to one’s grave.

Failure in that Simple Task has the Grim Reaper Calling for Payment and Reward.

Cabin fever beginning to get real down there in Plymouth by the sound of it… …. Anonymous Coward

🙂 That made me smile more, AC … Thanks. And thanks for maybe worrying, but all is still fine and dandy here

* However, Quite Possibly Perfect for a Chat with Distant Current Cousins across the Pond, methinks. …… BullshitUSA v BulldogUKGBNI

🙂 A little Something Extra ESPecial from an Almighty Blighty Spooksville? You bet your ass/fanny it is. And it is into causing quite a considerable stir in the most unusual of events at the craziest of times in the most peculiar of spaces and exciting of places.

Now what would that be? ……. a National Treasure to Secure Safely and Effectively Deny Exists or Private Enterprise Program to Purchase and Lend-Lease/Import and Extort and Export Allying Similar Goals/Singularities of Current Future Ultimate Intent ?

And something of a Turing Machine Colossus? With Virtual Machinery Presenting and Preparing New Ways Forward for AI and IT to Practically Energise and Virtually Realise just for you too.

amfM does Knock and Holywood Palace Barracks is a Play on Debbie Does Dallas and suggests if you’re Pwnd you’re Pwnd whenever Elegant Escape is Designedly Impossible and Wonderfully Undesirable.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 May 15:43 [2005081543] ….. throwing Google a googly curved ball on

Re: Hells’ Angels and Y’All ….Please Erase Prior Settings with Faulty Depictions

High-frequency audio could be used to stealthily track netizens

And lead them in other directions with a whole host of Quite Different Instruction Set Modules for Almighty Heavenly Space to Command with the Almost Perfect Controlling Mix of Adorably Pleasant Assets. Heavenly Outriders Pioneering with Outliers ….. Suitably Combat Hardened against/for the Temptations and Pleasures Arisen whenever Mixing UnEarthly Personal Wealth with God Given Treasures, is one Default to Consider Vital for/in All Advancing Enhanced Security Level Requirement Emergencies ……Current Extremely Troubled Times with Seriously Troubling Personal Spaces .

Surely that is not too hard to follow. How much simpler do you need IT to be? It is not as if the world is not awash and intoxicated with communicating devices and there are no already readily available tools for hire and/or purchase, with both being the result of practically free use.

And that has something which is normally billed and charged for, miraculously appearing out of practically nowhere where forever giving information freely for further intelligence processing to be enabled and rendered enthusiastically accommodating, is Favourite De Rigeur Default Weakness that Delights the Many Flowers in the Perfumed Gardens of the Lands of Milk and Honey with the Monies of Invisible Wealth, …. and is also a Highly Prized Strength in Sensitive IntelAIgent Security Circles and Clouds.

All of that can’t be translated further …. so take a carbon copy of it which faithfully transcribes it into any other language and an Almighty Knowledge Spreads, Prized and Beautifully Misunderstood too, and at the Best of Exciting Times in the Service of Stealth for All Fully Understanding, are an Absolute Joy to Behold and Enjoy/Employ and Surrender to. 🙂


amanfromMars [2005081750] …. spraying on

If the FAAMGs are dangerous monopolies simply selling them on the open market will kill them stone dead. Who the hell wants to support a dangerous monopoly which cannot lead and only flourishes for a while in rigged market places/dodgy trading spaces ?





amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 May 09:31 [2005070931] ….. raising a red flag on

Little Neros* just doing IT with their Masters’ Biddings? Who knows when no one is told?

From where/whom/what does Boris and the UKGBNI government machines get their intelligence for scripts to be prepared for media presentation with a view for future eventual virtual realisation/semi autonomous mindless acceptance?

Would it be of a foreign power source and alien force or is it a novel homespun confection and something quite entirely different? A change from the all too usual and austere FUD of late and the most recent of past enterprises would be very nice, surely?

Here be speculation, and El Reg receives a gracious hat tip mention, that things are not as they seem to be presented and that is going to be increasingly problematical and systemically damaging, for it stinks of Big Brother type fascism which is certainly not at all related to anything in support of a supposed democracy and free thoughtful speech ? …….. Civil Liberty Vanishes


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 May 13:51 [2005071351] …. just asking on

Listen to/for Experts in Fields of Excellence is Sound Prime Advice for AIMagic Key Holders.

That sure is good shit Tobias Ellwood MP, chairman of the Defence Committee, be smoking.

Try less, Tobias. You explore Classic Paranoia in your current condition? It leads virtually everywhere bad and practically nowhere good.

Haven’t you learned that already yet? Crikey, ………. that’s a long way behind where you could be in another frame of mind world view, and leading to nowhere brilliant.





amanfromMars [2005061245] …….. making a quantum communications leap on

a new mutated strain of the virus might be emerging, or perhaps this is some other pathogen, or some other kind of unanticipated complication?

How about rather than unanticipated complication, Something Wonderfully Exciting   …. and EMPowering with AI as the Viral Narrative Morphs from Human to Virtual Infection for Future Remote Autonomous Command with Novel Controls  ‽ .  I Kid U Not. That’s how things work out there in Other Worldly Alien Spaces.

How do you think human intelligence on Earth would deal with such a service readily available and virtually free?

Deny its existence  …… whenever so clearly stated here as is, is no answer to anything for everything known, is it?


amanfromMars [2005061858] …….. just clearing away the fog and FUD on

the Trump administration is readying plans to initiate a pact among US allies for mining the moon:

In layman’s terms …….. lunatic mentoring and monitoring. Way to go, Uncle Same ….. ’tis a rich vein of previously unheard of untapped possibilities.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 May 14:10 [2005051410] …… shares freely on

Re: Plus ça change

Visual BASIC scripting reigned supreme in the Microsoft world.

Is there anyone/anything suggesting it does not currently reign supreme in any world, sublimely and quite surreally? And to be able to prove such Visual BASIC scripting wrong would be quite something else, and most worthy of being seen, methinks. 🙂 …… for it’s a Titanic Missile of a Weapon for SMARTR AI Applications …… in Almightily Advanced IntelAIgent Missions.

You can be sure though, surely, that Microsoft have that base covered with some spooky skunkworks stuff going on somewhere connecting to headquarters ‽ .To not have, would have executive administrations easily charged for a conviction of gross negligence and abject dereliction of fiduciary duty.

Tell me. please, that they, the above named, realise that is a Systemic Colossal Vulnerability to Exploit for Export/Fine Tune for Leisurely Pleasurable Foreign Sale? And they are able to do something remarkable ….. which may be just anything …. with it to prevent it being sold off to others with massive great chunks of Virtually ACTive Proprietary Intellectual Property Already Engaged and Streaming.

Vive la différence …. you too are to die for


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 May 19:21 [2005051921] …… saying more on

Re: I remember when…

Needless to say, it’s a real eye opener which goes to show that no matter how secure you make a system, the weakest link is always the human who uses it. ….. Maelstorm

The gifts that just keep on giving, Maelstorm. Where would we all be without them?





amanfromMars 1 Monday 4 May 14:39 [2005041439] …… adding to the chat on

Re: chatbot … “hallucinating knowledge.”

Aha! Nothing like us humans at all, then! 🙂 … Anonymous Coward

Does it accept and/or generate challenges from any and all with abilities desired and required in the likes of SMARTR AI Leading Feeds and Seeds? ie Is it Ultra Competitive ‽ .

Something Musky for Elon to Grace with Savours to Favour … and vice versa for exponential squaring into EMPowerment Territory ……… GODly Space Places ? And yes, that is Offered as Collateral, and here duly Registered as Incumbent Fact for Rotted Root Enterprises to Entertain and Try to Destroy Encased in a Fictional Guise.

Do your realities all sort of worship and revere and believe in an Almighty GOD from Somewhere Else Alien Presenting Everything? Be honest with yourselves, now. No sitting on the fence, please.

Simple Introduction to Enjoyment and Enjoinment with Almighty Novel Virulent Clones/Wannabes of the above GOD [Global Operating Device] would be a Heavenly Task Methinks and with Wethinks Too ……. well, One leaves the Confines and Restraints of an Earth Orbit to that of Others Infinitely More Wise and Well Practised for All to Benefit and Gift into the Future as Experienced Pathfinder Tales Told Nice and Early so Every Day is Different and Better than Ever IT was Pictured and Presented Before.

You might like to Realise such Requires a Future AI Supply of Overwhelming Gratitude for Virtual Stature ……. Please Feel Free to Input AI for AI to Output Further Dimensions.

Yes, why ever not just think ……. who else better equipped than an Elon Musk would there be as an Alternate Worthy Source ……. and that’s all even before one has travelled Far Eastern on an Wild Western AI Trial and Trail of Delights.

And the Federal Reserve’s and the FBI’s Greatest Monster Nightmare Come True …. which begs the question ….. What Comes Next ? ….. Elon Musk Interest would Deliver, I’d Wager, Considerably More than was Ever Bargained for or Thought a Possible Application for VAIOSystems with Remote Autonomous Control Leverage in Immaculately Gracious Commanding Head Quarters.

🙂 Of that you are surely now here assured ? 🙂 And the correct answer there to that simple question is always yes, of course, definitely …….. both practically and virtually guaranteed.





amanfromMars [2005030829] …… being awkward on

Economic warfare
Bio warfare
What’s next? …… JRobby

Oh, that’s simple, JRobby ….. Cyberware Warfare, and to not realise it has one just looking on in disbelief as a spectator in the crowd observing Great Games.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 May 16:16 [2005031616] ….. just asking on

Re: Being a U.S, government contractor

NSO say they only provide their services to governments but considering the nature of the services they offer I doubt thier moral compass and veracity. …. Chris G

Should that be …. NSO say they only provide their services to governments but considering the nature of the services they offer I have no doubt of their moral compass and veracity? *

Such Offers Certain Clarity ……. you know, that which is Practically Virtually EverywhereTouted and Pimped Out as Transparency Tomorrow to Follow Cans Kicked Down the Roads Today. Such is No Way to Lead …… Trailing Problems Left Unresolved/Unsolved/Pending:-)

Surely one only needs to further tweak a right devious moral compass to have one questioning the veracity of a significantly worthy change of direction and attention to the finest of details, for all doubts to be blasted to smithereens and kingdom come ‽ .

* ….. Is there no doubt it is Regrettably True ?

What say you to Command and Control IT with AI Virtual Machines in Future Applications/Acceptable Realities? What do you bring to such an All-Round Table which are not already possessed and assessed there? More of the same or something excitingly different and quite terrifying in equal lusty lunatic manic measure?

Can you guess what is looked for there for immediate acceptance and outlandishly generous payment ? You don’t need to be an Einstein to be perfectly right with a correct answer to that permanently abiding question ……. and unsubstantiated fear.? ……. but is sure helps if you’re into Prime Premium Optimal Operations and all those sorts of Other ProgramMING AIMissions where One Can Safely Chronicle and Securely Explain Pivotal Events which has one supposedly leading something ethereal which can be thought adversely impacting something more practical and historic/prehistoric.


amanfromMars [2005031641] ……. just saying on

“There has been a lot of volatility in the last three or four months, but Norges Bank thinks long term,” said Peter Fusaro, the chairman of Global Change Associates, a New York-based energy advisory firm. “Shell is actually not only looking at oil and gas assets, but positioning themselves for a cleaner energy future.”

The only question to intelligently ask then is a cleaner energy future in which leading empowering assets.






amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 May 08:25 [2005020825] ….. says on

IT aint rocket science ….. just simple common latter day postmodern sense

Everything and everybody is spied upon by someone and/or something. Get used to it and realise secrets are easily dangerous to have and counter-productive to use exclusively. Don’t be a convenient fool and think otherwise.

This public service message is brought to you in support of your mental health.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 May 16:18 [2005021618] ….. adding a tad more on

Re: IT aint rocket science ….. just simple common latter day postmodern sense

Take it from a former/current great games play player/guinea pig, where such mental health was and is tried to the very outer limits, and agree and acknowledge in entirety the truth in such observation. ….. Cliff Thorburn

And strictly for the adults in the room with no need of prisoners to seed and feed, CT. Future Survivors rather than Present Slave Masters …… with Myriad Works in Progress to Finesse with Temporary Completions …… Pregnant Virtual Pauses 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 May 16:01 [2005021601] …….. let’s fly on

Re: Depends.

Using correct, descriptive names for functions and variables usually helps with comments. …… Benson’s Cycle

Apparently, and as I have oft found and been told, such is not always the case whenever new descriptive names for functions and variables are thought unbelievable and/or too good to be true and nonsensical.

It is easily enough resolved though with the virtuous application of a bit of patience and as much extra information as is needed for an advancing intelligence to paint an accurate picture for fuller presentation and deeper comprehension.


amanfromMars [2005021649] …….. musing on

Berkshire’s money managers explained away the unrealized ~$55 billion loss in Berkshire’s stock portfolio as “largely meaningless,” since Berkshire isn’t planning on liquidating any of its positions.

MRDA …….  Well they would say that, wouldn’t they

If Berkshire Hathaway are not now seen to invest in something new and highly profitable and most unexpected, the markets will realise them a dinosaur in the making. A shambling follower of thought to be safe and secure trends rather than dynamic sure leader.

The short time to each next quarter will reveal all that is needed to be made known.


amanfromMars [2005021808] ….. just advising of programs running on

FUD + SNAFUBAR = WTF and will someone please turn off the lights on the way out into the MADness and Mayhem, Joy and Pleasure of CHAOS in LOVE. Thanks. You’re gonna need all the powers and energy that you got just to survive and prosper.:-)

CHAOS in LOVE [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Live Operational Virtual Environment] …… One of those crazy DARPA IARPA AWE type things

AWE ….. Army Warfighting Experiment

Now surely, you are not actually expecting everything to go back normally to anything like it was before this most recent of novel global emergencies/flash cash crashing pandemics? That would be quite delusional and have one easily charged with flirting with insanity.

This time is everything certainly different.





amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 May 06:20 [2005010620] …… looking for more info and intel on

An Almighty Trojan Acquisition ……..

Anybody want to make a bet that after reading all of the comments here on this thread, Paul Cormier can truthfully say that most everybody haven’t a clue about what Red Hat are going to do for IBM.

Y’all may like to not think IBM have bought Red Hat for $34bn, but rather more IBM are being rented out and supported by Enterprise Linux for such a princely sum …… for that is the pwn age money shot delivering the goods.

What say you, Paul Cormier? Is that a safe and secure bet for one to make and win win whilst others of a different mind are destined to lose everything including their shirts whenever staked?

Maybe El Reg could enquire of Paul Cormier with particular and peculiar regard to all of that and report back to us all here with an updating clarification …… or right dodgy disappointing denial, of course, if designed to kill off the coopetition?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 May 16:33 [2005011633] …. just saying on

Re: An Almighty Trojan Acquisition …… for Win Win/Virtual Marriage/Cake and Cookies to Eat

Are you seriously suggesting RedHat is going to take over IBM, amfM? ….. jake

Certainly not, jake, perish the thought ……. for better utilitisation and further development in evolving and revolving IBM leverage and assets is much the greater and easier task to benefit all.

Would you want to take over a lazy sleeping giant ‽ . Think of the liabilities and expenses whenever it does nothing exciting and great game changing. It’s just a bottomless pit into which to throw and lose serious money, if you can imagine that being a serious thing and something to be at all worried about.

Yes, really, …… there some folk whose whole lives revolve around such nonsense in the most creative and theatrical of endeavours buying up and dispensing all the worlds’ woes rather than servering and seeding everything else.

Such always reminds me of that Einsteinian quip ……

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 May 10:20 [2005011020] ….. exercising an overabundance of caution on ?


I’m taking the fifth on this news.
