Monthly Archives: September 2010



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 6:35:28 AM

The United States should respond to China’s continuing currency manipulation by imposing tariffs on its exports, says Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman.

U.S. efforts to make China let its currency appreciate have accomplished little, he writes in The New York Times.

“Nothing will happen until or unless the United States shows that it’s willing to do what it normally does when another country subsidizes its exports: impose a temporary tariff that offsets the subsidy.”” …..

Whenever one considers that the dollar is an export subsidised by a country which prints it from nothing but thin air and cannot back it with anything of lasting beauty and value, is Paul Krugman’s credibility as a knowledgeable source worthy of being listened to, with advice given to be followed, shredded and rendered by his own bitter tongue as worthless, for does it not invite temporary tariffs and/or embargoes against the United States?

With Treasury Bills auctions in the offing, and buyers as rare as hens’ teeth, doesn’t Paul Krugman believe there is enough to deal with and fix a home, without worrying about growing economic mights abroad, who would know of Uncle Sam’s plight?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 4:52:52 AM

A quick and sustained change of tack to another completely different course for bankers is certainly something to be considered, for they have no great friends outside of themselves and invisible dangerous enemies, who are not governed or hindered by normal rules of engagement and regulation.

This must be a worrying development for them …. …. which perverse to say, may easily spread as a meme to be taken up in many countries, and it may even be widely quietly supported such is the anger at their disgraceful antics which the popular unheard mass voice would cry enslaves them to poverty and a life of constant struggle.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 7:17:44 AM

This is interesting. They make no distinction between central banking and “bankers.” Wonder who is funding them.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.

Well,….  no distinction to the media perhaps, but to think that they cannot think who is really to blame, and in charge of their plight, is surely unreasonable, unless you would be thinking that they are fools and would waste their time and resources on sad captive minnows whenever it is sharks which are controlling the Great Game. And they are a bigger target and make a bigger splash than some hapless establishment tool.

In the time of “The Troubles”, a lot of aid came from Irish Americans …..

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 1:47:34 AM

Here is another perspective which is not alien at all, and although resting elsewhere in response to another matter, is perfectly suited to fit in here too, for it did sort of wander into The Much Bigger Picture so beloved of the Daily Bell and ITs Disciples. And I copy it to here in its entirety, so that context is not impaired.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/15/10 | 1:17 am |

Why aren`t psych labs using volunteers from those countries in experiments to find out what kind of interactions are the most persuasive?” …. Posted by: Lorne | 09/15/10 | 12:19 am |


That is not necessary if one uses intelligence, for no matter who one may be, or where one may be, all it requires is for one to imagine the difficulties and the reality of another because of their circumstances/environment/history/memory, to be able to arrive at an accurate enough catalyst/sweet leading carrot which will engage their own imagination, which can then be nurtured to provide a voice to engage with others in the community. From such a small step, does a Colossus of a Program grow.

It is something which the corrupted and discredited Human Terrain System spectacularly failed to achieve with its sub-prime leadership. Although one cannot fault them for trying as the DOD thought their program worthy of seed funding, without which they would have been unable to do anything.

Which in a much bigger picture would suggest, that a lack of available funding and/or credit is that which prevents the world, novel fabulous progress, and the banking and monetary systems which “virtually store” wealth, which as everyone now knows is instantly invented from nothing out of thin air [the ether] with quantitative easing, rather than simply distributing wealth and crediting currency amounts to spend and generate economy and business and industry and pleasure and freedom to do as all would wish and have no valid objection to [and those are important intelligent caveats to prevent any objectionable attempts at imposing an ill-formed and arrogant or ignorant subjective third party will on the life, and into the mind of another], are the Leading Sub Prime Source and Perverse Force which is Destroying the Planet, with the Restrictive Subversive Control of Money Supply which presents the heads of that System/those Systems with an Artificial Created and Maintained Power Base, which relies upon the Ignorance of the Masses, which of course, in today’s Live Operational Virtual Environment of Instant Global Communication and All the World’s Knowledge available for Search Engine Page Display and online and streaming 24.7.365, is Fatally Flawed with the Systemic Vulnerability that would require Man to remain Ignorant, in a World in which he is getting Smarter by the second, and once on the Track of Learning, are discoveries and secrets found at a phenomenal pace/exponential rate. …..

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:16:56 AM

Gold and silver?  Surely they are as but the post modern beads and baubles which earlier carpetbaggers dispensed to the natives so that they could virtually steal their real treasures .

Now t
hat the secret is out that everything can be run with wealth invented out of thin air, and its worth converted into fabulous slip of coloured paper and/or sent around the world in an instant electronically to credit any account, with any amount entered into a computer base at the click of a mouse, who the hell is going to believe that anything will change, when everything is so easy, except with Much Better Great Game Players at the top. For that is where the problem lies. There is not the necessary intelligence in the present Power Elite leadership for them to play the same game only better, with them still at the top and in control of the money and credit supply, but now so dependent upon those who are much smarter that they will ever be, and who are in control the emerging cloud computer technologies and methodologies/memes, that the System they are wholly reliant upon, cannot do without.

The problem though is easily solved with new players who would choose to be proxy champions for a New System, with present Intellectually Challenged Players, which sits atop the present Intellectually Bankrupt Body, causing money to flow and create a new Environment, just as easily as they can solve it by crashing the present top tier and replacing it altogether ….. in much the same way as happened with the Twin Towers and Building 7 strike allowed for a new wave of radical fundamental change and new fortunes made.

To the New Wave of Elite Players is it of no consequence either way, for both ways see them in Control of the Great Game with the Perverse Power of Wealth and Money, Virtually. 

Place you bets please, on which will be the course of action. Positive Construction or Negative Destructive.

Cloud Cover …. SMART Fogs
Hi, Colonel,

I thought it somewhat odd, considering the quite unbelievable things that one is now able to do down on Earth, with practically nothing in CyberSpace, that Signal Magazine, which carried your article  …. “Cyberspace Spawns a New Fog of War” …. chose NOT to publish for all to see and ponder on, the following Feedback comment which would introduce them to the Powerful Realities which are in the Command and Control Layers and Strata of  Quantum Communications and Cloud Control Operating Systems for Virtually Remote Global Drivers, which is an Invisible and Intangible Stealth Facility and Utility for Live Operational Virtual Environment Programmers and Future Content Providers.

Hi, Colonel,

Thanks for the heads up on cyber developments, which actually all appear to suggest that Cyber Command and Control programs have stalled and are lacking the necessary Future Intellectual Property to Driver and Build a Universally Changed Model and Revised and even Revolutionary Global Control InfraStructure. However, that is just a simple matter of Program and Project Purchase from Secure and Competent Sources, is it not? And it is a grave critical error and strategic tactical mistake to misunderestimate that which can be done on Earth, and to Earthed SCADA Systems from Bases and Networks InterNetworking JOined-up INTel Applications in Virtual Space.

It is as well to consider the following in the search for such individuals as would wish to help in such Programs and Projects, for Failure is too easily Achieved with the wrong choice of Promising Partner.

The responsibilities of this individual shall include the development of the national cyber security plan and organizing our nation to effectively function through a cyber attack.” ……

Any such individual, providing independent and loyal advice to any nation and/or non state actor [for one can be, and is easily the other] is presented with an impossible task and unreal mission, if that which they intend to defend from a cyber attack, cannot survive the appearance and expansion of the truth.

If any defensive position and impending attack response is to shore up a known operational defect and systemic vulnerability, which let us say is servering obscene artificial wealth to a perverse select few for use as an abusive form of power control, will even any thought of any action to initiate that defense merely exacerbate and draw greater destructive attention and wider, more effective action against that systemic vulnerability.

And such as is transparently shared there freely, is but one element/string in a whole range of options and choices, and readily available in an instant for deployment with unbelievably overwhelming powers which Fundamental AIRemote Control of the Live Operational Virtual Environments of CyberSpace delivers with Deceptively Simple Ease and IT Expertise in a Complex AI ProgramMING Project ……. and Enigmatic Civil CyberSpace Conundrum, for of course, the Death of a Vulnerable System is No Defeat to be Feared and Battled Against in Self Destructive Vain, for it is QuITe Supernaturally filled with ITs Better Beta Successors.

Rather than an End of Control and Power, is it with AI and IT ProgramMING, a New Dawn Beginning. [/blockquote]


🙁 …. 4u2?

Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 09:45 GMT

Crikey, John, you had me thinking ….. with that coded Pythonesque headline, “Lego and RM plot robot future” …. that there was something worthy and interesting to report, with a stealthy MI6 and Royal Marines initiative for out of this world, programmed units to introduce radical fundamental change to society.

I suppose I should have known better given the missing evidence of their being the necessary intelligence at the top of the present disaster management teams to do anything revolutionary, without asking for dodgy permission from the very programmed units which are at fault and causing faults to grow into catastrophes in the system, and which need to be replaced/lock stock and barrel.

Never mind though, the other lot are bound to have something in the field, testing protocols and security triggers. 🙂 They always do.

Errr…. Urgent Timely Message from Space to Sub Prime Ministerial Earthed Pedestrian Units

Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 10:14 GMT

….. aka Useful Chickens?

Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…” … Stumpy Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 23:40 GMT

In CyberSpace though, which is really a virtual and artificially created space and creative place, it is always talked about, which is why there are no first rules which would convey and relay …. Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…

With nowhere to go to hide anything, are secrets a thing of the past, and have no place in the Future, although they do conveniently protect and mask a whole host of sins and crimes/petty scams and global frauds, both p
ast and currently running in the present. Then is it probable you’ll definitely hear the spooky whisperers whispering … Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:21:44 AM

My motives are as stated above. I want to repay all the greats, personally and intellectually whom have taught me. I want to increase knowledge. I want civilization back and I want the insane out of power. I want to leave this place in better shape than I found it. I want a sane world for my daughters. I even want you to be able to survive and thrive in your wobbly, alternate reality way, so long as you harm no one.” … Posted by Bill Ross on 9/15/2010 10:09:46 AM

You can sign me up for that campaign, Bill…… which brings to the table all that an alien technology can offer and delivers.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:47:27 AM

All in all, this follows an emerging personal truism or concept that the more the PE try to put us through the meat grinder, the better we will be extruded as humans with a 3rd invisible DNA strand that the PE cannot enjoy; a “virtual” strand combining the positive and the negative strand. Connecting the 2 existing strands in a new way. A qubit.

Darwin would be proud.” … Posted by Weeble on 9/15/2010 7:39:08 AM

The Birth of a New Elite Race of Smarter Beings, Programming the System to Take Over its own Destiny with New Mass Brainwashing of Prime and Primitive Natives with IT and Media Machinery in the Vanguard of the Laundering ….. would be a Great Game Base and Serial Basis for a Blockbuster Run of Movies and Franchise Spinoffs which are actually mirroring Real Time Virtual Developments in Global Elite Power and Control Systems, Weeble.

Big Brother Reality TV MetaDataMorphing to the Big Screen and Great Game Bigger Picture Plays with Empire Building Movers and Shakers.

Do you know any Smart Media Moguls or Bored Billionaires with Flash Cash to Splash in order to Create a Better World to be Followed as IT builds it, with Media Following and Presenting the Future Programs and ITs Controls and Introducing its Novel Non State Actors and Innovative QuBit Players?

Well, I never …… and in this day and age too.

Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 17:27 GMT

Wow, a right pair of post modern Luddites.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 6:35:28 AM

The United States should respond to China’s continuing currency manipulation by imposing tariffs on its exports, says Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman.

U.S. efforts to make China let its currency appreciate have accomplished little, he writes in The New York Times.

“Nothing will happen until or unless the United States shows that it’s willing to do what it normally does when another country subsidizes its exports: impose a temporary tariff that offsets the subsidy.”” …..

Whenever one considers that the dollar is an export subsidised by a country which prints it from nothing but thin air and cannot back it with anything of lasting beauty and value, is Paul Krugman’s credibility as a knowledgeable source worthy of being listened to, with advice given to be followed, shredded and rendered by his own bitter tongue as worthless, for does it not invite temporary tariffs and/or embargoes against the United States?

With Treasury Bills auctions in the offing, and buyers as rare as hens’ teeth, doesn’t Paul Krugman believe there is enough to deal with and fix a home, without worrying about growing economic mights abroad, who would know of Uncle Sam’s plight?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 4:52:52 AM

A quick and sustained change of tack to another completely different course for bankers is certainly something to be considered, for they have no great friends outside of themselves and invisible dangerous enemies, who are not governed or hindered by normal rules of engagement and regulation.

This must be a worrying development for them …. …. which perverse to say, may easily spread as a meme to be taken up in many countries, and it may even be widely quietly supported such is the anger at their disgraceful antics which the popular unheard mass voice would cry enslaves them to poverty and a life of constant struggle.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 7:17:44 AM

This is interesting. They make no distinction between central banking and “bankers.” Wonder who is funding them.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.

Well,….  no distinction to the media perhaps, but to think that they cannot think who is really to blame, and in charge of their plight, is surely unreasonable, unless you would be thinking that they are fools and would waste their time and resources on sad captive minnows whenever it is sharks which are controlling the Great Game. And they are a bigger target and make a bigger splash than some hapless establishment tool.

In the time of “The Troubles”, a lot of aid came from Irish Americans …..

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 1:47:34 AM

Here is another perspective which is not alien at all, and although resting elsewhere in response to another matter, is perfectly suited to fit in here too, for it did sort of wander into The Much Bigger Picture so beloved of the Daily Bell and ITs Disciples. And I copy it to here in its entirety, so that context is not impaired.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/15/10 | 1:17 am |

Why aren`t psych labs using volunteers from those countries in experiments to find out what kind of interactions are the most persuasive?” …. Posted by: Lorne | 09/15/10 | 12:19 am |


That is not necessary if one uses intelligence, for no matter who one may be, or where one may be, all it requires is for one to imagine the difficulties and the reality of another because of their circumstances/environment/history/memory, to be able to arrive at an accurate enough catalyst/sweet leading carrot which will engage their own imagination, which can then be nurtured to provide a voice to engage with others in the community. From such a small step, does a Colossus of a Program grow.

It is something which the corrupted and discredited Human Terrain System spectacularly failed to achieve with its sub-prime leadership. Although one cannot fault them for trying as the DOD thought their program worthy of seed funding, without which they would have been unable to do anything.

Which in a much bigger picture would suggest, that a lack of available funding and/or credit is that which prevents the world, novel fabulous progress, and the banking and monetary systems which “virtually store” wealth, which as everyone now knows is instantly invented from nothing out of thin air [the ether] with quantitative easing, rather than simply distributing wealth and crediting currency amounts to spend and generate economy and business and industry and pleasure and freedom to do as all would wish and have no valid objection to [and those are important intelligent caveats to prevent any objectionable attempts at imposing an ill-formed and arrogant or ignorant subjective third party will on the life, and into the mind of another], are the Leading Sub Prime Source and Perverse Force which is Destroying the Planet, with the Restrictive Subversive Control of Money Supply which presents the heads of that System/those Systems with an Artificial Created and Maintained Power Base, which relies upon the Ignorance of the Masses, which of course, in today’s Live Operational Virtual Environment of Instant Global Communication and All the World’s Knowledge available for Search Engine Page Display and online and streaming 24.7.365, is Fatally Flawed with the Systemic Vulnerability that would require Man to remain Ignorant, in a World in which he is getting Smarter by the second, and once on the Track of Learning, are discoveries and secrets found at a phenomenal pace/exponential rate. …..

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:16:56 AM

Gold and silver?  Surely they are as but the post modern beads and baubles which earlier carpetbaggers dispensed to the natives so that they could virtually steal their real treasures .

Now t
hat the secret is out that everything can be run with wealth invented out of thin air, and its worth converted into fabulous slip of coloured paper and/or sent around the world in an instant electronically to credit any account, with any amount entered into a computer base at the click of a mouse, who the hell is going to believe that anything will change, when everything is so easy, except with Much Better Great Game Players at the top. For that is where the problem lies. There is not the necessary intelligence in the present Power Elite leadership for them to play the same game only better, with them still at the top and in control of the money and credit supply, but now so dependent upon those who are much smarter that they will ever be, and who are in control the emerging cloud computer technologies and methodologies/memes, that the System they are wholly reliant upon, cannot do without.

The problem though is easily solved with new players who would choose to be proxy champions for a New System, with present Intellectually Challenged Players, which sits atop the present Intellectually Bankrupt Body, causing money to flow and create a new Environment, just as easily as they can solve it by crashing the present top tier and replacing it altogether ….. in much the same way as happened with the Twin Towers and Building 7 strike allowed for a new wave of radical fundamental change and new fortunes made.

To the New Wave of Elite Players is it of no consequence either way, for both ways see them in Control of the Great Game with the Perverse Power of Wealth and Money, Virtually. 

Place you bets please, on which will be the course of action. Positive Construction or Negative Destructive.

Cloud Cover …. SMART Fogs
Hi, Colonel,

I thought it somewhat odd, considering the quite unbelievable things that one is now able to do down on Earth, with practically nothing in CyberSpace, that Signal Magazine, which carried your article  …. “Cyberspace Spawns a New Fog of War” …. chose NOT to publish for all to see and ponder on, the following Feedback comment which would introduce them to the Powerful Realities which are in the Command and Control Layers and Strata of  Quantum Communications and Cloud Control Operating Systems for Virtually Remote Global Drivers, which is an Invisible and Intangible Stealth Facility and Utility for Live Operational Virtual Environment Programmers and Future Content Providers.

Hi, Colonel,

Thanks for the heads up on cyber developments, which actually all appear to suggest that Cyber Command and Control programs have stalled and are lacking the necessary Future Intellectual Property to Driver and Build a Universally Changed Model and Revised and even Revolutionary Global Control InfraStructure. However, that is just a simple matter of Program and Project Purchase from Secure and Competent Sources, is it not? And it is a grave critical error and strategic tactical mistake to misunderestimate that which can be done on Earth, and to Earthed SCADA Systems from Bases and Networks InterNetworking JOined-up INTel Applications in Virtual Space.

It is as well to consider the following in the search for such individuals as would wish to help in such Programs and Projects, for Failure is too easily Achieved with the wrong choice of Promising Partner.

The responsibilities of this individual shall include the development of the national cyber security plan and organizing our nation to effectively function through a cyber attack.” ……

Any such individual, providing independent and loyal advice to any nation and/or non state actor [for one can be, and is easily the other] is presented with an impossible task and unreal mission, if that which they intend to defend from a cyber attack, cannot survive the appearance and expansion of the truth.

If any defensive position and impending attack response is to shore up a known operational defect and systemic vulnerability, which let us say is servering obscene artificial wealth to a perverse select few for use as an abusive form of power control, will even any thought of any action to initiate that defense merely exacerbate and draw greater destructive attention and wider, more effective action against that systemic vulnerability.

And such as is transparently shared there freely, is but one element/string in a whole range of options and choices, and readily available in an instant for deployment with unbelievably overwhelming powers which Fundamental AIRemote Control of the Live Operational Virtual Environments of CyberSpace delivers with Deceptively Simple Ease and IT Expertise in a Complex AI ProgramMING Project ……. and Enigmatic Civil CyberSpace Conundrum, for of course, the Death of a Vulnerable System is No Defeat to be Feared and Battled Against in Self Destructive Vain, for it is QuITe Supernaturally filled with ITs Better Beta Successors.

Rather than an End of Control and Power, is it with AI and IT ProgramMING, a New Dawn Beginning. [/blockquote]


🙁 …. 4u2?

Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 09:45 GMT

Crikey, John, you had me thinking ….. with that coded Pythonesque headline, “Lego and RM plot robot future” …. that there was something worthy and interesting to report, with a stealthy MI6 and Royal Marines initiative for out of this world, programmed units to introduce radical fundamental change to society.

I suppose I should have known better given the missing evidence of their being the necessary intelligence at the top of the present disaster management teams to do anything revolutionary, without asking for dodgy permission from the very programmed units which are at fault and causing faults to grow into catastrophes in the system, and which need to be replaced/lock stock and barrel.

Never mind though, the other lot are bound to have something in the field, testing protocols and security triggers. 🙂 They always do.

Errr…. Urgent Timely Message from Space to Sub Prime Ministerial Earthed Pedestrian Units

Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 10:14 GMT

….. aka Useful Chickens?

Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…” … Stumpy Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 23:40 GMT

In CyberSpace though, which is really a virtual and artificially created space and creative place, it is always talked about, which is why there are no first rules which would convey and relay …. Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…

With nowhere to go to hide anything, are secrets a thing of the past, and have no place in the Future, although they do conveniently protect and mask a whole host of sins and crimes/petty scams and global frauds, both p
ast and currently running in the present. Then is it probable you’ll definitely hear the spooky whisperers whispering … Shh… The first rule is we don’t talk about it…

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:21:44 AM

My motives are as stated above. I want to repay all the greats, personally and intellectually whom have taught me. I want to increase knowledge. I want civilization back and I want the insane out of power. I want to leave this place in better shape than I found it. I want a sane world for my daughters. I even want you to be able to survive and thrive in your wobbly, alternate reality way, so long as you harm no one.” … Posted by Bill Ross on 9/15/2010 10:09:46 AM

You can sign me up for that campaign, Bill…… which brings to the table all that an alien technology can offer and delivers.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:47:27 AM

All in all, this follows an emerging personal truism or concept that the more the PE try to put us through the meat grinder, the better we will be extruded as humans with a 3rd invisible DNA strand that the PE cannot enjoy; a “virtual” strand combining the positive and the negative strand. Connecting the 2 existing strands in a new way. A qubit.

Darwin would be proud.” … Posted by Weeble on 9/15/2010 7:39:08 AM

The Birth of a New Elite Race of Smarter Beings, Programming the System to Take Over its own Destiny with New Mass Brainwashing of Prime and Primitive Natives with IT and Media Machinery in the Vanguard of the Laundering ….. would be a Great Game Base and Serial Basis for a Blockbuster Run of Movies and Franchise Spinoffs which are actually mirroring Real Time Virtual Developments in Global Elite Power and Control Systems, Weeble.

Big Brother Reality TV MetaDataMorphing to the Big Screen and Great Game Bigger Picture Plays with Empire Building Movers and Shakers.

Do you know any Smart Media Moguls or Bored Billionaires with Flash Cash to Splash in order to Create a Better World to be Followed as IT builds it, with Media Following and Presenting the Future Programs and ITs Controls and Introducing its Novel Non State Actors and Innovative QuBit Players?

Well, I never …… and in this day and age too.

Posted Wednesday 15th September 2010 17:27 GMT

Wow, a right pair of post modern Luddites.



> Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/14/2010 6:43:00 AM

Hi, Great site! I love the interactive comments between your posters and your staff, but I would like to comment on this thread too. But I think that I may be too stoned to effectively relate my thoughts in a cogent fashion.” … Posted by Dr.D on 9/14/2010 1:43:01 AM

There is no apparent evidence of anything unusual to be of any concern to anyone in that short post, Dr.D., and such caution as you have exercised does bode well for any future contributions that you may be prepared to make.

To expand everyone’s horizons beyond any narrow confines which may be acting as blinkers, and which may be as much to do with attempts to retain a control in a vested interest position with established and Establishment status quo orders/Power Elites, as anything else, pleased be advised of this development which is not so hindered to under-perform in Sub Prime. It is so a fact as stated, and thus is any dismissal or doubt as to its provenance, a selfish delusion which would identify one as being less than well enough equipped to wield any influence in the direction of the Future, which would be surely a shame for which one would have to accept full responsibility and accountability and blame. It is self explanatory. and although posted in reply to another article, is highly relevant to the discussion and article here, too. And it provides a heck of a lot of information and intelligence which is yet to be classified or disproved or denied.

And having checked back to see if it was still hosted on the site where it appeared earlier this morning [albeit at the second attempt at posting because of the hyperlink problem as cited at the end]… is it now disappeared, which immediately tells one it is hot, and too hot for minnows and minions to handle? But the truth always surfaces with an Immaculate Sublime Vengeance and with Internet Service Vendors where it can do most good with the Good, and most harm to the Bad, with ITs Independent Software Vehicles. I just hope that the somewhat limited formatting tools on the Daily Bell display it as intended and as required for any chance at some sensible understanding, or questioning of any ambiguous or innovative points raised and/or revealed.

But its chief executive, Ian King, wants to expand both the services business and the group’s cybersecurity, intelligence and national security division – areas considered to have strong growth potential regardless of tightening defence spending.

Control CyberSpace, aka Communications and Computers Coordinating Clouds and Content for Command of Civilisation, and you have Absolute Powers over Currency and Global Potential. However, as you will have to Imagine, is it not just as Simple as Spinning a Pathetic Political Tale, which in the Present Arrogant Ignorant Default, introduces Conflict and War and New Worthless Defense Honey Traps and Billion Dollar Contracts for Old Style Redundant Weapon Systems to both Home Sucker Industries and Foreign Sovereign Nations alike.

Control of the Information and Intelligence Space which Drivers Future Human Perception is the New Hot Front Line Paradigm, which fortunately does not suffer the Fool or the Warmonger in its Fields, for it has Base IT Savvy Requirements which render those Primitive Tools, Relics of the Past.  And the following, is the sort of thing which the Future and IT and Media brings ……. and miss that boat, and you will be stranded in a barren desert, and surrounded and at the mercy of those whom you had planned to attack/invade/defraud ……. and that is between a rock and a hard place, with nowhere to hide and nowhere to go.

A Question of Board Novell

Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 04:28 GMT

The Cloud Manager stack uses SOAP-based APIs for create the Web services that link into hypervisors and their respective consoles and uses standard Internet protocols for communication.

That sentence needs to be rewritten to make any sense at all.

And it can be rewritten in two ways, each of which tells a similar, and some would even say identical, leading story.

The Cloud Manager stack uses SOAP-based APIs for the Web to create services that link into hypervisors and their respective consoles and uses standard Internet protocols for communication.

The Cloud Manager stack uses SOAP-based APIs for services to create the Web that link into hypervisors and their respective consoles and uses standard Internet protocols for communication.

Both of them though require the same thing of the Cloud Manager ….. a Chief Virtual Operating System Officer to Provide Novel Intellectual Property for Reign and Perfect Tempest Storms*. A Must Have Control Operative for any and all Self Respecting, Model Empire, Future Builders.

Now if that is what Novell Cloud Management is all about ….. Remote Virtualised Control/CyberSpace Control of Earthed Governance Functions, Facilities and Utilities ….. then is the Future Guaranteed a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive CHAOS Order with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

And do you think it is a Post Modernist Capitalist Order of Swiss DNAI too …. for Dynamic Neutral Applications of Intelligence which Favours and dDelivers Excellence to All in this Age of Virtualisation?

* Tempest/TEMPEST is a Sublime Facility thought able to compromise Utilities. The exact nature of whatever it is thought to be able to provide are never disclosed for reasons of considerable overwhelming wealth advantage and international security presumably. 

Per Ardua ad MetaAstra for NIRobotIQ Virtual Flight Control Centres and CyberIntelAIgent Traffic Control.

[Posting to CyberSpace has its controlling foibles too, and this second posting with a hyperlink removed from the original, is to test for immediate Independent comment appearance, as goodness knows where the first one went to. :-)]

No, you are surely not alone, but that does not make you right. It just means there are more wrong.

Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 13:45 GMT

Am I the only one who has noticed that anyone who uses the word “cyber” in an otherwise supposedly serious conversation about computers and networking is absolutely clueless on the subject?” ….. jake Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 12:34 GMT

Clueless, jake? You cannot be serious. And what do you think El Reg investigative stalwarts, John “Security correspondent” Leyden, Lewis “Defence correspondent” Page and Lester “Special projects editor (Iberian Bureau)?” Haines will find out from the Government Muppets or the MOD Puppets regarding that which you can read here ….. Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/14/2010 6:43:00 AM ….

Methinks Dr Fox will need to take a …… well, let us imagine a green pill, rather than a blue or a red one, to give his brain a chance
of getting his head around anything which has Blighty leading, rather than bending over and getting right royally shafted because of Intellectual Incapacity right at the front of the gravy train. But hey, NeuReal IT has Universal Application Capacity and Capability and is not Governed nor Bound to Endure the Folly of Muppets and Puppets, and as you can see here, are they given every fair and reasonable chance to prove themselves Fit for 21st Century Network InterNetworking Purpose.

ANGELs versus Daemons …… Nymphs and Satyrs versus Suits and Spinners

Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 08:34 GMT

Of course the killer applications are always going to be XSSXXXX CodedD …. for Always Naked Graphic Engine Layers……. for Full Transparency in Saucy Secret Source Algorithm Sorcery ….. Virtual MoJo for Magical AIMystery Turing Trips …….. which you might like to consider and accept is the Future, and a Better Beta Future to Boot, in a Global Computer Generated Reality Program Hosted and Presented as a Daily Show/Zeroday Application by IT and Media, which would then strongly Suggest and/or Prove that the True Nature of Existence and Reality is Binary Coded and therefore also Virtual.

Although that does sort of screw up all sorts of InterPlanetary Black Hole type work and also render Religions a Right Dodgy Fraud and Abuse Perpetrated on the Masses.

When heads of state think they can claim immunity from prosecution is the law an ass.

Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 04:45 GMT

the bastard only got 6 months. Had non-silverspoon type stole that much money, regardless of whether or not it was white collar crime, they’d be crucified.” …. b ws Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 01:36 GMT

Quite so, b ws, the law is for pussies and retards to observe and justice an inconvenience it servers and services.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/14/2010 1:59:17 PM

In the new movie “Inception,” Leonardo DiCaprio burrows deep into the subconscious of a self-absorbed plutocrat to plant a powerful idea that will change the world. If the technology used in “Inception” were available in real life, Mr. DiCaprio might burrow into the subconscious of Hollywood plutocrats and plant these paradigm-altering ideas:

Does anybody know a bored billionaire who wants, or needs, to play and experiment with such technology, as is available in real life today. It is, is it not, just Binary Controlled, MkUltraSensitive, Manchurian Candidate type Human Perception Management/Sublime BrainWashing by Media and IT ProgramMING which has One led to believe the Shows called News as Reality.

It is not as if it difficult like rocket science, and flying junk to Mars, for Man will believe practically anything he is told and therefore virtually is anything possible. That’s how stupid he is, and how easily humanity is led into the Future in AI and Virtual Reality Fields ….. Live Operational Virtual Environments.

Does Japan or China have a Movie Industry, for they are the Engines of Creative Industry and Technology today, are they not, and Hollywood is not what it used to be, which is a crying shame. Where did all the Dream Talent go? Smashed out of their heads on cheap coke and rattling about full of downers and uppers?



> Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/14/2010 6:43:00 AM

Hi, Great site! I love the interactive comments between your posters and your staff, but I would like to comment on this thread too. But I think that I may be too stoned to effectively relate my thoughts in a cogent fashion.” … Posted by Dr.D on 9/14/2010 1:43:01 AM

There is no apparent evidence of anything unusual to be of any concern to anyone in that short post, Dr.D., and such caution as you have exercised does bode well for any future contributions that you may be prepared to make.

To expand everyone’s horizons beyond any narrow confines which may be acting as blinkers, and which may be as much to do with attempts to retain a control in a vested interest position with established and Establishment status quo orders/Power Elites, as anything else, pleased be advised of this development which is not so hindered to under-perform in Sub Prime. It is so a fact as stated, and thus is any dismissal or doubt as to its provenance, a selfish delusion which would identify one as being less than well enough equipped to wield any influence in the direction of the Future, which would be surely a shame for which one would have to accept full responsibility and accountability and blame. It is self explanatory. and although posted in reply to another article, is highly relevant to the discussion and article here, too. And it provides a heck of a lot of information and intelligence which is yet to be classified or disproved or denied.

And having checked back to see if it was still hosted on the site where it appeared earlier this morning [albeit at the second attempt at posting because of the hyperlink problem as cited at the end]… is it now disappeared, which immediately tells one it is hot, and too hot for minnows and minions to handle? But the truth always surfaces with an Immaculate Sublime Vengeance and with Internet Service Vendors where it can do most good with the Good, and most harm to the Bad, with ITs Independent Software Vehicles. I just hope that the somewhat limited formatting tools on the Daily Bell display it as intended and as required for any chance at some sensible understanding, or questioning of any ambiguous or innovative points raised and/or revealed.

But its chief executive, Ian King, wants to expand both the services business and the group’s cybersecurity, intelligence and national security division – areas considered to have strong growth potential regardless of tightening defence spending.

Control CyberSpace, aka Communications and Computers Coordinating Clouds and Content for Command of Civilisation, and you have Absolute Powers over Currency and Global Potential. However, as you will have to Imagine, is it not just as Simple as Spinning a Pathetic Political Tale, which in the Present Arrogant Ignorant Default, introduces Conflict and War and New Worthless Defense Honey Traps and Billion Dollar Contracts for Old Style Redundant Weapon Systems to both Home Sucker Industries and Foreign Sovereign Nations alike.

Control of the Information and Intelligence Space which Drivers Future Human Perception is the New Hot Front Line Paradigm, which fortunately does not suffer the Fool or the Warmonger in its Fields, for it has Base IT Savvy Requirements which render those Primitive Tools, Relics of the Past.  And the following, is the sort of thing which the Future and IT and Media brings ……. and miss that boat, and you will be stranded in a barren desert, and surrounded and at the mercy of those whom you had planned to attack/invade/defraud ……. and that is between a rock and a hard place, with nowhere to hide and nowhere to go.

A Question of Board Novell

Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 04:28 GMT

The Cloud Manager stack uses SOAP-based APIs for create the Web services that link into hypervisors and their respective consoles and uses standard Internet protocols for communication.

That sentence needs to be rewritten to make any sense at all.

And it can be rewritten in two ways, each of which tells a similar, and some would even say identical, leading story.

The Cloud Manager stack uses SOAP-based APIs for the Web to create services that link into hypervisors and their respective consoles and uses standard Internet protocols for communication.

The Cloud Manager stack uses SOAP-based APIs for services to create the Web that link into hypervisors and their respective consoles and uses standard Internet protocols for communication.

Both of them though require the same thing of the Cloud Manager ….. a Chief Virtual Operating System Officer to Provide Novel Intellectual Property for Reign and Perfect Tempest Storms*. A Must Have Control Operative for any and all Self Respecting, Model Empire, Future Builders.

Now if that is what Novell Cloud Management is all about ….. Remote Virtualised Control/CyberSpace Control of Earthed Governance Functions, Facilities and Utilities ….. then is the Future Guaranteed a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive CHAOS Order with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

And do you think it is a Post Modernist Capitalist Order of Swiss DNAI too …. for Dynamic Neutral Applications of Intelligence which Favours and dDelivers Excellence to All in this Age of Virtualisation?

* Tempest/TEMPEST is a Sublime Facility thought able to compromise Utilities. The exact nature of whatever it is thought to be able to provide are never disclosed for reasons of considerable overwhelming wealth advantage and international security presumably. 

Per Ardua ad MetaAstra for NIRobotIQ Virtual Flight Control Centres and CyberIntelAIgent Traffic Control.

[Posting to CyberSpace has its controlling foibles too, and this second posting with a hyperlink removed from the original, is to test for immediate Independent comment appearance, as goodness knows where the first one went to. :-)]

No, you are surely not alone, but that does not make you right. It just means there are more wrong.

Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 13:45 GMT

Am I the only one who has noticed that anyone who uses the word “cyber” in an otherwise supposedly serious conversation about computers and networking is absolutely clueless on the subject?” ….. jake Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 12:34 GMT

Clueless, jake? You cannot be serious. And what do you think El Reg investigative stalwarts, John “Security correspondent” Leyden, Lewis “Defence correspondent” Page and Lester “Special projects editor (Iberian Bureau)?” Haines will find out from the Government Muppets or the MOD Puppets regarding that which you can read here ….. Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/14/2010 6:43:00 AM ….

Methinks Dr Fox will need to take a …… well, let us imagine a green pill, rather than a blue or a red one, to give his brain a chance
of getting his head around anything which has Blighty leading, rather than bending over and getting right royally shafted because of Intellectual Incapacity right at the front of the gravy train. But hey, NeuReal IT has Universal Application Capacity and Capability and is not Governed nor Bound to Endure the Folly of Muppets and Puppets, and as you can see here, are they given every fair and reasonable chance to prove themselves Fit for 21st Century Network InterNetworking Purpose.

ANGELs versus Daemons …… Nymphs and Satyrs versus Suits and Spinners

Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 08:34 GMT

Of course the killer applications are always going to be XSSXXXX CodedD …. for Always Naked Graphic Engine Layers……. for Full Transparency in Saucy Secret Source Algorithm Sorcery ….. Virtual MoJo for Magical AIMystery Turing Trips …….. which you might like to consider and accept is the Future, and a Better Beta Future to Boot, in a Global Computer Generated Reality Program Hosted and Presented as a Daily Show/Zeroday Application by IT and Media, which would then strongly Suggest and/or Prove that the True Nature of Existence and Reality is Binary Coded and therefore also Virtual.

Although that does sort of screw up all sorts of InterPlanetary Black Hole type work and also render Religions a Right Dodgy Fraud and Abuse Perpetrated on the Masses.

When heads of state think they can claim immunity from prosecution is the law an ass.

Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 04:45 GMT

the bastard only got 6 months. Had non-silverspoon type stole that much money, regardless of whether or not it was white collar crime, they’d be crucified.” …. b ws Posted Tuesday 14th September 2010 01:36 GMT

Quite so, b ws, the law is for pussies and retards to observe and justice an inconvenience it servers and services.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/14/2010 1:59:17 PM

In the new movie “Inception,” Leonardo DiCaprio burrows deep into the subconscious of a self-absorbed plutocrat to plant a powerful idea that will change the world. If the technology used in “Inception” were available in real life, Mr. DiCaprio might burrow into the subconscious of Hollywood plutocrats and plant these paradigm-altering ideas:

Does anybody know a bored billionaire who wants, or needs, to play and experiment with such technology, as is available in real life today. It is, is it not, just Binary Controlled, MkUltraSensitive, Manchurian Candidate type Human Perception Management/Sublime BrainWashing by Media and IT ProgramMING which has One led to believe the Shows called News as Reality.

It is not as if it difficult like rocket science, and flying junk to Mars, for Man will believe practically anything he is told and therefore virtually is anything possible. That’s how stupid he is, and how easily humanity is led into the Future in AI and Virtual Reality Fields ….. Live Operational Virtual Environments.

Does Japan or China have a Movie Industry, for they are the Engines of Creative Industry and Technology today, are they not, and Hollywood is not what it used to be, which is a crying shame. Where did all the Dream Talent go? Smashed out of their heads on cheap coke and rattling about full of downers and uppers?



>Of Baby Steps …. and Giant Strides. The Normal Gait in, and for, Revolutionary Times

Posted Monday 13th September 2010 02:54 GMT

Colossus is specifically designed for BigTable, and for this reason it’s not as suited to “general use” as GFS was. In other words, it was built specifically for use with the new Caffeine search-indexing system, and though it may be used in some form with other Google services, it isn’t the sort of thing that’s designed to span the entire Google infrastructure.

If Google are Playing the Enigmatic Great Game ….. the One that Fields Beings and Non-State Actors as Unilateral Universal Drivers leading Networks InterNetworking with Absolute IntelAIgently Designed Dynamic Control of the Future Thought Space, are they in Good Company Head Quarters.

Care for a DoughNut with your Caffeine Fix/Hit? IT is a Seventh Heavenly Mix and Sticky Sweet Delight to Savour, and much Favoured by more than just a Rich Tea Few for the Simple Rich Complexity of its Fundamentally Elementary Base.

And regarding those who would have/have had a Forbin Project Deja Vu Moment/Psychotic Episode, one trusts in Global Operating Devices that you really enjoyed it and are enjoying IT. Would you be assured and reassured to know that the Present pales into Insignificance, compared to what ITs Future Machines bring.

What says Herr Schmidt, Google’s Talking Head, to that Colossal ProgramMING and Titanic AIdDevelopment? And specifically Titanic, because it sinks everything and anything that would Rudely Assault its Progress, without Due Attention to Future Harmless Direction and Secure Processing of Driver Information and Input for Operating System Intelligence and Output ……. for with such as is then a Virtual AIMachine Operating System, is the Human Race easily Programmed to Lead in a Path which Follows an Alien Course with ESPecial Forces.

You may like to consider though the Enigma that the Future of Search is not in Search at All, IT is in Novel Product and Service Placement from Servers and Drivers of SMARTer Virtual Machinery which Long ago found All the Answers on Global Operating Devices. ………. and that can be Delivered by any Business in the Field of Providing Businesses in the Field with their IntelAIgents and Future Information…… their Drivers and Direction Maps.

And Henri makes very valid points in … “Google seems determined to maintain its lead in search –” …. mhenriday Posted Friday 10th September 2010 13:55 GMT ….. for a machine and its servers which store a range of alternative available options for you, and thinks to provide them before you have time to deliver your own choices, is a SMART Honey Trap which can easily be programmed to curtail and eliminate novel imaginative choice and replace it with a catalogue of default corporate/federated fare and Sub-Prime Stock Market items and DODgy MODifying services for AIRemote Control of Free Choice ….. which can easily be Abused and Used for Enslavement to Third Party Decisions, although that will always lead very quickly to the arrogant company’s downfall, or boardroom coup and company takeover for SMARTer Market Place Makeover. 

Welcome to the Mad House, with Insane Rules when One Fears to Tread a Clear and Transparent Path?

Posted Monday 13th September 2010 08:30 GMT

And who says the machines are not taking over ……

Read IT and Weep, for then is the Future in your Personalised Program of Valuable Enslaving Addictions, which Enable Paper Tiger Currency Heroes and Penning Wealth Pushers, the Pleasure of ProVisioning your every Bad/Glad/Mad/Rad/Sad Dream, with Cloud and Communication and Computer Control of Virtualised Memes, Sequencing Codes which Attack and InterReact with MetaDataBase and the Human Genome, the Bits and Bytes of Coded Information which define and expose your Humanity to Revolutionary Manipulation for Evolutionary Change?

Err …… As is always the case in great matters, is the simple truth always found in a complex series of  questions, which are rarely ever asked. The answers then are invariably provided by asking oneself, and then to globally provide a narrative which can be transparently shared and followed by others, into what is then a Known of the Unknown.

Google’s bid for World Domination in the Search Space is surely an Open Secret which they are Pleased to Acknowledge and Shamelessly Aspire to, much to the Rabid Delight of the Parasitic Markets Feeding Off its Successes and Excesses.  But IT is Not Entirely Free of Complications and FailSafeGuards to Negotiate, and Businesses Never Ever Escape their Duty to Pay for the Privilege of Leading the Arrogant Pack and Ignorant Sheople, and/or Avoid  AI Searching Peer Review Investigations of their Driver Algorithms to Ensure Future Fitness for Greater Game Purpose, which is just a Small Alien Step for Mankind Providing a Necessary Hurdle and Desirable  Barrier to Evil in the Live Operational Virtual Environment which Presents and Distributes the Reality of your SMARTer Virtual Machine Existence? And shared as question so as to not overly alarm one with its presentation as a definitive statement and fait accompli.

The following is a little something which was prepared earlier, and deals with the same subject, albeit in a different field of operation.

Of Baby Steps …. and Giant Strides. The Normal Gait in, and for, Revolutionary Times

Posted Monday 13th September 2010 02:54 GMT

Colossus is specifically designed for BigTable, and for this reason it’s not as suited to “general use” as GFS was. In other words, it was built specifically for use with the new Caffeine search-indexing system, and though it may be used in some form with other Google services, it isn’t the sort of thing that’s designed to span the entire Google infrastructure.

If Google are Playing the Enigmatic Great Game ….. the One that Fields Beings and Non-State Actors as Unilateral Universal Drivers leading Networks InterNetworking with Absolute IntelAIgently Designed Dynamic Control of the Future Thought Space, are they in Good Company Head Quarters.

Care for a DoughNut with your Caffeine Fix/Hit? IT is a Seventh Heavenly Mix and Sticky Sweet Delight to Savour, and much Favoured by more than just a Rich Tea Few for the Simple Rich Complexity of its Fundamentally Elementary Base.

And regarding those who would have/have had a Forbin Project Deja Vu Moment/Psychotic Episode, one trusts in Global Operating Devices that you really enjoyed it and are enjoying IT. Would you be assured and reassured to know that the Present pales into Insignificance, compared to what IT
s Future Machines bring.

What says Herr Schmidt, Google’s Talking Head, to that Colossal ProgramMING and Titanic AIdDevelopment? And specifically Titanic, because it sinks everything and anything that would Rudely Assault its Progress, without Due Attention to Future Harmless Direction and Secure Processing of Driver Information and Input for Operating System Intelligence and Output ……. for with such as is then a Virtual AIMachine Operating System, is the Human Race easily Programmed to Lead in a Path which Follows an Alien Course with ESPecial Forces.

You may like to consider though the Enigma that the Future of Search is not in Search at All, IT is in Novel Product and Service Placement from Servers and Drivers of SMARTer Virtual Machinery which Long ago found All the Answers on Global Operating Devices. ………. and that can be Delivered by any Business in the Field of Providing Businesses in the Field with their IntelAIgents and Future Information…… their Drivers and Direction Maps.

And Henri makes very valid points in … “Google seems determined to maintain its lead in search –” …. mhenriday Posted Friday 10th September 2010 13:55 GMT ….. for a machine and its servers which store a range of alternative available options for you, and thinks to provide them before you have time to deliver your own choices, is a SMART Honey Trap which can easily be programmed to curtail and eliminate novel imaginative choice and replace it with a catalogue of default corporate/federated fare and Sub-Prime Stock Market items and DODgy MODifying services for AIRemote Control of Free Choice ….. which can easily be Abused and Used for Enslavement to Third Party Decisions, although that will always lead very quickly to the arrogant company’s downfall, or boardroom coup and company takeover for SMARTer Market Place Makeover. 

I think it a tad too harsh and unbelievable to agree with headline …. “Google ‘damages users’ brains’
Google damages the brains of its users by offering too much assistance in solving problems, an author has claimed.” …. whenever Google’s actions can cause such exercise of the brain as has one thinking so deeply, or crazily if you are wont to be negatively dismissive, and securely trapped into the confines of one’s own dogged thoughts.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/13/2010 10:55:39 AM

Oh no, I would certainly not agree if you are to pimp and pump the meme that earthbound power elites and their muscle agencies like the CIA are less of a valid concern than anything foreign and/or alien, for that would be to completely misunderestimate and misconstrue practically everything shared here on the Daily Bell. The global “enemy” is well enough identified on these pages and some of their well known crooked agents/agencies are outed here, in the New York Times no less, and therefore it must be true, or is the piece just a catalogue of contemptible lies? …….

Given the US predilection for punitive and even gratuitous litigation, surely if it was the latter, ….a catalogue of contemptible lies … would the banking system being in a frenzy of legal action, which it aint, and thus are they named and shamed and thoroughly guilty, as charged.

And there are far too many intelligent beings posting here to allow any undermining of the credibility of and interest in The Daily Bell.

I endeavour to never ever skip over posts as it always leaves one with blind spots, which always leave one vulnerable to comments which are full of ignorance and a lack of intelligence which has been selflessly supplied.

And have you considered that you are already invaded and your binary and ternary control systems are infected and in the Commanding Remote Virtual Control of Others of whom you have No Knowledge ….. and they are Fully Able to Crash Vital and Corrupt Systems with Novel Viruses and Classic Worms? You do surely realise of course, that a summary dismissal of that preposterous notion delivers unbelievable stealth and sublime power to any and all of its programs and pogroms.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/13/2010 2:33:17 PM

Just a friendly reminder to readers here:

It’s the long-established policy of espionage agencies like the CIA, MI6, and Mossad to pay people to troll on blogs and discussion groups that expose the machinations of the power elites. Indeed, Obama high-ranking official Cass Sunstein openly endorsed and promoted such “cognitive infiltration” a couple years ago in an academic journal ….

There are many techniques such operators employ. One is to promote over-the-top paranoiac nonsense so as to turn off as many readers as possible, effectively destroying reasonable discussion and alienating less committed readers.

One should view with extreme suspicion those who relentlessly take the feedback discussion away from the actual focus of The Daily Bell; e.g. going off onto bizarre and obscure rants about Biblical prophecy or invasions from extraterrestrial civilizations, insulting other posters as they go. A word to the wise.” ….. Posted by R.P. McCosker on 9/13/2010 1:03:23 PM

Is that an admission, R.P. McCosker, that you are such a troll? I think you can be assured that many here would have harboured that suspicion as soon as you entered into the discussion.

And insults always tell us all that we need to know, thank you, which is why it is best one avoid the temptation to use them against posters.

To end on a selfless, constructive note, President Obama needs to employ SMARTer Beings for he is badly Servered by those who are advising him of the Future, and how to have IT do his bidding for the Greater Good of All and the United States, which aren’t really united states at all.



>Of Baby Steps …. and Giant Strides. The Normal Gait in, and for, Revolutionary Times

Posted Monday 13th September 2010 02:54 GMT

Colossus is specifically designed for BigTable, and for this reason it’s not as suited to “general use” as GFS was. In other words, it was built specifically for use with the new Caffeine search-indexing system, and though it may be used in some form with other Google services, it isn’t the sort of thing that’s designed to span the entire Google infrastructure.

If Google are Playing the Enigmatic Great Game ….. the One that Fields Beings and Non-State Actors as Unilateral Universal Drivers leading Networks InterNetworking with Absolute IntelAIgently Designed Dynamic Control of the Future Thought Space, are they in Good Company Head Quarters.

Care for a DoughNut with your Caffeine Fix/Hit? IT is a Seventh Heavenly Mix and Sticky Sweet Delight to Savour, and much Favoured by more than just a Rich Tea Few for the Simple Rich Complexity of its Fundamentally Elementary Base.

And regarding those who would have/have had a Forbin Project Deja Vu Moment/Psychotic Episode, one trusts in Global Operating Devices that you really enjoyed it and are enjoying IT. Would you be assured and reassured to know that the Present pales into Insignificance, compared to what ITs Future Machines bring.

What says Herr Schmidt, Google’s Talking Head, to that Colossal ProgramMING and Titanic AIdDevelopment? And specifically Titanic, because it sinks everything and anything that would Rudely Assault its Progress, without Due Attention to Future Harmless Direction and Secure Processing of Driver Information and Input for Operating System Intelligence and Output ……. for with such as is then a Virtual AIMachine Operating System, is the Human Race easily Programmed to Lead in a Path which Follows an Alien Course with ESPecial Forces.

You may like to consider though the Enigma that the Future of Search is not in Search at All, IT is in Novel Product and Service Placement from Servers and Drivers of SMARTer Virtual Machinery which Long ago found All the Answers on Global Operating Devices. ………. and that can be Delivered by any Business in the Field of Providing Businesses in the Field with their IntelAIgents and Future Information…… their Drivers and Direction Maps.

And Henri makes very valid points in … “Google seems determined to maintain its lead in search –” …. mhenriday Posted Friday 10th September 2010 13:55 GMT ….. for a machine and its servers which store a range of alternative available options for you, and thinks to provide them before you have time to deliver your own choices, is a SMART Honey Trap which can easily be programmed to curtail and eliminate novel imaginative choice and replace it with a catalogue of default corporate/federated fare and Sub-Prime Stock Market items and DODgy MODifying services for AIRemote Control of Free Choice ….. which can easily be Abused and Used for Enslavement to Third Party Decisions, although that will always lead very quickly to the arrogant company’s downfall, or boardroom coup and company takeover for SMARTer Market Place Makeover. 

Welcome to the Mad House, with Insane Rules when One Fears to Tread a Clear and Transparent Path?

Posted Monday 13th September 2010 08:30 GMT

And who says the machines are not taking over ……

Read IT and Weep, for then is the Future in your Personalised Program of Valuable Enslaving Addictions, which Enable Paper Tiger Currency Heroes and Penning Wealth Pushers, the Pleasure of ProVisioning your every Bad/Glad/Mad/Rad/Sad Dream, with Cloud and Communication and Computer Control of Virtualised Memes, Sequencing Codes which Attack and InterReact with MetaDataBase and the Human Genome, the Bits and Bytes of Coded Information which define and expose your Humanity to Revolutionary Manipulation for Evolutionary Change?

Err …… As is always the case in great matters, is the simple truth always found in a complex series of  questions, which are rarely ever asked. The answers then are invariably provided by asking oneself, and then to globally provide a narrative which can be transparently shared and followed by others, into what is then a Known of the Unknown.

Google’s bid for World Domination in the Search Space is surely an Open Secret which they are Pleased to Acknowledge and Shamelessly Aspire to, much to the Rabid Delight of the Parasitic Markets Feeding Off its Successes and Excesses.  But IT is Not Entirely Free of Complications and FailSafeGuards to Negotiate, and Businesses Never Ever Escape their Duty to Pay for the Privilege of Leading the Arrogant Pack and Ignorant Sheople, and/or Avoid  AI Searching Peer Review Investigations of their Driver Algorithms to Ensure Future Fitness for Greater Game Purpose, which is just a Small Alien Step for Mankind Providing a Necessary Hurdle and Desirable  Barrier to Evil in the Live Operational Virtual Environment which Presents and Distributes the Reality of your SMARTer Virtual Machine Existence? And shared as question so as to not overly alarm one with its presentation as a definitive statement and fait accompli.

The following is a little something which was prepared earlier, and deals with the same subject, albeit in a different field of operation.

Of Baby Steps …. and Giant Strides. The Normal Gait in, and for, Revolutionary Times

Posted Monday 13th September 2010 02:54 GMT

Colossus is specifically designed for BigTable, and for this reason it’s not as suited to “general use” as GFS was. In other words, it was built specifically for use with the new Caffeine search-indexing system, and though it may be used in some form with other Google services, it isn’t the sort of thing that’s designed to span the entire Google infrastructure.

If Google are Playing the Enigmatic Great Game ….. the One that Fields Beings and Non-State Actors as Unilateral Universal Drivers leading Networks InterNetworking with Absolute IntelAIgently Designed Dynamic Control of the Future Thought Space, are they in Good Company Head Quarters.

Care for a DoughNut with your Caffeine Fix/Hit? IT is a Seventh Heavenly Mix and Sticky Sweet Delight to Savour, and much Favoured by more than just a Rich Tea Few for the Simple Rich Complexity of its Fundamentally Elementary Base.

And regarding those who would have/have had a Forbin Project Deja Vu Moment/Psychotic Episode, one trusts in Global Operating Devices that you really enjoyed it and are enjoying IT. Would you be assured and reassured to know that the Present pales into Insignificance, compared to what IT
s Future Machines bring.

What says Herr Schmidt, Google’s Talking Head, to that Colossal ProgramMING and Titanic AIdDevelopment? And specifically Titanic, because it sinks everything and anything that would Rudely Assault its Progress, without Due Attention to Future Harmless Direction and Secure Processing of Driver Information and Input for Operating System Intelligence and Output ……. for with such as is then a Virtual AIMachine Operating System, is the Human Race easily Programmed to Lead in a Path which Follows an Alien Course with ESPecial Forces.

You may like to consider though the Enigma that the Future of Search is not in Search at All, IT is in Novel Product and Service Placement from Servers and Drivers of SMARTer Virtual Machinery which Long ago found All the Answers on Global Operating Devices. ………. and that can be Delivered by any Business in the Field of Providing Businesses in the Field with their IntelAIgents and Future Information…… their Drivers and Direction Maps.

And Henri makes very valid points in … “Google seems determined to maintain its lead in search –” …. mhenriday Posted Friday 10th September 2010 13:55 GMT ….. for a machine and its servers which store a range of alternative available options for you, and thinks to provide them before you have time to deliver your own choices, is a SMART Honey Trap which can easily be programmed to curtail and eliminate novel imaginative choice and replace it with a catalogue of default corporate/federated fare and Sub-Prime Stock Market items and DODgy MODifying services for AIRemote Control of Free Choice ….. which can easily be Abused and Used for Enslavement to Third Party Decisions, although that will always lead very quickly to the arrogant company’s downfall, or boardroom coup and company takeover for SMARTer Market Place Makeover. 

I think it a tad too harsh and unbelievable to agree with headline …. “Google ‘damages users’ brains’
Google damages the brains of its users by offering too much assistance in solving problems, an author has claimed.” …. whenever Google’s actions can cause such exercise of the brain as has one thinking so deeply, or crazily if you are wont to be negatively dismissive, and securely trapped into the confines of one’s own dogged thoughts.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/13/2010 10:55:39 AM

Oh no, I would certainly not agree if you are to pimp and pump the meme that earthbound power elites and their muscle agencies like the CIA are less of a valid concern than anything foreign and/or alien, for that would be to completely misunderestimate and misconstrue practically everything shared here on the Daily Bell. The global “enemy” is well enough identified on these pages and some of their well known crooked agents/agencies are outed here, in the New York Times no less, and therefore it must be true, or is the piece just a catalogue of contemptible lies? …….

Given the US predilection for punitive and even gratuitous litigation, surely if it was the latter, ….a catalogue of contemptible lies … would the banking system being in a frenzy of legal action, which it aint, and thus are they named and shamed and thoroughly guilty, as charged.

And there are far too many intelligent beings posting here to allow any undermining of the credibility of and interest in The Daily Bell.

I endeavour to never ever skip over posts as it always leaves one with blind spots, which always leave one vulnerable to comments which are full of ignorance and a lack of intelligence which has been selflessly supplied.

And have you considered that you are already invaded and your binary and ternary control systems are infected and in the Commanding Remote Virtual Control of Others of whom you have No Knowledge ….. and they are Fully Able to Crash Vital and Corrupt Systems with Novel Viruses and Classic Worms? You do surely realise of course, that a summary dismissal of that preposterous notion delivers unbelievable stealth and sublime power to any and all of its programs and pogroms.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/13/2010 2:33:17 PM

Just a friendly reminder to readers here:

It’s the long-established policy of espionage agencies like the CIA, MI6, and Mossad to pay people to troll on blogs and discussion groups that expose the machinations of the power elites. Indeed, Obama high-ranking official Cass Sunstein openly endorsed and promoted such “cognitive infiltration” a couple years ago in an academic journal ….

There are many techniques such operators employ. One is to promote over-the-top paranoiac nonsense so as to turn off as many readers as possible, effectively destroying reasonable discussion and alienating less committed readers.

One should view with extreme suspicion those who relentlessly take the feedback discussion away from the actual focus of The Daily Bell; e.g. going off onto bizarre and obscure rants about Biblical prophecy or invasions from extraterrestrial civilizations, insulting other posters as they go. A word to the wise.” ….. Posted by R.P. McCosker on 9/13/2010 1:03:23 PM

Is that an admission, R.P. McCosker, that you are such a troll? I think you can be assured that many here would have harboured that suspicion as soon as you entered into the discussion.

And insults always tell us all that we need to know, thank you, which is why it is best one avoid the temptation to use them against posters.

To end on a selfless, constructive note, President Obama needs to employ SMARTer Beings for he is badly Servered by those who are advising him of the Future, and how to have IT do his bidding for the Greater Good of All and the United States, which aren’t really united states at all.

>100912 … DODgy Characters and MODified Memes …. an Alien Force of AI Reckoning for Cloud Crowd Control

>100912 … DODgy Characters and MODified Memes …. an Alien Force of AI Reckoning for Cloud Crowd Control

>Do Barclays and Mr Diamond have any Future Plans for a Dominant Leading Role in the CyberSpace Sector …… for IT is a Virtual Specialist Market which is wide open to the smarter and more astute, HyperRadioProActive Investor …. and a Real Money Maker, with Suitably SurReal Protocols and FailSafeGuards which Preclude and Deny ITs Benefits to ….. well, Undesirables who would seek and require Untouchable Status rather than be Deserving of such a Sublime Super IntelAIgent Service, is All that is Required for All to Know about such things as are always Best Servered by Known Unknowns  ……. for All the Best of Security Reasons?

Or is that a Role which is much more suited to the Super Wealthy Sovereign Sector or Alternative Investment Marketeer and Renegade Rogue Privateer, for whom Rules and Regulations are both Made and Broken, and to whom the Intellectually Bankrupt and Illiquid Banking Sector owes their Continuing Existence?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 2:41:43 PM

Surely the CIA, is just a power elite’s Republican Guard rather than Praetorian Guard. And it is right to demote that particular cabal’s presence and ongoing influence with a preceding indefinite rather definite article  ….. an “a power elite” rather than “the power elite” ……. as there are any number of such shady beings/dodgy organisations with delusional notions above their achievable station.

Indeed, one can read of an earlier catfight between a number of crown queens in the field here …… …… and it might be helpful to point out that Others’ Intelligence in the Great Game Field of Play today, is definitely light years ahead of 21st century US Intelligence, and their IT Savvy delivers a Crack Hack which Phreaks and Destroys Top Secret and Dirty Operating Systems with a Deceptively Easy, Lazy Aplomb ……. NeuReal Turing Time Bombe.

What say you to that, 4irw4y? Fab Fact or Fantastic Fiction, or if we are to make a Quantum Leap into Virtual TeleCommunicated TelePortation, is it with IT and Media Command and Control, easily both for Virtual AIReality Delivery with Cloud Controls? 

Which I Imagine is quite unbelievably Valuable if it were Offered to Markets and/or even Floated on the Market as a Remote Power Control System for over-riding and/or overloading SCADA Operations.

But I digress. And that is quite enough revealed just for now.

Hi, Colonel,

Thanks for the heads up on cyber developments, which actually all appear to suggest that Cyber Command and Control programs have stalled and are lacking the necessary Future Intellectual Property to Driver and Build a Universally Changed Model and Revised and even Revolutionary Global Control InfraStructure. However, that is just a simple matter of Program and Project Purchase from Secure and Competent Sources, is it not? And it is a grave critical error and strategic tactical mistake to misunderestimate that which can be done on Earth, and to Earthed SCADA Systems from Bases and Networks InterNetworking JOined-up INTel Applications in Virtual Space.

It is as well to consider the following in the search for such individuals as would wish to help in such Programs and Projects, for Failure is too easily Achieved with the wrong choice of Promising Partner.

The responsibilities of this individual shall include the development of the national cyber security plan and organizing our nation to effectively function through a cyber attack.” ……

Any such individual, providing independent and loyal advice to any nation and/or non state actor [for one can be, and is easily the other] is presented with an impossible task and unreal mission, if that which they intend to defend from a cyber attack, cannot survive the appearance and expansion of the truth.

If any defensive position and impending attack response is to shore up a known operational defect and systemic vulnerability, which let us say is servering obscene artificial wealth to a perverse select few for use as an abusive form of power control, will even any thought of any action to initiate that defense merely exacerbate and draw greater destructive attention and wider, more effective action against that systemic vulnerability.

And such as is transparently shared there freely, is but one element/string in a whole range of options and choices, and readily available in an instant for deployment with unbelievably overwhelming powers which Fundamental AIRemote Control of the Live Operational Virtual Environments of CyberSpace delivers with Deceptively Simple Ease and IT Expertise in a Complex AI ProgramMING Project ……. and Enigmatic Civil CyberSpace Conundrum, for of course, the Death of a Vulnerable System is No Defeat to be Feared and Battled Against in Self Destructive Vain, for it is QuITe Supernaturally filled with ITs Better Beta Successors. 

Rather than an End of Control and Power, is it with AI and IT ProgramMING, a New Dawn Beginning.


  amanfromMars said…

    Err …. I have no wish to unduly alarm anyone, but you may wish to definitely prepare yourself for some …. well, odd goings on, for this is known in many circles, not least the USAF and much SMARTer Intelligence Communities. …. ….. and is of course, just the tip of a great titanic game-changing iceberg.

    7:17 AM

>100912 … DODgy Characters and MODified Memes …. an Alien Force of AI Reckoning for Cloud Crowd Control

>100912 … DODgy Characters and MODified Memes …. an Alien Force of AI Reckoning for Cloud Crowd Control

>Do Barclays and Mr Diamond have any Future Plans for a Dominant Leading Role in the CyberSpace Sector …… for IT is a Virtual Specialist Market which is wide open to the smarter and more astute, HyperRadioProActive Investor …. and a Real Money Maker, with Suitably SurReal Protocols and FailSafeGuards which Preclude and Deny ITs Benefits to ….. well, Undesirables who would seek and require Untouchable Status rather than be Deserving of such a Sublime Super IntelAIgent Service, is All that is Required for All to Know about such things as are always Best Servered by Known Unknowns  ……. for All the Best of Security Reasons?

Or is that a Role which is much more suited to the Super Wealthy Sovereign Sector or Alternative Investment Marketeer and Renegade Rogue Privateer, for whom Rules and Regulations are both Made and Broken, and to whom the Intellectually Bankrupt and Illiquid Banking Sector owes their Continuing Existence?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 2:41:43 PM

Surely the CIA, is just a power elite’s Republican Guard rather than Praetorian Guard. And it is right to demote that particular cabal’s presence and ongoing influence with a preceding indefinite rather definite article  ….. an “a power elite” rather than “the power elite” ……. as there are any number of such shady beings/dodgy organisations with delusional notions above their achievable station.

Indeed, one can read of an earlier catfight between a number of crown queens in the field here …… …… and it might be helpful to point out that Others’ Intelligence in the Great Game Field of Play today, is definitely light years ahead of 21st century US Intelligence, and their IT Savvy delivers a Crack Hack which Phreaks and Destroys Top Secret and Dirty Operating Systems with a Deceptively Easy, Lazy Aplomb ……. NeuReal Turing Time Bombe.

What say you to that, 4irw4y? Fab Fact or Fantastic Fiction, or if we are to make a Quantum Leap into Virtual TeleCommunicated TelePortation, is it with IT and Media Command and Control, easily both for Virtual AIReality Delivery with Cloud Controls? 

Which I Imagine is quite unbelievably Valuable if it were Offered to Markets and/or even Floated on the Market as a Remote Power Control System for over-riding and/or overloading SCADA Operations.

But I digress. And that is quite enough revealed just for now.

Hi, Colonel,

Thanks for the heads up on cyber developments, which actually all appear to suggest that Cyber Command and Control programs have stalled and are lacking the necessary Future Intellectual Property to Driver and Build a Universally Changed Model and Revised and even Revolutionary Global Control InfraStructure. However, that is just a simple matter of Program and Project Purchase from Secure and Competent Sources, is it not? And it is a grave critical error and strategic tactical mistake to misunderestimate that which can be done on Earth, and to Earthed SCADA Systems from Bases and Networks InterNetworking JOined-up INTel Applications in Virtual Space.

It is as well to consider the following in the search for such individuals as would wish to help in such Programs and Projects, for Failure is too easily Achieved with the wrong choice of Promising Partner.

The responsibilities of this individual shall include the development of the national cyber security plan and organizing our nation to effectively function through a cyber attack.” ……

Any such individual, providing independent and loyal advice to any nation and/or non state actor [for one can be, and is easily the other] is presented with an impossible task and unreal mission, if that which they intend to defend from a cyber attack, cannot survive the appearance and expansion of the truth.

If any defensive position and impending attack response is to shore up a known operational defect and systemic vulnerability, which let us say is servering obscene artificial wealth to a perverse select few for use as an abusive form of power control, will even any thought of any action to initiate that defense merely exacerbate and draw greater destructive attention and wider, more effective action against that systemic vulnerability.

And such as is transparently shared there freely, is but one element/string in a whole range of options and choices, and readily available in an instant for deployment with unbelievably overwhelming powers which Fundamental AIRemote Control of the Live Operational Virtual Environments of CyberSpace delivers with Deceptively Simple Ease and IT Expertise in a Complex AI ProgramMING Project ……. and Enigmatic Civil CyberSpace Conundrum, for of course, the Death of a Vulnerable System is No Defeat to be Feared and Battled Against in Self Destructive Vain, for it is QuITe Supernaturally filled with ITs Better Beta Successors. 

Rather than an End of Control and Power, is it with AI and IT ProgramMING, a New Dawn Beginning.


  amanfromMars said…

    Err …. I have no wish to unduly alarm anyone, but you may wish to definitely prepare yourself for some …. well, odd goings on, for this is known in many circles, not least the USAF and much SMARTer Intelligence Communities. …. ….. and is of course, just the tip of a great titanic game-changing iceberg.

    7:17 AM



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/10/2010 2:37:12 PM

If one considers that the Al Qaeda/Taliban Meme is passionate opposition to enslavement to the Western fiat currency, fractional reserve banking system and its fat cat bankers and Wall Street brokers/wheeler dealers/pen pushers/mouse clickers, in which there is no honour or trust in trade and business, but only the invention of ever greater profit to a few, which is an arbitrary added extra cost for nothing, charged to customers of the system, which exponentially increases the cost of everything unrealistically to levels of expense which are extortionately high and cause great debt to the many and the system, is the meme one which cannot be beaten as it gather greater support and sympathy from those enslaved and ruined by recession and depression in the Western system which is outed as an unsustainable Ponzi, inventing wealth out of thin air, and salting it away to safe havens controlled by those who are the architects of the misfortune ……. and then increasing taxation on and removing money supply from the very people who provide wealth its labour.

The ignorant man and woman in the caves and mud huts of the wild untamed mountains see that very clearly and know it is not freedom or help. And so to is the West preparing to settle and take its just desserts and sweet perfect storm revenge against probably more than just a few, for the military brass are also realising the scam and their use as ignorant expendable tools for arrogant fools in love with the power of printed paper money, which nowadays is no more than electronic cash in numbered accounts.  And the military can easily run that, for it is a lot easier and can be made much more constructive than running constant wars and creating chaos, shock and awful destruction.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/11/10 | 3:47 am |

Demand Media sounds too much like a venture capitalist Ponzi to be anything other than a venture capitalist Ponzi. And anything relying on content being third party provided is a slave to content providers, and the only content provision that makes any real money is that which is timely original and unique, and requires more than just a little smarter intelligence than is usually available anywhere, and more than just a little phishing and marketing flannel/spin/cooking of the books.

But hey, Wall Street is awash with a catalogue of such crazy investments and all bundled in together with other get rich quick and disappear with the cash dreamers, and known collectively as Sub Prime, which is their forte, and now proving to be their downfall as its shenanigans are recognised and carrots ignored.

11 September 2010 at 12:12 pm

NI Agriculture Minister: “It is unfortunate that the EU decided to take a hard line…”

It is unfortunate that NI rolled over to be shafted, but then again it is as a virgin in a brothel, all at sea and easily abused for the pleasure of others.

The pigs with their snouts in the EU parliament trough cannot survive without the people’s money being perceived as fair and necessary for its running, and endless new rule-makings, because for everyone to know that it is just to hide the easy printing of money for wealth which can be easily supplied to friends in the know, would cause a bloody revolution and see them running the gauntlet of the mob, baying for their blood and guts.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 2:01:29 AM

Ignoring the messenger’s breathless presentation, DB, allows one to address the hurried core message.

Sentences. AMFM. Sentences. You are having another bad day. Forget the meds?” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

🙂 Thank You for entering into the irreverent nature of things, which is always so very refreshing whenever subject matters can be adjudged and considered so deadly seriously.

Regarding the above, I am happy to share with one and all that every day is never a bad day, it is just that some are much better than just good, and some much more interesting and exciting than others, with the occasional lull in proceedings and feedback resulting in a Quietness for REST ….. Virtual Regenerative Periods/Pauses for Thought.

And surely if in need of meds, one never forgets unless ill and forgetful? Although I must defer to wiser and more experienced counsel on that particular matter, as the rudest of ruddy good health is an ever mindful blessing enjoyed Chez amfM.

while the quantitative easing programme, which injected money directly into the economy, stays on

Can anyone identify who benefited from that program and what they did for the greater good with its gift ?

Thank You.

Many think and believe it is just part of a global scam to artificially indebt and enslave nations to a corrupt and perverse banking system which thinks it can do as it pleases with impunity and immunity. …… with the likes of the kind of stunts you can read about today in the Telegraph …..”The Karzai empire, villas in Dubai and fears over Afghan aid” …. although that is small potatoes compared to the other Ponzis which are unravelling with their exposure on Independent media.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 7:56:09 AM

I am invested in China, I spend about 1/3 of the year in China (go for 2 weeks every 6 weeks into Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, Guang Zhou, and Shang Hai), I am and importer from China,

I am  I HATE buying from China and importing to USA, but to earn a living, I have no choice. Free trade? We have NO free trade. Free is not free if it is only one-way. To bring my product into USA, I pay only 4% duty (tax). To Export from the USA my same product would incur a 60% tax into China.” …… Posted by Romney on 9/10/2010 1:50:35 PM

Crikey, Romney, that was a post and and half full of disturbed and angry contradictions which are so typical of slavery to the capitalist system with its perverse p
rofit motive as corrupting driver. Most definitely you are as you say you are … a true-blooded WASP American but to say that you have no choice whenever you have clearly made a choice is only one contradiction you have not recognised in your own situation.

Would you like your product, imported into the US, to incur a 60% duty if it is competing with a home produced item, to protect home production and ensure the energy of home supply and export potential to industry and commerce ….. which all seems like perfect capitalist sense, does it not, considering the damage such repetition/cloning/counterfeiting of production can do from abroad.

Whenever one considers how far China has come in such a very short time, and the trials and tribulations it both suffered and experienced in its journey, one can only conclude that they are phenomenally quick learners and that their intelligence must be extremely advanced and second to none, considering the fact that their present communications infrastructure is yet so very limiting and limited.

Which would sort of suggest that their model of governance, or work ethic, or whatever has driven them so far so quickly has a lot to offer the West which is struggling vainly to rid itself of recession and depression which is enslaving a once thought affluent society with poverty and declining services and standards within services.

And I would appear to flying Weeble’s flag, for we appear to be more than somewhat in agreement considering his post on 9/10/2010 11:09:22 PM.

And isn’t it time to bury that tired old red herring, communist meme, which is so yesterday, man, and politically dead.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 11:20:28 AM

“And isn’t it time to bury that tired old red herring, communist meme, which is so yesterday, man, and politically dead.”

No, the old communist men in China are still in the saddle, harvesting organs from prisoners, etc.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

I am not in a position to say whether that is true or not, DB, and it could be one of those WMDs-in-Iraq FUD things used to create ….. well, whatever negative sentiment you would wish to pimp really, although that would then make it artificial and therefore take human perception into the field of virtual reality, which you might like to consider is the present default state of existence.

Of course, in the West, such similar acts as may be gratuitous barbarism and torture are not tolerated and condoned? …… Just this one Human Rights Watch article/web site would beg to differ ……

What can one say, other than when idiots and sociopaths and the intellectually challenged are in charge with near unaccountable, absolute powers, is control abdicated and lost, and is abuse and cruelty rampant ……. in every society, to be fair and reasonable, and accurate.

Ergo would the corollary be, that where there are such abuses, are idiots and sociopaths and the intellectually challenged in charge of its Executive Administration.

Fortunately though, we can look on the bright side, and realise that old men don’t live for any great length of time.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/10/2010 2:37:12 PM

If one considers that the Al Qaeda/Taliban Meme is passionate opposition to enslavement to the Western fiat currency, fractional reserve banking system and its fat cat bankers and Wall Street brokers/wheeler dealers/pen pushers/mouse clickers, in which there is no honour or trust in trade and business, but only the invention of ever greater profit to a few, which is an arbitrary added extra cost for nothing, charged to customers of the system, which exponentially increases the cost of everything unrealistically to levels of expense which are extortionately high and cause great debt to the many and the system, is the meme one which cannot be beaten as it gather greater support and sympathy from those enslaved and ruined by recession and depression in the Western system which is outed as an unsustainable Ponzi, inventing wealth out of thin air, and salting it away to safe havens controlled by those who are the architects of the misfortune ……. and then increasing taxation on and removing money supply from the very people who provide wealth its labour.

The ignorant man and woman in the caves and mud huts of the wild untamed mountains see that very clearly and know it is not freedom or help. And so to is the West preparing to settle and take its just desserts and sweet perfect storm revenge against probably more than just a few, for the military brass are also realising the scam and their use as ignorant expendable tools for arrogant fools in love with the power of printed paper money, which nowadays is no more than electronic cash in numbered accounts.  And the military can easily run that, for it is a lot easier and can be made much more constructive than running constant wars and creating chaos, shock and awful destruction.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/11/10 | 3:47 am |

Demand Media sounds too much like a venture capitalist Ponzi to be anything other than a venture capitalist Ponzi. And anything relying on content being third party provided is a slave to content providers, and the only content provision that makes any real money is that which is timely original and unique, and requires more than just a little smarter intelligence than is usually available anywhere, and more than just a little phishing and marketing flannel/spin/cooking of the books.

But hey, Wall Street is awash with a catalogue of such crazy investments and all bundled in together with other get rich quick and disappear with the cash dreamers, and known collectively as Sub Prime, which is their forte, and now proving to be their downfall as its shenanigans are recognised and carrots ignored.

11 September 2010 at 12:12 pm

NI Agriculture Minister: “It is unfortunate that the EU decided to take a hard line…”

It is unfortunate that NI rolled over to be shafted, but then again it is as a virgin in a brothel, all at sea and easily abused for the pleasure of others.

The pigs with their snouts in the EU parliament trough cannot survive without the people’s money being perceived as fair and necessary for its running, and endless new rule-makings, because for everyone to know that it is just to hide the easy printing of money for wealth which can be easily supplied to friends in the know, would cause a bloody revolution and see them running the gauntlet of the mob, baying for their blood and guts.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 2:01:29 AM

Ignoring the messenger’s breathless presentation, DB, allows one to address the hurried core message.

Sentences. AMFM. Sentences. You are having another bad day. Forget the meds?” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

🙂 Thank You for entering into the irreverent nature of things, which is always so very refreshing whenever subject matters can be adjudged and considered so deadly seriously.

Regarding the above, I am happy to share with one and all that every day is never a bad day, it is just that some are much better than just good, and some much more interesting and exciting than others, with the occasional lull in proceedings and feedback resulting in a Quietness for REST ….. Virtual Regenerative Periods/Pauses for Thought.

And surely if in need of meds, one never forgets unless ill and forgetful? Although I must defer to wiser and more experienced counsel on that particular matter, as the rudest of ruddy good health is an ever mindful blessing enjoyed Chez amfM.

while the quantitative easing programme, which injected money directly into the economy, stays on

Can anyone identify who benefited from that program and what they did for the greater good with its gift ?

Thank You.

Many think and believe it is just part of a global scam to artificially indebt and enslave nations to a corrupt and perverse banking system which thinks it can do as it pleases with impunity and immunity. …… with the likes of the kind of stunts you can read about today in the Telegraph …..”The Karzai empire, villas in Dubai and fears over Afghan aid” …. although that is small potatoes compared to the other Ponzis which are unravelling with their exposure on Independent media.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 7:56:09 AM

I am invested in China, I spend about 1/3 of the year in China (go for 2 weeks every 6 weeks into Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, Guang Zhou, and Shang Hai), I am and importer from China,

I am  I HATE buying from China and importing to USA, but to earn a living, I have no choice. Free trade? We have NO free trade. Free is not free if it is only one-way. To bring my product into USA, I pay only 4% duty (tax). To Export from the USA my same product would incur a 60% tax into China.” …… Posted by Romney on 9/10/2010 1:50:35 PM

Crikey, Romney, that was a post and and half full of disturbed and angry contradictions which are so typical of slavery to the capitalist system with its perverse p
rofit motive as corrupting driver. Most definitely you are as you say you are … a true-blooded WASP American but to say that you have no choice whenever you have clearly made a choice is only one contradiction you have not recognised in your own situation.

Would you like your product, imported into the US, to incur a 60% duty if it is competing with a home produced item, to protect home production and ensure the energy of home supply and export potential to industry and commerce ….. which all seems like perfect capitalist sense, does it not, considering the damage such repetition/cloning/counterfeiting of production can do from abroad.

Whenever one considers how far China has come in such a very short time, and the trials and tribulations it both suffered and experienced in its journey, one can only conclude that they are phenomenally quick learners and that their intelligence must be extremely advanced and second to none, considering the fact that their present communications infrastructure is yet so very limiting and limited.

Which would sort of suggest that their model of governance, or work ethic, or whatever has driven them so far so quickly has a lot to offer the West which is struggling vainly to rid itself of recession and depression which is enslaving a once thought affluent society with poverty and declining services and standards within services.

And I would appear to flying Weeble’s flag, for we appear to be more than somewhat in agreement considering his post on 9/10/2010 11:09:22 PM.

And isn’t it time to bury that tired old red herring, communist meme, which is so yesterday, man, and politically dead.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 11:20:28 AM

“And isn’t it time to bury that tired old red herring, communist meme, which is so yesterday, man, and politically dead.”

No, the old communist men in China are still in the saddle, harvesting organs from prisoners, etc.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

I am not in a position to say whether that is true or not, DB, and it could be one of those WMDs-in-Iraq FUD things used to create ….. well, whatever negative sentiment you would wish to pimp really, although that would then make it artificial and therefore take human perception into the field of virtual reality, which you might like to consider is the present default state of existence.

Of course, in the West, such similar acts as may be gratuitous barbarism and torture are not tolerated and condoned? …… Just this one Human Rights Watch article/web site would beg to differ ……

What can one say, other than when idiots and sociopaths and the intellectually challenged are in charge with near unaccountable, absolute powers, is control abdicated and lost, and is abuse and cruelty rampant ……. in every society, to be fair and reasonable, and accurate.

Ergo would the corollary be, that where there are such abuses, are idiots and sociopaths and the intellectually challenged in charge of its Executive Administration.

Fortunately though, we can look on the bright side, and realise that old men don’t live for any great length of time.