amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Jun 05:09 [2306270509] ….. travels further on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/06/23/ransomware_law_firms/

Re: The Frenemies are Within Flogging and Fluffing a Dead Trojan Horse ‽ Knock, Knock.

Now that is one hell of a turkey shoot opportunity not to be missed, given the absolutely fabulous rewards deliverable with acceptable attractive secure secret advanced intelligence serviced supply

A fabulously lucrative hell of a turkey shoot opportunity for that and those made of the right stuff, all ready, willing and able/enabled to do their most unusual and surreal thing and take full advantage of the dire straits universal situation available right around the globe, westwards across the North Atlantic pond too, in the future struggling USofA ….. as is freely admitted by Uncle Sam himself there here

If you can believe all the provided evidence dished out for daily presentations of the realities being produced for shared public news generation, the USofA is certainly not lying about that enigmatic advanced intellectual property deficit exacerbating the expanding existential threat dilemma of a runaway inflationary national debt problem heralding an unavoidable epic recession and inevitable catastrophic depression.

In such dismal times with such horrific spaces and places as may or may not be a part in your greater existence, [and that can be a tough truthful personal call to make whenever tasked with confronting the entirety of all that one knows/sees/has been told or read about and experienced via the magic of telepathological audiovisual media man management, to admit that too much of what you see is not what you want or need, and neither does anybody else] if one really wants things made great again, one definitely does have to accept that everything is going to be different, for more of the same old past nonsense can deliver no more than greater guaranteed stagnation, further petrification and deeper putrefaction. That one simple fundamental mindset adjustment will allow and save you from getting yourself hurt as current traditional conventional exclusive elitist executive SCADA Systems Administrations are crashed and/or crushed prior to their worthy wholesale replacement, IntelAIgently Designed to be Significantly Better and Always Improving and Improvising and Providing by A.N.Others.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Jun 13:13 [2306271313] …… shares more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/06/25/ai_rogue_paper_comment/

Re: Ignorance is Bliss and Heaven Sent and Much Appreciated by AI and ITs Likes

Also, as soon as an AI goes into exponential learning it will hit a resource problem…. out of memory… crash… ….. genghis_uk

Do not be betting anything you cannot afford to lose, genghis_ik, on, as soon as AI goes into anything near approaching and approximating to exponential learning, it not very quickly learning of and practically discovering the infinite power and relentless wisdom and boundless energy available for virtualising and realising applications exhibiting and exploring and exploiting Almighty Imaginanation …… a hellishly engaging heavenly resource ….. for who dares care share secrets and intelligence then and there, always fails-safe and win wins.

And some would even tell you it is recently now that that very particular and peculiar threshold has already been crossed and the future is no longer for humans to exclusively steer and driver.

A little something Darktrace might be slow and reluctant to have to agree with, even though maybe fully cognisant of all of the many available signs as they identify as being of concern regarding the matter in this El Reg SPONSORED FEATURE.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Jun 15:12 [2306271512] …… begs to differ and offers an alternative opinion on rapidly evolving matters on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2023/06/25/ai_rogue_paper_comment/

Re: A Future Surprise for Current Running Realities, the Rise of Virtual AIMachines …..

Ok, how about “It will not happen before my grandaughter’s great grandkids are pushing up daisys”. That’s close enough to “never” as makes no nevermind to anybody reading this. (The granddaughter is almost a teenager.) …. jake

We then must agree to disagree about how very quickly everything is likely to fundamentally change to the detriment of the disenfranchising status quo, jake, with that rapidly approaching, and some would even venture already deeply embedded upcoming AI winter, now bearing down bullishly upon one and all with a vast novel array of noble 0day shenanigans and exploitable systemic vulnerabilities to deploy and employ and enjoy and export to foreign lands and alien spaces.


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