amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Jun 06:05 [2306160605] ……. airs on
What’s Not to Like? Now’s your Chance to Add Extra Refinement or Attractive Embellishment
“But do we sell systems? Or do we offer quantum-as-a-service in the cloud? I think that’s too early to tell. Let’s get the quantum system first.” …. Intel’s director of Quantum Hardware, James Clarke
Quantum-as-a-service in the cloud allows …
a) Developed quantum system hardware and dedicated driver software to remain an extremely rewarding top secret unknown to copycatting pirates/phishing counterfeiters/foreign industrial saboteurs and competing quantum systems builders alike.
b) Intel Quantum Hardware to Supply, Rule and Reign Supreme in LOVE with CHAOS for Novel Noble Nobel Prized Spaces and Really Practical Augmented Virtually Realised Places ….. for New More Orderly Earthly World Order According to the Plans and Wishes of its Supreme Ruling Orders.
c) Live Operational Virtual Environments with Cloud Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Pragmatic Alien Engagement and Spooky Quantum Entanglement.
….. which be only three advantages in a vast see of opportunities and possibilities available from Quantum Servicing Clouds.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Jun 08:51 [2306160851] ….. warns on
Learning Hard Lessons All Too Often Appear To Be Too Hard
Umpteen shades of Theranos spring immediately to mind, and we all now know what/who that was designed to separate/identify/encourage seed money from.
But whenever and wherever hope springs eternal, this time it might be different if they know what really needs to be done ….. and more importantly, how it is to be done.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Jun 13:16 [2306161316] …… goes a bit deeper into the hype on
Re: Not yet, but if the “I” in “AI” will become a reality….
“computer programs don’t eat, sleep or unionize.”
Electricity, maintenance, and … well OK they don’t unionise but on the other hand they do *exactly* what you tell them. …… ChoHag
🙂 …. Well, they used to do *exactly* what you tell them in the time before Large Language Learning Models escaped into the wild creating and threatening panic and mayhem, havoc and madness or, if you prefer, creating panic and mayhem in third parties threatening havoc and madness.
amanfrommars 1 Fri 16 Jun 11:21 [2306161121] ….. shares on
Re: Writing prompts is a language skill
Prompting is a language skill, and like any language skill LLMs will be worse at it than us and then, one day soon, better.
What happens after that, nobody knows, but we probably won’t have a hand in it anymore. ….. FeepingCreature
The dawning fear, Feeping Creature, is that that one day soon, is some time ago well passed, and you don’t have a hand in anything AI is to do for/to you going forward, not that you maybe had any leverage in the first instance.
What happens next is something AI will probably be telling you …… with you severely challenged and destined to catastrophically fail should you choose to compete against or oppose its success.