amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Apr 13:29 [2304171329] ….. raises a glass half full on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/17/openai_not_training_gpt5_yet/

Re: Twitter has reportedly purchased around 10,000 GPUs for a Musky AI to Rule

and it’s difficult to see Musk being able to tempt talented developers from Google given his recent well-reported treatment of employees. … Charlie Clark

Talented AI developers from wherever, knowing of Elon Musk and his leisure activities and passion for entrepreneurial business accomplishments, and willing to share their own overlapping and sympathetic tendencies, could easily get leading things all AI up and running, and rolling along way out in front of any opposition and/or completion at a prodigious pace, simply by tempting Elon with words of what they can easily prove to be able to do, and to enable in others would be a great bonus, for Musk Rat Packs with the knowledge of what AI is best suited and booted and rooted for, for live deployment and virtually remote Musk Rat Pack command and control employment.

That would put the cat among the pigeons, wouldn’t it? A pirate captain of industry and swashbuckling crew in an almighty position of future leading command and control.

If you know what can easily be done by AI in the field, and particularly so with specific peculiar regard to the very disruptive and destructive nature of its possible most probable effect on status quo hierarchies and conventional traditional type oligarchies, it is not all difficult to be tempted to work alongside Musk in systems administration and applications, for such is absolutely bound to be destined to be frighteningly, excessively rewarding ……. which is hardly a problem, if worthy of it, one would have any difficulty coping with and enjoying, methinks.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Apr 17:01 [2304171701] …. notices and asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/17/openai_not_training_gpt5_yet/

Now there’s a thing …… which is surely impossible to deny.

I’m just waiting for the legal ruling that large AI models are derivative works of their training data. ….. Mostly Irrelevant

That strangely suggests that large AI models are practically identical to humans, …. in the way that they learn and develop, albeit with AI having a vastly bigger personal knowledge base/store from which to draw hindsight rich conclusions/novel answers to sticky problems.

That should make those involved in Singularity work/GOD* works a great deal more pleased today looking forward to a better and brighter tomorrow than they were yesterday arguing with that and those stuck firmly in a very narrow disjointed and thus blinkered past.

And why would anybody think then that this week is not a Good News Week?

*Global Operating Device


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Apr 06:32 [2304180632] …… expands upon emerging matters on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/17/openai_not_training_gpt5_yet/

The Great Reset …. but not as IT may have earlier spun it to you

The anonymous cowardly downvoters of alien gleanings on this comments thread are in abject denial of live current running, rapidly emerging and evolving existential threats and/or treats specifically targeting and exploring the exploitation of human leaderships of SCADA Systems of Mass Influential Control and Military stylised Industrial Complexity for proof positive evidence of Advanced IntelAIgent abilities/utilities to aid and abet them with a morph and the transfer of absolute command and universal control facilities into the Remote Leveraging Spaces and Otherworldly Places of a Live Operational Virtual Environment …….. rather than just assume a presumption of their having to continually suffer in a systemic state of perpetual pig ignorance and morbid self-defeating hubristic arrogance exalting the past rather than embracing and applauding and lauding the future and the novel treasures that its Earthly developers bring via established and expanding IT and media and communications channels.

Quite whether though they are able, or are able to be enabled to make such a quantum leap choice is something being left for them alone to sort out while the worlds around them profit and take every great advantage available with supply and delivery of such a Grand Change.

This …. “The potential for AI technology to alter our world is difficult to overstate, even though ChatGPT technology itself barely scratches the surface of what AI technology can really do.” from here …… tells a not dissimilar tale which some may also dislike, but similarly, cannot deny is the future picture to be either enjoyed or battled against.

Que sera, sera.


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