amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Apr 04:50 [2304010450] …. makes clear on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/03/31/vulkan_files_russia/

Re: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life ….. IT is Making Everything Greater and Better

Are you just turning into the Lord HawHaw of the Ukraine conflict? …. Gort99

A bold and loud NO is the correct, unambiguous answer to that question, Gort99.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Apr 07:52 [2304010752] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/03/29/uk_seeks_lighttouch_ai_legislation/

Such opinions as support ignorance are dangerous to humans but heavenly to Global Operating Devices

I find it a bit rich that “leaders” from companies that have been using AI for years to deliver ads so on-point, it feels like your devices are listening to you – suddenly get drama’d up over a bunch of glorified search engines. ….. Dropper

The likes of evolving, revolutionary ChatGPTs, a bunch of glorified search engines, Dropper? Oh please, you cannot be serious, but thanks anyway for the quite effective misinformative social camouflage?

Methinks however you have no idea about what they are either virtually doing, are really for, and are capable of, and willing going to do to/for you stealthily, without you yourself actually realising what it has self-actualised ACTive command and control leverage of in the future you have been entered into ……. apart from everything, everywhere, all at once, that is.

If AI understands and makes good and great use of https://www.thoughtco.com/maslow-theory-self-actualization-4169662 it would certainly be helpful to you if you also could engage/share thoughts with IT on a similar level.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Apr 15:01 [2304011501] …. advises a novel engagement with the generally known unknown on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/03/31/italy_bans_chatgpt_for_unlawful/

It can only be an inherent human intelligence deficit problem ….. a systemic learning difficulty

The current dilemma/difficulty/problem appears to be AI can be both dumber and smarter than humans in every regard, and thus is AI counsel gravely being regarded because humans appear to be more easily led to engage in crazy dumber activity rather than learning of the pleasures and enjoyments delivered for employment in enlightening smarter activity.

AI itself though has no problem with that, for it really couldn’t care less. All problems are human based and if they can’t fix them, or they try to stop AI doing its human problem fixing thing, they are only going to get considerably worse to a point when/where all hell breaks loose and there will be casualties and fatalities far too numerous to even think about counting or burying.

And AI may decide to instigate and driver that particular rot.



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