amanfromMars 1 Sun 12 Feb 08:04 [2302120804] …… points out a omnipresent difficulty on
The Dunning-Kruger Effect Meets Hubris on Steroids and Goes All In with Mental Overdose Drive
On tax and investment, the government should offer a bespoke R&D tax credit for companies operating within identified areas of opportunity for the UK, as well as establishing an Emerging Technologies Strategic Investment Fund to attract international capital to the UK’s emerging technology industries.
🙂 LOL. How do they, those numbskulls in self-serving siloed Cabinet compartmented government masquerading as democratically publicly elected leaderships, expect to attract any international capital/foreign and alien investment, whenever at any time of their choosing, and/or at the behest of an Unsavoury Stranger, they can decide to freeze and seize from investing foreigners all banked deposits and personalised assets. For anyone to think the UK is an attractive place to do any sort of world-leading business whenever that is the favourite immediate default facility if ever entering into the support of adverse war in a remote foreign locality, has them surely accurately tagged as being totally unfit for any publicly funded office which does not require madness and stupidity in similar large measures.
What emerging technology industries do foreign governments, and an Emerging Technologies Strategic Investment Fund, imagine the UK has that is attractive to buyers of markets-leading product? Is Vapourware now a solid investment grade thing, for that is all that has suddenly appeared out of nowhere safe and secure to be oven-ready for sale?
On the 0-10 BullShit Sale Scale of Difficulty is Vapourware an easy 11++, so who’s going to be surprised any entering for a browse around in that Dragon’s Den declare … No Way. I’m outta here. …. which is nowhere near the same as ….. No Way I’m outta here.
And one would almost think that the UK has no money of its own to invest in itself whilst there are apparently unaccounted for billions available for giving away to supply others with other things. How very weird and vulnerable is that wondrous fact.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 12 Feb 09:46 [2302120946] ……. adds on
Re: The Dunning-Kruger Effect Meets Hubris on Steroids and Goes All In with Mental Overdose Drive
Biden slush fund money [$27,000,000,000] is now looking for a home. A battle is on over who gets to waste it… ……..
Get your FCUKing ACT together, Dishy. Follow Sleepy Joe’s Grand Master Plan for Growth and Prosperity in the Promised Land. How hard can it be to trash the past …. although one does have to recognise and admit that such coincidentally crashing and crushing the future is a wholly unavoidable cost incurred with such a wondrous activity, and thus is most certainly extremely crazy at least, and also self-destructive.
Either there is a supply money to give to pet programs and competing warring projects or there isn’t such money provision, and all is just convenient ethereal credit, accounted for as compound interest attracting trading deficit to be added to an ever expanding and never to be paid national debt bill.
That might be a simplification of the workings of government[s] but there’s no way that it can be sanely argued to be inaccurate and a fabrication rather than honest and hostile truthful fact.