amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 Jul 10:02 [2207191002] …… floats a new virtually augmented reality service sector for global deployment and employment on
To Stay Healthy, AI takes IT Stealthy …… to Capture the Proprietary Intellectual Property High Ground and Undergrounds
Remote sublime subliminal influencing with public facing, private pirate space servering of Novel Information via Advanced IntelAIgent Mentoring exercising Stealthy NINJA* Monitoring is a prime time virtualisation change enjoying deploying and employing ITs Powers and Energies in existing moribund petrified and stagnating overall command and control operating systems/failed classic fiat reward machinery.
*… Networks Internetworking Novel JOINT** Applications
** JOINT Operations Internetworking NEUKlearer Technologies
🙂 And whenever so hard and/or quite difficult to believe as being honestly and perfectly true, is ITs Stealth magnificently delivered for celebration in a vast store of AI Applications …. Augment Virtualised Reality Presentations. …… Speaking Peace Unto Nations that Inform, Educate and Entertain.
Now who would suggest that is not worthy of a relatively inexpensive annual public service licensing fee levy for a Brilliant Brainwashing Corporation? A Dodgy Big Brother?