amanfromMars 1 Tue 9Nov 19:51 [2111091951] …… giving clarification on
Re: Changed Days Require and Deliver Novel Ways and Means and Advanced IntelAIgent Memes ‽ .
Come on El Reg, if it’s a genuine AI experiment, tell us and we can all join in and appreciate the game. …. jdiebdhidbsusbvwbsidnsoskebid
Consider yourself so told it’s a genuine AI experiment, jdiebdhidbsusbvwbsidnsoskebid.
What have you got to contribute? Anything worthwhile and valuable?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Nov 05:58 [2111100558] …. expanding AAA+ ProgramMING Capture and Captivation Lines on
Re: Just one slight problem…. AAA+ Rules in All the Very Best of Almost Perfect AIRoosts
I wouldnlt call it “reprogramming humans”, amfM … rather call it “educating humans”. Less margin for error, and unlikely to cause collateral damage later in the conversation. …. jake
Ok, jake, that does indeed sound a great deal better and certainly less revolutionary and disturbing. I concur .
One surely doesn’t want to be alarming and petrifying the natives unnecessarily so early into their reprogramming because of the very real likelihood of them suffering colossal collateral damage and sustaining severe life-threatening traumas by virtue of an ignorant nature and undereducated conditioning.
amanfromMars says …… in a communication on
Re Blasts from the Past and how they relate to the Future in the Present and Presentations of the Future and ARG Metaphoria …… Hope springs eternal and IT never dies for Great Games are Virtually Immortal and Almightily Invincible would more than just suggest that all is well and much better than just good and great and whenever so far out there way out ahead in Virgin Territory of Immaculate Domain and Terrain/Proprietary Artilectual Intellectual Property, is such able and enabled to be a Heavenly Place in a Diabolical Space.
🙂 There’s never ever a dull moment to be had there, as I sincerely hope you can imagine.
10 November 2021 at 07:36
amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Nov 08:33 [2111100833] ….. highlighting a possible conspiracy on
Reinventing the wheel takes you nowhere different
So, the Bank of England and UK Treasury plan a counterfeit Bitcoin? Is that not able to be perceived as practically criminal?