amanfromMars 1 Sat 7 Aug 09:57 [2108070957] ……. adding a touch more on
Re: Maybe they shouldn’t wonder so loudly… on Special Deliveries
And the just-wait-and-see-if-anything-novel-and-totally-unexpected-happens model of systems administrations security is catastrophically vulnerable to the 0day exploitations and exports of the-future-shape-of-intelligently-designed-things-to-come virtual machine which does not need nor feed dead wood input/established failing program output.
Failure to realise and make provision for that change of smarter driver emphasis, and especially so whenever the change is not an unshared top secret, surely has one having to accept, as unpleasant and inconvenient as it may be, that a lack of shared future intelligence has extraordinarily rendered one as practically ignorant prey to what is in stores to bring …….. and such is the endemic condition of the common systemic human failing.
And to deny it is a futile act of hubris in support of the blissfully delusional …. and quite worthy of the certifiably insane in extremis.
amanfromMars [2108071713] …… suggests there be major troubles ahead for more than just a chosen few on
The elite exercise is not without its inherent risks which are certainly increasing at an alarming exponential rate …….
amanfromMars [2108051344] …… muses on
The Grand Systemic Flaw
Re: The Great Reset ……. Whom do you imagine the widely dispossessed will rightly target for their woes?
The Bums in the Bowery or the Toffs in their Ivory Towers ?
And that shouldn’t be a difficult question even for the likes of a global elite to answer correctly.