amanfromMars 1 Sat 31 Jul 08:20 [2107310820] …..
Bury your head in the sand….. get your arse kicked [is the short version of the comment]
A section in the report on “overcoming the burden of legacy” has more detail on this, saying “invest in your legacy environments so they are no longer a constant inhibitor of progress.”
The best that can be said of that section is …. What a load of utter bollocks ! [Please excuse my French]
Bypassing and ignoring legacy environments/dead wood is the sensible answer for novel strong growth and progress uninhibited by undergrowths infested with weeds.
That truth however makes for an uncomfortable read, although one does very well to realise that to deny and ignore it renders one as defenceless vulnerable prey to developments in, and developers of novel progressive operations free of blighting weeds.
July 31, 2021 at 17:02 …. just pointing out a similarity on
In Northern Ireland, in the late 1960s, did such corrupt and subversive internments result, quite naturally whenever politically incorrect, in decades of despicable Troubles, which the state in the end had to concede was a bridge too far to battle for, and the war and all honours sought were forever lost.
But then, as every man and his dog know, simple lessons from history are never learned by those in charge of a rotten to the core system and thus are similar events more likely to be repeated than not, although that is not to say that the aggrieved have not learned that costing the system countless billions is much more effective than taking innocent lives.