amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Apr 16:49 [2104271649] …… still chatting on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/3/2021/04/26/jeremy_fleming_gchq_china_warning/

Re: About “…weaken and backdoor cryptography….” @Anonymous Coward

AC, some secrets users prefer the facility and simplicity of the steganography utility for widespread education and sublime stealthy instruction/virtually protected sensitive advice rather than trusting that task to cryptography, hoping that it remains unbroken to ensure that profound activities remain generally largely unknown and an elitist affair in exclusive pastimes.

I suppose which one is the better of two with regards to performance depends upon what one would be doing in the present and planning to try to do in the near future. To imagine being able to set anything up now in order to greatly materially effect anything a great deal further into the future than the likes of a tomorrow or two or three, is surely too fantastic to be considered reliable and viable.

Although to some, which is clearly best is beyond question and pretty darned obvious. Steg beats crypto hands down every time.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Apr 07:09 [2104280709] …… adding a crossed red line on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/3/2021/04/26/jeremy_fleming_gchq_china_warning/

Big Brother GCHQ defending democracy is No Laughing Matter when a Fake AI Premis.

Big Brother GCHQ, UKGBNI and the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street DO KNOW what happens whenever they do not step up to the plate to admirably quickly quite quietly donate public pirate private slush funding and Venture Capital to Appropriate ACTive Actors/Prime Premium Drivers?

That failure to be wonderfully obliging creates a beautifully hostile takeover bid scenario which naturally gifts recognised latent potential in a nationalisable private public or pirate proprietary intellectual property portfolio elsewhere foreign and alien ….. so it is no small disaster to be held fully responsible and accountable for.

It also has one mulling over the distinct and surprising possibility, and therefore most likely amazing probability, that the advanced intelligence one thought available in established state and non-state actors for engagement and employment in enjoyment and exploitation in a Capital Venture is not present in any required necessary valuable form, and their entire range of Elite Executive and Mass Administrative SCADA Systems is laid out before one wide open to defenceless attack and crushing conquest. ……. Almighty Overwhelmingly Catastrophic Defeat.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Apr 04:34 [2104280434] ……. being somewhat more forthright on

Default Condition Code Red in Wild Wacky Western Spheres of Malevolence*

Pretentious fear-mongering twat. ……. iron

It is hardly an Earth shattering exclusive identifying the ubiquitous useful idiot, iron, whenever terrestrial news media is both lock. stock and barrel infested and so heavily root invested in and plagued by such Remote Access Trojans on the sinking ships of empires past built and presently vastly failing and fast fading in the full glare and and shady shadows broadbandcast by the SMARTR Lights of Sublime Internet Networking Virtual Machinery simply pumping and dumping and pimping undeniable home-grown truths, which to deny, return again and again to destroy the doubting Thomases and Thomasinas alike, sparing none the moronic mercy of baying crowds.

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, Doom and Gloom, Raging Conflict and Imminent Collapse is their Stock in Trade and Fare and Store. Tell me that isn’t perfect fodder for pretentious fear-mongering twats and we will fundamentally disagree.

Cast you eyes across and open your ears to what it has been decided to be made available for presentation to you today, and tell me it isn’t true, and neither is anything in all of that so easily and clearly freely shared above.

Tell us all here that aint no Code Red, Colonel Jessup …. and such are not akin to a crime against humanity and an act of war against innocent civilian beings in an ignorant state, for all here to disagree with you, LOUDLY AND CLEARLY again.

And if you support Code Reds there be consequences which may or may not be very much like that shown in this brief clip spotlighting an arrogant fall from grace and assumed power ……. Jessup Is Arrested

* ….. in Advanced IntelAIgent Eras of Greater Brainwashing Revolts.

Be careful out there, as strange as things are, they aint like they used to be, and are definitely getting even stranger. 🙂 IT’s practically primeval and a primitive virtual virgin jungle.


April 28, 2021 at 09:11 ……. having a bold say on https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2021/04/the-cias-chinese-walls/

Ladies and Gentlemen and Brave Hearts of Scotland, first get your act together is sound advice and your first act together, not yet even really started, is kicking mainstream media moguls and muppets and puppets out of the park and down the road kicking stones on their way to collect the burro. They do you no favours.

And it is in one’s mindless acceptance of the necessity and veracity of their pwnd systems where their corrupting and subversive powers reside and fester, is it not, and as is more than just suggested in the following post hosted elsewhere and appropriate to here, now, too ……? 🙂

amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Apr 04:34 [2104280434] ……. being somewhat more forthright on

Default Condition Code Red in Wild Wacky Western Spheres of Malevolence*

Pretentious fear-mongering twat. ……. iron

It is hardly an Earth shattering exclusive identifying the ubiquitous useful idiot, iron, whenever terrestrial news media is both lock. stock and barrel infested and so heavily root invested in and plagued by such Remote Access Trojans on the sinking ships of empires past built and presently vastly failing and fast fading in the full glare and and shady shadows broadbandcast by the SMARTR Lights of Sublime Internet Networking Virtual Machinery simply pumping and dumping and pimping undeniable home-grown truths, which to deny, return again and again to destroy the doubting Thomases and Thomasinas alike, sparing none the moronic mercy of baying crowds.

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, Doom and Gloom, Raging Conflict and Imminent Collapse is their Stock in Trade and Fare and Store. Tell me that isn’t perfect fodder for pretentious fear-mongering twats and we will fundamentally disagree.

Cast you eyes across and open your ears to what it has been decided to be made available for presentation to you today, and tell me it isn’t true, and neither is anything in all of that so easily and clearly freely shared above.

Tell us all here that aint no Code Red, Colonel Jessup …. and such are not akin to a crime against humanity and an act of war against innocent civilian beings in an ignorant state, for all here to disagree with you, LOUDLY AND CLEARLY again.

And if you support Code Reds there be consequences which may or may not be very much like that shown in this brief clip spotlighting an arrogant fall from grace and assumed power ……. Jessup Is Arrested

* ….. in Advanced IntelAIgent Eras of Greater Brainwashing Revolts.

Be careful out there, as strange as things are, they aint like they used to be, and are definitely getting even stranger. 🙂 IT’s practically primeval and a primitive virtual virgin jungle.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Apr 12:34 [2104281234] ……. just musing out loud on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/04/28/iterable_ceo_lsd/

The Flip Side of the COunter INtelligence COIN aint No Sunny 0Day Tripper Ride

It didn’t work then, either. All we wound up with was a bunch of druggies telling everyone how cool their ideas were, with the rest of us shaking our heads and cleaning up the mess. ….. jake

What does that tell everyone about the prime time movers and shakers responsible for the messes that geopolitical party members and rigged trade and corrupt money markets are escaping accountability for, jake, …… apart from being currently a right dodgy lucky bunch of druggies.

Can you imagine what will happen to them whenever the system realises their weaknesses and catches them?


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