amanfromMars 1 Tue 6 Apr 09:39 [2104060939] ……… just musing deeply on https://www.theregister.com/2021/04/06/what_is_operations_centric_security/

Such does have for some who can be many, many obvious attractions and passionate addictions

Here’s the problem with traditional cybersecurity threat hunting: SOC operators are coming at it blind.

The hunters are blinded whenever they are not savvy enough to know how to effectively attack and do harm to that which they profess to server with security and would be in need of protection. And there be no distinction to be made whether that be in/from a traditional or cyber threat environment.

There is then another tangent to consider should increased savvy start to appear in SOCOA [Security Operations Centre Operand Analysts] and that is the Juicy Lucy Temptation to jump the shark and play in/with/for Obfuscated Offence rather than Dire Defence.


GrahamC [2104061101] …… just saying on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2021/3/31/northern-command-leads-global-wargame-to-test-ai-capabilities

“We need to go faster.”

There is no doubt about the veracity of the need for that prime directive if one wants to be considered as leading in any effective position. However, and especially so in the virtually real cyber domain, it is not without its novel, extremely disruptive and/or destructive problems to address, with probably the major one being that one has no idea who almighty friend or hellish foe ….. who/which be well versed and highly experienced in what are surely virgin fields of overwhelming engagement for traditional and conventional forces and sources …. are.

One is effectively only able to stumble around as if blind in such a space.

And to consider that solutions are only to be provided by US citizens, because of the requirement to comply with national security obligations, renders one also deaf and dumb to everyone/everything else out there with a viable voice and rare raw view on unfolding matters.

That is a fundamental handicap which guarantees failure in anything and everything mooted to be tried
and tested.

Take care, IT’s an AI Jungle out there.

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amanfromMars 1 Tue 6 Apr 16:39 [2104061639] …. laying it out plain and straight on

Global Operating Devices to ACTive Astute Internetional Rescue with AI Virtual Interventionism

What more can one say other than GOD help us.

And I know it is cold comfort to know all Five Eyes are definitely in the same sinking ship, but what is one to do whenever no one within their ranks and leadership are smart enough to listen to the better than just average Jane Doe and Joe Sixpack.

Here’s news of another hamstrung operation forever trying to play catchup while it continues to serially fail with its support for what is existing in their overall command rather than what is to be beyond their exclusive control.

 …… just saying on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2021/3/31/northern-command-leads-global-wargame-to-test-ai-capabilities

“We need to go faster.”

There is no doubt about the veracity of the need for that prime directive if one wants to be considered as leading in any effective position. However, and especially so in the virtually real cyber domain, it is not without its novel, extremely disruptive and/or destructive problems to address, with probably the major one being that one has no idea who almighty friend or hellish foe ….. who/which be well versed and highly experienced in what are surely virgin fields of overwhelming engagement for traditional and conventional forces and sources …. are.

One is effectively only able to stumble around as if blind in such a space.

And to consider that solutions are only to be provided by US citizens, because of the requirement to comply with national security obligations, renders one also deaf and dumb to everyone/everything else out there with a viable voice and rare raw view on unfolding matters.

That is a fundamental handicap which guarantees failure in anything and everything mooted to be tried
and tested.

Take care, IT’s an AI Jungle out there.

…… which may or may not be there as advertised here should it fall foul of the following advisory issued upon posting …. [Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing]

Some folk and horses you can help and bring to water, others you can’t and they would die of thirst for that which they have been led to, to freely partake of, and how idiotic of them is that. One would just have to accept then that they be beyond the reasonable help of all possible assistance and their personal prognoses are imminently terminal in any and every fast moving scenario.




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