amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Sep 01:14 [2009100114] …….. being hardly controversial on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/09/09/atts_ceo_broadband/

Pretty Darned Obvious.

John Stankey obviously studied under Bernie Madoff …… and learnt diddly squat squared ‽

Thank you, America. What would we do without you?


amanfromMars [2009100152] ….. fires off a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT warning shot on https://www.zerohedge.com/political/longtime-nsa-chief-who-oversaw-illegal-domestic-surveillance-joins-amazon-board-directors

Well now ….. good to hear/see someone is listening to crystal clear sound alien advice …..

amanfromMars 1 Mon 7 Sep 17:07 [2009071707]…. https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2020/09/07/jedi_wars_aws_continues_to/#c_4103746

Private Military Contractors for Novel Space Missions/Future Civil Virtual Defence Projects.

FFS, Oracle and Amazon Web Services, stop whining like two jilted schoolgirls and think about setting up your own JEDI Operations. It aint rocket science, is it?

Give the military something else to think about, exercising and exhausting their grey matter if you think they are worth it.

Of course, what comes next and keeps on coming going forward is what really matters, and that is going to be the great game changer that defines the future and sinks the past, methinks. And quite whether NSA/CIA/Bezos have any meaningful command and controls in that, is something else different to ponder and wonder at.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Sep 07:28 [2009100728] …… being revolutionary and quantum evolutionary on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/09/09/assange_extradition_hearing_london/

Re: The Much Bigger Picture Show …. with Asses in a Nation

(Accusations against US political leaders would never be heard by the ICC despite grandstanding like efforts to charge Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld. Notwithstanding the lofty ideals, the only practical way a head of state gets to stand trial is when he becomes a deposed head of state…) …… Malcolm Weir

Malcolm, Hi,

As populations become smarter and/or better virtually informed and remotely programmed …. more effectively brainwashed …… why ever would any exclusive status quo establishments, with extant embattled and embittered and enabling powers that be, waste any revealing time and incur any revolving expense on charges and trials whenever there is the JFK/Soleimani/Gaddafi option always available for instant resolution.

You might like to think that is why the MainStreamMedia feeds you so much nonsense and monumental garbage to keep you constantly serially uninformed and undereducated for the ongoing maintenance and retention of the blissfully sunny uplands of the stupid and stupefied. Heaven forbid that one should ever discover how everything works and how everyone is put to work for the greater benefit of just a few.

However, do yourself a favour and short that putrid stock. It’s had its day and is now mortally toxic to both support and hold.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Sep 16:53 [2009101653] ….. trying to enlighten and educate the masses on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2020/09/09/assange_extradition_hearing_london/ 🙂

Re: The Much Bigger Picture Show …. with Epic Past Failures in the Root

The ICC is a political organization run by political “anti-American” hacks. …blah, blah, blah … No we will not place ourselves under the authority of this court. If Europe does not like how we do things, then defend yourselves, We are tired of doing it and paying the bills. …..blah, blah, blah …. It was not the policies and actions of the US after the 1st and 2nd world wars that created this mess.

We are tired of cleaning up your messes. ….. Cliffwilliams44

Do yourself and everyone else here a favour, Cliffwilliams44, and read about the abiding systemic US problem highlighted and unfortunately so very clearly and succinctly documented [or you can deny the veracity of the claims if you so wish] in “Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA” … by Tim Wiener …. before venturing any further down that trail you are blazing.

It makes for some extremely uncomfortable reading, revealing as it does, a fundamental vulnerable and inherent weakness, most probably initially thought of as a magnificent strength, to be relentlessly exploited and ruthlessly attacked.

And a right riveting read it is too, El Regers, explaining as it does why so much of today is as it is because of what was trialled before.



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