amanfromMars 1 Sun 31 May 09:20 [2005310920] ….. adds more on
Re: Thinking of ITs Future Phorm ……. Virtual Pathology
And the problem intelligence deficit highlighted there ….. You can enter a room, exhaust dialogue options, mess with everything in there, leave, and be none the wiser.…. and the novel solution offered for it to assist in a video game’s progress ….. is surely pretty much identical to that which greets Parliamentary Cabinet Offices and other types of Politically Inept Private and Pirate Party Administrations everywhere every day with a very limited and limiting source of actions to try deal with all manner of attractive and destructive 0day instructions.
Would you like to disagree and defend the bleeding obvious, pathetic and ridiculous and so prove the reality both physically and virtually true?
Don’t forget to remember ….. Words Create, Command and Control, and Destroy Worlds …. so beware of Twittering Idiots allowed to wield such as is a Naked Raw Power on a Global Stage.
🙂 …..