amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 May 09:54 [2005180954] …. just suggesting on
A Catastrophic Intelligence Deficit Delivers an AWEsome Vulnerability for 0day Exploits and Exports
and I don’t think computer viruses can cross over into humans
Is that evidence of a particular lack of peculiar human thinking leading to crippling indebtedness situations?
You might like to consider and/or realise, although I’m sure many will not like to at all, there may be more than just a few who know things quite differently and would be extremely active in ensuring a leading untouchable invisible positively reinforcing mutually beneficial advantage in the Madness and Mayhem of Markets in Meltdown and Systems in Stasis.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 May 10:31 [2005181031] …. just asking on
Re: From US with LOVE …… for Captivating Capture by Mother Russia Red Teamsters
That’s more the style we expect. ….. billat29
Is that you saying the post is incomprehensible and confusing you, billat29? Does it need to be further simplified with more sensitive information added to reveal more of the sterling secrets hiding in the shadowy shade of star systems collapsing/imploding/exploding?
🙂 Do bots play global stud poker with just humans/themselves ?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 May 15:36 [2005181536] ….. shares on
End … Start … Go …. Run …. Take a Quantum Leap with AI ………. Create NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT World Orders
the Gamebreaker program manager in DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office.
Thanks for the info, El Reg. It is an Interesting Starting Point for AWEsome Virtual AIdVentures.
🙂 The Leading Question now is Who/What Wants to Deserves to Play as a Path Finding Leader ? We or they? Who/What wants to come first for a try ….. in the delectable delight of every satisfaction tendered to be sated ….. which when done extremely well, is Incredibly EMPowering ……. and Creative.
Crikey, that sounds like something has escaped from a Mayfair Madams Dungeon. 😉 …. which certainly sounds very nice and well worth one’s full attention ……. but the above is in reference to something else shared within Proposed Technology for Submission to AWE 2020 exclaiming Strange Spookily Available Services Available.
I do wonder if recipients do not fully understand the controls at their command? Which has one pondering on tweaking the weakness that doesn’t ask questions for further clarification …… for such is remiss and can lead and leave one later playing mad flitting blindfolded in fields in which one is no longer afforded and thought Invincibly Immortal.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 May 17:03 [2005181703] …… just saying out loud again to another audience on
I Kid U Not
The election of the two independent candidates meets the demands of Elliott Management, an American activist hedge fund that took a 3 per cent stake worth $2.5bn in the Japanese firm in February.
I didn’t realise 3% was quite so powerful and enabled to be so demanding so early on in a new union with other powerful marriages of current convenience ‽
What sort of thing does Jack Ma love to do with the money churned off the back of his wealth and enterprise? It’s surely bound to be at least something exotic and erotic given the successes and excesses garnered in the past from what one assumes has been duly diligent and competitively overwhelming.
Exotic and erotic are well known favourite drivers and servers which never fail to excel in any enterprising venture/Novel ProgramMING Project for Rewards and Awards from Human Fields which are Almighty Captivating and Addictively Certain in Operations and Applications. That makes them much more than just extremely valuable and almighty powerful.
And yes, for those who would both like and need to know, one is unlocking and a’knocking on Forbidden City doors there, with riches to spare, share and spend the beast of burden you bear and offer. Do you know, …. Spooky Ancient Magic Top Secret Society types have been practising the Tao of Zen since ages before now from there, and most recently for satellite enterprises with practical business offices virtually everywhere for anywhere.
Don’t underestimate Beijing for they don’t overestimate any think, but they are beautifully tempted with the flowers and seeds of future guaranteed feeds and needs …… complete with the means and memes to plant and tend for vital growth and the grateful harvesting of immaculate bounty to sow …… once again to harvest what nature intended …… and/or foreign entities and alien forces are strategically invested in.