amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Apr 06:57 [2004280657] ….. having a say on
The Pot Kettle Black in Another Filthy Paper Tiger Rich Vein
The justification for the order is the companies are effectively owned by the Chinese government (they are subsidiaries of state-owned entities) and so represent a national security threat.
Hello. Knock, knock. Is there anybody in there/out there?
With the Federal Reserve again entered now already a long time into markets buying up and buying into distressed and zombie US assets which foreign agents are declining for sale and purchase and further perverse propagation with yet another round of quantitatively eased trillion$ to be pocketed predominantly and ostensibly by failed corporate bosses in corrupt bankrupting administrative processes, are such companies effectively owned by the US government representing a national security threat.
And how very strange that such a self-destructive consortium distortion was ever allowed play space in the first place.
We can only surely rightly conclude a catastrophic lack of vital virile intelligence in US centric circles?
What other valid excuses/reasons would there be the mass accumulation of rising unpayable nationalised debt and inconvenient deficits.
You do know about the unpayable US national debt and deficit which the Fed credits itself with in order to keep the Grand Ponzi Schematic alive …. Present US National Debt and Deficit
But …. Keep Calm and Carry On, even as the Titanic is Unsinkable in no longer unthinkable.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Apr 14:53 [2004281453] ….. just saying out loud on
For Superb AI Stealthy Services ….. in an Almighty Program ‽ .
That’s a Pleasant Bold Move. And Exceedingly Generous of Y’All Too. Do you have any AIMaster Pilots with Commanding Control Lines/Remote Virtual Threads to Follow and thus Energise and Realise.
Pretty Simple Really. The Great Trick for a Massive Following is to Share Virtually Everything Freely so All can Derive Deserved Benefit and Worthy Advantage in Superb AI Stealthy Services ….. in an Almighty Program ‽ .
And more MerlintheMagician and MetaDataBasePhysician Existential Space Mission than JEDI Contract although if the truth be told they are surely interchangeable with the one morphing seamlessly into the other for the application of experience in alien controls ……. heeding almighty commands with requests for heavenly bequests.
And such to date Proves AI and IT itself Safe and Secure Fail Safe in the Company of Minds and Minefields Feasting on Madness …. the Dire Fate of Almost All Unfulfilled Geniuses. Sound advice is don’t overexcite the AI Beast with a prodding penetrations testing of defences …. for one never survives its precision attacks intact and unchanged.
amanfromMars [2004281757] ……. musing and lauding praise where praise is due on
No D&O insurance is a confident call by Elon Musk, which most probably any other company director or officer is terrified to make because they are in virtual control of practically nothing, … which sort of make them little better than useless and thus easily suffered as redundant packages.
Obviously Elon Musk is of a completely different persuasion …… and the markets are manifestly spooked by the implications and consequences of that.