amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 jan 14:49 [2001211449] ….. questions on
The Gazillion Dollar Question
SafeBreach said that, prior to publishing the report, it had been in contact with 17 of the larger anti-ransomware tool developers to provide an advance notice and get detection for EFS malware added.
How’s that operation progressing towards success?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jan 05:17 [2001220517] ….. having a mull on
Trusty Gamekeeper or Systems Busting Poacher?
Something you may never know for sure if one plays their cards right.
Ransomware is a serious threat to individuals, SOHOs/SMBs and large enterprises. Consequently, many security solutions are now available, which attempt to address the ransomware threat. In this blog post we describe EFS-based ransomware (ransomware which abuses the Windows Encrypting File System), which is a new concept we developed in Safebreach Labs. ….. Amit Klein, VP Security Research, Safebreach Labs
Because of the above from Safebreach, one does have to ask if the likes of an Amit Klein is true fine feathered friend or sticky tricky phantom foe, for they can be either or both and something else quite different too.
Things aint like they used to be and never will be again. Get used to it unless and/or until you are able to do anything effective about it.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jan 05:40 [2001220540] ….. just saying on
If it quacks and walks and talks like a FCUKing Duck, chances are it’s a FCUKing Duck
Seems like something right out of the Five Eyes Cookbook ….. A CIA/NSA Recipe for Madness and Mayhem on the Broil.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jan 16:09 [2001221609] ….. saying more on
Re: “it… may see the kingdom cut out of deals altogether” @phuzz
after all, who would they sell their oil to, and buy weapons from, if the US wasn’t there? …. phuzz
Everybody else would be problematical for Uncle Sam. As would be anybody else too. That suggests there be vast market choices readily immediately available with Uncle Sam just simply being in many a case, an incumbent one.
Honourable Member 22 Jan 2020 6:20AM [2001220619] says on
“Boeing has been forced to halt trading in its shares…”
That’s tantamount to rigging the obviously not so free markets …. and in so doing does it create another zombie corporation/dead man walking business.
Not really a good plan for anything to be thought worthy of saving, methinks.