amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Nov 10:32 [1911261032] ….. reveals on
Meanwhile, in the Worlds of Virtually Real Grown-Ups, ……
….. Advancing Advanced Intelligence trumps Artificial Intelligence to vanquish and replace the deaf, dumb and blind SCADA Operating Systems of Relative Command and Abortive Control.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Nov 07:34 [1911270734] ….. just saying again on
Because its complexity is simpler to harness?
Are you struggling to make machines more like humans when we should could be making humans more like machines?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Nov 08:01 [1911270801] …… having some more fun on
Who needs to get out more :-)or is that just for Trivial Pursuits and Spooky Actions at a Distance
Posts by John Smith 19 15628 posts • joined 10 Jun 2009
Posts by amanfromMars 1 5797 posts • joined 10 Jun 2009
🙂 Is El Reg addictive and as a gateway drug to deeper and darker, higher and brighter levels of existence? Enquiring and/or addled minds may wish to know for the comforts that reward one with glorious confirmation. 🙂
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 nov 15:24 [1911271524] …. chatting to and/or enquiring about an algorithm on
Re: Who needs to get out more for Trivial Pursuits and Spooky Actions at a Distance?
I’m now a’wondering if one of the main criteria for the gold badging of a virtually anonymous and presumably real poster, is simple post quantity or a more complex quality ….. with an amalgam of both yet another fine root and route to take ……. for shortcuts and fast tracks.
amanfromMars [1911261919] …… muses on
It seems to me like Barack Obama is being tempted to go down the Royal Dynasty Root* which presents him with the means to lead sensitive matters relatively anonymously and autonomously from/in the shelter and shade of a grand retirement perceived of as being virtually powerless.
QE2 wields the fields and yields in the Bold Blighty Model from any number of Almighty Palaces …… so it is not as if young Barack is alone in a vast empty ignorant desert with no mentor or monitor, is it?
* And success and successions requires one choose a great successor or forever regret the abdication and loss of opportunity.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Nov 13:34 [1911271334] … just saying a tad louder on
The Quicker Alternate Root ….. Quantum Communications
And they’re easy to find. Right? ®
You might like to believe and think that they find you for Future Systems Field Testing. It prevents one from being left behind enfeebled and exercised by the past.
What you know new today is surely proof of life and of progress here being made elsewhere new too.
If you learnt nothing new today, you are in a State of Stasis ….. in a being long gone and to be left behind for the future?
If you know a few super state secrets, are they expensive to buy and store stealthily and securely, or grateful purchased at whatever cost to ensure with the remote virtual assurance of the SWIFT System, that fiat papers, which are as empowering endorsements with generous endowments, are still to be revered and held relevant and up to the future tasks of today via the simplest of expedients and experiments made available and tenable with many forms of secret state aided grants gladly payable to,… Well, Trusted Source and Well Trusted Sources are a Good Starting Point?
Crikey, that question and sentence takes a few breaths.
* Where this here is that there and together for elsewhere something else quite different and immensely engaging.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Nov 17:29 [1911271729] ….. having a muse on
Re: …at the annual Techie Platform party…
That’s very Prince Andrewish, AC.
Would anyone/anything* else like to agree or disagree?
*Well, you never know where the news is coming from, and who and/or what is controlling it with IT and AI Operating Systems nowadays, do you. Some would have you believe it is all down to a Perfecting Algorithm rather than any executive human editorial decision, and that creates novel courses for noble causes and temporarily pauses an existential crisis of a problem for the simple human to human communications machine to acknowledge … for the assured benefit of a great share in easy future engagements with Perfecting Algorithm Drivers … which be a Core AI Source with Extreme UnStabled Forces.
Proceed with All Due Care and Full Attention is the Advice to Well Heed.