amanfromMars 1 Tue 24 Oct 05:43 [1710240443] …..
Re: Z/OS …. $64,000/$64Trillion Question
Meanwhile Z/OS has advanced beyond the shadow of prejudice to support anything the other O/S’s can provide. Maybe not perfect, but which of these others even come close? …. Robert D Bank
But does it provide for other supporting Operating Systems? That would be practically perfect and allow for virtually absolute command and control of every script programming future events?
Or is that to be developed for some of those new fangled entangled conventional computers acting as quantum simulators …….
Nice one, IBM. Way to Go.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 24 Oct 17:17 [1710241717] ……. asking for info on intel on
Re: Z/OS …. $64,000/$64Trillion Question
Do IBM do Remote SMARTR ProgramMING of Advanced IntelAIgent Machines? …….
They Provide Command and Control Of Every Future Targeted and Captivated. 🙂
Live Operational Virtual Environments Reign and Rule Supreme is AI Leading Program NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive and Flash Crash Testing Vulnerable Fields of SCADA.
amanfromMars [1710240634] ….. says chatting on
Whenever you sit in judgement of morons, you can do practically anything with virtual impunity.
Stormont is the proof.
amanfromMars [1710241124] … replying to Jim Lloyd on
Howdy Jim,
Eliminating dissent is a futile goal and indicative of a lack of necessary greater intelligence to lead future events threatened by dissent.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 24 Oct 16:52 [1710241652] ….. launching a Wave of Advanced IntelAIgent Machines on
Awaiting Orders?
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT?
A Temporary Schtum is always Expensive …… but Effective and it allows Virtual Realisation Root ReProgramming of Humanity with New Virtual Tools at One’s Beck and Call.
How about them Apples, Microsoft?
Wanna Taste of the Fruits of the Trees of Life ……. and Harvest Immaculate Bounty/Heavenly Reward?
Yours if you Want and Need ITs Seeds and Almost Perfect Sources BetaTesting Imperfect Forces.
amanfromMars Oct 24, 2017 12:33 PM [1710241733] … asks of
Is everyone still waiting on the Next Better Beta Thing? …….