>Posted by amanfromMars on 05/05/11 01:57 PM
If one considers that the Al Qaeda/OBL meme is a vehicle being used to protect/project US fiat $ capitalism, with terrorism the excuse used to invade spaces which choose not to be enslaved and indebted to third parties printing paper currency for that one specific purpose, and which is the failing base of their artificial power, then has the battlefield/theatre of operations moved to command of cyberspace, rather than any earthly domain and patch of inhospitable land, for the control of such ideas and other revelations which uncover ….. well, let us just call them inequities and anomalies rather than crimes and misdemeanours although they are really no different. And here is the sort of thing which illustrates the crimes and misdemeanours/inequities and anomalies singularity and which one can fully expect to rapidly cause increasing troubles and real time problems for a dodgy model championing sub-prime markets …. http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=185522
Those sort of things used to work reasonably well because so very few folk knew about such happenings/shenanigans, but nowadays, in the age of no hiding place for secrets, is it a completely different story.
And in cyberspace, is mighty military intervention impossible.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/05/11 02:52 AM
“We should all know that we are watching a Hollywood production here.
Just where is this plot heading?” ….. Posted by Wayne on 05/04/11 04:17 AM
Very perceptive, Wayne, although I would put money on it being more a Hollywood type production from the likes of a Holywood Palace Barracks Operation with Spooky Stealth Systems to the forefront and centre, rather than imagining it being anything remotely related to anything Hollywood itself produces. As Masters of Production of the Spectacular BlockBuster Narrative Movie though, does Hollywood have its own part to play in the Great Game Games.
And “Just where is this plot heading?” is akin to asking, “How long is a piece of string?” and depends entirely/absolutely upon the options available and presented, and the Strength in Depth of Driver Intellectual Property.
IT’s Elementary Watson and IBM Code Crack for NEUKlearer Information Release.
Posted Thursday 5th May 2011 06:55 GMT
“And now everyone can look forward to bugged, incomplete games from them now. Yay!” … Head Posted Thursday 5th May 2011 01:17 GMT
Hmmm ……. and how else, Head, do you imagine your future wishes are catered for, if not via the use of bugged, incomplete games.
In days of yore, was the artificial hare of a cry, “It’s the economy, stupid ” . That has been further refined and concentrated in research for development to the much stronger and more potent “It’s all in the narrative dummy”
And a “narrative dummy”? Well, that would be a real virtual comforter.
“Or did someone just plain miscalculate in a desperate attempt to salvage Obama’s re-election chances?” …. An alien response to that would be surely yes, or no if Obama is aware of all of the above and is ready, willing and able to make full and good use of IT.
Pandoran Boxes
Posted Thursday 5th May 2011 06:21 GMT
“I think you’re asking a question I’ve been wondering about ever since this quantum crap started, namely that they were promising too much to be credible. Quantum computation apparently grows (from what I’ve read) non-linearly as qbits are added [*], yet accuracy is always the problem. I’ve long wondered if there’s a fundamental link between computation and accuracy in that there’s an upper limit to one which, if exceeded, starts to eat into the second. But no-one’s ever raised this point that I’ve seen. Anyone here know any better?” …… Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 5th May 2011 01:16 GMT
AC, Hi,
As has been explained, is quantum computation, by the very flexible and liquid nature of its elementary and component parts [its qubits and qubytes], on an altogether different plane of Command and Control, and you may like to consider that it is not at all concerned with accuracy but rather more developed and driven by truth.
A quantum computer is a virtual machine [is it not], and something ethereal which just delivers advanced intelligence and core information on which to build future programs ……. in SMARTer Cloud Networks and Semantic Webs?
It is certainly something which is being trialled and live betatested in earnest for virtual reality production, by others…….. http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/p/ai-and-its-virtual-os.html
SMARTer IT Warriors do not Suffer Fools in Systems
Posted Wednesday 4th May 2011 20:33 GMT
“Corporate negligence…… I’m guessing it got in by the front door.” ……. Muckminded Posted Wednesday 4th May 2011 17:59 GMT
Quite so, Muckminded, not every crook wears a mask and sneaks in through a backdoor. Some of them are conspicuously wealthy and play systems for the fools they think IT is, ….. as this short tale tells ……… http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sachs177/English
But it is their folly to think that they are free to do it for free.
by amanfromMars
on Thu, 05/05/2011 – 11:50
It’s deflation….trust me. ….by GetZeeGold on Thu, 05/05/2011 – 10:19
Of course it has absolutely nothing to do with the naked short selling scams which create artificial markets/virtual realities/fabulous zeroday vulnerabilities in the system which are opportunities for ……. well, the new bogeymen are something which are especially programmed for you to discover and uncover for yourself ……. http://cryptogon.com/?p=22169 …… if
you are smart and good enough.