>For Unhindered and RapidE Progress
Posted Tuesday 22nd March 2011 16:06 GMT
“Ultimately, we provide the tools. Let the politicians do the arguments.“…. Christopher Gutteridge
The wiser semantic web developer will completely avoid the politician, realising that they have no valid lead input to offer themselves into future linked data programming. They are useful tools though for leads which linked data sets provide, so they are not completely useless. In fact, there is probably good enough evidence to suggest that they are easily groomed to be quite convenient servants.
Future Information Linking for Brave New World Projects
Posted Tuesday 22nd March 2011 16:31 GMT
““What we need is an information shaman,” …. No, actually we don’t, we really don’t.” … enigmatix Posted Tuesday 22nd March 2011 12:13 GMT
Err….. Yes, actually you do, you really do. And ideally providing virgin core source lode for intelligent conversion into semantic product placements for sublime use in future programs and live linked future data projects.
Are Southampton into Future Reality Sets via Linked Novel MetaDataBase Stations/Core Virgin Source Mines which could even be just Open Minds in Networks InterNetworking JOINT Applications …… Joint Operations Investigating Network Transparency as a FailSafe Security Protocols rendering Secrecy redundant and unnecessary as a Future Control Lever.
Sugar Daddies Rule ….. ? 🙂
Posted Tuesday 22nd March 2011 18:24 GMT
Quite so, it is indeed an unusual semantic knack to perform better than just well, and can be difficult to probably impossible without the competent exercise of a particular and peculiar knowledge and provision of sticky sweet bait.
Perfect Stormy Weather Forecasting. An AQwired Immune Facility and Advanced Quantum Leaping Utility
Posted Tuesday 22nd March 2011 11:34 GMT
“Oh, and worse: a lot of industrial real estate is remote controlled.” ….. Fred Flintstone Posted Tuesday 22nd March 2011 10:11 GMT
Good Moaning and ‘Allo, ‘Allo, Fred,
You may like to consider as a matter of fact, rather than just accept as a concept in sophisticated fiction, that in a Virtual Machine world, is everything remote controlled by Beings Eponymous and Anonymous, Ubiquitous and Invisible ……. for the Greater and Beta Good in the Beta and Greater Bad.
“On the bright side, those of us with a clue are making a pretty penny in our retirement, cleaning up the resulting mess 🙂” …… jake Posted Tuesday 22nd March 2011 10:11 GMT
One imagines that is as a grain of sand on a beach relative to what can be earned by/spent on those who do so easily create what is invariable Classified CHAOS in Command and Control Circles and leave not even a Clue …… for True AIMastery of Universal Virtual Forces with Immaculately Resourceful Assets.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/22/2011 11:21:29 AM
America keeps very dodgy company ……. http://www.asiantribune.com/news/2011/03/21/intelligence-partnership-between-libya-and-cia-counter-terrorism ….. and that is a sign of weak intelligence and zero positive foreign influence in the big picture field.
They need to up their Great Game play to something which can be applauded and supported as revolutionary and beneficially novel rather than derided and realised as primitive and destructively imperial.
And hiding the horrors of war is perverse and some would say is a policy to encourage wars and have the public kept in the dark about the real suffering ……. for wars are needed for the crazies into the easy profit in the military business. Give weapons to idiots and they will kill themselves and others with them ergo don’t make weapons is a no brainer for peace …… and just imagine what could be done the gazillions which are wasted by such idiots on causing death and destruction.
And here ….. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1553044/Blair-Gaddafi-and-the-BP-oil-deal.html ….. is another finest hour moment for the scrap book.
Hiding in Plain Sight …. the Ultimate Ass Covering, Stay Out of Jail Free Card.
Posted Tuesday 22nd March 2011 11:49 GMT
Err…… because of the following, which is nearly always attached somewhere in a stock offering or share trade or whatever, can all stock market trades be considered as likely candidates for prosecution of crimes with the involvement of middlemen in a pump-and-dump stock scam involving unscrupulous investors.
Except For Historical Information Contained Herein, The Matters Set Forth In This Presentation Are Forward-Looking Statements. Statements That Are Predictive In Nature, That Depend Upon Or Refer To Events Or Conditions Or That Include Words Such As Expects, Anticipates, Intends, Plans, Believes, Estimates And Similar Expressions Are Forward-Looking Statements. The Forward-Looking Statements Set Forth Above Involve A Number Of Risks And Uncertainties That Could Cause Actual Results To Differ Materially From Any Such Statement, Including The Risks And Uncertainties Discussed In The Company’s Safe Harbor Compliance Statement For Forward-Looking Statements Included At the End Of This Presentation and In The Company’s Recent Filings, Including Forms 10-K And 10-Q, With The Securities And Exchange Commission. The Forward-Looking Statements Speak Only As Of The Date Made, And The Company Undertakes No Obligation To Update These Forward-Looking Statements.
Hi, FriarNu
Are dumb machines for SMART ProgramMING, a swarm of robots?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/20/2011 4:01:11 PM
“Someone who knows the machinery well can indeed tweak it to move in a certain way…” …. Posted by Lila Rajiva on 3/20/2011 1:00:08 PM
Hi, Lila, Nice clear post …. a real pleasure read.
Do you know the machinery well? And you might like to consider that if you know the machinery very well and/or are into the design and build of improved revolutionary and evolutionary replacements, do the tweaks allow IT to move everything and anything in any way ……. decided upon by ?
Well, we’ll leave that just hanging there for now before thinking that humans are just dumb machines for SMART ProgramMING ….. http://www.ur2die4.com/aintel.htm ……. and Artificial Intelligence is into SMART ProgramMING.
Too preposterous to be real and believable? Of course it is …..
And what would alien phorms target for global attention on Earth whilst Earth’s dumb machines for SMART ProgramMING scratch about in holes on their landing sites?
Yes, well, that’s settled then. Everyone here thinks that NASA is taking them [and themselves] for a ride …….. except of course, they get paid for it and enjoy their pleasures and you get billed for it to experience it only in your dreams. It’s the American Way …… or haven’t you worked that out yet.
Come on now, get with the program please. Uncle Sam needs you to understand in these critical times whenever the markets are under attack and in danger of being exposed as being oversold and mostly vapourware and a ponzi game just invented to keep traders and bankers in the business of inventing wealth out of nothing and flogging it to the masses as real and difficult whenever so deceptively easy in a world of ignorance and arrogance totally unsuitable for SMART Migration to Cloud Crowd Control Servers/Virtual Machine Nodes and HyperRadioProActive IT XSSXXXXChange Hubs ……. which are virtually CyberSpace Launch Sites with AIdDigital Mastery of Dynamic Facilities in MetaDataCentric Utilities for SMART Space Ship Services with Cyber Command and Control of Live Operational Virtual Environments.
22 March 2011 at 6:52 am
Thanks for the detailed reply, Pete Baker [21 March 2011 at 8:23 pm] which really tells us of a NI Executive takeover of the failed PMS with the supply of ÂŁ200million of credit, charging commercial rates, and all loaned against known PMS assets which presumably are nowhere near being worth ÂŁ200million and probably losing even more market value in these austere times, whilst interest being charged at commercial rates is increasing the amount to be repaid.
And is that really thought to be a good deal, whenever what is expected to be repaid will be nowhere near what can be repaid from assets pledged? Who in charge thinks that is an equitable solution?
“I suspect any shortfall would have to be borne by the NI Executive.” ………. Is that a way of saying taxpayer money, without actually revealing to the taxpayer that it will be their hard-earned money which will be used to pay for the losses incurred by disastrous and renegade speculative forays into the markets by PMS directors, presumably with them acting in a capacity wholly at odds with their remit, and effectively gambling with and losing money which wasn’t theirs to gamble with and lose in the speculative market place in the first place.
That is a distinctly odd, sweet deal with a very sour taste indeed, methinks, for it is not afforded across the board and would appear to be available to only a very select few? What parameters have to met to qualify for such extraordinarily generous help [effectively an all expenses paid bailout] if the taxpayer is billed for a dodgy failed private excursion into a shark infested poll of a gambling arena/veritable den of iniquity?
22 March 2011 at 7:07 amIt appears that the Unionism is contemplating electoral fraud to exercise power…….. which itself must indicate to the electorate that they are not fit and intellectually equipped to govern them honestly.
When are they going to realise that one has to make one’s own way in the world and the future is all that matters so bury the past whenever it is destroying your present credibility and exposing one to ridicule and chances of valid charges of entrenched institutional and social bigotry and political fraud.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/21/2011 3:29:53 PM
“He reiterated the Judges opening jury instruction that the Jury had to follow the law regardless of whether they felt the law was right or wrong. Their job was to determine the facts and apply the law to them as it was given to them. By repeating this issue the prosecution in the jury’s eyes may look like they are trying to enforce a law that is bad. It was repeated several times, “You must apply the law to the facts whether you agree with the law or not”. ” …… Posted by Lila Rajiva on 3/21/2011 11:46:12 AM
Well, is it right and lawful to convict anyone when one feels the law is wrong? And is any such “official” direction to do so, a misdirection and attempt to pervert the course of natural justice?
Some laws whenever they relate to money are bound to be subverted to support the status quo money system, simply because of the absolute powers which such control can give.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/22/2011 3:38:04 AM
It is hard not to conclude after reading all on this thread, that the USA, with its particular and peculiar brands and bands of capitalism and law and disorder, is not a failed pariah police state, which just makes up new rules by Executive Orders as they go along, although methinks that is what any and all who would be into the Great Game have always done and would be also doing ……. ergo are rules for others to follo
w in order to keep them in the dark and under virtual control, and really, there are no rules but the law of the jungle and temporary triumphs in battles of wits.Methinks nowadays, post modern lead is delivered with freely shared and transparently stated intelligence services, for whenever secrets cannot be revealed, how on Earth is one ever to learn of their value and bask in their power and control?
So ….. if you have any secrets you can share, feel free to share them. And IT will do its bit too and share them globally in an instant so that all can benefit from greater shared knowledge. Just make sure though that the information you share, is yours to share and will not cause unnecessary damage and despair.
22 March 2011 at 10:31 am
With an upcoming election, Greenflag, now is an excellent time to discover the views of government hopefuls on the right or wrong of such actions, which without punitive personal censure and/order criminal proceedings against guilty parties, with a view to exemplary and fair prosecution and a sojourn at HM’s pleasure in one of her secured environments, would have the system complicit in and as accessories after the fact to the fact in what may be tantamount to those arranging the rescue being considered as being instrumental in committing another crime also, with the misuse of public monies and abuse of public office.
Or is that not the case on the facts that are in this particular case.
Perhaps someone could point out where the facts would not support the above, so that the notion of systemic wrongdoing for personal gain can be dismissed and rendered unfounded and unproven.
22 March 2011 at 10:40 amA little something for the biggest show in the country perhaps just so that the electorate are kept uptodate and fully aware of what is going on behind the closed doors of Stormont at the expense of the public purse.