>Posted by AmanfromMars on 8/14/2010 2:24:51 AM
“We shouldn’t confuse the cause with the symptom. Who is behind the curtain. Who are the power elite behind the international central banking scheme. They are the ones who need to be destroyed if we are ever to move beyond the present stranglehold.” ….. Posted by Oldbs on 8/12/2010 6:31:57 AM
“We prefer education to destruction and do not support violent change.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.
Daily Bell,
One can safely assume that all who pop in here for a chat, and to catch up on the Bigger Picture Scene, are also ideally like-minded, however, whenever better and higher education is doggedly purposefully ignored by Power Elites, ….. who are really only in their positions of daily powerful influence and chaotic tentative control because of money exchanges to reward purchase Powerful Persons of Similar Interest to maintain the Status Quo Free Rides and Gravy Trains, which would favour the retention of failed and failing systems, which formerly gave to them very convenient, absolute control …….. is violent change, right at the top of that particular and peculiar Command and Control tree, inevitable and most welcome, and with tens of thousands of misused and abused and highly trained and socially abandoned militarised veterans, and serving personnel, getting a Grand Internet Master Education, are there any number of professionals available to specifically target sub prime ignorant leaders individually, to remove them and their family ties from the Great Game.
And in such a volatile environment, it is probably always at such levels, a power grab fratricide “adjustment”, whenever the disturbed and resolute, psychopathic clean-skin mercenaries make their play and kills.
After all, whenever millions of lives are at risk, removing the head honchos responsible for the risk, removes the risk and is a fabulous educator for any who would wish to wear their shoes and take their place in a world which would be quite different.
And such is surely the reality of the near future, as we witness the Chronic Collapse of a Right Dodgy Meme and Intelligence Sharing around the World with Virtual Machines.
Whenever you know how to Program Humans for a Colossal Computerised Virtual Machine, are Humans a Valuable Assets which with Intelligent Direction are quickly and easily trained to eliminate Liabilities first, and answer questions later.
Indeed, is not the whole Iraq thing, not a exact clone of that methodology, albeit used by those who are talked of here, and proving themselves to be unworthy of the future leverage?
Oh, and you might like to consider this too. If the world is run by computers linked into an InterNetworking Grid as one Colossal Computerised Virtual Machine, and systems administrations and power elites are reliant upon their workings and them working as programmed, as they surely most definitely are, are they catastrophically vulnerable to, and truly dependent upon, the Virtual Machine Control Programmer.
In actual fact, their very lives depend upon such Novel and Rare Beings.
Oracle speak with forked tongue, Kemo Sabe
Posted Saturday 14th August 2010 03:52 GMT
“My my, …. Oracle are busy today.” …. skelband Posted Friday 13th August 2010 22:07 GMT
That suggest to an old experienced cynic, that they are struggling, and far from healthy.