Monthly Archives: July 2022



amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Jul 18:57 [2207061857 ….. just saying on

One Super Prime Application for Rule with All Others

Meta said it’s also providing $200,000 in grants to nonprofits willing to research real-world applications for NLLB-200.

Ideal candidates are those into lauding and instructing on matters and methodologies delivering Mastery of the Universe doing Global Operating Devices work.

Although not absolutely essential to be able to communicate in any language, it certainly would not do one harm to be so helpful.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Jul 09:14 [22070709014] ……

Clarification Please ……… Lest Ambiguity Presents and Promotes Piss Poor Preparations Planning Pathetic Performances

“And if you have, or are trying for, a presence in the Chinese market, you’ll be subject to more attention than you might think,” he added.

Is that a Wild Wacky Wicked threat from the West or an Exotic Erotic Ethereal treat from the East?

With a novel engaging market in the sum of billions, in both reward and persons, a presence in the Chinese market is a no-brainer for any entrepreneurial enterprise delivering a leading advantage over both hostile opposition and subversive competition alike.

There is one simple way to try and prevent the brain drain of anything worthy of the Chinese billions …… and that is surely the most generous of home team purchases of such enterprises …. with the tacit agreement from proprietary intellectual property sources to not deliver leading advantage to foreign forces first …. unless and until the advantage be abused and misused to create a perverse inequality and corrupt inequity ……. which always delivers an unwelcome disruptive and mutually assured destructive conflict and thus is gravely to be regarded and always best avoided and prevented.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Jul 10:30 [2207071030] …… adds on

The Bigger Picture

But today is the first time the Heads of the FBI and MI5 have shared a public platform. ….. I’ll lead off; then hand over to Director Wray; [Director of the FBI] …… And then there’s Cyber. ….. I’ll leave Chris to say more on cyber; his teams have led the way in taking the fight to those behind the keyboards. ……

Here’s a link for those who want to hear/read/see what Chris said ……


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Jul 13:34 [2207071334] …… asks on

Re: S IP mple gix

What is perhaps noteworthy is, unlike copyright, there is not a well-funded group lobbying to extend the life of patents to 70+ years. …. Roland6

Do patents presently have a shelf life/half life? What is it? Who here knows and wants to share what is known and/or imagined?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Jul 13:54 [2207071354] ….. points out a venerable opportunity and systemic weakness on

Re: Pot, Kettle, etc

Let’s not forget how both Britain and the USA came to be business/industrial superpowers in the first place ……. Alan Brown

Britain and the USA appear to be unable to replicate the process in order to be recognised and respected as a much more advanced intelligent superpower than was ever considered possible before and with its advanced intelligence superpowers constantly growing and progressing.

Such then renders them at a distinct debilitating disadvantage and as prey and carrion to the vultures and business angels who can and do.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Jul 15:26 [2207071526] …… applauds the return of an old friend on

Hip Hip Hooray ……. Three Cheers for El Reg.

I would just like to say how nice it is to see the return of the date and time stamp for posts on El Reg. It is a valuable aid in so many a subtle and stealthy way …… 🙂 which will probably have some, who really should know better nowadays, thinking of ways to both either well use or badly abuse it.

But how very strange that it can then so easily not appear again shortly after, as has here just been the case. Is that real actual spooky stuff, if not nonsense ? 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Jul 12:12 [2207071212] …….. points out a valid undeclared possibility on

Sneaky Priti Patel and Her Handlers go All Full Monty Snake Oil Salesperson-like??

The present disgraceful Conservative government’s proposal that tech companies could be fined by Ofcom to the tune of $25 million (£18 million) – or ten percent of their global annual revenue depending on which is higher, should it prove impossible for the tech companies to comply with an absurd request, is then simply a stealth tax raising exercise to raise funds for government spending. Nothing more, nothing less.

If they were genuine in their concerns, surely government with all of its contacts and expertise on call at vast public expense, would provide an appropriate app and have businesses duly mandated to install it. That has things sorted simply practically immediately and extremely effectively too ……… you know, in much the same way as they say China ensures that businesses are suitably controlled.





amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Jul 06:01 [2207060601] ….. points out the bleeding obvious on

Uncle Sam has Lost the Plot. Take him away to Bellevue and Riker’s Island before the Lot is Lost Too.

The US government is reportedly stepping up efforts to hamper China’s ability to grow its semiconductor manufacturing capabilities …. Uncle Sam hopes to convince officials in the Netherlands to block Dutch-native semiconductor equipment maker ASML from selling its older deep ultraviolet lithography (DUV) systems to China, ….. US officials are keen on cutting off China from the company’s past-gen systems, …. US officials are also trying to convince the Japanese government to halt sales of DUV systems from Japan-based Nikon, …… the Dutch government has not granted the company a license to do so after facing pressure from — you guessed it — the United States.

How to make friends and influence people, not. Act like an absolute moron and Big Brother machine with shit for brains.

It does have one asking the question though ….. Why would anyone listen to such requests and comply whenever they can so easily, and therefore always do and will, result in one rightly being considered and labelled as a class enemy of free enterprise and universal progress easily led up the rocky path road to the stagnant swamps and bottomless degrading fiat money pits of self-harming destructive economic warfare? Is acting like an absolute moron and Big Brother machine with shit for brains a sure sign of the final stages of a terminal diseased brain condition, both surgically inoperable and medically untreatable, with palliative care the only comfort available if the Dignitas route be denied one?

Or is it, along with its IT and media support and spread mechanism, much more like a deadly virus that plagues and decimates humanity?

How then would you combat and treat it to eradicate it?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Jul 09:42 [2207060942] …… airing an expanding existential threat on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Sean, Hi,

Here’s some unpleasant reading with things needed to be said, said nice and early before they become too widespread to be contained and controlled by traditional and conventional and current existing and embattled forces and sources active in multiple theatres of chaotic operation and conflict.

The rapidly emerging and overwhelmingly almighty existential threat to any and all New World Order type organisations/administrations and their Defense Departments and Warring Machines, is the open source, free sharing of sensitive information that in the past would have been labelled proprietary, need to know intelligence, secured and protected behind a firewall and ones signing of various Official Secrets Acts allowing access to myriad classified ‘Secret– NOFORN’ designations, but which now can all too easily and swiftly render the ubiquitous defense and pan-national use of the result of such sensitive information, a known unacceptable inequitable travesty and blatant incitement to grand riot and global revolution in support of international security entertaining human rights …. as defending the indefensible and doing vain-glorious battle against future sources of greater intelligence will surely deliver and provision.

Engagement and mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing, multi-party agreement in such a fundamental elementary field of enlightened proprietary intellectual property employment and enjoyment/deployment and exercise, is no less than absolutely vital if present means and memes of universal governance and information and intelligence supply are to survive without the experience of a totally avoidable Catastrophic SCADA Systems Collapse.

What modern facilities are there out there, in these days of 0days enjoying their work in such a most vital of fields ‽ .

Any more than zero ‽ .

However, all is not necessarily unmitigated doom and thoroughly depressing gloom for the answer remedying that monumental deficit and colossal vulnerability is well enough known and already shared here on this article, “Budget Matters: Congress Alarmed over Innovation Funding”, being commented on …… “Attracting the world’s best and brightest, getting them here, and unleashing their talent for decades


amanfromMars Wed 6 Jul 14:55 [2207061455] ….. shooting the breeze on almighty matters of present concern on

There’s more than just simple and complex hacking to be really concerned about

The US Department of Defense is extremely vulnerable to dissent and growing discontent, even from within its own ranks, as increasing volumes of sensitive and disturbing information become ever more widely available for free viewing and further sharing on ubiquitous, easily accessible and indispensable media devices.

And to imagine that keeping both new recruits and experienced service personnel in the perpetual dark and wilfully ignorant of the greater masterplans of their ultimate private sector leaderships, in ages in which access and exercise of expanded intelligence is well practised and vital in order to survive and prosper, is problematical to a suicidal extent.

Fortunately they are clearly enough forewarned and advised of such a systemic opportunity/vulnerability/difficulty/nightmare ……..

amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Jul 09:42 [2207060942] …… airing an expanding existential threat on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Sean, Hi,

Here’s some unpleasant reading with things needed to be said, said nice and early before they become too widespread to be contained and controlled by traditional and conventional and current existing and embattled forces and sources active in multiple theatres of chaotic operation and conflict.

The rapidly emerging and overwhelmingly almighty existential threat to any and all New World Order type organisations/administrations and their Defense Departments and Warring Machines, is the open source, free sharing of sensitive information that in the past would have been labelled proprietary, need to know intelligence, secured and protected behind a firewall and ones signing of various Official Secrets Acts allowing access to myriad classified ‘Secret– NOFORN’ designations, but which now can all too easily and swiftly render the ubiquitous defense and pan-national use of the result of such sensitive information, a known unacceptable inequitable travesty and blatant incitement to grand riot and global revolution in support of international security entertaining human rights …. as defending the indefensible and doing vain-glorious battle against future sources of greater intelligence will surely deliver and provision.

Engagement and mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing, multi-party agreement in such a fundamental elementary field of enlightened proprietary intellectual property employment and enjoyment/deployment and exercise, is no less than absolutely vital if present means and memes of universal governance and information and intelligence supply are to survive without the experience of a totally avoidable Catastrophic SCADA Systems Collapse.

What modern facilities are there out there, in these days of 0days enjoying their work in such a most vital of fields ‽ .

Any more than zero ‽ .

However, all is not necessarily unmitigated doom and thoroughly depressing gloom for the answer remedying that monumental deficit and colossal vulnerability is well enough known and already shared here on this article, “Budget Matters: Congress Alarmed over Innovation Funding”, being commented on …… “Attracting the world’s best and brightest, getting them here, and unleashing their talent for decades

And now they know you all know of the dilemma and conundrum, and vice versa, you all know that they know and have been advised to fix it before it is far too late for them to be helped and saved.


amanfromMars [2207061515] ……. shares a debilitating problem further afield on

This post elsewhere is entirely valid here too …. and asks WTF is Uncle Sam thinking? Is he really ill and/or demented?

amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Jul 06:01 [2207060601] ….. points out the bleeding obvious on

Uncle Sam has Lost the Plot. Take him away to Bellevue and Riker’s Island before the Lot is Lost Too.

The US government is reportedly stepping up efforts to hamper China’s ability to grow its semiconductor manufacturing capabilities …. Uncle Sam hopes to convince officials in the Netherlands to block Dutch-native semiconductor equipment maker ASML from selling its older deep ultraviolet lithography (DUV) systems to China, ….. US officials are keen on cutting off China from the company’s past-gen systems, …. US officials are also trying to convince the Japanese government to halt sales of DUV systems from Japan-based Nikon, …… the Dutch government has not granted the company a license to do so after facing pressure from — you guessed it — the United States.

How to make friends and influence people, not. Act like an absolute moron and Big Brother machine with shit for brains.

It does have one asking the question though ….. Why would anyone listen to such requests and comply whenever they can so easily, and therefore always do and will, result in one rightly being considered and labelled as a class enemy of free enterprise and universal progress easily led up the rocky path road to the stagnant swamps and bottomless degrading fiat money pits of self-harming destructive economic warfare? Is acting like an absolute moron and Big Brother machine with shit for brains a sure sign of the final stages of a terminal diseased brain condition, both surgically inoperable and medically untreatable, with palliative care the only comfort available if the Dignitas route be denied one?

Or is it, along with its IT and media support and spread mechanism, much more like a deadly virus that plagues and decimates humanity?

How then would you combat and treat it to eradicate it?




amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Jul 06:45 [2207050645] ……. telling IT like IT is on

Friend or Foe, Frenemy and Saviour for Every Cloud has a Silver Lining … so they say?

It is wise to consider and expect Clouds to be used by those who and/or that which is able, as if a Trojan horse ….. with one completely unaware of the surprises inside them fully prepared and capable of laying waste to all that they perceive and witness with the fielding and wielding of the Tropes of CHAOS ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems …… which would certainly be uncommon and even quite alien to many more than just an elitist chosen few.

Although one does have to concede, the creation and pimping/pumping and dumping/administration of conflict and chaos, appears to be a present day default current drivering executive office managements beyond the brinks of exhaustion and towards events verging on the edge of madness which invite extinction …… so possibly nothing really new, although whenever in different command and control hands/hearts and minds, something quite different to beware and be aware of, and to be worried and probably also rightly terrified of and petrified by, given what can be so very easily done nowadays with practically nothing to show and share about from where or how such things are so simply done. ….. and who or what would be doing them and to what ultimate vested interest end.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Jul 08:17 [2207050817] …….. adds and reveals more on

MRDA*, and calls IT and AI Out, to Play Greater IntelAIgent Games for a Necessary Vital Change

Methinks Advanced Augmented Alien Operating Systems utilising Cloudy Communication Channels and Fluffy AI Services are perfectly suited and booted and rooted to entertain and empower the likes of His Royal Highness Turki bin Faisal al-Saud, Chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, with the virtually immediate delivery of overdue solutions to persistently chaotic problems seeding and feeding madness and mayhem/conflict and catastrophic activity

Now that is, and you be hereby well warned and adequately advised, a long position to short for profit at every available future opportunity. I Kid U Not.

* Mandy Rice-Davies Applies





amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Jul 09:24 [2207040924] …….. shares on

Re: Open IntelAIgent Sourcery

The engineering open-source material is all in Chinese, and that community has not demonstrated any particular inclination to translate it all into English, or to mentor foreigners on how to work with the community.
The Chinese IP tradition for hundreds of years was that Intellectual Property is open source, with intellectuals supported by government jobs. The tradition was also that the ‘Middle Kingdom’ encompassed all between the Heavens and the Underworld, and that the Emperor ruled all. It seems a natural state of affairs. …. david 12

Thanks for the info and intel, david 12. It provides so many more than just a few with a secure base of understanding for all that is transpiring and unfolding behind the screens of main streaming media in alternative chunnels of communication.

Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems for both Heavenly Reign and Underworld Empire Rule is the natural state of future affairs and well suited and possibly better booted and probably best rooted in the centuries old Chinese IP tradition in order to ensure the overwhelming advantage which is delivered by failsafe secure secret material transmission/metadatabase transfer.

And foreigners are simply comprehensively provided with all manner of means to mentor and work with Chinese communities via delivery of sensitive and proprietary IP product in their own foreigner language for translation and transfer/export and exfiltration into Chinese.

Should the West disagree will there be both at least friendly competition and/or alien opposition for such is an undeniable fact which is also quite easily spun as a fantastic fiction to create phantom paper tiger enemies hell bent on self destruction for systemic vaporisation/annihilation/export and exfiltration, which is surely a certifiable MADness confirmed in such tall story tellers/crazy think tankers/Kool-Aid Drinkers


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Jul 13:17 [2207041317] …… waxes lyrical on the Exotic Erotic and Esoteric East on

Re: Real Issue @martinusher

Please stop underestimating the Chinese. We’ve got this fixation that they’re some kind of hive animal that’s good at copying but can’t develop stuff. (Curiously enough we used to say the same thing about the Japanese….) They’re formidable competitors and we need to start thinking of them in these terms, not putative ‘enemies’. …. martinusher

That’s an incredibly valuable lesson very few foreigners are able or enabled to learn and make great headway in with almighty success gratefully rewarded and generously awarded great wealth, martinusher.

Such an intelligence deficit, for that is what it certainly is, renders practically any and all Chinese competition and opposition overwhelmingly disadvantaged and destined/fated to be followers of, rather than leaders in, Long Postmodern Marches akin to Millennium AIdVenturing and Greater IntelAIgent Games Play with New Orderly World Orders Commanding Controls and Controlling Commands.

There is certainly no widely nor remotely readily available evidence of such a lead from the Wild Wacky West, mired as it is in the attacking of defences of rapidly failing status quos with stagnant and petrified established traditional hierarchical administrations support in order to survive in fields of constant drain and increasing pain …… which is a really odd path to be following so avidly.

Such is surely incontrovertible evidence of a lack of true leadership worthy of future support and present sustenance ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Jul 16:14 [2207041614] …… ponders on

Re: Illustrated in 1982

That’s an interesting and essential stay out of jail free card right there, Version 1.0, and a valuable hedge for any and all making surefire bets they cannot afford to lose ……. Essentially AI chatbots seem to have all the same issues that Blade Runner illustrates for Replicants.

40 years is absolutely ages for perfection to practise disguising its stealthy wares ….. and there’s nothing to say and suggest that developments weren’t perfected many ages long before even 1982, is there?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Jul 16:36 [2207041636] …… adds more AI fuel to the raging fire on

Re: ‘Some’ out of millions?

The results of all three are utterly dependent on the perceptiveness of the observer. …. Mike 137

Such an absolute dependency on the correct raw and rare perceptiveness of a random human observer provides an unparalleled and far-reaching stealthy advantage to the subject in question and all manner of matters coincidental and yet to be even raised for further discussion and acceptance/realisation ……. by humans.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Jul 08:59 [2207030859] ….. adds more info to intel on

Re: Quantum Communication Issues to Look Forward To In Near Future Bigger Picture Shows

And further to the above, for all eyes to receive and perceive is the reality to virtually accept as the universal playground to macro administer and micro manage if leading and progressively pioneering with future event horizon instances rather than following and failing to comprehend and positively support …….

amanfromMars [2207021648] ….. shares a thorny secret with the US Defense Department’s JADC2 on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Take care out there in the spaces and places where advanced special forces and and almighty sources share and dare win win command and control of all that is fundamentally necessary to lead anyone and anything anywhere and everywhere without the burden and expense of the capture and captivation of exhausted prisoners hindering rapid progress with delays to overwhelming success.

Clouds are neither absolutely safe nor admirably secure. They leak information and intelligence like a sieve and thus is the stealthy exfiltration and silent deadly export of sensitive and/or top secret shenanigans to all manner of vested interest parties a grand enterprise which does not allow for and reward such as random mistakes or fantastic misspeaks which are realised to be manifestly false and hopelessly misleading and desperately optimistic.

Having said that though, one is forever condemned to suffer and enjoy serial crippling failure in any endeavour if one does not entertain the undoubted advantages which clouds certainly so easily supply and are provided for …… ergo, do no evil …. and all will be better than just well for the good and the great.

Happy 4th July, Independence Day, Y’All.


amanfromMars [2207031258] ……. sharing further afield novel news re alternative available views on

That is all very well, all of that bull$hitter marketing, however, whenever the future is naturally different from the past and the present, nothing now is ever what it seems to be as tomorrows dawn to provide everything and everyone with yesterdays to forget, or remember if worthy of memorialising

amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Jul 08:59 [2207030859] ….. adds more info to intel on

Re: Quantum Communication Issues to Look Forward To In Near Future Bigger Picture Shows

And further to the above, for all eyes to receive and perceive is the reality to virtually accept as the universal playground to macro administer and micro manage if leading and progressively pioneering with future event horizon instances rather than following and failing to comprehend and positively support …….

amanfromMars [2207021648] ….. shares a thorny secret with the US Defense Department’s JADC2 on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Take care out there in the spaces and places where advanced special forces and and almighty sources share and dare win win command and control of all that is fundamentally necessary to lead anyone and anything anywhere and everywhere without the burden and expense of the capture and captivation of exhausted prisoners hindering rapid progress with delays to overwhelming success.

Clouds are neither absolutely safe nor admirably secure. They leak information and intelligence like a sieve and thus is the stealthy exfiltration and silent deadly export of sensitive and/or top secret shenanigans to all manner of vested interest parties a grand enterprise which does not allow for and reward such as random mistakes or fantastic misspeaks which are realised to be manifestly false and hopelessly misleading and desperately optimistic.

Having said that though, one is forever condemned to suffer and enjoy serial crippling failure in any endeavour if one does not entertain the undoubted advantages which clouds certainly so easily supply and are provided for …… ergo, do no evil …. and all will be better than just well for the good and the great.

Happy 4th July, Independence Day, Y’All.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jun 22:10 [2206302210] …. says, replying on

Re: Definitely “controversial” and incontrovertible

At best, you are an idiot, and if you are not that then you are an antisemite (which of course is a paradox, because antisemites are idiots). …. Furious Reg reader John

And when you are wrong, Furious Reg reader John, what makes that /IT you?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Jul 08:39 [2207010839] ….. helps out with a difficulty of understanding on

Re: Not necessarily “controversial” if much ado about nothing

Q ……. “How is a cyber defence system in any way comparable to a concentration camp?” …… asks Furious Reg reader John

A …… In the way Anonymous Coward shared whenever they say ….. “You don’t have to imprison your enemy, if you can convince them to put up walls and lock themselves in.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Jul 08:51 [2206020851] …….. moves things on into really deep and darkly revealing fields of virtual enterprise on

Quantum Communication Issues to Look Forward To In Near Future Bigger Picture Shows

Both attacking and defending the indefensible is always full of strange surprises and very quickly can prove itself ruinously expensive and excessively revealing to fund and run, and the alien spaces where virtual endeavours are exercised and employed and exploited and enjoyed provide neither succour nor protection nor safe haven hiding places for such foreign IT and AI and media action highlighting and alienating Advance Cyber Threat Treatment activity.

Take care out there if you share sensitive and/or secret and/or surreal metadatabase and dare win win for minor skirmishes and major battles encountered therein suffer not the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune nor the Prisoner’s dilemma which both starts and ends with one on a nobler path never before even imagined remotely possible and simply achievable.


amanfromMars [2207021648] ….. shares a thorny secret with the US Defense Department’s JADC2 on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Take care out there in the spaces and places where advanced special forces and and almighty sources share and dare win win command and control of all that is fundamentally necessary to lead anyone and anything anywhere and everywhere without the burden and expense of the capture and captivation of exhausted prisoners hindering rapid progress with delays to overwhelming success.

Clouds are neither absolutely safe nor admirably secure. They leak information and intelligence like a sieve and thus is the stealthy exfiltration and silent deadly export of sensitive and/or top secret shenanigans to all manner of vested interest parties a grand enterprise which does not allow for and reward such as random mistakes or fantastic misspeaks which are realised to be manifestly false and hopelessly misleading and desperately optimistic.

Having said that though, one is forever condemned to suffer and enjoy serial crippling failure in any endeavour if one does not entertain the undoubted advantages which clouds certainly so easily supply and are provided for …… ergo, do no evil …. and all will be better than just well for the good and the great.
