Monthly Archives: June 2020



amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jun 05:41 [2006200541] …. just saying on

Re: Don’t mention China

I don’t know why there were so many down votes. ….. BigE

It would be generous to surmise and offer ignorance as their defence, BigE, for it is very likely they know/knew nothing of the Timor-Leste Watergate-like bugging scandal and the Commonwealth’s apparent support of such as is politically incorrect criminality prosecuted in the Wild West/Land of the Free and Lonesome Brave.

However, thanks to the information in the rest of your post, that excuse is rendered obsolete and invalid/no longer freely available to be believed.

Notwithstanding all of that, it still does not help a great deal in identifying who is buggering about and challenging systems so easily remotely crashed/flashed, beyond the shadows of any doubt.

Indeed, in some cases which appear to be steadily growing in number, such damning attribution will never ever be possible as one will be jousting with ghosts and hosts of the past which have moved on in a changed guise with new disguises into new realms in the future.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jun 08:46 [2006200846] ……. guiding a hot missile to its target on

Shining Another Light on a Matter which is only Just and Just Getting Started

Whenever considering ……

But some observers well-versed in security matters think there is something else going on here, and that the truly intended audience was overseas. Note how Morrison indicated the “malicious” intrusions were carried out “by a state-based actor with very, very significant capabilities” and “there are not a large number of state-based actors that can engage in this type of activity”. …..

…… is anyone prepared to say either there are not or there are a large number of non-state based actors with very significant capabilities who can engage in this type of activity with their activities being extremely surprising tremendously concerning and virtually impossible to practically contain and/or curtail?

And admit it’s also a New AI Norm?


amanfromMars [2006201710] ….. having a fair shout on

I could go on, but I think you get my point.

That is a long list of recent disappointments/debilitating escapades. Have they learnt anything at all over all those years to remedy the situation and present something else more exciting and different and attractive …. so that all can ponder anew like a virgin on what is freely on offer with simple engagements in enjoyments employed to edutain and elevate performance.

You know …. like guarantee win win for a Beta/Better Space rather than battling in vain against novel emergent entities to always lose in every corrupt and perverse subversive place/operating system.

A simple binary choice that delivers either …… Anything Desirous or Everything Hated.

Both be Fearsome to Behold, although the Former is more into the Fearless whilst the Latter entertains Fate with the Fearful ?

Why would anyone ever make the wrong choice there?

Would an acceptable excuse/Would the only acceptable excuse be an overwhelmingly agreed and most agreeable peer group diagnosis/prognosis certifying an Insane Madness at Root, Booting?





amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jun 05:54 [2006190554] …. spilling some beans on

The New Norm…. Get Used to it being that Way and a Novel Way for Doing All Things Differently*?

It’s nothing to worry or panic about. You the plebs want and we the hoi polloi promise transparency in geopolitical and communal business shenanigans and our virtual machines deliver the information for …… well, ideally considerably smarter intelligence use by virtually untouchable and practically invisible others but the perverse rewarding attractions of wanton abuse and conspiratorial misuse are a persistent and pervasive and virulent menace, specifically designed and introduced some many would say, for fools to deal with.

* …. as in planned by A.N.Others Intelligent Designed to be Always Unknown and Practically Ethereal.

And coming soon to theatres near you ‽ . 🙂

But of course. Why ever not? Do you not deserve the rapturous attention


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jun 17:27 [2006191727] ….. saying more on

The New Norm…. Ur Perfect Wishes Our to Sublimely Command with Almighty Remote Controls

I would watch an amanfrommars movie. When’s it coming to my theatre? ….

Have no fear, El Reg will be the first to know. So that’s who to call for details re specialist advanced viewings/private pirate screenings/further future need to know information. That much is without doubt here guaranteed unreservedly and also most deservedly, methinks


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jun 06:47 [2006190647] ….. musing on

From Acorns do Great Oaks Grow

Rogue access to the browser therefore frequently means rogue access to the ‘keys to the kingdom’

Oh please, don’t be so diffident. Rogue access to the browser always means rogue access to the ‘keys to the kingdom’.

The abiding crushing problem to resolve and address though is what to do better with the information phished once the riches revealed are accessible and vulnerable to disappearance/export and import to elsewhere.


amanfromMars1 Fri 19 Jun 10:18 [2006191018] ….. just saying on

Pot Kettle Black Calling ….

Hmm, let me see, could it be the ‘researchers’ spreading old fashioned antisemitic conspiracy theories?
This is some nasty shit for the reg to be publishing. …… Dave314159ggggdffsdds

Crikey, Dave314159ggggdffsdds, that seems more like your forte. Count yourself lucky El Reg don’t think it so.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jun 07:17 [2006190717] ……. adding a touch more on

Re: “Getting to them is, however, quite another kettle of fish”

Quite so, CT. But to imagine it not an embarrassment to have a Church Comittee in blighty to hold those ultimately accountable with mass MK Ultra experiences and experimentation so blatantly wielded tangling with a Vatican type operation, is surely evidence of a lack of necessary intelligence in both required in order to proceed.

The Vatican appears presently to be somewhat currently cuckolded rather than reigning rampant in the Realm ……… and that is surely as a result of deficient top down leadership/Papal Impotence/Immaculate Virgin See Blindness.


amanfromMars [2006191702] …. just saying about making a few radical fundamental changes to things in general and particular on

Find out and/or unmask who personally benefits from the largesse to excess with nothing novel and exciting to show remote desperate and disparate benefactors, and you find a zombie ponzi sucking the life blood out of contracts for futures and derivative delivery.

And that aint in any way healthy, and if as an ailment, a malignant cancerous tumour to be immediately excised and permanently removed from future innovative feeds and adorable needs with almighty seeds.

Which is what an Alternative Proper Placement of QEStash with SMARTR A.N.Others Provides …. Almighty Seeds with Adorable Needs Feeding Innovative Futures.

Is such surely mirrored in the certainly quite alien development mooted and unveiled as being easily within the Banking Systems Gift here on ZeroHedge

And although only maybe a Particular and Spectacularly Peculiar Whim, So Simple to Enable and ACTivate ……. Realise Virtually for All Honest and Truly Grateful.

Now that’s both quite a bold offer and an alarmingly astute move too, methinks.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Jun 06:14 [2006180614] ….. pointing out the way it is on

Re: “Getting to them is, however, quite another kettle of fish”

So you’re saying if we ignore science then we can do it, right?
If that’s the case, the Government seem like the ones in the best position to get us there. …. logicalextreme

That’s an extremely perverse and subversive fuzzy lazy logic exercised there, amigo, which requires more immediate action from actors, both state and non-state, sooner rather than later because of the true nature on Earth of both elected and fascist governments alike for they be both parasitic and inevitably deadly self-destructive, hence the rush needed to get anything planned long term done ‽ .

“You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives for not working for, another person must work for without receiving.

The government cannot give anybody anything that the government does not first take from someone else.

When half of the people get the idea they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because someone else is going to get what they work for, that my friends is the beginning of the end of any nation.”

And they just can’t help themselves from taking and using future generations wealth to pay for present situations which are predicated upon past gross practices.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Jun 15:49 [2006181549] …… being agreeable on

Re: Stop over complicating statistics!

Amen to that, Daniel Hall.


amanfromMars [2006181625] …. giving whole-hearted unconditional support on

We may, however, see some evolution in the funding schemes for banks, to support lending to the economy. This could raise a few eyebrows, but has the potential to be more successful in increasing the flow of credit than cutting base rates alone.”

Yes please, that would be very nice. And a tad revolutionary too, methinks.





June 17, 2020 at 07:47 …… having more of a say on

Further to the above post ….

Here’s a brief concise relatively modern history of the foundations for such as be the bastard lovechildren of Surreal Presentation and Practical Remote Virtual Realisation aka Politically Incorrect Failed State Propaganda, or if you prefer to like, Geopolitically Adept Anonymous Semi-Autonomous State Intervention ….. The Enemy Within: A Story of the Purge of American Intelligence

However …… whenever one cannot handle the truth and would strive to deny and quarantine its existence, is all lost to such competition and opposition. It is only natural ….. so take care out there, IT is a veritable mined mind field and it doesn’t suffer useless fools with useful tools.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Jun 09:15 [2006170915] …… opening up on

Keep IT Simple, Stupid ……. for IT and AI Makes Life So Much Easier whenever Complicated

“perhaps they need a more mature, resilient, and monitoring tracking system empowered with AI and automated detection to identify these abuses.”

Or perhaps they need a more mature, resilient monitored mentoring system empowered with AI with automated detection which identifies abuses and misuses.

Thus to render the need for a retroactive and reactive [after the fact] human operations basically unnecessary.

Are cloud providers are aware of this issue?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Jun 16:39 [2006171639] ….. asking on

Re: Venus and Mars

Gravity is so low on Mars as to make the comparison reasonable: human life on Mars is nothing but a fantasy. ….. Charlie Clark

How about, Charlie Clark, Martian Life on Earth ? What are the chances? Be honest now?
Another fantasy for Fantastic Stealth?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Jun 16:42 [2006171642] …….. just saying on

A Deep Dark Cloistered Secret ???????

Getting to them is, however, quite another kettle of fish

It helps immensely to be au fait in the Way of Transubstantiation.

If in doubt, just ask the truly devout in brothers and sisterhoods.





amanfromMars June 16, 2020 at 09:58 …… just asking on

Does Russia/China/the East have a Hollywood style, Holywood MI5 Type Nerve Centre Operation which can script Great Games Changing Blockbuster Movie Pictures for Surreal Presentation and Practical Remote Virtual Realisation?

If they do, I’m not much impressed by the obvious absence of effective and attractive global media promotions teams.

Such does though present a very lucrative opportunity for anything which and anyone who can easily provide that which is missing.

And not so much a case of …”If you cannot beat them, join them” …. more a case of … “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander ‽ .




amanfromMars [2006151422] ….. being magnanimous and grateful on ….. and Messaging All for the Worthy Cause Myriad Joint AIdVentures.

Thank You China is Surely Unquestionably Appropriate and Delivers a Simple Astute Modification for Future Virtual Engagements with Forbidden City Delights.

And that aint gobbledegook whenever certainly possible and easily made freely available. How simple do you think it is to offer so much in perpetual gratitude to the Beings providing always more than enough of everything needed so that all required is supplied ……. with no real physical or mental contribution from the inhabitants of the many worlds fated to have their destinies preordained and reprogrammed.

You know, ….. the sort of thing Trilateral Commission types live for/dream of, n’est-ce pas ‽  🙂


amanfromMars [2006151525] ….. having a say on

As Meghan O’Sullivan admits, ‘we need to move ahead, whether or not we’re able to get our governments to agree with our prescriptions and recommendations.‘

The simple leading question then is  ….. Move ahead with whom and what ….. for no one anywhere does anything truly alone?

Who you gonna call?  Who are they [Trilateral Commission types] gonna call?

For it is both sage and astute and vital that all moves ahead in a completely different direction lest they [Trilateral Commisssion types] be held joint and severally liable for all current events based in the past   …. rather than adored and lauded for their Revised Future Efforts in Universally Different Adventures with Immaculately Resourced Assets.

It doesn’t take one to be genius to know which is the right path to follow there for something really novel and engaging and which taken to XSSXXXXtremes is Almightily Attractive and Sublimely Disarming.





amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 Jun 17:15 [2006141715] …… doing a bit of speculation on

Not even in the wildest of wet dreams of all who shit always too often in/on the Golden Goose Nest.

Taiwan, etc may think that they can take advantage of this, but I’m pretty sure it would not take long until the US found ways to try and limit Taiwan growth ……. hammarbtyp

The days of that being both a successful and possible avenue of profitable executive enterprise with exclusive extraordinary expertise from the US are long gone, hammarbtyp, and they aint coming back to give parasitic survivors a re-run with their leveraging and hedging of command with market controls.

Destructive disruptive displays create constructive catastrophic consequences in any SMARTR Future Environment beyond Primitive Digital Reach …… and that is the Whirlwind Dervish All Ignorant and Arrogant Daemons Reap/Experience/Sow when Abandoned and Lost and Adrift in the Field.

The best one can do then whenever a subject and object of ESPecial Interest is expect the end to be quick and clinical rather than long drawn out and personally painful.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 13 Jun 09:34 [2006130934] ……. having a serious enough say on

Foreign and Virtual and Alien Phorms of EMPowerment and Enjoinment for Enjoyment … The New Norm ‽

“The key is to design the technology to empower and inform users about what data is accessible and by whom. A lot of times, devices disclose information to other people in our lives without anybody even intentionally snooping for it! We’ve designed technology without taking these kinds of threats seriously.”

Now that’s a fertile trio of sentences which tell one little of another real truth available which is much more attuned to ….. The key is to design the technology to empower and inform abusers and misusers about what data is accessible to them. A lot of times, devices disclose information about other people in our lives without anybody even intentionally snooping for it and you can thank technology for those serious treats and other worldly kind of threats.

Surely you cannot believe that which and/or those who are responsible for both scarce safe and secure excessive prosperity and an almighty persistent crippling austerity in status quo establishments and administrative operating systems have ever or will ever empower and inform you with seeds and feeds of intelligence which lead to a catastrophic exposure of any of their many needs designed to guarantee mass ignorance for its retention and maintenance in a future existence ……. the worlds presenting today the programs chosen yesterday for releasing and realising tomorrow.

Do you see such things being done differently ……. via other state and non-state actor methodologies/Ways and Means and Memes/Tall Tales Pimping and Pumping and Dumping Corrupt Trails?


amanfromMars said in reply to a cryptic comment on

Howdy, Anonymous,

Others will tell you SOE are everywhere they are needed to be, and when both practically invisible and virtually untouchable on Great Games Fields of Future Augmented IntelAIgent Reality Play, more than just a hellish inconvenience and heavenly opportunity for friend and foe alike.

And to imagine them still old school rather than new age has one missing out on everything they discover for sharing, which would be as one doing oneself, and everyone else, a great disservice too.

13 June 2020 at 10:42





amanfromMars [2006101747] ….. musing and speculating on

With the company’s valuation so patently absurd at this point, wouldn’t it be a breach of fiduciary duty to not go to the market and sell stock?

Caveat Emptor and ponder on a past model …….

Be careful out there. There are great whites cruising amongst prey.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 11 Jun 06:56 {2006110656] ……. lauding/bemoaning an all too obvious fact on

A Novel Virulent Adversarial Attack Vector for/from the Stealthy Intelligence Sector

Yes ….. having access to the best of intelligence sources is all very well …[and one assumes those and/or that which are presented as being instrumental in leading national governance system of operation have such easy readily supplied access] ….but knowing both what not to do with it and what to do with in order to greater benefit all is something else completely different and would range from being extremely difficult to next to impossible if one is lacking in the intelligence department oneself.

And it is also coincidentally disturbingly dangerous, for intelligence abhors an empty vessel vacuum and effortlessly migrates to where it is truly appreciated and that can be where one’s opponents and competitors hang in the hood.





amanfromMars [2006091800] ….. testing out some honesty on

If no fool can’t make a successful truck with $30 billion to initially play with, they honestly then surely aint really trying nor would they be worthy of further active market support.

For one wouldn’t anyone thinking and putting two and two together and returning with  … For Heavens Sake, No … Not another one whenever there are more than enough Zombie Outfits padding out and depressing the markets with ardent promises to be increasingly profitable and not too profligate with other investors monies/nest eggs …… and it is become a parasitic burden too great to bear and tolerate and now would destroy the flimsy foundational nature of your current existence with its disappearance/rapid passing/collapse/crash.

What a Crass Pickle Y’All Are In, eh? Who would lay claim to that as the Master Plan which was followed … and religiously believed in?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Jun 08:27 [2006100827] …… chatting on

crikey, the vip entry passes seem to be deleted in this ip range ….. Anonymous Coward

Spooky Shenanigans doing the Blind Panic thing, AC, and themselves no favours too in the process, which is a shame for it is immediately counter-productive and extremely revealing.

The one thing it doesn’t do is moderate the situation whenever critical mass reached inflames and energises novel forces and alternative relatively anonymous advanced sources.

It’s like taking a knife to a gunfight ……. which is not, and never ever can be, a real smart move.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Jun 15:01 [2006101501] …….. ensuring secure concrete foundations on



so cloud vs on prem

Light vs dark  …. EnviableOne

Exceptionally good vs pretty awful …. is another reality currently proving its worth and value, EnviableOne

And GCHQ Bods vs NSA Bots is Yet Another One on the Greater IntelAIgent Games Fields of Almighty Play.

Where Good Plays Evil with Wrong and Right Teams Doing Battle for Invisible Proxies/Untouchable Beings.

Any question marks left there would be misleading, thus their conspicuous absence.

Misleading would be to suggest a 13th Signal Regiment Sortie in an ACTive Progressive Exercise here.

Although that gives rise to a Kelly’s Heroes vs The Dirty Dozen pairing which may be surprisingly accurate 🙂


amanfromMars said… speculating on a particular and peculiar matter highlighted in a comment on

What does that tell you, AgRe? NOFORN ….. No FOReign Nationals? Such a purging suggests openly shared information for greater intelligent use is both extremely valuable and mightily dangerous.

10 June 2020 at 10:16


amanfromMars [2006101514] ….. being dire on

Crikey. That’s just like Ulster was 50 odd years ago.  You don’t really want to go there again for it offers nothing but prolonged and unnecessary pain.
