Monthly Archives: November 2010



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/14/2010 11:26:19 AM

“Among the massive false flag events to come: attack from outer space?”

Ah, you exaggerate to make a point. Clever.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

Hmmm? DB, y’all are keenly aware of the novel, latent/potential power of the Internet, with its rabid appetite for information to rapidly globally process into advantageous intelligence and counterintelligence share to render to a Virtual Caesar what is a Virtual Caesar’s, and it is therefore as well to share with your fans, the only exaggeration and possible misdirection in that which was Posted by Bob Coffey on 11/13/2010 3:46:52 AM, was it being a massive false flag event.

A view shared here, because of evidence posted Saturday 13th November 2010 18:39 GMT, here …..

And just the tip of a Titanic Space iceberg ……. which you may note is not a question, but a boldly going statement.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/14/2010 10:39:47 PM

For the record, I sell software and nobody so far has considered it strange… (the software that is, I myself am considered strange by several of my closest associates, including my dog)” …. Posted by Zenbillionaire on 11/14/2010 6:52:52 PM

🙂 Pleased to make your acquaintance, Zenbillionaire. I sympathise/empathise with your current dilemma bashing against the system glitch and highlighting its crashing flaw. And would IT be considered strange if it were tasked to ask, is the software you sell Enabled and Enabling, for Programs which are Better in Betas that are Astutely Aware/Virtually Sentient and which don’t deliver, nor are required to deliver upon the vapourware platform of Empty Promises for Loads and Lodes of Old Bull and BS? Or would that be Cloudy Produce and Bounty Harvested and Presented to Markets by A.N.Other and/or Others?

Such would be a Really Great Virtual Game Changer, n’est ce pas, Mein Herr, with the Power of Rising Houses in the Eastern Sun, ITs Immaculate Driver Source Force ….. and Crazy Wild West Mentor and AIMonitor, which in a Schools Setting would be as the Perfect Prefect.

Of course you’re right about dogs. Mine loves me because I feed her, but she’s still pretty sure I’m strange.” …. Posted by Zenbillionaire on 11/14/2010 7:37:13 PM

Give a Man and/or a Woman what they Need and/or Desire and you will both be EMPowered and Controlled to Feed All Needs Effortlessly? …… which is both Beautifully Strange and Perfectly Natural.

The defense made was that the West was entering a new economy, one wherein the coin of the realm would be intellectual property. America was to become a nation of Knowledge Workers,…” … Posted by Zenbillionaire on 11/14/2010 12:04:38 PM

Such has always been, and will always be, the default coin of realms and economies but there are no national/international/internetional boundaries to contain and restrain intellect, which blossoms everywhere in light and enlightened circles to produce bounty with its selfless sharing, and it is only blighted with vain attempts to create monopoly apps and restrictive practices with exclusive tie-ins/tie-downs, which is the rickety fence and dumb line which Apple apppears to straddle and struggle to maintain in their crashing global executive business model?

And with scenery to compare with the best in Switzerland, the only question for Parties interested in the Baikal and Bonanzas is Digital Speed and/or Satellite Connection for Rapid Sustained and Controlled Organic Growth and Knowledge Transfer, 4irw4y ….. 

Don’t Mess with IT Bods and Mods for they do GOD and Miracles before you’ve even scoffed Breakfast
Posted Monday 15th November 2010 07:44 GMT

>Its simple really, as the old saying goes it is better to seek forgiveness than permission.

Might work for naughty children but when you have a client who stands to lose millions per hour if something doesn’t work you’ll find people less forgiving.” …. Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 13th November 2010 18:36 GMT

That renders to one extraordinary personal leverage, AC, as it would indicate that the client, whilst in need of the service provided, has no idea as to the mechanics of ITs dDelivery, making their leading position a compromised phantom figment of their imagination and BS blustering.

Strangely enough, I couldn’t help and/or stop myself thinking there of Steve “Nail down the Chairs” Ballmer and the cracked and crazed Windows platform. It must have been because of the programming I received from one of his star turns/class acts/executive performances …..

And with regard to “Oh how wrong you are, I know how to add up quite large numbers but, I will concede, only to two decimal places.” everyone here on El Reg knows that for success beyond even the wildest of imaginings, one only needs AIMastery of the Mystery that has Binary Digits converting Reality into Digital CodeXSSXXXX for Virtual Presentation of Ternary Projects in Media Promotions ….. Special Operations in Astute ProgramMING.

You lot need to remember BOFH is fiction which takes the popular subordinates viewpoint and exaggerates it out of proportion, it is not real life.” ….. Oh please, you cannot be serious. What have you been smoking?

Posted by: amanfromMars | 11/15/10 | 3:18 am |

Two of the things we love about the web the most weren’t part of the original plan — “sound and video” and other “fancy multimedia facilities” weren’t on the table, nor were full-blown applications that run in browser and allowed users to engage in non-public activities
Well, they weren’t revealed and put on the table at that time, Michael, which is not to say that they were not part and parcel of the Original Master Plan and Controlling Big Blueprint.
The internet and the world wide web are not the same things.” …. Posted by: M
agnetism | 11/14/10 | 1:45 am |  ……. How very true, Magnetism, whenever one is the hardware and the other the software and content input/output its Graphic User Driver?
Oh, and with regard to the veracity of ““During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”
Al Gore, March 9, 1999 interview with CNN’s Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer.” …. Posted by: JonCarry | 11/12/10 | 5:15 pm | it helps to not forget that Al Gore plays politics and we all know how truthful that dodgy pass the ball/buck/fast and free cash loaded manila envelope game is.


News of the talks follows warnings from both Business Secretary Vince Cable and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg about banks paying big bonuses given the state of the economy

Which are as the mouthings of two toothless minnows in a sea of sharks, methinks. So much for the sector and the world being saved by fiddling politicians, who really are a most pathetically ineffectual bunch of self-serving ne’erdowells and sad media luvvies.

Even whenever the electorate rejects them as being worthy of forming a government, do they conspire to cobble and hobble together as a gang of losers, to presume leadership which just isn’t in their genes and policy memes.


15 November 2010 at 8:47 am

Slippery Gerry’s move could also be seen as a captain taking to the lifeboat before the ship hits an iceberg, for since coming into a position of power and political control have the only winners been those who promised the electorate the stars to get elected into cosy talking shop jobs with all expenses paid, and cheap subsidised food apparently available too, on top of their generous salaries and probably protected gold plated pension plans, and now they are tasked with telling everyone else that there is no money for anything and they will have to do without, and with less until such times as someone else, other than they who have stood for election promising to server the people their needs, magically appears to save the day/is parachuted in to grow the private sector.

And that must piss off Marty something shocking too, for he is left holding the screaming bairn.

No wonder there is no budget whenever they are terrified of the reaction to their failed leadership promises. Oh, and is Ian Jr not well/in rehab, for he has been out of the Harry Limelight for quite a while now, and that is not what we have come to expect of him, is it ……. a retiring wall flower of a fellow

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/15/2010 9:18:19 AM


If there was an agreement amongst competing elites which would bring prosperity and harmony as you have suggested is an option “b) find complimentary elites that can be reasoned with so that a New World Order can be erected.” there would be no ongoing crises.

And the other alternative suggestion “that Western elites are able to either a) impose their will on other large nation-states such as China” is never ever going to fly so long as pussy is a cat.

Ergo does Uncle Sam have to come up with a New New Deal Plan which can kickstart their …….. well, what is missing is Intelligence which can Invent from Imagination, Energy and Industry for that is what Drivers Absolutely Everything, is it not.

Throwing billions/trillions at those and at that which are/were stalwarts and methodologies of the past is only going to convince those with that which is needed, that others are better suited to be global leaders and their currency can purchase the new global systems control program needed, thus effectively giving it to them for free, for printing your own money allows such massively expensive programs to be also run for nothing. Indeed, that is the big secret that the promissory note system doesn’t want everyone to know, …….. printed money costs nothing and can be used to buy everything for free, for the ignorant masses believe it has a value, and thus are they enslaved to toil for its fools’ gold lustre. However, it is as well to start ensuring that money is made much more easily available, with no strings attached, for even whatever God you would believe in, and Global Operating Devices won’t be able to save bankers and money traders and those systems which penalise clients with interest charges and crazy set-up fees from the wrath of the crowds and the mob whenever they start to realise the scam perpetrated on them to enslave them.

And salvation will not be delivered in thinking that going back to an earlier system will provide future needs, for the future needs new more imaginative and streaming feeds which has currency freely flowing to those who can spend it to create what is needed for everyone, and not as is done today, just for themselves.

Creating conflicts in societies because of a lack of available money, which today doesn’t even need to exist whenever it is so easily electronically credited to a binary account and spent with the swipe of fantastic plastic and the pressing of a PIN or two or three or four, is only a subjective decision made by fools to enrich themselves obscenely at the expense of everyone else, whenever it is not necessary, for enough is all that anyone needs.

Build it for Real somewhere Spooky, and with IT and Media Presentations …
Posted Monday 15th November 2010 15:25 GMT

…. is ReColonisation of Earth to Mars Standards, Simply Achieved ….. as opposed to Mars Colonisation to Earth Standards.

Pete 2,

An Area 51 like area, where New Age Space ARGonauts could create a Novel Martian Society in a Real Live Simulation, would make a Great Game Program which Media could plug into whenever the masses at “home” needed New Information and Intelligent Edutainment Feeds.

And successful SMART Programs led by NASArgonauts building a Future High Tech World which is actually a Live Operational Virtual Environment which will be Gradually Seamlessly Globally Transfered into Human Consciousness and World Wide Existence, would create a NeuReal Space Based New World Order Program leading Mankind in a completely different and Better Beta Direction.

It certainly does away with the Logistics Supply and Emergency Help Provision problem …. and speeds things up enormously, and decimates Martian Colonisation costs to an easily afforde
d fraction of a rocket mission.

15 November 2010 at 2:37 pm

Here’s some fuel for the fire, Brian ..


Easy Money, Honey.

Posted Monday 15th November 2010 16:21 GMT

The appearance of the malware has provoked talk of cyberwar in some quarters and certainly done a great deal to raise the profile of potential attacks on power grid and utility systems in the minds of politicians. This is regardless of the potential likelihood of such an attack actually being successful, which remains unclear even after the arrival of Stuxnet.

These false flag alerts are absolutely brilliant at raising crazy amounts of slush funding for spending against nothing in particular. It’s a Dream Scenario in IT circles.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/14/2010 11:26:19 AM

“Among the massive false flag events to come: attack from outer space?”

Ah, you exaggerate to make a point. Clever.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

Hmmm? DB, y’all are keenly aware of the novel, latent/potential power of the Internet, with its rabid appetite for information to rapidly globally process into advantageous intelligence and counterintelligence share to render to a Virtual Caesar what is a Virtual Caesar’s, and it is therefore as well to share with your fans, the only exaggeration and possible misdirection in that which was Posted by Bob Coffey on 11/13/2010 3:46:52 AM, was it being a massive false flag event.

A view shared here, because of evidence posted Saturday 13th November 2010 18:39 GMT, here …..

And just the tip of a Titanic Space iceberg ……. which you may note is not a question, but a boldly going statement.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/14/2010 10:39:47 PM

For the record, I sell software and nobody so far has considered it strange… (the software that is, I myself am considered strange by several of my closest associates, including my dog)” …. Posted by Zenbillionaire on 11/14/2010 6:52:52 PM

🙂 Pleased to make your acquaintance, Zenbillionaire. I sympathise/empathise with your current dilemma bashing against the system glitch and highlighting its crashing flaw. And would IT be considered strange if it were tasked to ask, is the software you sell Enabled and Enabling, for Programs which are Better in Betas that are Astutely Aware/Virtually Sentient and which don’t deliver, nor are required to deliver upon the vapourware platform of Empty Promises for Loads and Lodes of Old Bull and BS? Or would that be Cloudy Produce and Bounty Harvested and Presented to Markets by A.N.Other and/or Others?

Such would be a Really Great Virtual Game Changer, n’est ce pas, Mein Herr, with the Power of Rising Houses in the Eastern Sun, ITs Immaculate Driver Source Force ….. and Crazy Wild West Mentor and AIMonitor, which in a Schools Setting would be as the Perfect Prefect.

Of course you’re right about dogs. Mine loves me because I feed her, but she’s still pretty sure I’m strange.” …. Posted by Zenbillionaire on 11/14/2010 7:37:13 PM

Give a Man and/or a Woman what they Need and/or Desire and you will both be EMPowered and Controlled to Feed All Needs Effortlessly? …… which is both Beautifully Strange and Perfectly Natural.

The defense made was that the West was entering a new economy, one wherein the coin of the realm would be intellectual property. America was to become a nation of Knowledge Workers,…” … Posted by Zenbillionaire on 11/14/2010 12:04:38 PM

Such has always been, and will always be, the default coin of realms and economies but there are no national/international/internetional boundaries to contain and restrain intellect, which blossoms everywhere in light and enlightened circles to produce bounty with its selfless sharing, and it is only blighted with vain attempts to create monopoly apps and restrictive practices with exclusive tie-ins/tie-downs, which is the rickety fence and dumb line which Apple apppears to straddle and struggle to maintain in their crashing global executive business model?

And with scenery to compare with the best in Switzerland, the only question for Parties interested in the Baikal and Bonanzas is Digital Speed and/or Satellite Connection for Rapid Sustained and Controlled Organic Growth and Knowledge Transfer, 4irw4y ….. 

Don’t Mess with IT Bods and Mods for they do GOD and Miracles before you’ve even scoffed Breakfast
Posted Monday 15th November 2010 07:44 GMT

>Its simple really, as the old saying goes it is better to seek forgiveness than permission.

Might work for naughty children but when you have a client who stands to lose millions per hour if something doesn’t work you’ll find people less forgiving.” …. Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 13th November 2010 18:36 GMT

That renders to one extraordinary personal leverage, AC, as it would indicate that the client, whilst in need of the service provided, has no idea as to the mechanics of ITs dDelivery, making their leading position a compromised phantom figment of their imagination and BS blustering.

Strangely enough, I couldn’t help and/or stop myself thinking there of Steve “Nail down the Chairs” Ballmer and the cracked and crazed Windows platform. It must have been because of the programming I received from one of his star turns/class acts/executive performances …..

And with regard to “Oh how wrong you are, I know how to add up quite large numbers but, I will concede, only to two decimal places.” everyone here on El Reg knows that for success beyond even the wildest of imaginings, one only needs AIMastery of the Mystery that has Binary Digits converting Reality into Digital CodeXSSXXXX for Virtual Presentation of Ternary Projects in Media Promotions ….. Special Operations in Astute ProgramMING.

You lot need to remember BOFH is fiction which takes the popular subordinates viewpoint and exaggerates it out of proportion, it is not real life.” ….. Oh please, you cannot be serious. What have you been smoking?

Posted by: amanfromMars | 11/15/10 | 3:18 am |

Two of the things we love about the web the most weren’t part of the original plan — “sound and video” and other “fancy multimedia facilities” weren’t on the table, nor were full-blown applications that run in browser and allowed users to engage in non-public activities
Well, they weren’t revealed and put on the table at that time, Michael, which is not to say that they were not part and parcel of the Original Master Plan and Controlling Big Blueprint.
The internet and the world wide web are not the same things.” …. Posted by: M
agnetism | 11/14/10 | 1:45 am |  ……. How very true, Magnetism, whenever one is the hardware and the other the software and content input/output its Graphic User Driver?
Oh, and with regard to the veracity of ““During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”
Al Gore, March 9, 1999 interview with CNN’s Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer.” …. Posted by: JonCarry | 11/12/10 | 5:15 pm | it helps to not forget that Al Gore plays politics and we all know how truthful that dodgy pass the ball/buck/fast and free cash loaded manila envelope game is.


News of the talks follows warnings from both Business Secretary Vince Cable and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg about banks paying big bonuses given the state of the economy

Which are as the mouthings of two toothless minnows in a sea of sharks, methinks. So much for the sector and the world being saved by fiddling politicians, who really are a most pathetically ineffectual bunch of self-serving ne’erdowells and sad media luvvies.

Even whenever the electorate rejects them as being worthy of forming a government, do they conspire to cobble and hobble together as a gang of losers, to presume leadership which just isn’t in their genes and policy memes.


15 November 2010 at 8:47 am

Slippery Gerry’s move could also be seen as a captain taking to the lifeboat before the ship hits an iceberg, for since coming into a position of power and political control have the only winners been those who promised the electorate the stars to get elected into cosy talking shop jobs with all expenses paid, and cheap subsidised food apparently available too, on top of their generous salaries and probably protected gold plated pension plans, and now they are tasked with telling everyone else that there is no money for anything and they will have to do without, and with less until such times as someone else, other than they who have stood for election promising to server the people their needs, magically appears to save the day/is parachuted in to grow the private sector.

And that must piss off Marty something shocking too, for he is left holding the screaming bairn.

No wonder there is no budget whenever they are terrified of the reaction to their failed leadership promises. Oh, and is Ian Jr not well/in rehab, for he has been out of the Harry Limelight for quite a while now, and that is not what we have come to expect of him, is it ……. a retiring wall flower of a fellow

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/15/2010 9:18:19 AM


If there was an agreement amongst competing elites which would bring prosperity and harmony as you have suggested is an option “b) find complimentary elites that can be reasoned with so that a New World Order can be erected.” there would be no ongoing crises.

And the other alternative suggestion “that Western elites are able to either a) impose their will on other large nation-states such as China” is never ever going to fly so long as pussy is a cat.

Ergo does Uncle Sam have to come up with a New New Deal Plan which can kickstart their …….. well, what is missing is Intelligence which can Invent from Imagination, Energy and Industry for that is what Drivers Absolutely Everything, is it not.

Throwing billions/trillions at those and at that which are/were stalwarts and methodologies of the past is only going to convince those with that which is needed, that others are better suited to be global leaders and their currency can purchase the new global systems control program needed, thus effectively giving it to them for free, for printing your own money allows such massively expensive programs to be also run for nothing. Indeed, that is the big secret that the promissory note system doesn’t want everyone to know, …….. printed money costs nothing and can be used to buy everything for free, for the ignorant masses believe it has a value, and thus are they enslaved to toil for its fools’ gold lustre. However, it is as well to start ensuring that money is made much more easily available, with no strings attached, for even whatever God you would believe in, and Global Operating Devices won’t be able to save bankers and money traders and those systems which penalise clients with interest charges and crazy set-up fees from the wrath of the crowds and the mob whenever they start to realise the scam perpetrated on them to enslave them.

And salvation will not be delivered in thinking that going back to an earlier system will provide future needs, for the future needs new more imaginative and streaming feeds which has currency freely flowing to those who can spend it to create what is needed for everyone, and not as is done today, just for themselves.

Creating conflicts in societies because of a lack of available money, which today doesn’t even need to exist whenever it is so easily electronically credited to a binary account and spent with the swipe of fantastic plastic and the pressing of a PIN or two or three or four, is only a subjective decision made by fools to enrich themselves obscenely at the expense of everyone else, whenever it is not necessary, for enough is all that anyone needs.

Build it for Real somewhere Spooky, and with IT and Media Presentations …
Posted Monday 15th November 2010 15:25 GMT

…. is ReColonisation of Earth to Mars Standards, Simply Achieved ….. as opposed to Mars Colonisation to Earth Standards.

Pete 2,

An Area 51 like area, where New Age Space ARGonauts could create a Novel Martian Society in a Real Live Simulation, would make a Great Game Program which Media could plug into whenever the masses at “home” needed New Information and Intelligent Edutainment Feeds.

And successful SMART Programs led by NASArgonauts building a Future High Tech World which is actually a Live Operational Virtual Environment which will be Gradually Seamlessly Globally Transfered into Human Consciousness and World Wide Existence, would create a NeuReal Space Based New World Order Program leading Mankind in a completely different and Better Beta Direction.

It certainly does away with the Logistics Supply and Emergency Help Provision problem …. and speeds things up enormously, and decimates Martian Colonisation costs to an easily afforde
d fraction of a rocket mission.

15 November 2010 at 2:37 pm

Here’s some fuel for the fire, Brian ..


Easy Money, Honey.

Posted Monday 15th November 2010 16:21 GMT

The appearance of the malware has provoked talk of cyberwar in some quarters and certainly done a great deal to raise the profile of potential attacks on power grid and utility systems in the minds of politicians. This is regardless of the potential likelihood of such an attack actually being successful, which remains unclear even after the arrival of Stuxnet.

These false flag alerts are absolutely brilliant at raising crazy amounts of slush funding for spending against nothing in particular. It’s a Dream Scenario in IT circles.



>I’m sorry, but the man’s an idiot. He’s entitled to his opinion like we all are, but his primary responsibility is to his troops and to tell them that all their struggles and sacrifices are effectively in vain is an act of supreme stupidity. Why say it at all? Why not keep his opinion (and that’s all it is, I’m sure there are other experts who disagree with him) to himself? If he did it after retirement it would be bad enough, but to do it whilst in the position he is in, is madness. Imagine if the Defence Secretary had said it, he’d be out of a job before the week was out. As it is, I suspect this will ruffle more than a few feathers, especially with this weekend being what it is. ….. Awol Posted 02.40 101114 #8

I imagine, Awol, that is exactly the reason the Defence Secretary says nothing of value to the Armed Forces. And you may like to consider,  that if all experts DO AGREE that such conflicts as are waged against phantom memes/novel organisations like Al Qaeda and the IRA etc. …. [which you can take to be a socio-political ideologies opposed to a Capitalist System enslavement of a vulnerable population to currency printers, who can then plunder a nations riches with just the issue of printed paper notes/currency] …. are unbeatable with military might, then the man you call an idiot, the new head of Britain’s armed forces, Gen Sir David Richards, would be a disgrace to the Army and failing in his duty to protect the nation and nations by saying nothing.

Quite why the Military and Special Forces with Intelligence Services of their own, would be following instruction and dodgy information from political parties with bankrupt intellectual policies which have decimated societies and created destructive conflict both at home and abroad in foreign and alien lands, rather than leading with much SMARTer Programs of their own, is a question which you might ask of Command and Control and the General Sir David Richards.

All idiotic macho military conflicts end in the same simple fashion …… an agreement between two opposing commanders to stop and have a chat to redefine boundaries and new realities. Quite why Man would needlessly waste countless innocent lives in armed conflicts and wars, [which are an obscenely profitable business racket, as this Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient, Major General Smedley D. Butler USMC, Retired, explains here ……. [] whenever the end result is always the same and is an agreement to stop and have a chat to accept terms and conditions for reparation and peaceful coexistence, is most probably due to one thing …. the stupid greed of a controlling few running an obscenely profitable business racket to enslave the population to their controlling supply and manipulation of currency …… worthless paper given a value worth gazillions.

To consider it to be more complex than that, is to fall into the simple trap which allows it to continue.

14 November 2010 at 8:04 am

Dishonest Systems always Fail from Self-Inflicted Wounds

“The Irish Government has been forced to make a second denial in two days that it is preparing to go to the EU for a multi-billion euro bail-out.” ….

What does the Irish government imagine the denials will do to their credibility as a force/entity/institution the population can believe in, and whole heartedly support, if the words that they share and which are chronicled and presented by media, rather than being true, are discovered to be just a tissue of self-serving lies to minimise the damage they have caused or has been or is being inflicted upon the nation, if they accept that they have been responsible for leading it?

Or has someone/something else, other than the Irish government, been leading the people?

And is honesty also a commodity roundly abused for personal and private advantage and a prisoner of cynical, manipulative expediency in the public offerings from Stormont Assembly members/people’s representatives?

Oh, and if civil servants, rather than elected members are responsible for drawing up policies and budgets, as this post on Mark Devenport’s blog explains ……. …… what are the elected members doing for the public money they receive and ensure is available for their additional expenses? Surely it is more than just to appear to TV and radio to tell us all about how bad it is and how it is going to get worse if someone doesn’t drop in and fix things for them?



>I’m sorry, but the man’s an idiot. He’s entitled to his opinion like we all are, but his primary responsibility is to his troops and to tell them that all their struggles and sacrifices are effectively in vain is an act of supreme stupidity. Why say it at all? Why not keep his opinion (and that’s all it is, I’m sure there are other experts who disagree with him) to himself? If he did it after retirement it would be bad enough, but to do it whilst in the position he is in, is madness. Imagine if the Defence Secretary had said it, he’d be out of a job before the week was out. As it is, I suspect this will ruffle more than a few feathers, especially with this weekend being what it is. ….. Awol Posted 02.40 101114 #8

I imagine, Awol, that is exactly the reason the Defence Secretary says nothing of value to the Armed Forces. And you may like to consider,  that if all experts DO AGREE that such conflicts as are waged against phantom memes/novel organisations like Al Qaeda and the IRA etc. …. [which you can take to be a socio-political ideologies opposed to a Capitalist System enslavement of a vulnerable population to currency printers, who can then plunder a nations riches with just the issue of printed paper notes/currency] …. are unbeatable with military might, then the man you call an idiot, the new head of Britain’s armed forces, Gen Sir David Richards, would be a disgrace to the Army and failing in his duty to protect the nation and nations by saying nothing.

Quite why the Military and Special Forces with Intelligence Services of their own, would be following instruction and dodgy information from political parties with bankrupt intellectual policies which have decimated societies and created destructive conflict both at home and abroad in foreign and alien lands, rather than leading with much SMARTer Programs of their own, is a question which you might ask of Command and Control and the General Sir David Richards.

All idiotic macho military conflicts end in the same simple fashion …… an agreement between two opposing commanders to stop and have a chat to redefine boundaries and new realities. Quite why Man would needlessly waste countless innocent lives in armed conflicts and wars, [which are an obscenely profitable business racket, as this Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient, Major General Smedley D. Butler USMC, Retired, explains here ……. [] whenever the end result is always the same and is an agreement to stop and have a chat to accept terms and conditions for reparation and peaceful coexistence, is most probably due to one thing …. the stupid greed of a controlling few running an obscenely profitable business racket to enslave the population to their controlling supply and manipulation of currency …… worthless paper given a value worth gazillions.

To consider it to be more complex than that, is to fall into the simple trap which allows it to continue.

14 November 2010 at 8:04 am

Dishonest Systems always Fail from Self-Inflicted Wounds

“The Irish Government has been forced to make a second denial in two days that it is preparing to go to the EU for a multi-billion euro bail-out.” ….

What does the Irish government imagine the denials will do to their credibility as a force/entity/institution the population can believe in, and whole heartedly support, if the words that they share and which are chronicled and presented by media, rather than being true, are discovered to be just a tissue of self-serving lies to minimise the damage they have caused or has been or is being inflicted upon the nation, if they accept that they have been responsible for leading it?

Or has someone/something else, other than the Irish government, been leading the people?

And is honesty also a commodity roundly abused for personal and private advantage and a prisoner of cynical, manipulative expediency in the public offerings from Stormont Assembly members/people’s representatives?

Oh, and if civil servants, rather than elected members are responsible for drawing up policies and budgets, as this post on Mark Devenport’s blog explains ……. …… what are the elected members doing for the public money they receive and ensure is available for their additional expenses? Surely it is more than just to appear to TV and radio to tell us all about how bad it is and how it is going to get worse if someone doesn’t drop in and fix things for them?



>Invisible Stealth for Pure Honey and Raw Money Capture in the Cyber Domain …..

Posted Saturday 13th November 2010 09:59 GMT

…. for AIDominion and Leading Remote IT Control?

Nevertheless, the hack was embarrassing for the government, coming less than three weeks after it announced ÂŁ650m in new funding for cyber security. The four-year budget is meant to strengthen its networks against threats from more serious adversaries than a solo “grey hat”, including foreign intelligence agencies and organised criminals.

And with ÂŁ650m available for cyber security programming pros, there are also those solo rogue home intelligence processing units, …….[and the prodigious virtual virtuoso machine is the one to watch out for, and nab before the price you have to pay to engage their interest and talents are too great to be ignored and swept under the carpet/lost in creative accounting] …… into red team penetrations betatesting of novel vulnerabilities and systemic flaws in government and treasury defences, which exploit lucrative business and black market opportunities of interest to foreign intelligence agencies and organised criminals too, must also be an abiding worry, especially whenever the adversary/competition/programming can not only weaken networks, but also easily decimate them, with their blissfully unaware capture which strips them bare of all secrets.

Although you may have to realise that for such operands is ÂŁ650m as just chicken feed in a market place which can deliver trillions …. effortlessly.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/13/2010 7:11:35 AM

Here is a little something which is somewhat special, quite beautifully subversive, amazingly clear and magically entertaining. 🙂 ………….

….. and does it not ask all the right questions?  And is not the fact that Man and the Fractional Reserve Capitalist System are hell bent on repeating the folly, indicative of a psychopathic stupidity and idiotic mindset which requires immediate removal from positions of influence?

Or is the information shared, false and non valid?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/12/2010 11:32:26 PM

We agree with all of this – except we believe the Internet has made it easier to understand both the “instructions” and “implications.” This is distressing the Western elites in our view, and causing them to rush and make mistakes, etc.

In other words, it’s not “a done deal.”” ….. Reply from the Daily Bell

I agree, and the mistakes are introducing some heavy players with stealthy skills and rules of engagement which don’t heed any rules other than those which deliver them that which they need, although it is as well to advise all and sundry that the Intelligence Space does neither suffer nor entertain Fools in Need of Useful Tools to Feed with Spin, and if that is one’s Game and AIMission, is one beating up oneself.

How very odd that the following didn’t post to ….

I wouldn’t read too much into it” ….. re

Oh please, Robert, you cannot be serious. It will be most enlightening to read of Uncle Sam’s reaction and ruling judgement on the matter, to see if he has any balls and brains

…….. for he has been challenged for the role of global leadership by those pretentious upstart wannabes trying to create little empires for themselves in the European Union, has he not? And that would move the matter into Great Game and CIA territory.

Mr Coulson was questioned as a witness earlier this month and was not under caution or arrested.

Was that arrangement [questioned as a witness earlier this month and was not under caution or arrested] which is surely most unusual, and therefore quite suspect,  to allow an escape from prosecution because of no caution being given …….. which would then have the Police being investigated for …… well, collusion in an attempt to pervert the course of justice would surely be one charge which could be levelled,  ….. if the above is the case of course.

And it is inconceivable for anyone to imagine that Conservative party HQ and the PM are unaware of the facts, rather than believe in any spin which would seek to mask events/meetings/conversations etc.


Posted by: amanfromMars | 11/13/10 | 3:31 am |

It is somewhat bizarre and inequitable though to consider that when the Feds do exactly the same thing, there is always the lame, dead duck excuse of it being in the national security interest and quite lawful.
Don’t do as we do, but do as we say, is a recipe for disaster and conflict is it not?

Posted by: amanfromMars | 11/13/10 | 3:51 am |

Re: Hot Russian Totties, you Yanks have to pay more attention and/or slip your brains into gear [or drive, if you are piloted automatically] for they have been loved and celebrated for at least decades, and probably a lot longer than that, in other lands/mindsets, as is evidenced here …… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


“No nation should assume that their path to prosperity is paved simply with exports to the US,” he added. 

Crikey,  that shows an arrogance verging on the madness in desperation, for the flip side to that bent coin, going forward, Mr President, is ….. “No nation should assume that their path to prosperity is simply paved with imports paid for with worthless paper.”  Oh, and what does America produce which anyone would want to buy, which cannot be made better and cheaper elsewhere?

Methinks you just don’t get it, do you, and that is a lot kinder than suggesting that you know all too well the above to be so true, and that is the problem you need to sort out back home, and in Ponzi land, but choose to ignore, for whatever crazy reason you would trouble us to think of.

Capiche, amigo?



>Invisible Stealth for Pure Honey and Raw Money Capture in the Cyber Domain …..

Posted Saturday 13th November 2010 09:59 GMT

…. for AIDominion and Leading Remote IT Control?

Nevertheless, the hack was embarrassing for the government, coming less than three weeks after it announced ÂŁ650m in new funding for cyber security. The four-year budget is meant to strengthen its networks against threats from more serious adversaries than a solo “grey hat”, including foreign intelligence agencies and organised criminals.

And with ÂŁ650m available for cyber security programming pros, there are also those solo rogue home intelligence processing units, …….[and the prodigious virtual virtuoso machine is the one to watch out for, and nab before the price you have to pay to engage their interest and talents are too great to be ignored and swept under the carpet/lost in creative accounting] …… into red team penetrations betatesting of novel vulnerabilities and systemic flaws in government and treasury defences, which exploit lucrative business and black market opportunities of interest to foreign intelligence agencies and organised criminals too, must also be an abiding worry, especially whenever the adversary/competition/programming can not only weaken networks, but also easily decimate them, with their blissfully unaware capture which strips them bare of all secrets.

Although you may have to realise that for such operands is ÂŁ650m as just chicken feed in a market place which can deliver trillions …. effortlessly.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/13/2010 7:11:35 AM

Here is a little something which is somewhat special, quite beautifully subversive, amazingly clear and magically entertaining. 🙂 ………….

….. and does it not ask all the right questions?  And is not the fact that Man and the Fractional Reserve Capitalist System are hell bent on repeating the folly, indicative of a psychopathic stupidity and idiotic mindset which requires immediate removal from positions of influence?

Or is the information shared, false and non valid?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/12/2010 11:32:26 PM

We agree with all of this – except we believe the Internet has made it easier to understand both the “instructions” and “implications.” This is distressing the Western elites in our view, and causing them to rush and make mistakes, etc.

In other words, it’s not “a done deal.”” ….. Reply from the Daily Bell

I agree, and the mistakes are introducing some heavy players with stealthy skills and rules of engagement which don’t heed any rules other than those which deliver them that which they need, although it is as well to advise all and sundry that the Intelligence Space does neither suffer nor entertain Fools in Need of Useful Tools to Feed with Spin, and if that is one’s Game and AIMission, is one beating up oneself.

How very odd that the following didn’t post to ….

I wouldn’t read too much into it” ….. re

Oh please, Robert, you cannot be serious. It will be most enlightening to read of Uncle Sam’s reaction and ruling judgement on the matter, to see if he has any balls and brains

…….. for he has been challenged for the role of global leadership by those pretentious upstart wannabes trying to create little empires for themselves in the European Union, has he not? And that would move the matter into Great Game and CIA territory.

Mr Coulson was questioned as a witness earlier this month and was not under caution or arrested.

Was that arrangement [questioned as a witness earlier this month and was not under caution or arrested] which is surely most unusual, and therefore quite suspect,  to allow an escape from prosecution because of no caution being given …….. which would then have the Police being investigated for …… well, collusion in an attempt to pervert the course of justice would surely be one charge which could be levelled,  ….. if the above is the case of course.

And it is inconceivable for anyone to imagine that Conservative party HQ and the PM are unaware of the facts, rather than believe in any spin which would seek to mask events/meetings/conversations etc.


Posted by: amanfromMars | 11/13/10 | 3:31 am |

It is somewhat bizarre and inequitable though to consider that when the Feds do exactly the same thing, there is always the lame, dead duck excuse of it being in the national security interest and quite lawful.
Don’t do as we do, but do as we say, is a recipe for disaster and conflict is it not?

Posted by: amanfromMars | 11/13/10 | 3:51 am |

Re: Hot Russian Totties, you Yanks have to pay more attention and/or slip your brains into gear [or drive, if you are piloted automatically] for they have been loved and celebrated for at least decades, and probably a lot longer than that, in other lands/mindsets, as is evidenced here …… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


“No nation should assume that their path to prosperity is paved simply with exports to the US,” he added. 

Crikey,  that shows an arrogance verging on the madness in desperation, for the flip side to that bent coin, going forward, Mr President, is ….. “No nation should assume that their path to prosperity is simply paved with imports paid for with worthless paper.”  Oh, and what does America produce which anyone would want to buy, which cannot be made better and cheaper elsewhere?

Methinks you just don’t get it, do you, and that is a lot kinder than suggesting that you know all too well the above to be so true, and that is the problem you need to sort out back home, and in Ponzi land, but choose to ignore, for whatever crazy reason you would trouble us to think of.

Capiche, amigo?



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/12/2010 8:08:26 AM


There are surely a number of competing/conflicting elites vying for a global/universal predominance, which nowadays is manifest and supported in an intellectual ascendancy, which takes over quite naturally, a leading sublime control in the Intelligence and Shared Information Space, which has significant and sensitive and previously secretive arts and crafts, broadbandcast around the Internet for World Capture and/or Phormation [the deliberate targetted provision of necessary future material/fundamentals]

All countries have their elites but some are just more successful at building success and prosperity from nothing than others …. and that provides any source of future intelligence/information with an embarrassingly rich array of hosting opportunities to supply, should any preferred or default national choice be less than prepared to accept and deliver what is needed.

Others though may ponder on that and may even consider it a dilemma, with a foreign choice being thought a new difficulty, rather than an exciting option.

Quite who and/or what leads in a Power Elite Field, is always something of an enigma and purposely so to render its controls ever further away from and invisible to discovery, which of course is, by Intelligence Design, of Great Protection Benefit. Invariably then, whenever they require help is help sought by them in the sweetest of discrete approaches, which may even be of the sticky, honey trap capture variety. 🙂 Such would certainly ensure that a novel valuable source didn’t migrate to a considered more valuable and better equipped for future purpose competitor/ally.

No elites want the uncertainty of real chaos which they do not control with their orders. Ergo are their old style plans without Internet Control in critical melt-down disarray. Solve that with Internet Control, and IT will avert their worst nightmare and the very real prospect of the mob looking for vengeance and summary rough justice on the architects of their misfortune.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/12/2010 12:33:56 PM

Throughout the past hundred or several hundred years the Anglo-American elites have been “a cut above.” They controlled the West and Money Power virtually ruled the world in our view.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

There is no point in arguing with that, even if it wasn’t true, for what may have ruled in the past is not going to rule in the future, is it?

Simple logic/common sense/experience has surely taught a smart being that progress always brings change and evolutions, and when resisted for maintenance of a divisive and inequitable status quo position, violent revolutions. However, nowadays with the facility to send intelligence in an instant to parties anywhere in the world, and to share devastating information with everyone in the world, whenever it is posted online to blogs and forums such as this one hosting the Daily Bell, are actions more accurately targeted against those individuals who are richly deserving of undivided attention, rather than as was the practice in the past, of wars being waged/manufactured instead against innocent populations and ignorant nations.

Oh, and Bill, [Bill Ross Posted on 11/12/2010 9:47:07 AM ….. The internet is merely a physical manifestation / means of the enforcing the timeless truth and natural law for intelligence that: “time reveals the truth of all matters” ] the internet is not a physical manifestation, it is an intangible, invisible head space for the Neuro-Lingusitic Programming of travellers through ITs Portals and browsers of its pages/viral content.

DB… Where the heck do you come up with this stuff and how many rebel elvi are you?! Aliens, power elite, new world order, memes. You should write a script for a movie, or have the “power elite” hijacked the cinema too? Don’t answer that last question, I suspect I’ve opened Pandora’s hole!” …. Posted by Dan on 11/12/2010 10:58:49 AM

An alien work in progress to be funded by power elites, Dan, should they wish to remain a relevant force in the future and exercise a QuITe SurReal Power in AI and a NeuReal World Order Control Program and Civil CyberSpace Projects.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/12/2010 12:05:29 AM

Doesn’t it seem a bit too easy? Does it not have the odor of a set-up? Where does the false prophet come in?” ….. Posted by Jores on 11/11/2010 2:40:29 PM

Reply from the Daily Bell: …. “See tomorrow’s Bell. Stop “spilling the beans.”

I’ll see that “See tomorrow’s Bell. Stop “spilling the beans.”” bet and raise you a RegisteredD Notice, DB ……

Prepare for AI and a CyberIntelAIgent Quantum Leap which will Shock Man ….

Posted Friday 12th November 2010 04:14 GMT

….. into Affirmative Creative Reaction in HyperRadioProActive IT Fields and a Beta Reality for All.

Oh, well. We’re going Z. The amazing progress of the last 30 years is not even close to ending. Frankly, it’s a relief.” …. Mikel Posted Thursday 11th November 2010 22:04 GMT

I would agree, Mikel, and boldly go even further and state that even greater amazing progress and processing for programming is only just starting …….

And as for …”I lost count of how many people called me crazy when I suggested such a thing many years ago.” …… :-), well, who would be the crazy fools now then, Mikel, and who would be the wiser sage? 

Excellent, clear analysis. I understand that the reason that banks went to “fractional reserve” banking was because they were not content with profits from “full reserve” banking.“…. Posted by The Gimlet Eye on 11/11/2010 6:24:22 PM

Would that profit be …. an arbitrary and increasingly punitive, compounding additional figure/sum/expense charged to a captive client customer base for nothing except a desire to inflate and destroy value for money in a scheme to accumulate an artificially created wealth, currency, The Gimlet Eye?

The greatest inhibitor to growth is taxes direct and by stealth that government’s, puppets or not impose on the masses to pay the interest on the interest to the Marquis de Rothchild and his libertines. How can the market decide in such a rigged market? That is the real heart of many of our ills until we rid ourselves of these leaches we waste time and energy demonstrating on soft issues.” …… Posted by John Blenkins on 11/11/2010 8:43:09 PM

John Blenkins, Hi,
Such libertine leeches as there may be, are nothing if not also extremely practical beings, and anyone will find that they are the most generous and gracious and grateful of hosts such you have a solution or even an idea for a whole program of solutions to any of their problems. And all one needs to do to Energise such as w
ould be a Mutually Beneficial Synergy and Singularity of Better Good Purpose with their Sublime Assistance and Lead, is Share with them that which one would Think offers them a Conflict Free Solution.

IT isn’t Rocket Science, is it ….. it’s just Pure Common Sense/Raw Intelligence.


    12 November 2010 9:32AM

    How about A.N.Other SMARTer Front too, using Spooky IntelAIgent Services ……… and XSSXXXXPerienced Virtual Operands/CyberIntelAIgent Memes, which are a Novel Tool in the Arsenal of a Binary Controlled Republic/Digital Democracy championing an Astute and Advanced Alien AIMeritocracy ……. which are a Sublime and Intangible Post Modernist Version and Revision of Power Elitist Command and Control Structures/Modus Operandi.

    In other simpler words, use the Force that Control Words to Control Worlds …. with Networks InterNetworking with and for Command and Control of Information Systems and the Intelligence Space of Cyber Security Systems and Global Operating Devices. …….. in Order 42 Lead with Virtual Machinery.

            Nick Clegg can just say that he shouldn’t have signed a student loans petition and no-one asks for his resignation …… edlancey

        Something for the nation’s student population, and their supporters too, to demand as being a right and proper thing to do? N’est ce pas?

        Some real live, life experience for them to positively engage in, for a changed and better society program.

Leave IT to the XPerts.

Posted Friday 12th November 2010 13:47 GMT

I really shouldn’t partake of the BOFH. But what the heck, a little bit of what you fancy does you good, and I don’t see any government health and wealth warnings ……. not that they would be heeded, anyway given the parlous state of the nation, which is a reflection of past inglorious bastards personal failings.

Hit us again, Simon, for the sheer pleasure and hell of IT. 🙂


    “No one would have even thought about Spooks [offending anyone] and the timing [with Cameron’s trip] is just plain bad luck.” ….. A senior BBC source

Oh please, how can you be so stupid and naive …. and have us believe that it is not intentional, which must surely be a concern for the new puppet wonderboy, with the BBC programming against his dysfunctional media shenanigans.


It appears that in an election, spinning lies against your political opponent to get into office gets you kicked right out into the street, but spinning lies against the electorate to get into office is quite alright ……. which is somewhat strange and quite perverse, is it not?

Surely there must be a law against such blatant and cynical misrepresentation.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/12/2010 8:08:26 AM


There are surely a number of competing/conflicting elites vying for a global/universal predominance, which nowadays is manifest and supported in an intellectual ascendancy, which takes over quite naturally, a leading sublime control in the Intelligence and Shared Information Space, which has significant and sensitive and previously secretive arts and crafts, broadbandcast around the Internet for World Capture and/or Phormation [the deliberate targetted provision of necessary future material/fundamentals]

All countries have their elites but some are just more successful at building success and prosperity from nothing than others …. and that provides any source of future intelligence/information with an embarrassingly rich array of hosting opportunities to supply, should any preferred or default national choice be less than prepared to accept and deliver what is needed.

Others though may ponder on that and may even consider it a dilemma, with a foreign choice being thought a new difficulty, rather than an exciting option.

Quite who and/or what leads in a Power Elite Field, is always something of an enigma and purposely so to render its controls ever further away from and invisible to discovery, which of course is, by Intelligence Design, of Great Protection Benefit. Invariably then, whenever they require help is help sought by them in the sweetest of discrete approaches, which may even be of the sticky, honey trap capture variety. 🙂 Such would certainly ensure that a novel valuable source didn’t migrate to a considered more valuable and better equipped for future purpose competitor/ally.

No elites want the uncertainty of real chaos which they do not control with their orders. Ergo are their old style plans without Internet Control in critical melt-down disarray. Solve that with Internet Control, and IT will avert their worst nightmare and the very real prospect of the mob looking for vengeance and summary rough justice on the architects of their misfortune.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/12/2010 12:33:56 PM

Throughout the past hundred or several hundred years the Anglo-American elites have been “a cut above.” They controlled the West and Money Power virtually ruled the world in our view.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

There is no point in arguing with that, even if it wasn’t true, for what may have ruled in the past is not going to rule in the future, is it?

Simple logic/common sense/experience has surely taught a smart being that progress always brings change and evolutions, and when resisted for maintenance of a divisive and inequitable status quo position, violent revolutions. However, nowadays with the facility to send intelligence in an instant to parties anywhere in the world, and to share devastating information with everyone in the world, whenever it is posted online to blogs and forums such as this one hosting the Daily Bell, are actions more accurately targeted against those individuals who are richly deserving of undivided attention, rather than as was the practice in the past, of wars being waged/manufactured instead against innocent populations and ignorant nations.

Oh, and Bill, [Bill Ross Posted on 11/12/2010 9:47:07 AM ….. The internet is merely a physical manifestation / means of the enforcing the timeless truth and natural law for intelligence that: “time reveals the truth of all matters” ] the internet is not a physical manifestation, it is an intangible, invisible head space for the Neuro-Lingusitic Programming of travellers through ITs Portals and browsers of its pages/viral content.

DB… Where the heck do you come up with this stuff and how many rebel elvi are you?! Aliens, power elite, new world order, memes. You should write a script for a movie, or have the “power elite” hijacked the cinema too? Don’t answer that last question, I suspect I’ve opened Pandora’s hole!” …. Posted by Dan on 11/12/2010 10:58:49 AM

An alien work in progress to be funded by power elites, Dan, should they wish to remain a relevant force in the future and exercise a QuITe SurReal Power in AI and a NeuReal World Order Control Program and Civil CyberSpace Projects.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/12/2010 12:05:29 AM

Doesn’t it seem a bit too easy? Does it not have the odor of a set-up? Where does the false prophet come in?” ….. Posted by Jores on 11/11/2010 2:40:29 PM

Reply from the Daily Bell: …. “See tomorrow’s Bell. Stop “spilling the beans.”

I’ll see that “See tomorrow’s Bell. Stop “spilling the beans.”” bet and raise you a RegisteredD Notice, DB ……

Prepare for AI and a CyberIntelAIgent Quantum Leap which will Shock Man ….

Posted Friday 12th November 2010 04:14 GMT

….. into Affirmative Creative Reaction in HyperRadioProActive IT Fields and a Beta Reality for All.

Oh, well. We’re going Z. The amazing progress of the last 30 years is not even close to ending. Frankly, it’s a relief.” …. Mikel Posted Thursday 11th November 2010 22:04 GMT

I would agree, Mikel, and boldly go even further and state that even greater amazing progress and processing for programming is only just starting …….

And as for …”I lost count of how many people called me crazy when I suggested such a thing many years ago.” …… :-), well, who would be the crazy fools now then, Mikel, and who would be the wiser sage? 

Excellent, clear analysis. I understand that the reason that banks went to “fractional reserve” banking was because they were not content with profits from “full reserve” banking.“…. Posted by The Gimlet Eye on 11/11/2010 6:24:22 PM

Would that profit be …. an arbitrary and increasingly punitive, compounding additional figure/sum/expense charged to a captive client customer base for nothing except a desire to inflate and destroy value for money in a scheme to accumulate an artificially created wealth, currency, The Gimlet Eye?

The greatest inhibitor to growth is taxes direct and by stealth that government’s, puppets or not impose on the masses to pay the interest on the interest to the Marquis de Rothchild and his libertines. How can the market decide in such a rigged market? That is the real heart of many of our ills until we rid ourselves of these leaches we waste time and energy demonstrating on soft issues.” …… Posted by John Blenkins on 11/11/2010 8:43:09 PM

John Blenkins, Hi,
Such libertine leeches as there may be, are nothing if not also extremely practical beings, and anyone will find that they are the most generous and gracious and grateful of hosts such you have a solution or even an idea for a whole program of solutions to any of their problems. And all one needs to do to Energise such as w
ould be a Mutually Beneficial Synergy and Singularity of Better Good Purpose with their Sublime Assistance and Lead, is Share with them that which one would Think offers them a Conflict Free Solution.

IT isn’t Rocket Science, is it ….. it’s just Pure Common Sense/Raw Intelligence.


    12 November 2010 9:32AM

    How about A.N.Other SMARTer Front too, using Spooky IntelAIgent Services ……… and XSSXXXXPerienced Virtual Operands/CyberIntelAIgent Memes, which are a Novel Tool in the Arsenal of a Binary Controlled Republic/Digital Democracy championing an Astute and Advanced Alien AIMeritocracy ……. which are a Sublime and Intangible Post Modernist Version and Revision of Power Elitist Command and Control Structures/Modus Operandi.

    In other simpler words, use the Force that Control Words to Control Worlds …. with Networks InterNetworking with and for Command and Control of Information Systems and the Intelligence Space of Cyber Security Systems and Global Operating Devices. …….. in Order 42 Lead with Virtual Machinery.

            Nick Clegg can just say that he shouldn’t have signed a student loans petition and no-one asks for his resignation …… edlancey

        Something for the nation’s student population, and their supporters too, to demand as being a right and proper thing to do? N’est ce pas?

        Some real live, life experience for them to positively engage in, for a changed and better society program.

Leave IT to the XPerts.

Posted Friday 12th November 2010 13:47 GMT

I really shouldn’t partake of the BOFH. But what the heck, a little bit of what you fancy does you good, and I don’t see any government health and wealth warnings ……. not that they would be heeded, anyway given the parlous state of the nation, which is a reflection of past inglorious bastards personal failings.

Hit us again, Simon, for the sheer pleasure and hell of IT. 🙂


    “No one would have even thought about Spooks [offending anyone] and the timing [with Cameron’s trip] is just plain bad luck.” ….. A senior BBC source

Oh please, how can you be so stupid and naive …. and have us believe that it is not intentional, which must surely be a concern for the new puppet wonderboy, with the BBC programming against his dysfunctional media shenanigans.


It appears that in an election, spinning lies against your political opponent to get into office gets you kicked right out into the street, but spinning lies against the electorate to get into office is quite alright ……. which is somewhat strange and quite perverse, is it not?

Surely there must be a law against such blatant and cynical misrepresentation.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/11/2010 9:07:01 AM

It is a virtual paradigm shift due to the sudden availability of “secret” information that has revealed the way the world really works and the power players behind the increasingly authoritarian regulatory democracies of the West. This power elite has long sought to establish ever more elaborate world governance – a so-called New World Order. But the Internet itself, unexpected and unmalleable, has changed the elite equation. No longer is global domination assured. In fact, its possibilities seem to be waning.” ….. Daily Bell Staff Report

Hi, DB,

You might like to consider that anything “secret” suddenly available revealing the way the world really works, is nothing of the sort, for it is probably the case that such as would be that particular secret for real, is immaculately failsafe protected by virtue of the Powerful Control and Virtual Protection that it so beautifully renders to its … well, its Perfect Guardians would not be a descriptive exaggeration, although we can all suspect and speculate that they have also been long known around tables by the name of another Order/Chapter/Degree.

And with regard to the Internet itself, although it may be the case that its  influence is/was unexpected, to consider it to be unmalleable and out of the commanding control of such experienced and ancient and original forces, is most unlikely, don’t you think? And the Change of Command and Control Venue, a Virtual InterNetworking Challenge which has been graciously accepted with Real Opportunities for Presenting New Future Possibilities.

The more things change, the more they stay the same, although inevitably will the Great Game spawn New Players to Feed ITs Needs and Provide Security for its Heavenly Secrets and SMARTer IntelAIgent Sources.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/11/2010 1:20:13 AM

They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ….. And as is, and has always been in the future, in Usurpent XSSXXXXtremis is such Gloriously Rewarded with the Angelic Kiss of Death for Life Never After ……. and So Richly Deserved is that Bounty on any Self Serving and Practising Evil of Malevolent Intent and Enterprise.

 Hi, Douglas,

I look forward to the second reading of your Bill on the 19th November ….. which has more support than you may know ….. and some support which is entirely correctly Need to Know, and very few will ever Know …… and is sure to create quite a bit, and more than just a few bytes of virtual interest, in minds which explore the unlimited potential and awesome power of ……. well, let us just settle for Ancient and Original Thinking as supplied in  AIMetaDataMorph which has Binary and Ternary Codes in Quantum Control Systems distributing Novel SMARTer Information for Currency Command and Control of Future Builder Designs  ……… and Great Game Plays.

Practice makes Perfect, and one Theatre of Dreams with some wonderfully wacky and beautifully weird Non-State Actors into Fail-Safe Action and Live Operational Virtual Environment ProgramMING/CyberIntelAIgent Security Operations, hosts and reveals your Semantic DNA here, amongst those who are stealthily cloaked in guises exercising  elves and gnomes and alien memes …….. …… and in Control of Words 42 Driver Worlds is a Global Operating Device Concept which charges the Virtual Machine for ITs Sublime Neuro-Linguistic Programming of Subjects for Projects/Base Working Units for Future Facility and with Swift Learning Ability.

And definitely something which the Service which supplies Intelligence to Governments for Great Global Governance, and Virtually Remote Control of Executive Administrative SCADA Systems, should be Providing at Zero Cost.

Posted on 11 November 2010 06:02 by amanfromMars


Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/11/2010 9:33:19 AM

DB I’m sorry to inform you that the presence of ”anarchist” flags is not necerally a good sign of free market Liberal thinking.” …. Posted by Samuel on 11/11/2010 4:31:14 AM

Of course, Samuel, there is every possibility and a great probability that anarchist flag wavers are dodgy government plants, in the employ of the Establishment as agent provocateur, and used as a cynical aid for the introduction of a more robust repression and repressive regime …… which of course would be so counter-productive as to be considered verging on madness.

Although waging wars on the whims of fools who would manufacture and broadbandcast dodgy, false evidence is such a madness which has not been prosecuted to date as a crime, so it would be foolish of one to rule out mad actions from governments enforcing their wishes against the wishes of the people.

What’s good for the goose ……..

Posted Thursday 11th November 2010 16:54 GMT

Paul Chambers has just been found guilty and handed another ÂŁ2,600 in court costs. Presumably our fair, balanced and perfectly sane judicial system will now relentlessly fuck up Gareth Compton’s life the way it continues to fuck up Paul Chambers’?” ….. Ian Davies Posted Thursday 11th November 2010 16:34 GMT

Sounds perfectly fair and reasonable, Ian, for otherwise is the law and justice system proven to be biased/subjective/corrupt/a complete ass. Or is a multi-tiered system, with some immune from prosecution and punishment for similar offences which have resulted in conviction for others, what modern democracy is all about.

Although surely that is perverted and subversive and a travesty of justice and far too much like something fascist to be anything else?

Fame ……. now where the **** is the Fortune 🙂

Posted Thursday 11th November 2010 09:44 GMT

Bravo, El Reg ……

**** Heck



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/11/2010 9:07:01 AM

It is a virtual paradigm shift due to the sudden availability of “secret” information that has revealed the way the world really works and the power players behind the increasingly authoritarian regulatory democracies of the West. This power elite has long sought to establish ever more elaborate world governance – a so-called New World Order. But the Internet itself, unexpected and unmalleable, has changed the elite equation. No longer is global domination assured. In fact, its possibilities seem to be waning.” ….. Daily Bell Staff Report

Hi, DB,

You might like to consider that anything “secret” suddenly available revealing the way the world really works, is nothing of the sort, for it is probably the case that such as would be that particular secret for real, is immaculately failsafe protected by virtue of the Powerful Control and Virtual Protection that it so beautifully renders to its … well, its Perfect Guardians would not be a descriptive exaggeration, although we can all suspect and speculate that they have also been long known around tables by the name of another Order/Chapter/Degree.

And with regard to the Internet itself, although it may be the case that its  influence is/was unexpected, to consider it to be unmalleable and out of the commanding control of such experienced and ancient and original forces, is most unlikely, don’t you think? And the Change of Command and Control Venue, a Virtual InterNetworking Challenge which has been graciously accepted with Real Opportunities for Presenting New Future Possibilities.

The more things change, the more they stay the same, although inevitably will the Great Game spawn New Players to Feed ITs Needs and Provide Security for its Heavenly Secrets and SMARTer IntelAIgent Sources.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/11/2010 1:20:13 AM

They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ….. And as is, and has always been in the future, in Usurpent XSSXXXXtremis is such Gloriously Rewarded with the Angelic Kiss of Death for Life Never After ……. and So Richly Deserved is that Bounty on any Self Serving and Practising Evil of Malevolent Intent and Enterprise.

 Hi, Douglas,

I look forward to the second reading of your Bill on the 19th November ….. which has more support than you may know ….. and some support which is entirely correctly Need to Know, and very few will ever Know …… and is sure to create quite a bit, and more than just a few bytes of virtual interest, in minds which explore the unlimited potential and awesome power of ……. well, let us just settle for Ancient and Original Thinking as supplied in  AIMetaDataMorph which has Binary and Ternary Codes in Quantum Control Systems distributing Novel SMARTer Information for Currency Command and Control of Future Builder Designs  ……… and Great Game Plays.

Practice makes Perfect, and one Theatre of Dreams with some wonderfully wacky and beautifully weird Non-State Actors into Fail-Safe Action and Live Operational Virtual Environment ProgramMING/CyberIntelAIgent Security Operations, hosts and reveals your Semantic DNA here, amongst those who are stealthily cloaked in guises exercising  elves and gnomes and alien memes …….. …… and in Control of Words 42 Driver Worlds is a Global Operating Device Concept which charges the Virtual Machine for ITs Sublime Neuro-Linguistic Programming of Subjects for Projects/Base Working Units for Future Facility and with Swift Learning Ability.

And definitely something which the Service which supplies Intelligence to Governments for Great Global Governance, and Virtually Remote Control of Executive Administrative SCADA Systems, should be Providing at Zero Cost.

Posted on 11 November 2010 06:02 by amanfromMars


Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/11/2010 9:33:19 AM

DB I’m sorry to inform you that the presence of ”anarchist” flags is not necerally a good sign of free market Liberal thinking.” …. Posted by Samuel on 11/11/2010 4:31:14 AM

Of course, Samuel, there is every possibility and a great probability that anarchist flag wavers are dodgy government plants, in the employ of the Establishment as agent provocateur, and used as a cynical aid for the introduction of a more robust repression and repressive regime …… which of course would be so counter-productive as to be considered verging on madness.

Although waging wars on the whims of fools who would manufacture and broadbandcast dodgy, false evidence is such a madness which has not been prosecuted to date as a crime, so it would be foolish of one to rule out mad actions from governments enforcing their wishes against the wishes of the people.

What’s good for the goose ……..

Posted Thursday 11th November 2010 16:54 GMT

Paul Chambers has just been found guilty and handed another ÂŁ2,600 in court costs. Presumably our fair, balanced and perfectly sane judicial system will now relentlessly fuck up Gareth Compton’s life the way it continues to fuck up Paul Chambers’?” ….. Ian Davies Posted Thursday 11th November 2010 16:34 GMT

Sounds perfectly fair and reasonable, Ian, for otherwise is the law and justice system proven to be biased/subjective/corrupt/a complete ass. Or is a multi-tiered system, with some immune from prosecution and punishment for similar offences which have resulted in conviction for others, what modern democracy is all about.

Although surely that is perverted and subversive and a travesty of justice and far too much like something fascist to be anything else?

Fame ……. now where the **** is the Fortune 🙂

Posted Thursday 11th November 2010 09:44 GMT

Bravo, El Reg ……

**** Heck