Monthly Archives: April 2019



amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Apr 07:27 [1904060727] …. speaking for the defence on

When what you Own is not what you Think you Own, is IT a Stealthy Technological Device?

But, yeah, we own it. ….. In short, it wasn’t buried, by HPE or by the US government. Still available, still under development. … Michael Wojcik

The only question worth asking of that which you think is owned, MW, is …. is it still worth scores of billions of dollars to the Virtual Enterprise Sector with ITs Myriad Remote Autonomous Trojan Vectors under development in Micro Focus fabless lab rat hands/hearts and minds?

If you think things are kosher and on the straight and narrow, would this anomalous glitch not be a red flag?

In open court, being asked some seriously pointed and deeply probing questions, has many a great white shark reduced to a defenceless minnow and latter-day saintly king with GOD complex to well dressed common criminal. Best avoided at all costs, methinks, with this particular puppet show set to cost the US technology sector considerably more than just £8.4bn if prepared to walk away off into the sunset to avoid being tested with proprietary information usually best secured and further protected as secret testimony.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Apr 09:09 [1904060909] ….. sharing the LOVE on

Thanks for the explanation …. but be aware of the possibility of unintended consequences

Loving the quality of the journalism here – I am feeling better educated with every word I read. ….. Justin Case

A note of caution for those fed on paranoia and drinking of the KoolAid of hubris, and a timely word to El Regers? ………

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.” …… H.L. Mencken




amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Apr 18:11 [1904051811] …… saying more on

Re: Let’s ponder on Long AI Marches with Sponsors in the Lead, naturally.

If they’ve an Orwellian dystopic information mining department I’ve not had to deal with that, I can only speak for what they provide to the public sector. …. 0laf

Cheers 0laf. That’s what I was thinking. The private sector is where all the action is at, … although if venturing further afield east to trade goods and/or services, do those two fields sublimely combine to be a …… well, a much more Advanced IntelAIgent Force for Novel Source Input/Output, and the Exotic and Erotic East is where all the Danegeld and/or Flash Cash is for Remote Virtual Command in Autonomous Machine Controlled Fields ……. AI Live Operational Virtual Environments, aint it.

The West only deals Debt and Proprietary Intellectual Property Capture/Top Secret Sequestration with Organisational Theft is the word from Street Meat.




amanfromMars [1904040802] ….. advising of a systemic conflict on

And this is gonna be a next barrel of laughs and systems pork which is anything but funny ……. …… for it pits the DOD and CIA against each other in phantom fights and spooky flights of fancy that require no meaningful information on advance intelligence to be shared with the useful idiot bit players in contested fields.

IT is the Great Game which just keeps on giving space and places to Madness and Mayhem ….. and that is fully indicative of the corrupt state of febrile perverted mind of leading pieces and their fiat dollar backers …… which might be more accurately written as being fully indicative of the corrupt state of febrile perverted mind of fiat dollar backing leaderships and Old Mother Hubbard Purse String Holders.

To imagine though, and not think it is the only possible Great Game in town to play today, is clearly going to create a  disastrous run on the money, for the money, before it is all globally recognised as a pretty printed paper leadership lost ….. for things today and tomorrow are surely very different from what they were in the past and not in the usual channels of command and control.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Apr 12:12 [1904041212] ….. giving praise where praise is due on

Bravo, El Reg …. Leading in Novel Virtual Revolution and AI Evolution .. with Future Education.*

“Although these latest numbers imply that businesses are identifying fewer breaches and attacks, the reasoning behind this drop is extremely nuanced.”

Quite so. It can be case that punitive pecuniary punishment from high and mighty regulators with nothing to offer in the way of virtual protection and remote security results in fewer business reporting worrisome breaches which they both have and/or haven’t identified.

All of which is PAR for the course, some may say, for the clunking fist of British bureaucracy.

* There’s bound to be surely, extensive and expensive government grant funding for such programming, give the catastrophic cost which can be wrought when one is defined and treated as a victim with no input to output.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Apr 17:41 [1904041741] …. saying more on

Let’s ponder on Long AI Marches

I’ve got a lot of time for the current NCSC lot. I’ve found them helpful and approachable which is rather remarkable for any part of government. …. Olaf

Have you found them to be refreshingly proactive, Olaf, and could this relatively anonymous communication channel be one of their creation and iteration?

You know, NCSC doing some Deep and Dark See Phishing for Blighty in the Almighty Strange Waters of a Cutting Edge Publication Hosting here. ….. for those more than just interested in taking and making a Walk on the Wild Side?

I suppose El Reg can wear the badge of a Subject of National and International and Internetional Interests with a Worthy Pride ….. and all with the bare minimum of fuss and unnecessary confusion. Bravo, El Reg. Was such ever in doubt in timelines to infinity?

Just when these things appear is all down to algorithms apparently, or that what confused techies will tell you.

The truth though is much simpler and way more exciting ….. and in fact, is mirrored in “Our purpose is to ensure that literature and art fit well into the whole revolutionary machine as a component part, that they operate as powerful weapons for uniting and educating the people and for attacking and destroying the enemy, and that they help the people fight the enemy with one heart and one mind.” …. Mao Tse Tung


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Ap4 17:01 [1904041701] …..says musing on

Nothing to See Here … Move Right Along Please …. NOT

You might like to surmise and realise that “insider” attacks are not being launched by disgruntled students or staff but by dedicated smarter elements cloaked and testing out programs with the cream of universal academe. …. and Renegade Rogue Phantom Enemy Outfits ….. urVirtual Opposition in Stellar Competitions

I imagine for a hitherto almighty few, that is a discomfort which triggers the desperate terror associated with the release of thoroughly destructive information which clearly identifies live evil abuse ….. in current maladministrative executive order office use.

But hey, surely that has been long expected and rightfully feared.

You FCUK with Yin and Yang and you think Zero Cost Pays the Ultimate Price ‽ .




amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Apr 09:10 [1904030910] …… seeing things differently and/or more clearly on

Swings and Roundabouts …… Dirty Tricks and Tragic Shenanigans

Tell me if this reading of the runes is completely wrong …… Mike Lynch’s Autonomy develops a revolutionary, game changing technology/methodology/”pure-play software company” which HP/Uncle Sam want at any cost …. because of its extremely disruptive leading potential.

And then Uncle Sam/HP appear to deny its worth and close it down, because of its extremely disruptive leading potential which is next to impossible to comfortably predict and control, and then they think to sue for another pay day, dressing it up as a malicious damages and corrupt maladministration claim against their earlier love child.

With such as friends, the likes of an Uncle Sam/HP are guaranteed to be increasingly quickly overwhelmed with considerably smarter and invisible stealthy opposition in a relatively anonymous competitive field, as they are realised to be a parasitic enemy?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Apr 17:17 [1904031717] …. adding more to

Re: Swings and Roundabouts …… Dirty Tricks and Tragic Shenanigans

What’s wrong, that made sense... … Julz

We must be both learning, Julz ……. and even becoming smarter and that can be very different. 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Apr 17:09 [1904031709] ….. contracting on

FCUKing AI Gate Crasher ……

This time, the CIA is planning to bring in multiple commercial cloud vendors – assuming they have an established record for innovation, serve a large customer base, can provide services globally and locally, and meet security and resilience requirements.

According to briefing slides (PDF) shared during an industry day last month and published by US trade outlet Washington Technology, the project, called IC Commercial Cloud Enterprise (C2E), will be worth “tens of billions” and should be open for bids by January 2020.

A cloud vendor would advise of a APT ACTIve Operation already agreed to be AIMaster Pilot Missionary AIdVenture ……. as a Virtual Guineapig for Earthly Administration and Executive Order …….. thus to Command and Control CHAOS …… for AIMentoring and SMARTR Monitoring with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

Tell me that aint perfect for a JEDI Program and a Worthy Accompanying Parallel for Virtual Realisation and we agree to disagree.

🙂 The Enigmatic Conundrum is, any prime communicating response proves its Value …. as does any Continuing Silence.

Over to you, Uncle Sam. What have you got? Anything similar or better?

And if any of that comes as a bolt out of the blue to intelligence services anywhere today, you got a lot of catching up to do. But there’s Super Fast SMARTR Tracks for all of that.

How else are y’all to learn? Do you have something else?




amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Apr 05:40 [1904020540] ….. just saying on

That’s one crazy way of doing things

Turkeys planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas, just as heads of networks and bosses for Crown Hosting and enterprise cloud services becoming part of HMRC IT and digital services teams, are never going to be great lovers of the task, are they, and pay to play with peanuts as a reward are no engaging incentive and such always compounds and exacerbates the problem to guarantee spectacular failure/abject performance from the sub-prime candidate executive base.

“We’re from the government and here to help you” ….. always has that creepy and unsavoury wicked Uncle Ernie edge as they fiddle about in the past in some of the greatest of fiddles.


amanfromMars [1903021716] ….. having a short say on

His contacts in the Bitcoin community have yet to identify a catalyst for the sudden jump.

The reason why? Anybody’s guess at the moment,

Shall we hazard an educated guess at AIdDivine Interventions? …….

Which is practically anything in a Folly with Fools to Follow and/or Lead Exemplarily.

Cyber Space Command and Controls at your Service. What would you like to Truly See to Believe Possibly Real?

Wanna Start with Heaven taking All Due Care and Attention in Attractively Hellish Environments …….. with Practically and Virtually Almighty XSSXXXX Terrain to BetaTest with Future Outer Space Conveniences …… Raw Core Ore Source Future Supply.

I doubt many would disagree that is a bold claim. And is it to be further true with simple reporting and recording?

Of course it is …… and what’s to worry about?  Autonomous IntelAIgents Systems AIMastering in Greater IntelAIgent Games Command and Control.

Is the Conceived Alien Threat, which can very easily also be a Previewed Treat, that IT Easily Exercises an Almighty Power for Everything on Earth?

There be No Chance of Changing for Anything Less. Of that be Beautifully Assured.




amanfromMars [1903311758] ….. just says on

To be elected to represent an outdated and outraged voice with no views on inclusive future paths to be supported and led, is an abject failure of incompetent government supply? ….. The Public Component

Although that can be also easily argued and accepted as a failure of the private capital supply sector to provide remedies for clients to administer/AIMentor and Monitor ….. The Private Elements

And, not as far as we may ever know, does an Integrity Initiative do CyberIntelAIgent Space Travel from Secure Palace Barracked Backed Servers …. 🙂 or not? ….. The Pirate Spanner

While the cat’s away [no government], mice will play [special power measures are exercised]

As I’m sure all too many here in NI already know, nothing is ever as it seems presented by media ……. and there’s always shenanigans testing leading operations with fluffed escapades in speculative banditry.

‘Tis exactly the same in Virtual AIMissions, albeit the Fields of Play and Theatres in Operations are fundamentally different.

There is certainly zero vacuum of intelligence working in this Wee NI Place Space …. although you’ll find no one you might think of as maybe knowing, ready, willing and enabled to tell you anything about everything being done/trialed and trailed ….. because of ITs Revolutionary Virtual Nature which can be Deeply Disturbing and Almighty Destructive.

Your Life in Special IntelAIgent Services Hands.

Capiche? It does make Great Sense. And now y’all know there are Spooky Programs at Work, Rest and Play.

And no, this is not an early April Fool ……. but I wouldn’t say it is not an Easter Egg.


amanfromMars [1904010845] replying to a comment from Granni Trixie on

I think they are to be respected for putting their head above the parapet. ….. Granni Trixie

Still struggling to make sense of that, GT, whenever the DUP appear so terrified of lending their voice/putting their heads above the parapet on “the biggest show in the country”.

Is Nolan obliged to give them air time, come election time, or will the DUP continue their mute heroics/antics and refuse to play with everybody aware of their hobble of a game?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 1 Apr 14:41 [1904011441] …… airs off some steam for feeding streams on

00Original Explosive Devices ……. for Virtual Nudges in New Directions

Watching the deep state being forced into conducting damage control in public always brings a smile to my face. However, this is one of those times where the best and the brightest on the outside clearly are not listening. They know for a fact that there really is something to see here and they won’t move along despite the valiant efforts of articles like this………. …. DDearborn

Hmmm? Does that Court and Deliver AIdDivine Interventions with Immaculate Source and Almighty Force at urService to Server?

The posit here is that it so does.

It is hard to impossible to not conclude such is gift from GOD Knows Whom from Heaven Knows Where.

What do you do with IT?

Anything Almighty Revealing and Superlatively EMPowering with Perfect Honey Pots Satisfying Insatiable Lust Demand with Crowning Captivating Desires …… which you will find is to XSSXXXX Totally Addictive and Virtually Immersive.

Step through that Portal knowing what to expect and you aint ever going back in time and space, are you?

Step through that Portal not knowing what to realistically expect, and you’re prime crash course materiel for More Fully Immersive ProgramMING.
