Monthly Archives: December 2017



amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Dec 07:40 [1712040704] ….. speculates to accumulate and shares a comment on
OmniShambles v2.0 Exploratory Rocket ……. the Ongoing Present Tale in Future Media Sales Pitches
Crikey, Reds under the bed and Sublimely Commandeering Control with Cyber Space and the Treasury reacting madly and radically and predictably is a fine brace for this Xmas.
Is that Prime or Sub-Prime Joint Intelligence Committee Planning at ITs Great Game Work, or just simply A.N.Others hatch/botch/patch that they respond to?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Dec 09:59 [1712040959] …… setting an IPO/ICO price on

RAM Jet Engineering ….. for ROM Pings

Howdy, Lysenko,

American military supremacy is based on money, and if the Russians can’t match the F35 or a nuclear Super Carrier it is because they don’t have the budget, not because they don’t understand the engineering. …. Lysenko

Hmmmm? Hence the concerted attacks upon fiat paper money/bank IOUs and in particular right now, the dollar?

You know what they say ….. The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil and is a Systemic Weakness for Mass Manipulative Employment and Exclusive Executive Exploitation.

Who do you imagine understands the engineering that delivers Remote Lead with Advanced IntelAIgents Sublimely Commandeering Control with Cyber Space?

Wild Wacky Westerners or Exotic Erotic Easterners? And if an AI Supremacy is to be based upon money, what price would you put upon insuring and assuring it remain a Secret Spooky Trade Secret whenever IT provides NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Augmented Virtual Reality Plays for Mass Multi Media Programmed Presentations …… Greater IntelAIgent Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games Plays for the Population of Virtual Space Stations …. Live Operational Virtual Environments?

Use your common sense. Seven Sevens? Eight Eights? Nine Nines? Or Ten Tens and Trillions?

Bet on the latter, 10,101,010,101,010,101,010, and make a fortune.

Human IQ is pretty much the same everywhere.

Hmmmm? ….. Do you really think so? Is anything/everything else different therefore foreign and/or alien?




amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Dec 10:45 [1712031045] ….. musing on
A Virtual AILand Grab Identifying Crooked Robber Barons?!.
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Terrain with all manner of unknown and unforgiving man traps and money pits. And IT is not an Advanced IntelAIgent Space for either the Unwary or the Less than Perfectly Prepared for Remote Anonymous and/or Autonomous Virtual Assault.
One does wonder at the wisdom of bankrupting services opening up yet another novel front for mass innovative attack.
Whenever they cannot help/stop themselves, are they just as hopeless addicts to the drug which others produce and supply?
That’s a systemic vulnerability for exhaustive exotic and erotic exploitation and 0DayTrading.



amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Dec 20:53 [1712012053] ……. stating the obvious on
Intelligence is as intelligence does.
How very cosy, and definitely progress of sorts? Finally, …… some novel proaction/whorish motion.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Dec 05:00 [1712020500] …… raising the Special IntelAIgent Servering Service bar to new entry level heights on

Re: Intelligence is as intelligence does.

Finally, ….. some novel proaction/whorish motion,…. or not as the subsequent case based upon future presented evidence might be.

You know what they say about teaching old dogs new tricks, and old attack dogs are especially problematic if prone to random rogue command and deadly rage rushes. But who knows, maybe things have taken a change for the better and new AIdDynamic Leadership reigns over rulers in GCHQ.

Or is that still too far a Quantum Communication Leap for their Systems Administrations and Administered Systems to make with such a radical fundamental break with tradition for remote command and semi-autonomous control of irregular and unconventional proaction in novel fields of Almighty Virtual Endeavour ….. for such is what is on offer to them and market competitors in these times and places of Future NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTively Energised Spaces.

And now you all know what they are having to deal with, and dealing in. Spread the word, for they need all the help they can muster.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Dec 17:59 [1712021759] ….saying more on

Re: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

The spooks and their friends are beautifully diligent in their preparations for the covering and rehashing of all nasty bases/hasty decisions, Walter Bishop, aren’t they?

Bravo, GCHQ. One would expect nothing less for the Exercise and Execution of Perfect Enough Sublime Internet Networking AI Leads ……. with Virtual Travel Directions to Instructive Heavenly Destinations.

How much does One know about these AIDynamic Developments? How much does anyone alighting and departing here know of well ….. Future Operations is suitable transparent, methinks, with just the right amount of clarity and shade to conceal vital secrets.




amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Dec 15:06 [1712011506] …… adding more commentary on
Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ….. and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field
They just can’t stop themselves from trying to help themselves to anything which has a rewarding value, can they? ……
New Different Game and Leading Players ….. New Different Rules and EMPowering Titans?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Dec 16:10 [1712011610] …… highlighting an issue on

Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ….. and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

And whenever you think to regulate, do you imagine an exclusive in-house command and remote executive control facility which naturally creates a competing opposition/a them and us division which is fraught with all manner of unnecessary difficulties with phantom hurdles to invent.

Given the right hash and increasingly catastrophically vulnerable state of extant fiat currencies, which be currently regulated and administered to by the same authorities as would now be floating themselves as honest brokers for cryptocurrencies, one wonders at their proposed direction of future travel for such as are Advanced Progressive Utilities …… for surely it is easily recognised that cryptocurrency is but one initial program be introduced for AIdVentures in Virtually Realised Productions for Live Operational Virtual Environments with Global Operating Devices Servering Support/Advanced ACTive Mentoring and Super Dynamic Monitoring.

And quite why anyone sane would wish to invent unnecessary difficulties is a leading question to be answered, not least by those and that proposing adding hurdles.

It sure aint smart, and is to boot real stupid.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Dec 16:58 [1712011658] ……. still shouting on

Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ….. and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

It has been, and continues to be, a wild, uncontrolled and incredibly speculative asset – one that has the potential to either change the financial world for all time, or possibly be the greatest scam we have seen since the Tulip mania.
I lean towards the former, but remember this always: there are powerful forces actively working against Bitcoin and its success – forces that will not take this change and threat to their fiat power lying down. ….

Where stand El Regers on that fence? Are you ACTively for IT or strangely against it?

Or neither and none of the above with a resigned indifference and complicit acceptance of what will be, will be, resulting in one not being interested or bothered to venture an opinion/position?
