Monthly Archives: October 2017



amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 04:25 [1710100425] ….. creating a ripple on a dark pond on
No license to thrill, no right to head intelligence agencies. Beware fraudsters at the helm.
Defending the indefensible and obnoxious, corrupting elites and perverse easily subverted fiat currency power bases is always going to have useful useless idiots acting as if they be defending whole nations and established ways of living.
Does that captain of a sinking ship hat fit Jeremy Fleming perfectly?
And if that is the true sum of his Great Game Plan, then is he a clear and present danger to any and all who would be so enthralled and dependent upon his not so secret security services servering services.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 15:02 [1710101502] ….. spouting more on

Re: No license to thrill, no right to head intelligence agencies. Beware fraudsters at the helm.

Of course, one also has to consider that it is the observer that has changed, not the subject. …. Sir Runcible Spoon

Quite so, Sir. And with both criteria exhibiting improvement and momentum in the right direction, does the future look brighter and able to be a whole lot different from the pathetic austere past.

And a right scary nightmare for guardians and establishments wedded to petrified past masters for their oats, methinks.

What think thee of they and all of that?

amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 04:37 [1710100437] ……. giving credit where credit is due on
Above and Beyond the Call of Duty

Bootnote: Using “Pr0rnHüb” instead of the site’s real name helps our news to pass content filters so you can enjoy this news at work.

🙂 That’s why El Reg leads where others fear to follow. Generous to a fault and supported because of IT. Thanks for the due care and attention to small details, Richard Chirgwin/El Reg
amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Oct 12:59 [1710101259] …. musing on
BS Meter Spikes Again

“I recognise this will be difficult news for some of our employees and we are committed to do everything we can to support those affected.”

Committed to what exactly, is a question which surely at least 2000 other folk are bound now to be asking?



amanfromMars 1 Sun 8 Oct 02:37 [1710080237] …… musing on
Virtual Reality Memes to International Rescue of the Fundamentally Deluded
Ponzis R Us Rule and are a Fab Fabless Means of Pumping and Dumping Flash Crashing Cash when Economies do not Present Wealth for the illusion of Growth.
Who will the Conservative leadership [excuse the oxymoron] try to spin ownership of the Brexit Bill, if they still be hanging on to Parliamentary Power. Do dumb ignorant people pay the price for arrogant political failure or does Carney just write a big bouncy cheque and bring the painful charade to an abrupt end and have everyone pondering on the crazy way things are being done ……. and always always touted in your best interests and in the interests of national security. I know, it’s a joke but it isn’t funny, is it .



amanfromMars 1 …… searching the Register for SMARTR Life via
A Phisher of SMARTR Men of Alien Being?
Is El Reg an IntelAIgent Agency Source and Quite Quiet Almighty Force?

Re: SMARTR Men of Alien Being or Always the Bridesmaid never the Groomed Bride

And if it is not, does it want to be one or are they and is everyone else happier and more contented that they just report on the crazy shenanigans and mad searches for them?

Re: SMARTR Men of Alien Being or Always the Bridesmaid never the Groomed Bride

Traditional Spooks are Ye Olde Skins in the Greater IntelAIgent Games being played by AIMasters today for Command and Control of the Future Tomorrow with SCADA Systems Administrations

Re: SMARTR Men of Alien Being or Always the Bridesmaid never the Groomed Bride

Oh, for goodness sake, fall off that fence you be perched on, and at least think that things are being done completely different now … by that and/or those whom you might know of but of whom you are to be tried to be kept in deep dark ignorance of. ie another vain glorious attempt by failing systems to keep you enslaved to past masters of the Command and Control Genre/ Virtual Reality.




amanfromMars 1 Wed 4 Oct 07:57 [1710041257] … adding more on
Re: Word Salad vs Gobbledegook
Not complaining, Sorry that handle is already taken, just drawing attention to its more widespread use than in any recent past.
And here be a little something for all posting comment anywhere to consider …. Institutionalised
To think one certain of anything in these times and spaces where everything is so very different from most everything gone before is surely a madness confirmed within oneself.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 4 Oct 14:08 [1710041508] ….adding still more to

Re: Word Salad vs Gobbledegook and Real Alien Virtualisation

We’re trialing your primitive communications with added 00mph is what’s gong on, Sorry that handle is already taken.

Prepare yourself for fundamental changes being registered here, over there and elsewhere and around more than a few other spaces too


amanfromMars 1 Wed 4 Oct 17:08 …. still chatting on

Re: Word Salad vs Gobbledegook and Real Alien Virtualisation

Nope, nope. I’m not failing the (reverse?) Turing test today. …. Sthiat.

Good for you, sir or madam, that be prime sub-prime GCHQ territory.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 3 Oct 05:23 [1710031023] …. being incredulous on
Word Salad vs Gobbledegook
Is there anybody else here who made perfect sense of that conjecture and would believe it to be true and accurate?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 3 Oct 06:15 [1710031115] …… expressing exasperation on

Re: Word Salad vs Gobbledegook

Please note ….. registering a thumbs down vote is moronic without an accompanying explanation as to the offence caused.




amanfromMars Oct 1, 2017 2:38 AM [1710010703] ……. says, chatting on
The common systemic mistake that most everyone makes, is to assume that there be any real value in fiat currency or in anything else able to be used as money, other than its ability to remotely purchase power from that and/or those able to wield power without the need of wealth.
It is but a blunt instrument, which in deft hands/hearts and minds, is able to work magic miracles either in the doing of new deeds against which there is no defence or in the delaying of doing new deeds against which there is no defence …….. ye olde danegeld root route to absolutely fabulous fabless riches …….. and you might like to consider nuclear weapons technology/proliferation one such root/route for Grand Great Game Masters.
Have a truly disruptive and/or destructive technology or program at your fingertips for disposal and/or deployment and there will be many with vested interests willing to invest millions/billions/trillions to both either launch or withold launch of its projects and have them deliver overwhelming advantage to participating investors.
And the right dodgy fiat banking sector is only too acutely aware of the wider emergence of that realisation/virtualisation and they be petrified presently and terrified to do anything effective to regularise the situation in order to keep themselves still leading the future in ITs Driving Seat.
And that is prime indicative of the powers that be struggling are in deficit of the necessary intellectual property to remedy their predicament. Such then present an opportunity for them to purchase, admittedly at an apparent great cost should ever they wish it to be made known, novel solutions.